𝐈 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐇�...

By hamiltonpsycho

18.1K 384 664

The complicated love story of Y/n Miranda and Daveed Diggs. Y/n was the little sister of Lin Manuel Mirand... More

00. Meeting
01. Worth it
02. Show me around
03. I love her
04. Opening night
05. Wait a second
06. Hanahaki
07. Deal
08. Hopefully
09. It's getting worse
For the new characters <3
10. When it happens
11. We know
12. I'm serious
13. One month later
14. I Think I Love Him
16. Everything seemed to be going right
17. Epilogue

15. Nightmare turned reality

515 12 88
By hamiltonpsycho

--6:30 am--
--December 16th--

I just finished packing my stuff. I couldn't even go to sleep because my flight is at 8 am.

I know whatever reason Lin told me to come home is important so that doesn't matter. I'd rather someone not die, than be sleep deprived.

Johan stayed up to help me packing. I'm really going to miss him. You may not like him because you know what I don't, but he's a very sweet guy.

"Hey- Y/n. I want to tell you this before you leave." He said stopping me from what I was doing. Hopefully it isn't bad.

"Ok what is it?"

"I don't think we should- you know. Date."

This hurt my heart. Like a lot but at the same time I agreed.

"Same. Especially not right now."

"Hopefully we can still be friends!"

"Yah! Definitely."

--8:00 am--
Third person POV

Y/n's flight number was just called.

This was very emotional for the crew even though they've only known each other for 4 months. They became family in those few months.

But, the quicker she gets to New York the easier it may be. But still at the rate the flowers are growing, she may not make it in time. Hopefully she does.

After she said goodbye she walked to her gate.


Let's check up on Daveed. He's not good. Obviously.

"Hey, Rafael. Can I talk to you outside?" Mary asked him.

"Yeah sure."

When they were outside she finally told him. "His flowers are growing very fast. We may have to put him in a coma. It'll slow the spread until the girl gets here."

"A coma? For how long? Is this even safe?"

"It is safe, we've done this many times. It won't be any different. But to do that, we need your consent since you're closest to him."

"Ok, can I at least check up with his parents? I don't want to do anything without their consent."

"Yes that's fine, but we need to know in the next 10 minutes."

"Ok that's fine. I'll only be a second my phone is right here!"

Rafael then checked up with his parents. They agreed.

"Ok so that's it! Well get the anesthesiologists. I should be back in 10 minutes. The procedure will take seconds."

After that, Rafa walked back into the room and told Daveed what would happen.

"So let me get this straight. They're going to inject me with a medicine that'll make me go into a coma?"

"Yep, that's it."

"How long will it take?" Lin asked. Oh yeah, I forgot to say. Both Anthony and Lin also stayed with Daveed overnight.


"Oh ok. So when are they coming?" Daveed asked him for like the 100th time.

"Wha- I keep telling you this! It should be like 20 minutes from now."

"Oh- sorry. I guess I just kinda forgot."

"It's ok Dav."


After exactly 20 minutes Mary walked in with the anesthesiologist.

"This is Doctor. Rainbow Johnson (Lmaooo) she's going to be you anesthesiologists for today."

"If you don't mind, can you three please step out for a second?" She asked putting on her gloves.

"Well come and get you guys in about an hour. The procedure takes a few seconds, but we want to make sure he stays stable."

The three then walked out of the room and into the waiting room where Daveed's parents were.

"There you guys are! Is he ok?" His mom asked. We'll call her Joelle.

"Yes, he's fine. They're about to put him out right now."

"How long will he be out?" His dad, Tye asked.

"We don't know yet. I depends on the growth of the flowers and how long it takes Y/n to realize she loves him."

"Are we even sure Y/n actually loves him?"

"I'm very sure, it's just that she isn't."

--6:00 pm--

My flight finally landed in New York. Lin told me he was going to be waiting for me but I don't see him.


I guess I'll have to call him. It took a few rings before he finally picked up the phone.

Y/n: Lin, where are you?

Lin: Oh shit! I forgot, sorry. I'll be there in a little

Y/n: It's ok just tell me when you get here

Lin: K, bye!

So now I have to wait. Hopefully it doesn't take long. I don't want anything to go wrong.


Lin just texted me saying he was here so I stood up and went to look for him.

There he is!

"Lin! I'm right here!"

His head snapped quickly to my direction. Once he saw me he came running my way.

When he got to me he gave me a bone crushing hug.

We both started tearing up because we hadn't seen each other in what feels like years. That happens when you haven't seen anybody you're close with for a while.

"Oh my gosh Y/n! It feels like forever." He told me. "I'm so glad you're here I- wait one second. Rafa's calling me," he said awkwardly pulling away from the hug and getting his phone.

He was on the phone for about 5 minutes when he came back with a worried look on his face.

"Lin, what happened?"

"Umm, we need to go. Like right now." He said quickly grabbing my hand and my luggage pulling me toward the exit.

"Wait what's happening?"

"I'll tell you in the car!"

Third person POV

You may be wondering, what was that call all about?

