My Stupid Senior (Troyler AU)

Autorstwa SoobinsEuphoria

565K 21.3K 20K

Would you know that you and another person are meant to be if he lived in the same room as you? In most cases... Więcej

Chapter 1//Troye
Chapter 2//Troye
Chapter 3//Troye
Chapter 4//Troye
Chapter 5//Troye
Chapter 6//Tyler
Chapter 7//Troye
Chapter 8//Tyler
Chapter 9//Troye
Chapter 10//Troye
Chapter 11//Troye
Chapter 12//Troye
Chapter 13//Troye
Chapter 14//Troye
Chapter 15//Troye
Chapter 16//Troye
Chapter 17//Troye
Chapter 18//Troye
Chapter 19//Troye
Chapter 20//Troye
Chapter 21//Austin
Chapter 22//Tyler
Chapter 23//Troye
Chapter 24//Troye
Chapter 25//Troye
Chapter 26//Troye
Chapter 27//Austin
Chapter 28//Connor
Chapter 29//Troye
Chapter 30//Tyler
Chapter 31//Troye
Chapter 32//Tyler
Chapter 33//Troye
Chapter 34//Troye
Chapter 35//Troye
Chapter 36//Troye
Chapter 37//Tyler
Chapter 38//Troye
Chapter 39//Troye
Chapter 40//Troye
Chapter 41//Tyler
Chapter 42//Connor
Chapter 43//Troye
Chapter 44//Troye
Chapter 45//Tyler
Chapter 46//Troye
Chapter 47//Troye
Chapter 48//Troye
Chapter 49//Tyler
Chapter 50//Troye
Chapter 51//Troye
Chapter 52//Troye
Chapter 53//Troye
Chapter 54//Troye
Chapter 55//Troye
Chapter 56//Tyler
Chapter 57//Troye
Chapter 59//Tyler
Chapter 60//Troye

Chapter 58//Troye

6.7K 218 414
Autorstwa SoobinsEuphoria



I sit in the cold waiting room with Korey under the dim florescent lights for the rest of the night crying. When the sun starts to rise again, painting the sky beautiful colors that would usually make me extremely happy, my mother takes me home. I won't speak to her because I don't know what to say. I won't speak to anyone because the only person I want to talk to is dead. The love of my life is dead. He's not here anymore.

When I get home I walk through the tall door and down the narrow hallway to my room with out even stopping to pet Jagga when he nudges my foot with his fat nose. I fall into my too cold bed and curl up into a tight ball. My eyes fall shut and I can feel tears starting to form. I hold them back because I know Tyler wouldn't want me to be crying. He wants me to smile. I close my eyes.

I wake up in a cold sweat, tangled in a variety of blankets, and I start sobbing. I hug my pillow and cry out of relief. He's not dead. It was just a fucking dream. Oh my god. I can't believe my brain thought of that. That is the worst nightmare I have ever had in my whole life. I never want to have to experience that again.

Once the initial shock has passed I call Tyler. I don't see the fact that its three in the morning until after he doesn't pick the up the phone. I leave him a long voice mail telling him all about the dream I just had. Just saying it out loud makes it a little better. After I hang up the phone I lie down and curl up in my warm soft blanket and pretend that Tyler's arms are around me. I run happy memories of Tyler and I through my head as I fall asleep.

I wake up to the feeling of strong arms around me and kisses being planted on the back of my neck. Tyler. I flip around in his arms and kiss him like I haven't  seen him in months. He doesn't object until I try to take his shirt off. He sits up and pushes me away that there is about five or six inches between us.

"Your whole family is home. We are not doing this right now." I pout crossing my arms as l look away from him. He grabs my hand and I can't help but smile when he squeeze it. I'm going to miss being able to hold his hand whenever I want and being able to kiss him and I'm just going to miss him in general. "You can always call me or text me or whatever whenever you need me, Troye Sivan. I will drop everything to talk to you. You matter to me more than anything and I will not let distance ruin this relationship. You are too important to me."

"I love you, Tilly." I whisper into his neck as I lean into his shoulder not being able to stand the distance, even if its only a few inches. Tyler lets go of my  hand and wraps an arm around me as he replies.

"I love you too, Troye Sivan."  After that Tyler explains that his mother told him to come stay here until we come to Tyler's. After asking my parents Tyler drove here. He was suppose to come tomorrow but after hearing my voicemail he didn't want to wait any longer. He was going to come tomorrow because tomorrow is my birthday. 

"What did you get me for my birthday?" I ask Tyler a few hours later when I've eaten and gone through my normal morning routine. He shakes his head at me then pecks the side of my head with his lips. 

