[̲̅C̲̅] [̲̅R̲̅] [̲̅U̲̅] [̲̅C̲...

By moonriverxx

12.9K 477 45

"I'm tired of saving everyone! When is someone going to save me?" "I'm trying," ______________________ ... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty- Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Five

294 8 11
By moonriverxx

"Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw,
if you've a ready mind,
Where those of wit and learning,
Will always find their kind..."
~Sorting Hat
circa. 1991

Wiltshire, England

"There is something that needs to be done."

"The child is already str-." Her statement was cut off as he raged.

"Hush." He threw his wand in anger. "How dare you say such a thing?"

"It is true." Another male voice interjected. "You have already wasted time. The child's sixteenth birthday closely approaches. What will you do when she turns sixteen under their supervision? Nothing can be done."


"Do you?" He stared into his soul, his steel-grey eyes boring into his master's jade green ones.

"We must kill Arabella Malfoy." He declared. "On her sixteenth birthday."
Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Sunday, 29th of March, 2020

  The sun was out and the birds were chirping. Clouds were nowhere in sight as the sky remained a bright blue color. Narcissa's flowers were now in full bloom, providing Jenna with a colorful view from her room. She inhaled deeply, the smell of grass and floral filtered the air. A smile seemed to be stapled to her face as it hadn't gone away since she woke up this morning.

  Her, now short hair, was curled in soft ringlets that stopped an inch above her shoulders. Freckles were splattered across the tops of her cheeks and nose from the newly found sun. Light-colored jeans and silk, olive green tank, a small part of the front tucked in. Draco had informed her she looked a bit like a young mother. A laugh was shared between the two siblings especially when Lucius Malfoy's face had gone red.

"Ellabit." Druella's elegant voice called from the door. "Come inside."

  Jenna sighed, slid off of the ledge, and onto her balcony. All she had wanted today was to be outside in the warm weather. She could already feel her old skin tone coming back, thank goodness. Loving them was easy, excepting the fact that they all burnt after five seconds in the sun was not. Another change had happened, her name. Narcissa had asked if they could start using it again and Jenna didn't have the heart to tell her no.

"What's going on?" asked Jenna.

Druella sighed, "Your parents have something they would like to discuss with you."
Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Friday, 26th of May, 2018

"How dare you speak to me like that?"

  Arabella rolled her eyes. Bellatrix and her mother had been going at it since before she got home. Her father had freshly returned from Azkaban prison, so he was no help. Draco was still rather jumpy over his mission. It angered her that Voldemort would do that to him just for being Lucius Malfoy's son. Although, she wasn't surprised when her mother had informed her. It sounded like something he would do to get back at her father.

  At one time, Lucius had been one of Voldemort's most trusted Death Eaters. His fall from grace has been a rough one. Ara told her friend, Harry, that it was like face planting into Hell when you had once been an angel. He told her he had a feeling Voldemort's pain was more gruesome than the pain Satan himself could inflict. She had agreed.

"Bella, he is seventeen." Narcissa pleaded. Arabella closed her eyes. It had been the same fight since the start of the school year. "Draco, he doesn't need that kind of-."

"How dare you question our lord?" Bellatrix looked at her mother with crazed eyes. Jenna felt her grip on her wand tighten. "He wants Draco to do it so Draco will do it." She cackled lightly and apparated away.

  Narcissa fell into the nearest chair. Knowing her daughter was near, she held out a hand ready for her to take. Arabella slowly approached her mother and knelt next to her. She ignored the hand completely and continued to grip her wand. Narcissa opened one of her blue eyes and looked at her daughter. Arabella had the same curls as Bella, only they were glossy and tamed. Her bright, unique, blue-colored eyes were filled with sadness and her red, plump lips were in a frown.

  They had all admired Arabella's unique beauty. Where her family had been tall, Ara was short. Her dark brown hair made her stand out amongst her brother and father. Narcissa was blessed with curves after her pregnancies where her daughter seemed to inherit them from somewhere. Thankfully, everything else about her was Narcissa. The pair almost looked identical in the face.

"When did you get home, my sweet?" Narcissa asked, her tone much different than it had been.

Ara smiled, "I informed Professor Flitwick that I wasn't feeling well. He allowed me to return home for the weekend."

An eagle amongst the serpents, Lucius and Narcissa hadn't been surprised. What surprised them the most was the hat stall their friend, Severus, had informed them about. It had taken the hat six minutes and twenty-seven seconds to decide if Ara belonged in Slytherin or Ravenclaw. "Her brains have always outwitted her cunning." Lucius had said.

"Sometimes," Narcissa smirked. "I can't believe that hat put you in Ravenclaw over Slytherin." She cupped her daughter's cheek lightly.

Narcissa called for one of the manor's elves to bring tea in for them. It had been a rainy day but the sun, shockingly, had come out. It's warmth spreading throughout the ancient grounds. Out of the four, Narcissa and Arabella had become the unbreakable duo during this dark time. Lucius was trying to get back in Voldemort's good graces. His quest blinding him from seeing those who needed him most.

The library doors burst open suddenly, "Cissa, I found a wa-." Lucius stopped when he saw his daughter standing next to his wife. "Arabella."

"Father," Ara titled her head forward a little. "Mum was just catching up with me about school."

"Yes, school." Lucius tensed. "Where Severus is supposed to be keeping an eye on you so that you will stay safe."

Ara rolled her eyes, "Draco gets to come home."

"He has to, dear." Narcissa wrapped an arm around her. "For meetings."

"There's going to be a war." Lucius declared. "You need to stay out of it. We will send you wherever that may be when the time comes."

"Dumbledore said the same thing." Ara shrugged out of her mother's side embrace. Her father looked at her dumbfounded. "And I'm staying."

He raised his chin, "So, you've already decided who you're fighting for." Narcissa watched has her daughter and husband had a silent face off. Something that was normal to see lately.

"I've no idea what you're talking about." She pulled out a small galleon and flipped it in the air. "I'll be in my room."
Malfoy Manor
Wiltshire, England
Date: Sunday, 29th of March, 2020


Jenna wrapped her arms tightly around her grandmother. It had nearly been three weeks since they had seen one another. A tight knit pair like themselves could never go longer than that without visits. Anita's stay at St. Mungos was kept private, as both the Malfoy's and Black's were donors to the hospital.

"My darling girl," Anita whispered, rubbing Jenna's upper arms gently, "I missed you." She hugged her again.

"Grandmother!" Draco greeted her with the same excitement. "It's been ages. I was wondering when the bloody hell that place was going to release you."

"Draco Lucius, watch your mouth!" Narcissa was horrified. "We do not speak that way." Her children rolled their eyes as they escorted Anita to the couch. The rest of them following.

"Gran, how are you feeling?" asked Jenna as her and Draco took a seat on the couch with Anita. "Last time Draco and I got to see you, you didn't look the best."

Anita's green eyes had gone wide. She looked at someone for help. The group was in the same amount of shock she was. None of them really listening to what Jenna had to say. Her smile had gone away after watching Anita get hurt, but quickly returned. Draco's chest puffed out a little with pride, knowing his sister was finally excepting them.

Jenna tucked a piece of hair behind her ear,"Why is everyone looking at me like that?" She looked around the room filled with sorrow, shock filled faces.

"Did you not hear what you called Anita?" asked Draco.

"If it was inappropriate, I tend to do that when I'm stressed, nervous, or angry." Jenna defended.

"You called me gran." Anita said, her voice cracking slightly.

"What else would I call you?"

*Before the comments start rolling in yes; a certain part of this chapter will be important later. (:

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