From weak fat boy to strong b...

By Connorwells98

4.2K 46 15

After years of hell, Connor managed to get himself a game where he was betrayed for the last time and the nex... More

2: Abuse
3: the breaking point
4: Suicide
5: The change of heart
6: The song of my sadness and the run away
7: The fresh start
8: The game
9: Betrayal
10: The new scarring and goal
11: The new abilities
12: Letting out pent up rage
13: The event
14: The crystal

1: Origin

678 7 1
By Connorwells98

My name is Connor

I was born a healthy boy up till I was about 2 when I had leukemia and had to go through what I think was 3 years of treatment. Once it was over I was cured for the time being but completely making m have to go back. It started as about several days a weak leading mum and dad take me everyday and didn't get a lot of sleep. As time went by I got better and better until I eventually got to the point where I visit once a year. But there was still some close calls like during one of the appointments leading me to have a hole in my lung leading me to be inches from death

They manage to prevent it again but yet again I have scars from the tubes and stuff they use on me. Anyway, after my leukemia I had to relearn things like how to walk, eat, use the toilet, first word and other things 6 or 7 year old kids should be able to do. Eventually I was able to go to school and I also had to lower grade and year level because of my lack of learning and because I was troubled.

Then one day

???: hey fatty!

I turn to see a boy who didn't like me

???: I'm hungry, give me your food!

I hold my lunch box to my chest

Connor: No! my mummy made it for me!

???: Oh please, you probably have enough for the whole school!

He then went to take it from me but I didn't let go

???: Let go tubby!

Connor: No!

He then facepalmed me and since I only just learned to walk and stand by myself I wasn't too strong in the legs and fell from the force and dropped the food making it spill all over the floor.

???: Ah! Look at what you did! Now I wont get food!

He then kick me in the face making my nose bleed as I landed my head on the dirty floor/concrete. I cry from pain and sadness from the spilled food my mum made for me. He laughed as he kept kicking me. As time went by more and more things happened, bullying, rubbing, used for sex and possible raped but I don't know for sure, depression and being suicidal but I keep it from my family or friends.

I trust them I just didn't want to involve them in something they cant fix or isn't their concern...besides they already did too much for me...they did more things that I don't deserve. So for that I do what I can for them get money for what they spent, do different things for them, give away my happiness for them, keep my pain and misery from them so I get to see them happy and other kinds of things that I want to do to prove I care for them more then myself.

Anyway, one day after school, my mum drive me and my little brother home when suddenly someone got in the way and made us crash. I made sure my brother didn't get hurt by shielding him from the crash and once it was over, I hear footsteps echo as a man who was driving the other car walked to my window and dragged me out right when everything went black.

When he took me, he brought me to a lab where they did tests on me...bad painful tests. Through the test I found out something interesting. Turns out they were kidnapping kids to train to prepare them to go into game world that pays them with each win and also to protect the world from the creatures on the one they wanted to prepare us for. Anyway, as the days went by the tests got worse

???: Line up!

Me along with other kids line up in front of a large man. I glance at the other kids to see numbers on their necks. I look back at the man.

???: Ok you little shit's! it's time for your training!

We look down. Suddenly a boy stepped forward

???: That's it sir! We had it!

He looked at him before walking to him and grab him by the hair and lift him off his feet

???: What was that?

???: I said...we aren't doing what you want!''

He smiles as he threw a punch to the boys gut

???: GAH!

He vomited as he was dropped and he landed on the ground along with a loud thud. He coughed as he tried to get up but he stomped on him until he stopped moving.

???: Get rid of this garbage...and since you all don't want to do as I say like he said you all will be punished before sent to training...see if it'll teach you little shits a lesion.

The start punching the kids and right as they got to me

Anyway, me and the test subjects escaped and we ended up in foster homes. I was taken to a foster home and doe to the household have a father that wants to have all his children to be girls, making him and his brother Qrow to be the only males in the house and since they couldn't find a girl to adopt, they took me and made me think I was a girl for a while.

Eventually, I found out and rejected continuing on being a girl and that lead to slapping, then punching, then full on abuse like tourture like eletracuting, burning, drowning and more. One day, my aunt and mother got drunk and rape me and from that night, their abuse to me was rape and when Qrow got drunk, he smashed bottles on my head and sometimes cut me with the pieces or make me lick it up making all kinds of cuts on my mouth and the never ending teste of blood.

Out of all this, there was two in the house that never lay a hand on two big sisters.

Asia never hit me because she loved me for who I was and didn't care if I was a boy or girl. She would always show me the love of a sister and a mother. She gives me kisses, hugs, warms me up by secretly sneaks me into her bed since those pricks only gave me a broken mattress with no pillow or blanket and feed me when they don't and takes care of my wounds...basically what they don't do.

My other sister Matsuri is different...she is like them but she doesn't take no for an answer. When I told her I wanted to be a boy, she thought it was a joke, when telling her I was serious she started freaking out and the next thing I know she was a yandere but instead of killing for my love, she just doesn't accept the fact I'm a boy and does whatever she can to make me...once she tried to cut off know what to make me a girl.

Once day...the one I loved was's what happened.


Red...the same colour as the blood stained brown hair

I look at

I tear up before closing my eyes but then open them and sneak around them and to the kitchen and grab a knife

Without a moment to lose...I attacked

And then again

And again...


He stopped moving

And when planning on one more attack but my sister grabbed me and from thinking someone else was there, I attacked them but then realised...

The blood of my sister was on blade instead.