"If I told you it would ruin the surprise. Trust me its going to be nice day. I've got a whole day planned for just the two of us." I almost start to imagine what he could possibly have in store for me then I realize that its pointless because Tyler is the kind of person that you can never guess what he has planned. Tyler drags me out of my room and forces me to go into the living room that is filled with my family and my brother's pregnant soon to be wifey. 

Tyler starts talking  to Tyde and I turn to talk to Steele because he's just sitting there not talking to anyone. Lucy is talking to my mother and Sage is talking to dad, no doubt trying to get out of this little family gathering so she can spend the day with Zac.

"Troye, lets get out of here." Steele says to me and motions with to the door. He gets up and turns to everyone else in the room. "Troye and I are going to go for a walk we'll be back before dinner time." No one protest so I follow Steele out the door. Steele doesn't say a word to me as he leads me down the sidewalk. I have no idea where he could be taking me. As we get closer I start to think that maybe I know where he's taking me. My suspicion  is confirmed when we stop at the rickety swing set that Steele and I have spent many weekends on as kids. We used to come here every weekend to get away from mom and dad and Sage and Tyde.

"Come here." Steele says and captures me in his arms his head falls to my shoulder and soon I feel wetness on my shoulder. I pull back from Steele and see that he is trying to hide that he was crying. I pull him back into a hug.

"Is this about Yovanna?" I ask after letting go of him. We sit on our swings and Steele wipes his eyes with his long fingers. Steele seems to be thinking about what he want s to say.

"Yeah. I'm just so upset that I never got to tell him how much he means to me. I never got to tell him how much I truly appreciate him. He taught me so much and he was my favorite teacher and I didn't even talk to him for that long when I was at your production. I don't want there to be a new teacher at JMA because Yovanna was the best there ever was. I don't want all those drama kids to go through the pain of having a new teacher while they know why their teacher isn't there anymore." I don't think I've ever seen Steele this upset before. He is the kind of guy that tends to not like to show his emotion very much. I'm glad that he's finally comfortable enough to let his walls down. "I don't want my kid to every have to deal with something like what happened to Will. I don't want homophobia to be a thing. Its fucking ridiculous. I know you've gotten beat up because of your sexuality and that is not okay at all. I don't like that that is a normal thing in this world. You can literally be killed for supporting someone loving someone else. I don't know it-its just not okay." 

I stand up and Steele follows my example we meet in the middle and hug again. I know why Steele talked to me about it. He knows that Yovanna means as much to me as he does to him. I'm the only one that will know exactly what he's talking about. We head back home after talking for a couple more minutes. We talk about some things on the way home mostly about relationships.

"Honestly Troye I believe in your relationship with Tyler more than almost any other relationship I have ever seen.You two have this special thing that can not be described. You'd do anything for each other. The way you react to dreams about bad things happening to Tyler also shows that you two are bulletproof. I can't wait to see you marry him someday, little brother." I give Steele a side hug as we walk up the driveway in the setting sun. I can smell the food as I kick of my shoes and slide my sweater off. I walk into the kitchen to find everyone sitting around the table talking. They are probably waiting for us.

"Did you two have a nice walk?" Mom asks and Steele and I nod our heads as we scan the table to see where our significant others are sitting. I find Tyler next to Tyde with an empty seat on his right. I fill the seat next to Tyler and he leans over to whisper in my ear.

"The amount of sex jokes I've heard in the last hour in unfathomable." I smile apologetically at him then begin filling my plate with more food than a person my size would probably be expected to eat. Dinner is filled with conversation of random things. Mostly catching each other up on what's happened since we were last together. After dinner my family and Tyler call me to the living room so they can give me my birthday presents. Apparently Tyler is taking me on an overnight trip and we are leaving early in the morning.

Every member of the family and Lucy has bought me at least two presents. That's really too much I don't feel like I need all those presents. I hug everyone and tell them thank you before Tyler says that we are getting up early and should probably start getting ready for bed. I follow Tyler into my room with my arms filled with presents. I put my presents away then strip out of my clothes. Tyler watches me strip before he does the same. He's wearing the same boxers he wore the first time we had sex. Tyler curls up in my arms after turning the light off and sliding his glasses off of his face.

"I love you Tyler Oakley."

"I love you Troye Sivan."

We fall asleep and I couldn't be happy that I'm falling asleep with my best friend next to me. My best friend that is also my soul mate. The person that I hope to spend the rest of my life with. The one that means more to me than anything that has ever existed or will existed.

I'm woken up in my favorite way the next morning, with kisses being planted on my skin by my absolute favorite boy. I pretend to be asleep for a few more minutes so he'll keep kissing me like that. After a few minutes I get bored and pull him in for a real kiss. His lips are soft and lazy against mine and his hand are fumbling at my sides like he doesn't know where he should put them.

