Hiraeth (Bakugo Katsuki x Oc)...

By Crimson_Ros3

417K 17.2K 6K

Soulmates, she was never sure what to think of them. Everyone is born with the words that their soulmate will... More

Ch.1 - Prologue
Ch.2 - Robots
Ch.3 - A New Tune
Ch.4 - Quirk Apprehension Test
Ch.5 - Epiphany
Ch.6 - Acceptance
Ch.7 - USJ
Ch.8 - Outcome
Ch.9 - Consternation
Ch.10 - A Kickstart
Ch.11 - Let the Games Begin
Ch.12 - Headbands
Ch.13 - Zap
Ch.14 - Detonation
Ch.15 - Rabbits
Ch.16 - Encounter
Ch.17 - Conflagration
Ch.18 - Fuzzy
Ch.19 - Rescue Trial
Ch.20 - Smokescreen
Ch.21 - Rendezvous
Ch.22 - Shadows Have Shadows
Ch.24 - Veracity
Ch.25 - Pâro
Ch.26 - Monachopsis
Ch.27 - Stress
Ch.28 - Wonderwall
Ch.29 - Unfair Setups
Ch.30 - Alexithymia
Ch.31 - Glide
Ch.32 - Long Time No See
Ch.33 - Switch
Ch.34 - Eccedentesiast
Ch.35 - Petrichor
Ch.36 - Expressive
Ch.37 - Glare
Ch.38 - Diamond
Ch.39 - Altercation
Ch.40 - The End

Ch.23 - Falling In Love

10.3K 426 202
By Crimson_Ros3

Ch.23 - Falling In Love

Mitsuki and her husband Masaru sat shocked, their eyes not leaving the TV once. News helicopters were circling the camp area, reporting at the same time. The trees were visibly scorched and there were too many ambulances for comfort, the fire trucks there providing the same feeling. What they could also see from their TV, were airplanes putting out the blue fire.

And to think, their son was in there. It was reported that there were seven villains attacking the camp, and of those villains, three were arrested. Though it was much worse on the students side. Fourteen were unconscious and in serious condition due to the gas, eleven others were injured, thirteen were unharmed, and two were missing. When it was revealed who those missing students were, both pairs of parents felt their breaths catch in their throat.

Mitsuki was the type of woman to never let any one else win, she was hard headed, and rather loud, much like her son. Though she also knew how to be calm. The problem here was, that she simply couldn't be calm. She had all the faith in the world that her son would be fine, especially since he wasn't alone, yet seeing his classmates in that states that they, were still managed to prick tears at her eyes.

On the other side of town, Senshi's parents were a slight mess. There was no fighting, but just emotions. Tantei knew that he would have to work on this case, and seeing as his daughter and another boy were involved, would only make it ten times harder..

Partially across the country in Kamino, Senshi and Bakugo were being warped into the bar. Though before either could even think about putting up a fight, a hit to the head was all they could remember before waking up in a chair a day later.

Could you call being knocked unconscious sleeping? Because when the two woke up, they felt like they hadn't slept at all. The chair they woke up in was numbingly uncomfortable; it being made out of concrete. There were leather straps across their chests and sitting uncomfortably under their armpits, not to mention the two straps going upwards up their chest effectively strapping them to the chair. But the most the troublesome part of it all was the quirk restraining hand cuffs.

Senshi was required to move her hands in certain motions to create different shaped fields, not to mention that if she wanted to shoot anything from her hands, it had to be..... from her hands. Senshi could use her feet though, and that was also why Senshi had her feet strapped to the chair.

Both were relatively injury free, the worst of the injuries between them being the cut on Senshi's cheek. The bar smelt of liquor, though it also had a wet wood aroma. The lighting in the bar was dim, the warm tones of the bar seemingly trying to get the place to look homey. Though that wasn't what the two kidnapped students were focusing on, it was what the TV was playing that had them focused.

Reporters were scrutinizing UA to a pin point, asking them questions that UA simply couldn't answer. The question itself was "Why do you think the League of Villains took Tāte and Bakugo?"

