A Rastro Story

By EdnaGumilet4

163K 6.5K 1.5K

Rastrox Biatchi GlaizaxBatchi( intersex) HowellxGalura "May God bless this marriage and may your love for ea... More

1 The Mission
2. The Arrival
3 The Meet-up
5 The Dragon
6 The Lion
8 GZ and B2
9 The Tiger
10 The Serenade
11 Friends Again
12 The Buddies
13 Childish Act
14 Danger
15 The Underground
16 The Confession
17 The Exes
18 Almost
19 Wrong Move
20 Confrontation/CAREfrontation
21 The Suitors
22 Wasted
23 Angry Solenn
24 Love Shot
25 The Photos
26 The Date
27 Jojowain o Totropahin Challenge
28 Jojowain o Totropahin Part 2
29 Drunk Baby
31 Music and Ex
32 First Love
33 BBQ Party
34 Missing G
35 G's Back
36 Auction for a Cause
37 Runaway Baby
38 Morning Breakfast
39 The Get Away
40 The Photoshoot
41 Ignoring the Howell Prank
42 Sick Baby
43 The Chef
44 The Psycho
45 G's Journal
46 The Talk
47 The Abduction
48 Sweet G
49 Hot and Cold G
50 The Proposal
51 Jeopardy
52 The Beast Within
53 Control
54 Macarena
55 Jealous G
56 Blow Off
57 Hurry Up!
58 The Wedding
59 As One
60 Couple Goals
Authors Note
61 Agreements and Arguments
62 Sulking
63 New Beginning
64 Tangled
65 The Gift
66 Cravings and Mood Swings
67 Struggle
68 Aloof Wifey
69 It's a boy/ It's a girl
70 The Professors
71 Bubbles
72 Doomed
73 Square One
74 Surprise Birthday
75 Admiration
76 The Twins
77 Parents Duty
78 Spice Up
79 Atrophy
80 Getting Better
81 Rustic G
82 Indict For
83 Comfort Food
84 Hubby
85 Wifey's Touch
86 Waking Up
87 The Model
88 Goodbye for a Moment
89 Punch
90 Parting Time
91 Sagot o Lagot
92 Drunk G
93 Getting Ready
94 Overlook
95 Pre-schoolers
96 First Day
97 Indirect Kiss
98 Trouble
99 Swimming Pool
100 Love on Top
101 Garlic Fever
102 AJ and GJ's Side
103 The Teachers
104 Bullies Parents
105 Round 2
106 Battle Grounds
107 Business Trip
108 Japan
109 Seduction
110 Going Home
111 Yielding
112 Mini Glaiza
113 Pulling No Punches
114 Souvenir
115 Without G
116 AJ's Rage
117 Aloof Hubby
118 Misunderstanding
119 More Love
120 Hidden Desire
121 The Invitation
122 Taking Advantage
123 Over-ornate
124 Making- up
125 Homecoming
126 Indifferent G
127 The Beast 2.O
128 Space
129 Breaking their Agreements
130 I want Dada
131 Barrier
132 Hurdle
133 Winning back Glaiza Galura
134 Together Again
135 Rhians Island
136 Tease
137 Isla Kaaya-aya
138 Isla hindi Kaaya-aya
139 Punishment
140 Sluggish Panda
141 Alimango
142 Blow by Blow
143 Blow by Blow 2
144 Happy Fiesta
145 The Bandits
146 The Raging Bulls
Authors Kilig Note
Authors Kilig Note 2
147 The Nurse
148 Doctors Order
149 The Favor
150 Love and Loyalty
151 The Plan
A New Story To Begin With
152 Busy Panda
153 Memory Loss
154 Need a Hug
155 Bad Dream
156 After 5 Years
Authors Note

30 The Obsessed

1.3K 32 6
By EdnaGumilet4


It's been months but still, I couldn't find G. The last time we saw each other is when we go to a party and I put a party drug on her drink. The effect of the drug is absolutely incredible. Glaiza and me end up in my hotel suite and fucked each other until we're drowned in exhaustion. It felt great and I can't get enough of her. I miss her dick inside of me. I never had any sexual contacts since then, I only want G inside me and I will do everything in my power to have her back. Just merely reminiscing the sex we had makes my nub wet. I intentionally went to their house in France but sadly they are nowhere to be found. I feel frustrated. I hire a private investigator to find them at all cost. Luckily, I bumped to Glaiza's father and ask random questions indirectly pertaining Glaiza. But the old hag is smart enough to notice me. I didn't get any information from him. But I tell him that I need Glaiza to be my personl bodyguard. As expected he refuse cause probably he knows what had happened between me and her daughter. I suddenly smiled when my phone rang. It's the investigator.

