I was a Demon and she was An...

By Kraven_Kai

7.6K 347 37

This is a WinRina (Aespa ship) Fanfic book,The Book 2 of Maid of a Spoiled Brat "I know we can't be together... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
New Book!

Chapter 6

1.1K 62 10
By Kraven_Kai

★Karina's POV

Winter and her father were called by the supreme and me and my mother got left behind,she faced me towards her and gave a cold gaze to me

"You were lying to me Karina.That time you went to chase Potrayla in the woods you met her and went to their island without telling me"My mother started and I looked down

"How did you know mother?"I asked quietly

"How did I know? I can see through Potrayla's eyes Karina,ever since you were born I've always watched you in Potrayla's eyes.I know your every move"she answered

"Karina you're bringing chaos to our islands and if this gets out of hand we will be at war"She added and left

It's my fault......I shouldn't have talked to winter......I shouldn't have entered Cheongug....I should've just waited at the woods for Potrayla.......we should've never met....but.......

"You like her"Uncle Minho suddenly whispered into my ear

I stumbled backwards and bumped into a guy,I immediately said sorry but the guy held my hand

"Jimin?"he asked and I looked at him closely

"Oh.....Heeseung"I said and smiled awkwardly

I released my hand from his and was about to walk away

"Princess would you be my partner for this ball?"He asked and I turned back to him

"Can I answer your question later? I have important matters"I said  and he nodded confused

I walked back to my so called Uncle and he was looking at me with a smug face

"You didn't accept his offer,you have someone else in mind?"He asked and smirked

"No,I simply said I would answer it later"I replied and he raised an eyebrow

"So might I ask........you like her don't you?"He asked seriously

I couldn't answer,I looked around and I suddenly made eye contact with Winter who just stood up from her seat.We stared at each other but she broke out of it and started walking

I rushed towards her not caring about my uncle anymore and followed her to the balcony of the castle,she was looking at the sky

"The moon is beautiful isn't it?"I asked and she immediately turned to me

"What are you doing here?"She asked as I got closer

"I followed you"I said and she shook her head

"No Karina,you told me you were an angel just like me then why are you here? Announced as a Princess of Hagye?"she asked and I didn't answer,instead I just stared at her

"Tell me......what are you......tell me please"she begged and I tightly closed my eyes

"I'm-----a vampire"I answered and opened my eyes to look at her again

"Y-you..."she was starting to tear up as she spoke

"Yes I'm a vampire......"I replied and she shook her head

"This isn't true! No! Tell me you're joking! Tell me you're an angel too"she said and held my hand

"No......I'm sorry......but I'm a vampire"I said and was about to hold her cheek but she stopped me

"Why didn't you tell me from the start?......why!? Why!?"she asked as tears started running through her eyes

"Because......."I started but I hesitated,she looked at me and wiped her tears

"Because what!?"she asked furiously

"Because I liked you! You were the first friend I ever made!,you became so important to me to the point that when I knew you were an angel I was determined to do anything to protect you!"I yelled and she got shocked but her gaze became cold

"You wanted to protect me? I was important? Then why couldn't you tell me that you were a vampire? You didn't trust me?"She asked and I was speechless

"It's not like that"I said

"No, You lied to me!"She said and was about to walk away

"No no no! Please just listen to me! I can explain everything! Just listen.....please"I held her hand and she turned to me

"I've had enough! One lie was enough..........but you added another"she said and I letted go of her hand

"I'm sorry.......but can I get one last favor from you?"I asked

"......what?"she was hesitant to answer

"I know we can't be together.....but please stay with me....one last time"I asked

"No,I'm sorry but.....you're a vampire and I'm an angel,we can never be together"she said and walked away from me

I felt drips on my face as I looked up at the sky,it was raining along with my tears

"Jimin? What are you doing out there? It's raining!"My cousin suddenly pulled me inside and wiped my face

"Why are you out at the balcony in the middle of the rain?"she asked and looked at me worriedly

"I messed up Aeri........I really did"I said and hugged her

"Why? What happened?"She asked and hugged me back

"I made a huge mistake........I fell in love"I stated and she didn't move or speak

I pulled away and she was looking at me shocked

"You fell in love? With whom? Heeseung?"She asked and I shook my head

"What!? Then who?"She asked again

"I fell in love with an angel......"I said and her eyes grew

"Jimin.....you know....you can't be with an angel"She said slowly

"I know....."I replied

"Everyone please gather up!"I heard Teacher Kai downstairs and Aeri held my hand

"Let's talk about this later,let's go down for now"She said and pulled me with her as we made our way to the hall

"Miss Jimin Yoo? Please come up"Uncle Minho called out and everyone looked at me

I made my way next to him and my mother as my mother looked at me

"Why is your hair wet? And where did you go?"She asked and I simply just pointed up

"It's raining in the balcony that's why my hair is wet"I said and she didn't ask anymore

"Miss Minjeong Kim? Please come up to your father"Uncle Minho stated and I looked at Winter

She made her way to her father and glanced at me but she immediately looked down to avoid my eyes

"As we have said in the invitation,we are here to talk about the Border Wall and what we should do now that it is gone"Teacher Kai started and everyone became silent

"I have a suggestion......"A guy suddenly raised up his hand and started walking towards us

"I proclaim a war.........a war against The people of Cheongug and The people of Hagye"He said and everyone gasped

"Are you crazy? Who are you to proclaim war?"Winter's father stepped in and the guy smirked