"Happy birthday, Troye Sivan." He says when I finally let him go. I look up to see that he is already dressed and ready for the day. He's wearing the sweater my mom gave him for Christmas, the one with a bunch of little ranch bottles on it. I sit up and Tyler kisses my shoulder lightly. "Get ready there is breakfast waiting downstairs for you. I picked you out and outfit, its waiting on your dresser and I packed you a bag with everything you need for tonight. I'll be waiting downstairs for you when your ready." He leans down to give me a kiss then he gets off of my bed and walks out of the door. I untangle myself from the blankets and walk over to my dresser to see what Tyler has picked out for me to wear. He laid out a 5 Seconds of Summer tank top next to a pair of dark blue skinny jeans and my Ja Feel hoodie along with my lilac colored boxers. I don't even try to resist it. I get dressed in the outfit that Tyler picked out for me including my favorite boxers. He knows. I decide to leave my hair natural because it looks cool and I'm getting more comfortable with it everyday thanks to Tyler telling me how cute I look. I put on a pair of converse and shove my phone in my back pocket before heading down to the kitchen to see Tyler waiting there for me with a plate of pancakes.  There is a smiling face made with strawberries and a banana and I can't help but giggle at how cheesy he is. 

"Tilly you are too cute." I say as I sit down at the table to eat. Tyler joins me with his own plate that is already half eaten. I guess he was to hungry to wait for me. Typical Tyler. Tyler smiles at me then takes a bite before replying to me.

"Only the best for my one and only." I roll my eyes at him and eat my food. We talk a little while we eat but Tyler won't tell me what I really want to know. What the hell are we doing today? He refuses to give me even the smallest hint. Tyler washes our dishes then he drags me out to his car that his mother bought him as a graduation present. I climb into the passenger seat of his car and he walks around to the driver's side. At least that's what I thought he was doing, really he walks to the trunk to get something then comes to the driver seat. He hands me a bag and I look at him and he nods down at the bag. I open the bag and see that the bag is filled with different colored envelopes. I look at the first one and I see that they are Open I lean over and kiss Tyler while he tries to not look to pleased with himself.

"Tyler you are the best boyfriend in the universe. I love you." Tyler puts the key in the ignition after buckling up and responding to me then turns to make sure I have my seat belt on before he starts the car and drives off. I can't wait to see what he has planned for the rest of the day. He said that we will be in the car for awhile though. So we are going somewhere far away? As long as I'm with Tyler I'm sure that I'm going to have a fabulous day. I just don't really like surprises so I want to know what we are doing.

"Tylerrrrrrr," I whine about two hours later. "Put on your music. I'm bored and I don't know if I can stand the silence any longer." We had been talking but for the last twenty minutes or so not one word had been said. Tyler hands me the aux and I plug it into his phone as he chooses a song. I practically jump out of my skin as my voice comes through the speakers singing my song Touch. "Where did you get a recording of this?" I ask after turning the music down a little bit. Yovanna had helped me make it song like a real professional song and as far as I knew he was the only one with the track. I guess not though.

 "Will gave it to." he says quietly keeping his eyes locked on the road. I take one of his hands off of the steering wheel and I hold it in my hand. "He said that he wanted me to be able to enjoy because he knew you wouldn't give it to me." Well Yovanna was right I didn't want to give the track to Tyler until I was completely satisfied with it. I wasn't but I think that Yovanna was. Yovanna's opinion matters to me. He knew it was finished so he gave it to Tyler.

Its around one when we stop for lunch at a little cafe in some small town. Apparently Tyler knows this town well but I don't make the connection that its the town Connor lives in until I see my best friends brown quiff at a table in the corner.

"CON DA BON." I yell not caring about the stares I receive from the other customers in the cafe. I run to Connor who stands up to give me a bear hug. Again you'd think I hadn't seen him in years not days. We sit down and Connor pulls out a present for me at the same time that Tyler pulls out another present for me. Connor hands me a bag and open it to see a cute as heck jean jacket. I pull it out to look at it from all the angles. Its so cute. Aw Connor is so awesome. "Thank you, Connor. This is so cute!!" Tyler doesn't hand me my present so I look back to Connor and we start talking. Tyler orders lunch for the three of us as Connor and I talk. We are talking about what we think next year is going to be like mostly. We eat when the food comes then we end up talking for about three more hours. Its almost four by the time Tyler and I leave. We give Connor a big hug and he winks at Tyler as we leave. I flip him off before walking back to the car. Tyler hands me the small bag and I pull out a deck of cards with a ring through them with the words '52 reasons I love you' printed on the front of it. I hug him again and give him a quick kiss before he says that we need to get going or we're going to be late.

