The Turnabout of Hope Book 1:...

By DreamersWriters

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Phoenix Wright becomes a defense attorney and finds himself in the most intense yet completely strange cases... More

Notes for this Story
Chapter 1: My First Trial
Chapter 2: The Intern
Chapter 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth
Chapter 4: Turnabout of Sweets and Self-Love
Chapter 5: Think About the Past
Chapter 6: About the Past
Chapter 7: Turnabout Von Karma Truth Part 1
Chapter 8: The Von Karma Truth Part 2
Chapter 9: The Von Karma Truth Part 3
Chapter 10: A Mystic Introduction
Chapter 11: Two Sides
Chapter 12: A Deceased and A Spy
Chapter 13: Fey Family Fault
Chapter 14: The Interpol Case
Chapter 15: Escaping Evil Clutches
Chapter 16: The Turnabout of Saving!
Chapter 17: Returning Home
Chapter 18: Calling a Friend and Foe
Chapter 19: Discovering the Truth
Chapter 20: Turnabout of Points!
Chapter 21: Saying Goodbye to the Past and Hello to the Future
Thank You!
Chapter 22: The Chief Calls for Help
Chapter 23: Investigating a Corrupt Crime Scene
Chapter 24: The Turnabout of Real Truth!
Chapter 26: Back to Work, With a Side of Justice!
Chapter 27: Unexpected but Expected
Chapter 28: The Turnabout of Wishes!
Chapter 29: Learning from the Best, Right? Wright?
Chapter 30: Even a Small Case is a Case
Chapter 31: The Turnabout of Plunders!
Chapter 32: Athena Cykes is Ready to Go!
Chapter 33: Cooking Up Disasters
-Thank You Again!-
Chapter 34: The Turnabout of Feasts!
Chapter 35: Too Many Invitations
Chapter 36: A Dance to NOT Forget!
Chapter 37: Magic is in the Air!
Chapter 38: The Ball Transforms
Chapter 39: The Turnabout of New Truth!
Chapter 40: A Serene Ending
Epilogue: A Puzzling Foe
Bonus Chapter 1: Nightlife Freunds on New Years!
Bonus Chapter 2: Be A Girl, Pastel Heroines!
Bonus Chapter 3: Apollo and Athena Finally Get Together!
Bonus Chapter 4: A Christmas Exchange
Author's Note

Chapter 25: The Turnabout Terror and Demon Prosecutor's Victory

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By DreamersWriters

(With this, Season 2 is finished! Yahoo! No one died! Well, no one too important to the main cast! I'm so thrilled about this! I hope you all enjoy this! I really wanted to present both Miles and Phoenix as powerful attorneys in this chapter. They've learned everything they need! Now, it is time to teach it to the next generation! Did you like the tease? I hope so!) 

(Phoenix's POV)

District Courthouse, Courtroom Number 5

February 3rd, 10:30 AM

                  Huh... They worked really fast. How did they do that so fast? I have to time to think about that later. Everyone was freaked out as Lana looked so relieved to see her little sister safe. Damon Gant looked positively horrified though.

"OVERRULED!" Justice Justine shouted as she slammed her gavel over the court, "Forensic Expert Ema Skye, please testify to the court what you wished to tell us"

Ema smirked as she placed her goggles over her eyes and snapped her fingers.

(Ema's POV)

"First off, my sister and I have the ability to see a body at the scene of the crime. Whether it is alive or dead. This ability comes in handy when you are examining the scene of the crime. So, allow me to show the two crime scenes!" I shouted as I created the two crime scenes before the court.

One at the scene where my big sister was while the second one was where I was. Then, I adjusted the image to everyone in the court to reveal Damon Gant as the true culprit of both crimes. Damon Gant looked nervous which made me smirk in delight. Oh, yeah! He's so going down!

"How can this be?! How?!" he yelled in anger as he glared at me.

I crossed my arms over my chest as I looked down on him.

"Oh, yeah, it can be" I said seriously, "Lana was working on past cases and checking over everything. She left Manfred's cases to Prosecutor Edgeworth and Defense Wright. Quercus Alba is currently held in Adrestian to answer of his crimes. Then, this crime points to you as the only culprit!"

Damon Gant glared at me as my big sister looked furious.