Well I'll tell you. It seems something has gone wrong with Daveed. The flowers are now growing faster?

'Wait a second I thought they were supposed to slow down' is what I know you are thinking right now.

Am I right? I know I'm right, I always am.

We actually don't know why this happened. Surprising.

Or course, Daveed's parents were the first to know. Rafa was the second and you can put together the rest.

But what did Rafael tell Lin?

I'll tell you that right now.

--same time as
the phone call--

I was in the middle of hugging when Y/n when my phone rung. This better be important.

It's Rafa, it must be important.

"I- wait one second. Rafa's calling me." I excused myself.

Rafael: Daveed, you need to come back right now!

Lin: What happened?!

Rafael: I don't know but somehow Daveed's flowers are growing faster than usual. He can literally die in the next few hours

Lin: Wha- I'm in my way right now

Rafael: Wait one second. He's in a different room now. It's room 414 on the 4th floor

Lin: Ok, I'll get Y/n. We'll be there as soon as possible

Oh my gosh. My best friend can die like right now.

I quickly went to Y/n and grabbed her hand. She kept asking questions.

Right then and there I remembered the words I told Daveed,

"That's fine with me but if something goes wrong I'm calling her"

I have to tell her.


When we finally got into the car I immediately put my key in and turned it on.

"Lin what was all of that about?! Why am I even here?!" She said as I stared speeding off.

"And slow down the car!"

"Ok I'm about to tell you everything. I don't want you to feel like it's all you fault." I told her, finally slowing down the car.

"Ok now you're really scaring me."

"So Daveed has a very deadly disease." I could hear her gasp. I turned to face her and saw she had tears in her eyes.

"It's be- FREAK! There's traffic!"

"Sorry about my little outburst there. It's because... of you."

"Gasp Lin- what did I do?"

"It's not really what did you go, more of what you didn't do- he's sick umm... because he loves you. It's not all your fault. He's know for a while and so have I! It just wasn't my place to tell you. I until now of course."

"Lin I- I think I love him, too."

"Y/n- that's the thing! You have to be sure you love him."

The rest of the drive was silent, but their minds were running wild.

'I'm killing him. Stupid Y/n! Do you love him or not?!"

'He's probably dead. Y/n should really hurry up.'

Third Person POV

After 2 long hours Y/n and Lin were finally at the hospital.

As soon as Lin turned off the car Y/n got out as soon as she could.

The entire car ride she thought about what she would say. What would she think? How will she react if something bad happens?

Once they got inside hospital they basically ran towards the receptionist's desk.

After getting the pass for the floor (since it was reserved for very ill people) they went to the elevator.

When they were in the floor and in the waiting room they saw some of the Hamilcast, Daveed's parents and Y/n and Lin's parents.

Y/n immediately went to Daveed's parents while Lin went to his.

"I am so so sorry," she told them. The two the gave her a hug.

"It's ok Y/n!"

I don't know bout y'all but if my son was dying because of some random girl I'd beat the crap out of her.


After 10 minutes Mary came out of Daveed's room.

"Is Y/n here?"

"Mhm." She said getting up from her spot next to Rafael.

"He told me to give this to you. Only you, don't let anyone else read whatever is inside of there."

Y/n shook her head in understanding and went to a chair further from the group.

Once the Mary left, she then opened the. It was a hand written letter, aww how sweet.

Dear Y/n,
If you are reading this it either means that I'm long gone, I decided to give it to you early, or I gave it to you years after I almost died. Hopefully it isn't the first one.

I'm pretty sure Lin has told you what happened and it's true. I love you, a lot. It feels like I've had these feeling for you for ages. I just never had the gut to tell you.

I don't want you to take the blame for this. I should have told you when it started but I don't want to take away from you job.

Speaking of your job, I read the article. I love that dress. If I die I want you to make my funeral suit.

Ok, enough with the jokes.

If I die, don't be hung up on it. Move on in your life. Forget about me. You can get with that Johan dude you like.

You know what. Actually don't do that. But yeah, do forget about me!

But please please don't forget to visit my grave! Oh and also for my funeral tell them I want NO makeup. If I get makeup I'm coming to haunt you, I swear!

Just remember, I will forever die for you.

Once she finished reading that letter she had her answer. She loved Daveed! But she was to late.

As soon as she finished reading those last few words she heard something no one would ever want to hear.

Daveed just flatlined.

Multiple doctors rushed into his room to aid him. This made the people in the waiting room's heads follow them.

Daveed's mother then tried to see what just happened. Rafa following closely behind.

To bad the doctor shut the door on their faces before they could say a word.

Everyone was in shock.

"Lin!" Y/n said now moving into his corner.

"W-what Y/n?" He asked her trying to keep strong.

"I love him." She said curling into his side. It seemed that Anthony and Joelle heard because their head turned into her direction.

"Y/n- I think it's already to late." Lin explained to her, tears falling out of everyone's eyes now.

This was crazy!

'How could I be so damn stupid?' She thought to herself.

--1 hour later--
Third Person POV

It had been an hour since Daveed flatlined when Mary came out. The moment they've dreaded since yesterday. For some of them, months.