" Meet me at the lobby. Did you get some information?"-I ask giddily.

" Chill lady. You're too obvious"-he laugh.

" I'm coming."-I hurriedly go out in my room and proceed at the lobby.

I feel excited, finally. I can see her again. I just hope she'll give me another chance to fix everything about us. I admit it's my fault. I've regretted it several times. I was the one who ruined the blossoming love relationship between us.

" So are you going to just stand there and smile like an idiot?"-the detective smirk.

I raise my eyebrow and glared at him.

He suddenly fished out an envelop and put it on the table.

" I have a good news and bad news for you Ms. Kendall so what do you wanna know first?"

" Of course good news first. Now spill"- I answered wearily.

" I find her. She's in the Philippines at this moment. She was hired as a bodyguard of Rhian Howell one of the heiress of the renowned business tycoon in the country"

" Finally! Oh thank goodness."- I'm so happy that I found her. I can't contain myself to smile.

" You're too early to celebrate. Don't you wanna know the bad news? You're totally whipped by her!"-he teases me.

" It doesn't matter about the bad news. As long as I can finally reach out to her."

" Really ? even if I tell you that she's in a relationship right now?She's in a relationship with Rhian Howell whom she work for"

" What? That can't be! She's mine! I will not allow anyone to have my Glaiza. She's mine and mine alone!"-I shouted angrily. I don't mind those fucking people staring at me.

"Sorry to tell you Kendall my dear. But she' s totally in love with her girl"- I can sense mockery in his voice.

" Are you mocking me? don't you know of what I'm capable of?"

" I know. So what's you're next move then? "

" I'll book a flight to go where Glaiza is!"

" Why don't you just let her be Ken? She's genuinely happy now! Why can't you just be happy for her?"-

" You know what! you're too nosy! I'm the only one for her and no one else!"

" You might hurt the both of you because of your obsession. Let her go for Pete's sake! You're not Kendall Jenner for nothing!"

" Exactly! I'm not Kendall Jenner for nothing! and I'm gonna take what is mine! what Kendall wants, Kendall gets!"- I hissed.

" You can have any guy you want Ken. What's with her that you're obsess of? She's only your co-model and an ex-unofficial lover of yours!"

" She's not just like that! She's the only one who can satisfy me especially in bed. I need her."

" She's not your possession Ken! Ghad! will you stop what you're thinking to do about her. Wake up! She's not yours and she will never be!"

I slap him hard in his face. He better be thankful cause he's one of my trusted friend. I know that what he say is partly true. I felt a sudden pain and I couldnt take it. I don't wanna accept the fact that she's in love with someone else. I must do something.

" So you're into girls now? since when? how can she satisfy you huh!? She don't even have a fuckin' dick to fuck you!"-he taunt while he touches his cheek.

I smirk at him.

" What's your size?"-I ask.

" Size of my what?"

" You're fuckin' dick a**hole!"

He laugh as if it was the funniest question he have ever heard.

" Wanna try me Ken? My size is 8" when it's hard as a steel"-he flaunt.

" Really?"- I ask let him savor his boastfulness.

" Yeah you can ask Kylie your sister!"

" Oh wow! That's great"

" I'm one big of a hell. Wanna try?"- he licked his lips with his tongue.

I feel disgusted but I won't give the satisfaction to tolerate the arrogance that is filling his filthy ego.

" Do you know that my dearest sister Kylie is also smitten and charmed by my Glaiza? It's good that they did only as far as making out! I was lucky because I am the one who has taken and get laid by her not just once but a couple of times. As for you? Even you're nasty finger won't lay on me." - I stood up and finish our argument. But before I turn my back on him.