"Not to mention the recent files Manfred Von Karma bestowed upon his daughter! Your name is on the list, pal!" Detective Gumshoes shouted seriously as he held up a report file Prosecutor Franziska sent over to him yesterday!

If he is not quaking in fear, he is now! We've got him! I snapped my fingers to make my ability power down as I faced him.

"Detective Edgeworth and I were there when we discovered Forensic Expert Skye. We believe she is right about Chief of Police Gant is responsible for her kidnapping and for the death of Neil Marshal!" Prosecutor Debeste shouted determinedly as Detective Kay nodded her head in agreement.

Before we could accuse Damon Gant of the crimes, he let out a angry roar as he gained everyone's attention in the court room!

"As if you can link me to any of the crimes! As far as we are aware, you don't have any evidence! Evidence is everything in law!" he yelled in frustration.

He's right! We still need the evidence! Come on, Trucy. I know you love to make those dramatic entrances you love. Now would be a good time to appear!

(Miles's POV)

"OBJECTION!" Trucy Wright shouted in delight as she skipped into the courtroom with Klavier and Makoto behind her.

Wonderful! They did it!

"The defense has new evidence!" she shouted as she rushed to her father with the evidence we needed.

She gave to her father with such a warm smile on her face. Klavier went to my side of the bench as Makoto went to Phoenix's side. He took out the two pairs of gloves, the bloody cloth, and the case fire from my boss's first trial.

"I assumed you would want to have this, Herr Edgeworth" Klavier said as he presented the autopsy report to me.

Perfect. I examined the report and discovered that the Head Detective had done the reports from this case and the previous one! I looked over to Phoenix and locked eyes with him. We both have this trial figured out! Now, let's reveal the truth to the court for everyone to see!

(3rd's POV)

"Your honor, the defense wishes to present new evidence for both cases!" Phoenix shouted seriously as he gained everyone's attention in the courtroom.

"Present this evidence immediately!" Justice Justine demanded seriously.

"It was strange to me. I found a lot of evidence conveniently at the crime scene and yet there was a single bell present. It made me think this whole case was a huge set up from the start. So, I recalled the unique outfit Mr. Gant wears. I noticed the bells and decided to visit his office to see if I could find out anything different. Imagine my surprise when I discovered the Chief of Police had a secret safe, holding information to both crimes!" Phoenix shouted as he slammed his hands on the bench, "So, why did you hide those two pairs of gloves? Whose blood is on the gloves?!"

Damon Gant couldn't speak a word to them as Makoto slammed his hands on the bench.

"These are two separate samples! One from the IS-7 Incident. The blood is from Neil Marshal! The second pair of gloves is from Damon Gant! None are from Chief Prosecutor Lana Skye!" Makoto shouted seriously as he then pointed at Damon Gant.

"Which means the chief prosecutor wasn't attacking anyone! She was just defending herself and being framed for murder!" Phoenix shouted as he pointed at Damon Gant.

He began to tremble in place as Klavier Gavin punched the wall behind him to gain his attention.

"I'm afraid you're running out of places to hide! You see, that wasn't the only piece of evidence we had tested. Do you remember this bloody cloth? We also found it strange. Now, thanks to the work of that Fräulein Detective Skye, we were able to figure out that the blood is from Neil Marshal" Klavier said with a smirk, "I remember studying that case when I was a young kind. Neil Marshal was trying to figure out a string of botched police reports. His work pointed to you! I am guessing you got rid of him, because he was too close to discover a truth which would've ruined you!"

Damon Gant took a step away from them as Miles slammed his hands on the prosecutor's bench.

"Lastly, the autopsy report. The forensic expert on the case found it strange that she couldn't find a proper time of death until she reread one of Sherlock Holmes's case file involving a body hiding in ice! You placed Neil Marshal's body in a freezer of some kind! You then took the body to frame the chief prosecutor!" Miles shouted seriously as he pointed at him.

Damon Gant began to panic until he shook his head at them.

"But why would I want to get to of the chief prosecutor?! What is my motive then?!" he shouted at the defense and prosecution.

"I don't believe we have the right to answer that question" Phoenix Wright said with a smirk on his face.

"Indeed, Mr. Wright. We can't answer that question when the chief prosecutor herself can answer it!" Miles Edgeworth said seriously as the chief prosecutor stood up and faced Damon Gant.