Well, it appeared that Shigaraki was more than willing to answer that. "The media is all over this, don't you think? Bakugo Katsuki, Tāte Senshi." The two looked at him with suspicion, though one of the two had more malice in their gaze than ever before. "All over the country people are wondering why we came for you, but the best part is, I wasn't even looking when I found you both. UA really tried to keep the camp a secret didn't they? So in return, I will tell you both why I took you, and I won't even need to try to keep it a secret."

Senshi and Bakugo were both looking at Shigaraki curiously, they could definitely disagree that UA didn't try, because they did. But why wouldn't Shigaraki need to keep it a secret?

"I think the reason I took Bakugo was obvious, already criminalised by civilians at the sports festival, not to mention your obscene power that holds great potential. Though the thing that really made us consider you, was you attitude. An attitude like that will never get you anywhere.-" Bakugo's brows were furrowed with offense, and his body curled in on itself in a defensive manner. When Shigaraki called Bakugo obscene, Senshi felt a deep hurt within herself, a guttural one. Senshi would've expected Bakugo to be angry, but he simply internalised it. Maybe he wasn't what he made himself out to be.

"I'll be the number one hero you bastards! This isn't going to stop me!" Bakugo barked back, now Senshi understood. He covered up his hurt with anger, and in reality, that only made Bakugo his own worst enemy.

"I don't doubt that, but think of it, not even a month into the hero course when the sports festival arrives, and all that you're known for is violence. Not a great reputation for you, Bakugo. On the other hand, Tāte. A person would have to be blind to say you don't have potential, and from the outside you seem like a quiet girl. Though don't think anyone didn't notice how easily your power went out of control, the way you looked at your opponents with only anger and hurt. It almost looked as if you wanted to destroy them with that prodigious quirk of yours.-"

No, that wasn't right. Senshi never wanted to hurt anyone. As Shigaraki kept on talking, she could only feel her heart drop through her stomach. Was she really unknowingly villainized? 

"-But that's only part of the reason you should join us, because everything I've just said, was on the national news the day after the sports festival. And I'm pretty sure you know what that means, -" Both Bakugo and Senshi looked uncomfortable, not just physically, but mentally too."- society already views you both, as threats. And if they deem you a threat, they will do anything, to get rid of you."

That cut too deep, too, too deep. It seemed like Shigaraki had all of their faults and weaknesses memorised like it was a challenge, knowing everything that would hit home and shovelling it in straight into their faces.

"I'll leave you to think about our offer." Shigaraki said, him and his comrades leaving the room.

The room was left with a heavy silence, both of them needed to say something, but it hurt. It wasn't a physical hurt, it was was like an invisible knife had come and sliced their hearts open, ripping their dreams on hopes out with it.

Senshi turned to her right looking at Bakugo, and Bakugo turned to his left seeing the girl looking at him. Both had bags of black ink under their eyes, and their skin was pale and sickly; it had only been a day that they had been stuck here, soon to be two.

Looking at each other in the eyes, Senshi looking deeply in Bakugo's eyes for an answer, and Bakugo looked in Senshi's eyes for comfort, they knew that they were both strangers to each other's world. I guess they never really knew each other. They act like friends, but in the end, they're nothing more than strangers.


A dead silence was all it was for another day, leading into night. Both had a dishevelled appearance, both having dirt littered over them and on their clothes and in their hair. Senshi only had some dried blood on her cheek, it having dried by now. It was only after the two days that something was said.

"How do you feel about this?" It was Senshi's soft voice, she was seemingly the first person to give into the feeling of absolute crushing silence.

"I'm fucking fine you idiot, you're the one with blood on your face." It was like a weight had been released off of her shoulders, hearing him speak that is.

"It's nothing, but I think we should work on getting out of here." It was weird how Senshi didn't notice, how no one noticed in fact. She was no longer the quiet girl to Bakugo, the girl who barely let out a peep, the girl who would only ever talk to a person if they talked to her. Senshi had become someone whom he trusted, and spoke to more than anyone else.

But the sad truth was, they really were just strangers who never said anything about themselves out of fear. And that, that only made them more alien to each other. Though yet, neither of them had come to this realisation.

"You don't say. I've been thinking about it, but these losers have us cornered."

It was clear that Bakugo was going to continue, though the shrill creak from a door opening halted any further speech from the boy. The members sat down, some staying standing however. And it was then, that Shigaraki began to talk.

