Is This A One Sided Schoolgir...

By jess_villa05

49 0 0

Jenna has had a crush on the assistant band director, Dallas, since her Freshman year. She's always felt lik... More

Is This A One Sided Schoolgirl Crush?

49 0 0
By jess_villa05

"Jenna, come on! It's our first day as leaders of our last year of Band Camp! You can't honestly be dreading it, are you?" Charlotte is my best friend. We've been leaders in the Wolf Regiment since our sophomore year, but she still seems tomake it feel as if we're new leaders every year. I think it's just part of her lively self. Considering I have groups of friends for certain things Charr is the one that knows it all. She's the one that I go to for pretty much everything. Which is really odd to say because I don't trust very many people with things.

"Charr, please don't remind me that it's our senior year. Plus, you know I'm gonna be miserable."

"What are you talking about? It's our senior year! This is our time to have fun. I don't get why you'd be miserable..."

"You know why I'm gonna be miserable. I don't want to have to be depressed before Band Camp even starts. I just want today to be drama free, and by drama free I mean Dallas free..."

"Jenna why are you even worrying? Dallas is totally into you! I mean think about everything that you two have gone through. He was the one that got you through the accid-"

"Charr, please don't go there..." I said with annoyance in my voice.


It was my freshman year. My sister was a senior at Abraham High. I was so excited that I would get to go to school with my sister Jayden, who just so happened to be one of my best friends. When Jayden finally got her licence after Christmas we drove to school every day. One day we were driving my mom's SUV to school because Jayden's car needed a spark plug. After school Jayden and I went to pick it up the part and head home. When getting ready to turn onto our road, a truck came and sided us. All I remember is that I had hit my face on the windshield before my seatbelt had time to lock or the airbags had time to deploy. After that, I blacked out.

When I woke up I heard my sister crying and yelling at me to wake up and get out of the car. As soon as my brain realized what had happened I was out of the car in record time. When I got out of the car a CHP officer was already at my side. I hadn't realized he was behind us on the road and saw the whole accident. I didn't know how to react to the whole thing. I didn't really understand what happened. One minute everything was fine, the next I had blurred vision and a huge headache.

My mom worked in the next town over so as soon as she got a call she left her job without a care of what her boss would say. As soon as my mom drove up she saw my sister freaking out and me just sitting in the dirt. My mom and I are very much alike so she knew there was definitely something wrong with me. My sister on the other hand, she was just a mess. She apparently thought she killed me... Yet, i walked out of the car.

Dad worked in LA so he had to make the commute back home before he could get to us. He finally met up with us when we were at the tow yard getting our school stuff from the SUV. He took one look as Jayden and I and told my mom to take us to Urgent Care. He didn't really know what else to do.

Jane, my little sister, was in school when all of this happened. My mom took us to the Urgent Care before she got out of school, so my dad had to be the one to pick her up from the bus stop and explain what happened. Of course she won't admit it now, but when my dad told her about the accident she really was worried.

As for Joy, she didn't find out about the accident until a week after. Of course she was passed that we didn't call her or puck her up from school right after the accident, but she was in college. She can't drop everything to help her sisters.


We'd been waiting in the waiting room for over an hour. Jayden and I had been popping Tylenol since we go there. Even with checking the box that said "Head Trauma" and "Car Accident" they didn't call us in until almost 3 hours after we go there.

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