(Lana's POV)

He looked very frightened as I gripped my scarf to make the crime scene appear before everyone. I stepped out of the defendant's chair and stood by my scattered case files.

"I was helping Neil Marshal with the SL-9 incident. We were not comfortable with how terrible the crime reports are. We investigated everyone in the Criminal Investigation Corp. You were the last one we had to investigate. Then, one day, Neil Marshal was murdered, and his body disappeared! We had the evidence to prove that you were the one behind the crime, and yet the evidence for this crime disappeared!" I exclaimed loudly as I then pointed at him, "Damon Gant, the evidence is stacked against you! It is time for you to confess to your crimes from years ago and now!"

Damon Gant froze for a moment as we all looked at him. He then began to clap slowly and then quickly! He then laughed madly before he collapsed on the ground. It is finally over. The ones who started the First Dark Age of Law are finally defeated! Detective Gumshoes brought the Chief of Police to the stand by force. The court was in an uproar as Justice Justine slammed her gavel over everyone to silence them with ease.

"Chief of Police confess to the court everything this insistent" she said seriously.

The Chief of Police sighed as he lowered his head.

"Yes. I was the third member of the First Dark Age of Law. I was the one who worked with the police to inform the others about what kind of security would be at the events as well as information about the priceless goods at the events. Yes, I hide evidence that would've been detrimental to Manfred. I would make sure that Quercus was well guarded and didn't pay attention to him. However, I only killed Neil Marshal for getting too close to our group. Then, I hide his body in the cold storage of the Criminal Investigation Corp. The forensic expert realized this and checked the cold storage, so I had to stop her. I then thought of using her to make sure the chief prosecutor could be stopped! I just didn't think Wrighto and Udgey would stop me!"

I shook my head at him after hearing his confession.

"You should've never underestimated them. Those two were trained by the late Defense Attorney Mia Fey and Prosecutor Diego Godot Armando. It was your fault for being careless!" I shouted as I pointed at him with the crime scene fading away behind me.

He let out another yell as he clapped angrily. Officer Meekins and Detective Gumshoes stood by the chief of police to watch him and ensure he doesn't escape. Then, we turned to Justice Justine.

"Well, I believe this wraps up the trial. Damon Gant, you will be placed under high security as your sentence will be carried out another day" the judge said seriously as she then turned to me, "As for the chief prosecutor, I am grateful you were never involved in anything dangerous. You are definitely right about the defense attorney and prosecutor. Those two are going to be strong figures in the law. Now, for my verdict. I find the defendant, Chief Prosecutor Lana Skye, NOT GUILTY!"

Everyone burst into applause as confetti fell around us. I was so relieved. Ema rushed to me to give me a big hug as everyone else surrounded me. I am just so happy.

"Court is adjourned!" Justice Justine said with a firm nod and bang of a gavel.

District Courthouse, Courtroom Number 5

February 3rd, 3:59 PM

After we left the courtroom, I couldn't stop smiling. Everyone was cheering together as the police arrested that phony chief of police.

"We did it! Ema, we did it!" Maya shouted in delight as she and Ema hugged each other in relief.

"Yes, yes we did! Oh, I am so relieved!" Ema said in relief.

"I knew you and Phoenix could do it, Mr. Edgeworth!" Detective Gumshoes cried in relief.

Miles rolled his eyes as Phoenix laughed. Trucy and Kay jumped up and down in joy as Klavier grinned and gave Sebastian a side hug.

"I am so grateful nothing bad happened! I thought my luck wasn't going to hold out there for a minute!" Makoto said in relief.

Everyone laughed as Head Detective Kyoko arrived.

"I agree, but I am also thankful that he is gone. He was bothering me" she said with relief.

Makoto grinned at her with relief.

"Though, because he is no longer the chief of police, we will need a new one. I'll be in charge until a new one is found. Though, I have a recommendation in mind. I don't know if he realizes it yet though" she said as she glanced at Detective Gumshoes.

Miles Edgeworth could only smile in agreement.

"I completely agree with you, Head Detective Kyoko. He would be the perfect candidate. I hope he realizes it too" the prosecutor in a red wine outfit said with a smug look on his face.

The two of them then faced the detective who looked shocked.