The knife came out...and I realised it was her.

Connor: Big sister!

I hold her bruised body

Asia: Con...nor...I

And with that...she died...

Connor: BIG SISTER!!!!!!!

and I cry and scream over and over until my foster parents finally came back.

And saw the two bodies

They blamed me for everything...and then...abuse me.

Raped me

And to this day...the screams of pain and fear of my sister still echoes my ears...and it will continue...until I die.

Asia: Connor! Run!

Connor: AHHHHHHH!!!! Asia!!!!

Connor: Damn it...

Its been a few years since me and the others escaped that horrible place and for me losing my big sister...and life hasn't been that easy.. Anyway, My name is Connor, I'm 16 years old and I go to Bullworth high school. its a school full of bullies and troubled people like slackers and mental issues. Anyway, this is a type of school where people can't go one day without something happening like trash talk, bullying, raping if their female and being robbed and on the accession murdered. Why doesn't this school get shut down? because the people who run it, is friends with one of the most rich families in town. As long as they make their daughter happy and safe from people in this school, they promise to take care of the cops if there was a murder or kidnaping or basically everything that happens at school and someone goes to the cops.

doe to this, the school is safe to do as they wish and no one could stop them as much as they tried and let me tell you they tried. Anyway, when I get to school, I see the usual bullying, raping, sex and many things most schools don't have. I walk when suddenly I felt a foot trip me and made me fall.

???: Oh, I'm sorry.

I turn my head to see a familiar bully of mine. I growl in annoyance as I got on my feet and walk to class.


I enter class and look around to see some people I know and not as in friends

I sit and wait for class to start, that is if the teacher arrives. I rest my head against the desk and I felt myself drift off to sleep.


It was after school and it was time. I get behind the school and wait.

One minute later

Rinko: Um...h-hello.

I turn to my head to see her

Connor: Oh, hey.

Rinko: S-So...why did you call me out here?

I take a big breath

Connor: Rinko...your so kid and beautiful so I expect you to heard this already but I am in love with you...I totally understand if you don't feel the same but I wanted to get this off my chest.

She looked at me in surprise and a red face

Connor: if you don't feel the same, I understand and I'll leave you alone...but if you do...will you be my girlfriend?

I expect her to reject me...I expect her to say no to me and laugh.

Rinko: I'm sorry...but I don't feel the same.

Called it.

Connor: Like I said...its ok...I'm just happy I got it out of my chest and you answered...thank you for your time.

I turn around and started walking...damnit...I really like her and she rejected't let life win this game.


I went to see my girlfriend Bella who was cheating on me, but I'm going to finally break up with her since I couldn't take it anymore. I got to the roof to find her when I way. Bella, one of my bullies and Rinko were there kissing each other.

Rinko: w-wait...are you sure no one will be here?

???: Positive.

they removed their cloths and kept!?!?!?!

Connor: Bella...Rinko.

They stopped and turn to me

Bella: C-Connor! Its not what it looks like!

I turn around right as she grabbed my wrist

Bella: Connor please listen to me!

Connor: it was pity wasn't it?

She stopped

Bella: What?

Connor: you telling me you loved me, kissing me and promised to be with me was all pity.

Bella: No it was--

Connor: Don't lie to me! You are nothing but dirty bitches! You and everyone in this world are just disgusting pieces of shit who deserve nothing but hell!

I pull my wrist from her grip and run off...she didn't follow...just look at me with this look like she was pissed the hell off. I run down the stairs and towards the closest bathroom. I get there and enter. I walked to the mirror and looked at my reflection. Suddenly a memory of me and Bella kissing, another of us talking and laughing and one where we gave each other our first time.

Connor: Fuck...

I clench my fist tightly as I lift it into the air.

Connor: That...lying...BITCH!

I punch the mirror and with one hit, it smashed. I feel blood flow down my hand and a bit of the mirror where some shards that cut my hand open. I look at the bloodstained mirror

Connor: Huh...that kinda changes my look a bit.

I walk out of the bathroom as my blood dripped from my hands leaving a trail behind me. I get to the health room and bandage my hands up before leaving.

Later: after school

I arrive at my house as I open the door and enter.

Tom: Where the hell were you?! I'm starving!

I didn't answer, just look down. he growled in anger as he hit me and sent me flying to the wall since I'm as light as a new born baby. He walked to me and looked down at me

Tom: get the fuck up and get your ass into the kitchen and make us dinner.

I silently get up and walk past him.


As I lay on the dirty and bloodstained mattress aka my bed as I think back to today. Suddenly, the door to the basement opened and loud, heavy foot steps echo my ears as a large build man approached me.

Tom: Connor...ruby and yang say you hit it true?

Connor: No sir.

He kicked me in the face and I went flying from my bed and onto the bloodstained basement floor.

Tom: Don't lie to me!

Connor: but...I wasn't.

He growled as he walked to me and kick me a few times. Within a minute, my body was just as bloody and beaten from last time and this morning during the bullying at school. He finally was satisfied and left me beaten and bloodied up. I slowly and painfully got up and crawl my way to my bed and lay on top of it as I reach underneath it and take out the bloodstained knife I used on myself.

Connor: hello old friend.

I lift my sleeves, revealing the cuts on my wrists either dad gave me or I gave myself. I place the blade on my wrists and the blade pierced into it and blood started to come off. I put it deeper down as I moved the blade from side to side, up and down and stab my arms repeatedly until I was satisfied. Once I managed to patch myself up, I hide the knife and went to sleep.

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