Tainted hands

By Gracejenniferanne

388K 11.9K 4.1K

Angelina is a strong-willed and closed off girl although she has grown up in a strong family. Because of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 36

4.9K 176 44
By Gracejenniferanne

"So, girls listen up and go up into a line." Uncle Enzo boomed.

"Today we will be starting with some basic defence and ways to disarm your partner," Papa spoke calmly. My eyes scanned the other girls around me. The twins looked unbothered as they were more interested in their hot pink acrylic nails then listening. Laura and my aunties just looked at Enzo and papa in horror. Mamma was the only one who looked like she was holding it together.

"Ok so firstly as a start the simplest and most crucial thing you need to learn is how to throw a punch." I watched in amusement as I was shown how to throw a punch by the examples of what brothers did.

After a few of their examples were given, my mind completely spaced out. I couldn't control on anything, at one point I had to bite my tongue. The way Papa explained the basic fighting techniques was logically correct. But the blacklist assassins and basically every assassin out there don't follow the books. We train completely opposite to how mafias train. Because if we did train like them then we wouldn't win. We have to win because if you don't then you won't get your kill and Blacklist assassins won't stop at anything till they get them.

"Ok girls go off and find one of the boys to partner up with." I rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue.

My mind since last night has still been in its own world of bliss. Every moment i spend with Blaze I learn more about him and fall for him even harder. Yesterday i was able to see a brand new side of him. A side of him where he didn't look so stressed or angry he looked happy. It made me estatic that i was able to give him that with such a simple yet fun activity. But I guess last night gave as both an opportunity. 

An opportunity to be normal and for once not have the world on our shoulders.. 

"Angelina," I looked to my left and saw Ben. "I can help you if you like?" I hadn't noticed that I was the only one left in our line.

"ok..." We walked to a separate area away from everyone else. I didn't know how to feel, seeing all the males help all the girls. I rolled my eyes when I saw my brothers talking to each other, but they all stopped when their eyes connected with mine. But I quickly regained my attention after Ben coughed.

"Alright so let's start..."

I thought Mr Dickson's English class went on forever but nope... This boring ass 'training' session went on much longer. When I was younger, I always begged papa and my brothers to train me and they never did. Not until now when it's come to a time of now or never. All this training was so last minute, and I could tell that it was rushed. Mamma and I were the only ones really handling the training. Probably because mamma had already learnt the somewhat basics with my uncles. A small smirk spread across my face as I saw how annoyed and irritated the males looked with the other girls. The twins were two heads short of a brain and my aunties looked more worried about hurting themselves.


"Wow, you are actually really good." I turned my head to ben giving him a confused look. I have purposely all this time trying to be as bad as  I possibly could. Which believe me is more challenging than it sounds. Trying to forget everything that Tony has taught me over the past 8 years is hard.


"Your technique is almost perfect, and your punches also hold great strength. It's just your aim, agility and dodging skills we now have to work on." I wanted to roll my eyes and curse the time when I ever begged my family for a combat lesson. Because relearning things you already know is worse than running a 25-mile run.

And trust me that says a lot because I. fucking. Hate. Running.

"Is that so sis?" I clicked my tongue and turned around to my smirking brothers.

"What is?" I asked folding my arms over my chest. "That I am good? Imagine how 'good' I'd be if you guys actually spent time with me and trained me."

John sighed and Diego awkwardly scratched the back of his while Juan just scoffed. "Why are you so bitchy about this? You should be grateful for this and not be such a spoilt brat." Juan growled.

I sucked in a breath refraining myself from teaching my older brother a lesson. "Juan stop." John glared at Juan.

"Whatever," Juan mumbled then scrolled through his phone.

"better watch out Juan." Diego sang throwing his arm around me while Juan continued to ignore us. "Won't be long until our little Lina will beat all of our asses."

Juan scoffed and threw Diego an unimpressed look. "You really think that she." .He said pointing to me. "Will be able to beat one of us. We have been training since we were fifteen and started learning the business when we were thirteen. She will never beat us she could only dream."

Ben gave me a sad look while glaring dangerous daggers into Juan's skull. I wanted to smirk, I wanted to laugh in their faces and call him a fool. But I need to wear my mask, I need to let him belittle me and my gender.

"Ignore him, Lina, he is just pissy because papa grounded him." John teased swinging his arm around Juan and shuffled his hair.

"FUCK. Off." Juan growled at John making him chuckle.

"BOYS!" papa yelled loudly making all of their faces pale. "Training time is over. Everyone go clean yourselves up then come to the dining room for some lunch."

"Lina?" I asked myself more quietly, silently humming to it.It was odd but brought a loving warmth to the cold forgotten hole in my heart. I hadn't heard that nickname from my brothers or anyone in my family for a very long time. 

Since the day I was kidnapped.

"what about it?" John asked me nudging my shoulder accidently hitting my ribs. I sucked in a breath as he hit them. They were still pretty messed up from the encounter with Tony the other day. 

"Oh nothing...I was just thinking." John hummed before Diego snorted.

"Don't think to much! your brain is to small for any of that."

oh brother

And just like that one hour and thirty minutes plus twenty-three-second training session was over. The girls all whined climbing up the stairs saying, 'ow my legs' or 'I think my nails are broken'. Whist I hardly broke a sweat and was hardly affected by the training session'.