"I'll ask you one last time, Bakugo Katsuki, Tāte Senshi, aspiring heroes, will you both join the League of Villains."

"Go throw yourself into traffic."


The two responses sounded at the same time, though Shigaraki still closed his eyes in annoyance. Once again everyone left, though it was evident that Shigaraki left with a job to do. And the thought of that was frightening.

There was a hum of conversation through the walls, and neither Senshi nor Bakugo could make out what they were saying.

A few hours past, Senshi and Bakugo making light conversation here and there before the League of Villains returned. Thinking about it, the fact that none of the League members attempted to keep watch on the two was abnormal.

The TV was turned on, revealing Aizawa-sensei and Vlad King at a press conference. That was a shocker to begin with, Aizawa-sensei hated the media. Though what was more shocking was that Aizawa-sensei had done up his hair, and was wear a suit at that.

"Isn't that strange, the heroes are becoming the bad guys, seems like they're not dealing with this very well at all. So much criticism, but everyone makes a mistake or two, right? It's not like they're supposed to be perfect, modern day heroes sure have it rough, don't you think, Bakugo? Tāte?" Shigaraki's taunting voice said, but as unfortunate as it was, he was right.

Just by that press conference alone both Bakugo and Senshi could tell that people were not happy with the heroes, UA more so.

"Once a hero receives payment to protect people, they aren't a real hero any more. That's what Stain's actions taught us." Spinner added. Senshi didn't agree with that, why shouldn't a hero be paid to do their job? They're constantly risking their lives over and over again, and not only that, it's a profession.

"A hero in this current system only cares about money and glory, and since society buys into those idiotic rules, anyone deemed a loser or a threat is shoved aside. So we want to pose some questions, what is a hero? What is justice? Is this society truly fair? Soon everyone will be asking, that's when we'll know we've won. And you like winning, don't you?" Bakugo huffed out in annoyance, it almost seeming like he was growling. Senshi was annoyed too, and looked at the villains with an icy glare almost constantly. 

Both were tired, having not slept since being knocked out out of fear. Though was it really fear? It was more like making sure the other was okay, but also not wanting to be attacked.

Though not sleeping for seventy-two hours can definitely mess up a person's brain and mental state. To Bakugo and Senshi, everything they saw was like a warped mess, and any movement they would/could make, would send their heads spinning with delirium. Their thoughts were the worst, being loud and obnoxious, people drink the poison their minds pour for them, and then wonder why they feel sick. Don't even begin to mention the thirst and hunger they were being exposed to.

"Dabi, let 'em go." Shigaraki ordered imperatively. 

"You know they'll just fight." Dabi responded.

"It's fine, we're recruiting them, so we should treat them as equals. Besides, they're smart enough to know that they can't take us all, right? After all, UA students are so clever." These backhanded compliments were getting old, along with the painfully plain brick walls.

"Hey Twice, you do it." Dabi ordered.

"Sure thing! No way." Twice responded, his two answered being the opposites.

"Do it." Dabi repeated with a little more bite to his bark.

"Aww man!"

"I do apologise for such forceful methods, but please understand that we aren't some kind of unruly mob committing crimes without at third act in mind." Mr Compress added, once again, Senshi could disagree.

Twice undid Bakugo's restraints first, from both his legs and arms. As Twice did so, the League continued to make comments about themselves. Senshi saw that Bakugo's wrists were slightly bruised and as Twice moved on to undoing Senshi's restraints, Bakugo made his move.

Blowing up Shigaraki was Bakugo's first move, smoke and dust filling up the non-ventilated room. To add onto this, the moment Senshi was untied, she proceed to kick Twice in the face, making the man back off from the two.

"I'm don listening to your endless talking, can you not get to the point or do you just like the sound of your own voice. Basically what you're saying is that you want to cause some trouble and you want me and Skater to join you. Well screw you.

I like to win, and I want to win just like All Might, no matter what you have to offer us, that will never change you understand?!" Bakugo blurted out as the smoke dissipated. 

The TV was turned back on, revealing that the press conference was still underway. The reporter there was being quite frankly, rude. Antagonising Bakugo and Senshi's abilities and behaviour to the point of psychoanalytical behaviour. Though thankfully, the teachers replied with compliments to both students, which was the most hope the two had had in days.