" By the way you're size is amazing. But her size is 9" and not yet fully erect. So stop bragging your 8" as hard as a steel dick cause Glaiza's way bigger than yours and if I was to compare her of something I'm telling you she's the god of sex!"- I walk away and left him stunned.

"Serves him right!"--I murmured softly.


I'm still holding the envelop and I was static to open it. I'm nervous and excited. My hands trembling as I take out the photos and I churned instantly upon seeing my Glaiza just in photos but her effect on me is unexplainable. I felt a sudden feeling of having butterflies in my belly.

I take out the other and there I saw she's holding a woman in her arms. I abruptly tear it into pieces.

"This can't be!"-I shouted.

I cried in my hearts content. I take my phone and called my personal assistant Patricia Tumulak. She's a filipina and I'm going to take her to the Philippines with me. Maybe she can help me to woo Glaiza.

" Hello P. Wanna have some vacation with me?"-I directly ask.

" Woah!wait wait ! for real? But K you still have commitments until next month"-she said.

" Now now P. Why worry I'm Kendall Jenner remember. I'm the boss and I have the power to ditch everything to do what I want"

" You sure about it?. It'll cost you a million dollar K. You know I don't want you to waste money and all. I know you're filthy rich but a million dollar is no joke!"-I rolled my eyes of what she said. Here she goes again. Typically a Filipino.

"Okay okay fine P. I'll finish all my commitments this week call and tell them that I want to finish those this week if they argue cancel them. It's a better option isn't it?"

" Okay better than good K. I'll inform them right away. So where would you want to have a vacation and how long?"- She's not excited isn't she? awhile ago she protest and now she's more than excited than me.

" P, I found her."- I said. She knows about Glaiza cause everytime I'm wasted I bubbled G's name until I passed out.

" Who?"


"Oh that's why suddenly you decide to have a vacation. I get it. Really K? On an impulse?"- I sensed hint of anger in her voice for some reason that I don't know.

"P, you know I've been waiting for this. I want her back no matter what, even if it'll cost me a fortune"

" You're crazy."-she uttered.

" Yes I am! So you want to go or not! If not I'll go there alone!"

"Fine fine! and where the hell is she?"

" Guess where P"-I smiled. I'm sure she will be surprise.

" I'm not into guessing game K. Just spill it!"-

"Philippines!"- I answered.

" Phi...Whaaat! Really K!? oh my ghaad! I'm so happy!"-she shrieked that almost broke my eardrum.

"Hey will you just please relax! But I need your help. I want you to help me woo Glaiza."

" No way! what if she falls for me or I fall for her?"

" You wouldn't dare backstab me right P?"- I threatened her.

"O-of c-course K"- she answered stammering.

" I want you to book our tickets now ASAP! we can leave nextweek!"- I command.

" How many days we'll be staying there? you sure about this? You know G is irresistible K."-she sound as if she's warning me.

" Spare Glaiza, P. She's mine! you'll never want to mess with me! or better yet don't come with me! are you gonna help me or not!"

" Okay okay . Geez, chill girl!. She's all yours"

" We'll be staying there for month! And no buts!"

" Oh, I remember you have a photoshoot in the Philippines K. How lucky you can get and Glaiza will be there also because she's the one to endorsed the new summer boxer collection which will be held in Siargao the surf capital of the Philippines."- Informed P.

" Why the hell I didn't know about that! Oh wow what a blessing in disguise"-I happily uttered.

Silly you K cause you're very preoccupied by stalking Glaiza."--she teased.

" Fix everything this week P. Thank you. See you later. Bye."

Get ready Glaiza. I'm coming for you. I don't give a damn of your girlfriend!. By hook or by crook I will and I'm gonna have you in no time.

I was about to take a nap when my phone rang it was Patricia.

" Yes P? did you forget anything?"

" K. Gigi Hadid is also invited for that photoshoot. Isn't it that Glaiza woo over her before?"

" Oh so Gigi will be there guess it gets more interesting now me vs Gigi vs G's girlfriend. May the best woman win!"I exclaimed.

" You're pathetic!"

" Bye bitch"

I ended the call so I guess this will be a tough battle. I know Gigi and Glaiza's status before. But I'm much threatened with the girl named Rhian Howell, she captures G's heart. I'll fight no matter what. What's mine is mine!

*salamat sa mga readers.

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