"I'm the King of Hagye.........My brother"He took of his mask which revealed his face as everyone started gossiping

"What?........King of Hagye?"I asked as his words suddenly sunk to me

"Yes My Princess,I am your father"He said and I stared at him letting everything process to me

"No....."I started and the bell started ringing signaling it was midnight

"Happy Birthday my daughter"He said  and I looked at everyone

"Happy Birthday Princess Yoo!"Our people yelled out and I collapsed into the floor

"Happy Birthday Princess Kim!"The people of Cheongug suddenly yelled out and I looked at winter

"It's both your birthday's?"My mother asked and I didn't answer as this was new news to me as well

"As the father had came back I get the first of my Daughter"My father spoked and everyone looked at him

"We will be having war later my brother,as the sun descends it will your people against us"He said and walked towards Winter's father

"You Bastard!"Winter's father was about to hold him but he dodged and held winter's father by the neck

"No! Father!"I yelled out and he quickly putted winter's father down

"My battle with you is not over yet"He remarked and stood beside me

He helped me stand up and everyone's eyes landed on me

"Second wish is for the mother"My mother suddenly spoke and I looked at her

"We will be putting the islands on the line on the war,if we win we get to roam Cheongug as long as we want and if you win we will open the gates of Hagye"My mother said and everyone became silent

"Then as the first wish of my Daughter,I accept this terms and this war to happen at dawn"Winter's father suddenly said which took me by surprise

"Second wish will be saved until the mother comes back"He said and looked at winter

I looked at winter and she was staring at me also......we were both shocked in this situation

"The third wish is for the Celebrant themself"Uncle Minho said

"What is going on here?"The Supreme suddenly entered and everyone was shocked

"Our Supreme! I thought you have left my lord?"Teacher Kai bowed

But the supreme didn't pay attention to him,instead he was looking at my father

"You're back?"he asked and my father bowed

"Yes your highness,it is my daughter's 21st birthday and I have done the tradition"my father replied

"What is the first wish of the father?"He asked and looked at me

"Its----"Uncle Minho got cut off

"I want to hear it from the princess"He said and pointed at me

"It's..........proclaiming a war....... against Cheongug...."I stated and he became silent

"Second wish by the mother?"He asked again

"The island's.......being put on the line for the....war"I replied

"The last wish is for the daughter,what is your wish?"He asked again

"My wish......."I stopped and looked at winter

I walked towards her as she stared at me,I held her hand and she held onto my face.No one made a sound it was as if we were having a play

"My wish is to be with her"We both said in unison

I stared at winter and removed her mask

"I thought we can never be together?"I whispered

"I can't lie to myself"She said and I unconsciously smiled as I took off my mask

"No! This cannot happen!"our parents yelled and was about to fight but the supreme made his way to us

"This is the Princess's wish........if the Princess denies the Mother's and Father's wish then the wish of the Princess will be the only thing that can happen"He said

I looked at my parents and they were staring at me,winter's father was also staring at her

"I deny my Parents wish"I said and heard gasps

"I deny my Parents wish"Winter said and we both looked at each other

"This will be decided by fate........"The supreme said and I didn't care anymore

I pulled winter closer and planted my lips onto hers as we shared a passionate kiss

"We have made the agreement 25 years ago.....and you know what will happen now"The supreme said

I pulled away from winter and looked at my parents,they were tearing up and so was Winter's dad

"The agreement was you two were supposed to be the only Vampire and Angel to be wed and be together and if this rule is broken.........the said new Vampire and Angel will be banished from our islands and sent to the human realm for the rest of their lives"The supreme continued and I held onto winter tightly

"Your wish's fate will be decided in the human realm.......I wish you my blessings"The supreme said and took his leave

Everyone was quiet including me and winter,we didn't know what just happened or what that was about

"A new descendant will be chosen by the supreme himself as you two had broken the rule and will be sent to the human realm"Uncle Minho stated and it finally processed to me

"We......have to leave and be humans?"I asked and he nodded

I looked at my mother and she was crying

"I'm sorry Jimin.........live your life now as I've said....I want you to be human and be free from all of this"She said and smiled

"Everyone"A guy suddenly spoke

Everyone looked at the person at the door,he was wearing a Brown robe,and a white staff was on his hand

"The rule was never meant to be broken from the start,I am the Sun and I am here to punish all of you for having a Vampire and an Angel be together and have a child......which so happen to make the same mistake as her parents"He said and raised up his staff which emitted a blinding light


"Finally! You woke up!"Giselle exclaimed and I looked around

"What?"I asked

"You had a car accident remember? You and Winter were going to America to your parents but you suddenly bumped into another car"Giselle said and NingNing nodded

"Where's winter then?"I asked frantically and they opened the curtains beside me

"Hey......we're awake now"Winter said and smiled at me

"Minjeong Kim of Cheongug"I said and she chuckled

"Jimin Yoo of Hagye"She replied and I smiled

Giselle and NingNing remained confused as me and Winter looked at each other as we remembered our past life together........Fate brought us together and fulfilled our wish

And this is the end of our story......

A/n: and yes this really is the end now ( ´◡‿ゝ◡') I hope you guys enjoyed reading my books you can give request or suggestions and I can make it into a book.The next book will be NingNing and Giselle's story which is based on here so I guess technically it's the 3rd book? I don't know XD if you guys want I can even make another book on this showing how they will be now that they know their past but that's up to you guys if you want to read it (◡ ω ◡) and again Thank you guys for the support!!

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