"Hah, did ya hear what the teachers said? They get me more than I thought. I'll never join your league of bastards!" Bakugo shouted, getting in a fighting position. "We may not be at camp, but I'll still be able to fight!"

With that, everyone began to degrade both of them, or sarcastically compliment them. Senshi hadn't said anything but a "No." to the villains, and she planned to keep it that way. Why? Well, in the lethargic state she was in, Senshi tended to be over emotional and accidentally let things slip when she was as tired as she was.

"I only do whatever I want to and I won't even pretend otherwise. And I'm tired of being surrounded by a bunch of lame ass wannabes!" Senshi only noticed after that Bakugo said that, that Shigaraki was missing the hand of his face, Bakugo having blown it off of the man's face.

Shigaraki muttered something along the lines of "Father." And even if Senshi could feel her world spinning, she hoped that she misunderstood what Shigaraki meant, she really really hoped. Kurogiri assumed that the blue haired man was angry, and attempted to cease whatever the man was planning. Though what Shigaraki actually did was different. "Don't lay a finger on them, any of you."

Shigaraki picked up the hand off of the oak wood floor, and continued to speak. "These heroes, are still valuable pieces. I wish you would have listened to what I had to say, I thought you and I could come to an understanding."

"Not a chance!" Bakugo bit back. It was obvious that Shigaraki was getting desperate, and both were wondering what the man would do.

"Then I have no choice. The heroes said they'd continue the investigation of our group, so we don't have time to stand here and talk. Master, lend me your power." Shigaraki said, turning around to a computer. 

Master? What master? Bakugo seemed to agree, as he vocalised his thoughts, somewhat antagonising Shigaraki.

"Kurogiri, Compress, it's time to put them back to sleep." Shigaraki ordered. As much as Senshi would beg for sleep, now was not the time.

"I can't believe he's such a bad audience member, it's almost impressive." Compress said, walking towards the two as they got into their fighting stances once again. Bakugo's eyes were wide, not from shock, but from desperation of not wanting to fall asleep.

"If you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg!" Bakugo ordered. The two were desperately thinking of a way to escape, though Kurogiri would be their downfall, the man being too fast.

A knock at the door was what stopped all motion. "Hello, I got a pizza delivery here." That's what was said before a figure blasted through the wall, that figure being All Might along with many other heroes.


Tsukauchi and Tantei were outside, not only Endeavour was agitated. Tantei was desperate to just hold his daughter, and from seeing All Might enter the building, he was some what calmed. Though hearing the heroes shout "NO!" and "GET THEM!" his stomach seemed to plummet through the floor.

Nomu came flooding through the streets, and not even guns were enough to stop them. Though, word from Gran Torino saying that the two were once again gone, was much much worse. His sapphire orbs scanned across the bar as he evacuated civilians, wishing that villains weren't as conniving as they were.

And rubbing the tears from his eyes, hopelessness was a prominent thing Tantei felt, his wife feeling all of these feelings too.


The black sludge that teleported Senshi and Bakugo was abominable, it leaving the after taste of salty sea water, and a burning in their noses and throats. Both of them were coughing from the sensation, Senshi gagging from the taste and after-effects.

"Damn it! The hell?" Bakugo coughed out, both him and Senshi had sweat beading down their faces, for what reason no one knew.

"My apologies Bakugo and Tāte." The man spoke, he had a tall build, and a mask over his irregular shaped head.


The other villains from the bar were warped there not long after, making the two take not of their surroundings.

The city was trashed, building fallen into nothing but rubble, no street lights, leaving the moon as the only think bright. Something had happened, something bad.

"So, you fail once more, Tomura. But you must not be discouraged, you'll try again, that's why I brought your associates back with you. Even these children, because you judged that they were important pieces on your game board. Start over as many times as it takes, I am here to provide you with help. All of this is for you." The man said. "Ah there you are."

Then a powerful gust of wind blew most everyone back if they were near the man, All Might attacking the man who's name was revealed to be All For One.

The damage to the city was now extensive, both Senshi and Bakugo being thrown into a wall as the pro hero near them continued to fight the man with words.

"I won't make the same mistake I did five years ago. I will take young Bakugo and Tāte back, and make sure you're locked up for the rest of your sad life! Right along with your despicable League Of Villains!" All Might stated, though this time, the man wasn't wearing a smile as he pounced into action.