"You know I love you a lot and you are the best, right?" I ask Tyler once we are well on our way and the music is playing quietly in the background. He smiles at me and takes my hand and brings it to his mouth so he can plant little kisses on it.

"I love you too, Troye Sivan." He says quietly looking out at the road but I can see the happiness in his eyes. We spend the rest of the drive singing at the top of our lungs and laughing. Tyler pulls up to a restaurant at exactly 6:25. "Go inside and wait for me." He says and I decide that I don't feel like arguing so I listen to him, opening my door then getting out of the car as he goes to the trunk. I walk into the restaurant and stand there awkwardly as I wait for Tyler to come inside. He comes in a few minutes later with his hands behind his back. He talks to the person at the podium and she leads us to a table Tyler makes sure I'm in front of him so I can't see whatever his next present to me is. Tyler already knows what he wants and I decide to get the same thing. The person walks off with our orders and Tyler puts his gifts to me on the table. A notebook. A pack of pens. A gift card to Subway.

"So you can write some crazy good songs. Also I'm sorry for that one time I knew your subway order but not your eye color so I'm trying to make up for it with more subway." I lean across the table and kiss him not caring what anyone in the room thinks about us. All that matters to me is how sweet he is and how he's my dork.

"You are such a dork, Ty." He gives me a goofy smile and we start talking about stupid things that don't really matter but they do matter because I'm talking to my best friend. My soul mate. The person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I want to wake up beside this man every morning and fall in love him a little more each day. I want him forever. I intend to have him for that long.

The waitress brings us our food and we chow down. Tyler says that there is no need to rush and we talk as we eat. I ask him about what he plans to do once he finally gets to LA other than school and he says that he doesn't really know but he'll figure it out. Once we pay for our food we leave the restaurant and we are off to another location. The last location before the hotel Tyler tells me. 

"I'm blindfolding you. Sorry babe." Tyler ties a bandana around my head so that I can't see and he starts the car and drives off. I listen to music as I wait for us to get to the location. I gave up a long time ago trying to get Tyler to tell me where we were going. After what seems like forever the car stops. Tyler gets out then walks to my side of the car and pulls me out of the car. He shuts the door locking it behind him. 

"Can I take the blindfold of yet? Why is it so loud?" I ask I can hear lots of things around me but I can't pinpoint exactly where I might be. 

"No just a few more minutes." Tyler leads me somewhere and I can feel that we have gone inside. Tyler talks to someone quietly then he pulls me along. We walk into another room. A much much much louder room and he takes the blindfold off of me. I look around and I see the unmistakable sight of a stadium. Holy shit I look to the stage and I can see 5 Seconds of Summers name plastering the stage. I jump into Tyler's arms and hug him tightly.

"Tyler! Oh my god! I can't believe you bought us tickets to a 5SOS concert! I love you so much. Nothing can top this."

"I love you too." The concert has to be one the best things I have ever experienced in my entire life. It seems like a huge blur afterwards but when I was there in the moment I don't think anything can compare to that. It was so fucking amazing. I love Tyler so fucking much. 

At the end of the concert Tyler is practically dragging me because I'm so tired from cheering and dancing. Tyler sets me in the car and I fall asleep to the sound of him singing to me. I wake up to the sound of a car door slamming and I feel the cool night air hitting my face. I snuggle into Tyler's chest and he carries me to the lobby. He sets me down on a couch and I sit there waiting for him to come and get me or tell me we can go to our room now. He doesn't, one of the staff does.

"Your boyfriend went up to your room. Happy Birthday." She hands me a key and I thank her before heading up to my room. It takes me a few minutes to find the room but when I do I unlock it quickly wanting to know why the hell Tyler left me down there by myself. I open the door and then close it behind me. I walk into the room and I see Tyler standing there with a rectangular piece of paper in his hand. He holds it out to offer it to me and I look at the print seeing that its a plane ticket to LA. A plane ticket that is to be used during my Christmas break.

"Tyler..." I hug him for the thousandth time today and I kiss skin before looking around the room and seeing that the room is covered with balloons that have things attached to the ends of them. I step away from Tyler and see that all the balloons have photos of Tyler and I on them. I run back into his arms casting the plane ticket aside and kiss him passionately. One thing leads to another and lets just say I have the best sex of my life on that hotel bed with the only person who could ever make me feel like this.



Hey guys its Amanda AND THIS IS A FORMAL APOLOGY FOR WHAT I DID LAST CHAPTER. It was my plan all along to make it a dream. I couldn't actually kill him. I really hope you liked this chapter. I think it has some nice things in it. But how sweet is Ty though?? All those presents and birthday sex? WINNER WINNER. If you liked any part of this chapter please:


I love you little buttheads

Twitter: ExplicitTronnor

Tumblr: SmilingTilly

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