When I went up to my room, I swear I nearly had a heart attack. "Jace, what the hell are you doing here? My whole family is here!" I hissed before quickly shutting the door.

It was extremely risky for Jace to be here during the day because this the time where the estate is heavily guarded. And since my whole family is here, it wouldn't surprise me if there was an army full of men outside.

"Look before you lecture me, I have a plan," Jace said quickly patting the seat next to him.

"What plan?" I asked tilting my head as I sit next to him.

"A plan to kill Blaze." He spoke in the most dangerous tone I had ever heard. "Now that I have Olivia, I can't risk it. so, I have made a plan-."

"Woah, wait what?" I interrupted him quickly. "What plan?" I asked a little scared.

"Last night I went into his apartment and lucky me found it completely empty. I know I should have told you, but I couldn't help myself." The life drained from my face as horror sank my heart. I couldn't tell him that the reason Blaze was away, and his apartment was unguarded because he was me. How can I tell him that for my own selfish reasons while my family is getting watched by the blacklist? I am fooling around behind everyone's back with the man I am supposed to kill.

"What did you do?" I asked carefully not knowing if my heart was going to like this. I could already feel the panic flowing through my veins.

"I planted a bomb in his bedroom under his bed and cameras in his room as well. So tonight when he is sleeping soundly, I will set them off and our job will be done."

"What?!" I yelled loudly and bounced off the bed. His eyes widened with confusions and annoyance.

"Why would you do that?" I growled my heart thumping harder and harder.

"Do what?" He sighed pinching his nose.

"Try to kill Blaze!" I yelled grabbing my hair. He looked at me dumbfounded for a minute before his eyes widened.

"You love him." He finally stated. "He was where you were the other night." He clarified and only my nod was the clarification he needed.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. He pinched his nose and ran his hand through his brown hair.

"It's ok... It's just-." He shook his head with disbelief. "This is so fucking messed up."

"I know." I whimpered.

"But I am not angry with you Ange, you deserve all the happiness in the world. And in honesty, I could see it from the start happening. You guys have the most chemistry I had ever seen in my life." I sighed in relief and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you Jace, eternity and always."

"Love you too Ange, I will always be here for you. Eternity and always."

I ran down the stairs quickly hoping to God that I can dodge my family and just head straight to Blazes. I need to get there fast. What if he finds it? will he hate me? will he think that all of this was a set up just so I can kill him?

"Where are you going, hun?" Uncle Bruno said suddenly.

"Um, I have a quick thing I need to do," I spoke hastily rocking back and forth on my feet.

"Oh, where are you going? I can go with you if you want. It has been a while since I have spent any time with my little niece." I was about to talk before he spoke before me. "Just let me get my car keys."

I didn't want to burst his bubble or be a bitch. Bruno was by far the biggest sweetheart in the family the way he treats his wife and kids is just admirable. But unfortunately, what I have to do is just too important.

"Um sorry, Uncle Bruno but-."

"Hey, guys whats up." Uncle Alex chirped with Uncle Milo and Uncle Noah trailing behind. I groaned internally. I mean can't a girl catch a bloody break.

"Oh, nothing I am just doing favourite uncle things and dropping my little niece off," Bruno smirked.

"You wish you were her favourite." Uncle Louis smirked before shooting me a wink. Just before I was able to say anything another uncle decided to walk into this room.

In what universe did someone decide that it was ok to have this many uncles?

"Who's the favourite and why are you annoying MY niece," Enzo growled, glaring at all the guys.

"I am not annoying her!"

"Yeah! I am her favourite."

"You ask her then ask Brea she will set the record straight."

Uncle Enzo and Uncle Louis shot me a sympathetic look then broke the 'boys' out of their little disagreement. I really had to go somewhere, and I kept looking at my watch. Frowning at every wasted second that passed by.

"Look as much as I appreciated the offer I need to go because a friend needs me right now and I am perfectly capable of driving myself." Bruno and Alex were about to interject but Enzo quickly butted in.

"That is fine Angelina, I will inform your father. But just make sure you bring Henry." I quickly kissed his cheek and thanked both Louis and him gratefully. Without them, I would be still dealing with the chaos. They are worse than my brothers sometimes and they are in their forties.

Un fucking believable.

I quickly parked my car at a random house and waited for Henry to be distracted before I sprinted to Blaze's apartment building. I don't think I have ever run so fast in my life. I just hope he doesn't think what I am afraid he would.

I busted the door down and ran into the lounge room and was about to enter his bedroom to retrieve the bomb. Before a cough broke my thoughts and stopping me in my tracks.

"Looking for something Princess?" He raised an eyebrow, twirling the bomb in his hands as he smirked at me.

Well shit. 

A/N: Hey guys!

 I just wanted to say a big thanks to you guys for still reading my story. I also wanted to say that there will most likely be about 10-20 more chapters. (Because I underestimated it a bit.) 

But I also wanted to say that on my page I have to post a small little competition so that one of you guys can have a character inspired by you and shoutout. I will be announcing who won the competition in about 7-8 chapters time. For even more chances of winning you can; Make a cover plus tell me a thing or a scene you would like to see in my story. Or you can just tell me a scene or thing. (You could even tell me an ending if you like) about what you can either imagine or would like to see in my story. 

Thank you!! see you next time! xoxo

- Grace 

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