"Wait, you mean me?!" he shouted in complete shock.

"Of course. You are always trying to good work and ensure the evidence is present in trial. I can think of no one better than you" Head Detective Kyoko said with a grin.

"I agree. You've been a loyal detective, and I am sure the other officers and detectives would agree and look up to you" Miles said with a smile on his face.

"Oh, I don't know..." he said nervously until Officer Meekins screamed to gain everyone's attention.

"Sir! You would be the best Chief of Police out there! We would learn so much from you! Please do this!" he shouted as he bowed his head to the detective.

The detective broke down in tears as he cried in delight, "Thank you! Sir and ma'am! I'll do what I can to become the best Chief of Police I can be!"

Everyone smiled as Justine made her way towards me.

"We have a bit of a problem. I do hate to spoil the good mood as well" she said sadly as she gained everyone's attention, "The judges wish for the chief prosecutor to take a few months off to look over the cases from the past and with Damon Gant. You'll have to step down as chief prosecutor"

Well, I should've seen this coming. I did go against him here and before. Well, I should pay for it.

"But my sister is innocent! Is there nothing you can do about it?!" Ema exclaimed in worry.

"I'm so sorry, but the Prosecutorial Investigation Committee insists on this. Whether we like it or not" Justine said sadly as Miles scoffed at the mention of the committee.

"In that case, I'll need a replacement until I am allowed to come back" I said as I already knew my answer, "Well, then, I hereby elect Miles Edgeworth as my replacement until I return"

He let out his signature yell as everyone else cheered.

"M-me?! Are you sure?!" he exclaimed as he got away from everyone.

"Are you kidding me?! Why would you doubt yourself, Herr Edgeworth?! You're the best prosecutor!" Klavier exclaimed in delight.

"He's right! You're the best prosecutor! You are my mentor! Who wouldn't want you to be in charge?!" Sebastian shouted defensively.

"Come on, papa! You've got this! You will always do everything to pursue the truth!" Kay said seriously.

He was so surprised by everyone's reactions as Phoenix grinned and slapped his shoulder.

"Come on! You can't deny that! You'll be great and have your friends and family to help you!" Phoenix said with a grin of his own as Miles blushed.

"I suppose I can't refuse this now, can't I?" he said with a sigh, "Very well, I will take the position until you are ready to return, Chief Prosecutor Lana Skye"

He extended his hand out to mine with a grin. I shook his hand and grinned.

"Thank you, Acting Chief Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth. You will do very well, I am sure!" I said with confidence.

With that, everyone cheered in agreement and delight.

"Hey! Why are we just sitting around here for?! We need to celebrate this! Come on!" Maya exclaimed as she rushed out of the courthouse with Ema and Trucy behind her.

I stayed behind a bit as I grinned at them. Mia, Diego, Gregory, do you see this? They are truly happy and capable of defending the law with everything they have and willing to find the truth. I hope you are happy and relaxing, wherever you are. Everything is going to be fine here with us.

(Phoenix's POV)

Wright and Co Law Offices, Main Lobby

February 5th, 8:00 AM

I was sitting at my desk and looking over a few application forms as I had my laptop open to chat with Miles.

"So, have you hired anyone, Acting Chief Prosecutor?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Oh, hush! You know I am only doing this until Lana is ready to return! Also, it looks like Detective Gumshoes will not be around us often. He's taking the Chief of Police test very seriously with the help of Officer Maggey, Meekins, and Head Detective Kyoko's help" Miles replied with a harsh look on his face, "And, yes, I have. I've looked at two promising prosecutors. One is an international one while the other used to prosecute here until he and his little sister had to move to Europa for a bit. How about you, Phoenix?"

I placed down the two applications and grinned. One applicate is a young 21-year-old man who had just graduated from college and looking for a place to practice being a defense attorney. He mentions his ability to perceive lies. He's coming in a few months.

The second applicate is a young lady who is just 18. She reminds me of Franziska. She is also a defense attorney who just passed the bar exam. She wants to work at my place and research past cases. She has an ability to hear emotions. She will arrive later with her brother.

"You seem pleased with the applicants. Do they have potential to face the law and find the truth in their cases?" Miles asked with a smile on his face.

I just smiled as I answered with confidence, "I am positive that these two will be huge figures in the law and find the truth" 

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