"Joelle, Tye? May I please speak with you?" She asked. When they came she pulled them into a separate room.

After a few minutes the three came out with tear filled eyes. The rest already knew what happened.

"So... what happened?" Rafael asked them sniffing from trying to stop crying.

"He- he died," Joelle couldn't even make a full sentence without crying.

These words made everyone cry more if that was even possible.

It made Y/n's heart go numb.

No- it can't be true!

They knew it was going to happen, but just hearing those words made it true.

Daveed was truly gone.

December 16: the day Daveed died

The End



I just made it to Lin's apartment. We both agreed that it wouldn't be safe for me to stay alone. Something crazy would definitely happen.

Once I closed the door to went straight to the guest room. I didn't even know Vanessa was sitting on the couch.

Once I got to the room I immediately locked the door, ignoring the calls Lin and Vanessa gave me.

I hurdled up on the bed and let my mind run free, tears streaming down my face.

'Stupid! He would be here if it wasn't for you!'

No I can't blame myself, that's exactly what he didn't want me to do.

'Maybe you should be the one gone'

'If you hadn't took that stupid job none of this would have happened'

'I'm pretty sure everyone hates you'

'It's all your fault!"

That's when Vanessa walked in the room. She had a box of tissues with her. I love her.

'Now was that so hard?'

"Y/n, sweetie." She said coming to sit on my bed giving me a tissue which I gladly accepted.

"You can tell me anything you know that."

And that's when I let it all out. I put my head on her shoulder then started crying uncontrollably.

"How could I be so stupid- so blind? It was right in front of my face and I chose to ignore it. I should have never went to Italy! Everything would be so different if I wasn't so selfish."

"Y/n! Don't blame yourself! He chose to keep the secret from you, that's nothing you can change. It was his decision and going to Italy was not a selfish decision! It was a great opportunity. Never turn those down for anyone!"

"Thanks Vanessa. This helped me a lot."

"No problem. I'm just going to leave the tissues box right here. Go to sleep, it'll help." Then, she left the room.

--1:00 am--

I awoke from a nightmare. It was about Daveed dying.

Oh wait- it's real. It's truly a nightmare turned reality.

After a few minutes of being awake (and a bit of crying) my phone started ringing.

Now who in their right mind would call me at this time? Oh sorry, it's Kye.

I guess she forgot about time differences.

Kye: Hey, Y/n! What's up

Y/n: Kye it's 1 am

Kye: Oh sorry, forgot about the differences and you sound like you've been crying. You good?

Y/n: No, no I'm not ok

Kye: Oh my girl! Tell me what happened

Y/n: Daveed... died

Kye: Oh my gosh. Y/n I- I'm so so sorry

Y/n: No it's ok

Kye: I'm going to let you go. Just know if you need anything I don't mind buying a flight for tomorrow-

Y/n: *laugh* Kye, I'm sure you won't need to fly out here for me anytime soon

Kye: Just checking. Bye Y/n!

Y/n: Bye Kye!

The exact moment I hung up I heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Lin walked in.

"Hi Y/n," he said sitting on the bed.

"I know you already talked to Vanessa but I just want to make sure you're alright. I know death can be hard. Even on people who aren't close to the person."

"Yeah I'm better. Vanessa really helped. You should really marry her one day." Lin laughed.

"One day Princessa," he responded ruffling me hair then leaving the room and closing the door.

Maybe this won't be so hard after all.

--12 am--
Third Person POV

Y/n woke up nauseous and with a headache.

She quickly went to the bathroom connected to the guest bathroom and threw up.

She can't be-

Pshh no. She hasn't had intercourse in months silly!

Vanessa walked in with a cold bottle of water and some Tylenol.

"I knew this was going to happen so I came prepared! Take this," she said handing Y/n the water and the pills.

"Thanks, Nessa."

"Ooh, a nickname!"


"Since rehearsal was already cancelled this week because of Christmas I don't have to cancel them.
Most of the cast already know about... you know."

"Should we go see Joelle and Tye? Or do they need time to themselves?" Y/n asked.

Both her and Lin were very anxious.

"Guys! Calm down, and I think we should try tomorrow so they have time. It's a lot to process losing someone. Sometimes it takes up to years."

"Thanks Vanessa." The two said in union.

We should check up with Rafael now.


The night was very hard for him considering he shared an apartment with Daveed and was closest to him. That's why Jasmine and Anthony happily invited him into their home.

What would we do in a word without people like them?

He didn't go to sleep last night. All he could think about is what he would be doing right now if Daveed was here. If he never fell for Y/n.

Of course he was never going to blame her (because to him it wasn't her fault. It wasn't anyone's) but he couldn't stop these thoughts from flowing in his mind.

Now time for Anthony and Jasmine. Both were very similar to Rafael's thoughts.

After Rafa went up to the guest room they started to go through Polaroid pictures they took with Daveed.

There was this one picture where Daveed had his arm wrapped around Y/n staring lovingly at her.

She did not know this though because she was looking the other way.

Oh my gosh it's over 3k words!!

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