It wasn't long before All Might was thrown through several buildings, lengthening the damage zone. 

"All Might!" Both students called out, standing up to fight.

"Don't you worry, it'll take more than that to kill him.-" That wasn't what they wanted to hear, they wanted to go home, and didn't want to hear a single thing from the man who claimed to be the Master of the League."-Get off of the battle field Tomura, and take the children with you, Kurogiri, warp them away."

No, not again. Senshi wanted to go home, and as stupid as it sounded, she wanted to cuddle close with her cat.

One of villains tried to defend Kurogiri who was being stabbed with a forcible quirk activation quirk, courtesy of All For One.

Though before the villains could take Senshi and Bakugo, All Might came back. That meant that the two of them were going to have to fight.

"Hah! This is going to be fun."

The two began to fight, albeit weaker than usual. This was because not only were they fighting villains six to two, but they were fighting their exhaustion, dehydration and hunger.

Bakugo was blasting himself out of the way of any attacks, him being on the unusual defensive. Senshi was placing small force fields in the way of any projectiles headed her way.

As once again, All For One knocked back All Might, it was time for another plan to be put into action. Using the quirk he claimed to not know much of, he warped one of the students onto an nearby building, where on top, awaited the League's success.


Bakugo's cry of desperation was one that caused All Might to look over, and now he saw it. The girl, one of his targets he had to save, was being warped away once again.

The black sludge was inside of her lungs and throat, constricting her from breathing fluidly. Her body disappeared from the warzone that was the ground, and materialized on top of a building nearby.

Senshi had a harsh cough as for the second time that night she had to endure the foul taste and smell of the sludge. Even within her sleep begging state, there had to be a reason that All For One teleported her up there.

And seeing the League of Villains up there, made everything make sense. Duplicates, easy enough to fight then.

She knew they were duplicates because Dabi was there, the real Dabi was unconscious. Though it was more the Van Guard Action Squad than the League, still, with such a confined fighting area with no fences to keep her from plummeting to her death, she had no choice but to fight.

Even if these villains were duplicates, they still acted like humans, and most definitely fought with the same amount of vigour. Senshi placed Dabi in a force field, him being the strongest from what Senshi could see.

Though that field shattered as easy as paper is to rip. Fuck, she had absolutely no energy, and her pale face and eye-bags showed that. Was this the villains' plan all along.

People watched their TV screens intently, seeing the girl now separated from her classmate fight on a small roof top of a twenty-five story building. Though their attention was quickly shifted from her to the large ramp of ice protruding from one of the nearby buildings.

Senshi was fighting quirkless, dodging Mr Compress being her biggest concern. She let her attention slip for a moment, only to see her classmates rocketing through the sky, Bakugo beginning to blast himself up too. Her light blue shirt had slight scorch marks, so to combat all the fighting, she placed a wall between her and the villains.

There was no other way than down.

Taking a running jump, Senshi jumped off of that building with no fear, no regret, no worries, no nervousness at all. In fact, she would've been just fine if her plan didn't fall into place, and the ground would be where she ended up.

But it was weird, how they say 'falling' in love. 

Well now really when we go back into falling in love, and say it's crazy,


You see, we don't say rising into love.

There's in it the idea of the fall.

And I guess one could say that, she was really falling for him.


Between the fall, and the creation. Taking this ghastly risk, is the condition of there being life.

You see for all the life, is an act of faith, and an act of gamble. The moment you take a step, you do so on an act of faith because you don't really know that the floor's not going to give under your feet.

The moment you take a journey, what an act of faith. The moment you enter into any kind of human undertaking in relationship, what can act of faith.

See you've given yourself up, but this is the most powerful thing that can be done, surrender!

See? And love is an act of surrender to another person, total abandonment.

Her body fell from the building, the summer wind blowing uncontrollably around her. Her hair that was once restrained was let loose, and her body was weaker than a pipe cleaner in that moment.

So we come to the strange conclusion, that in madness lies sanity.

And all Senshi could hope, was that her faith that she had placed in him, wouldn't be a waste of trust.

It's so hard to tell the difference between love and violence, because love is the most violent act of happiness.

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