Switching the positions

By Abby1Gail

15.5K 353 18

After Lena finds out the truth about Kara, She wants that Kara feels the same pain what she felt. They said a... More



744 22 1
By Abby1Gail

Lena's part

I was surprised when she showed up at my door. My knee got weak for a minute. Then she kissed me. Just kissed me. My heart started beating faster and faster until I thought I was going to die. Her lips were soft but hard and so sweet. A few minutes later I kissed her back. I touched her hands. They were on my cheek. The kiss was slow and full of something that made my knee weak again.

"Your heart is beating so fast." she whispered while she looked at me. Yeah I know silly!

"Why are you here?" I took a step backward. She couldn't kiss me like that after what happened. She looked down at her fingers. Now she was more Kara Danvers, the reporter who can blush if I raise my eyebrow, than Supergirl who can kick my ass if she wants to. We just stood in my living room and no one one of us moved. We didn't want to scare each other from the talk.

"A few days ago... I almost died, and all I could think about were you. I thought about you and me. And I thought about the thing I didn't tell you. The way, how I feel about you."

Finally she was looking up in my eyes. It was full of weakness. God, with this look I couldn't stay strong.

"And how do you feel about me? " I really wanted to know. She knew everything about my feelings, but I haven't any idea of her.

"I lov... I wanna be your Sun."

" What?" I was a little confused. The first time she almost said, what I think?

"A day you said the Sun is the one of those things that we can't live without. You said the Sun is your favorite of them. I... I just wanna be your Sun Lena! Because I love you. Oh my Rao! I love you so madly! I never felt this deeply for no one. I know you are mad at me for a lot of things. I deserve it. I wasn't with you when you needed me, because I was afraid of myself. But right now I'm here, and I tell you, I love you! I have been trying not to recognize it."

"Kara you are walking around."

she ignored me totally and just started going up and down in my living room. I felt a lot of things in those minutes. I was confused, happy, sad, angry, satisfied. The things that she said, made my heart melt. She made my heart melt.

"Just sit down here." She pulled me down softly to my couch and continued her speech.

"Mon-el... He was great. I loved him. Really loved him, but it would never work, because I'm so in love with you. You are in my head all the time. Really a lot of time Lena. That is almost bizarre. I'm obsessed about you or thinking about you. I can't sleep without thinking about you. I can't think about anybody else, but trust me I tried! And I feel things in my body when I'm with you. And,and...and... I'm sorry because I ruined everything with my secret." She kneeled in front of me, and she took my hands.

"Kara..." She was... everything. Erything what she said made me think that maybe someone could love me. She loves me. As much I love her.

"No Lena, I know you wanna send me away, but look." She put my hands above her heart.

"Do you feel it Lena? This... this is for you. It's beating for...for you." Sweet Lord help me! I felt her heartbeat under my fingers. She looked at me with that hopefully look. I loved her! I always did. And she loved me back. I leaned down to kiss her. Her lips connected with my lips. This kiss was different. Our first kiss was passionate, our second was soft, and our third... was both. And that was the best. My body started being awake. She kissed me back. I touched her bottom lips with my tongue, and her lips opened immediately. The soft kiss faded away and just we stayed with our passionate kiss. Kara let me control the kiss. Let me dominate. I don't know why actually, but I didn't care. I sat on her lap and my fingers found their way in her hair. Her hands touched my waist. I started to kiss down on her jawline. She groaned every time my lips touched her skin.

"What are we doing Kara?" I whispered to her hot skin. I didn't stop not for even a second. She moaned softly when I was biting her skin playfully.

"I have no idea. I never did this like this before." In that minute I stopped. We never talked about it. Our chest was moved so fast. Her face was red and pink, her lips were big and they were begging for another kiss.

"Why did you stop?"

"You only did this with mens, right?" For some weird reason this made my ego bigger. She was shaking her head. The thought that I had the chance to be the first woman in her life was so alluring, but because of this, I had to stop. We couldn't do this this fast.

"We have to slow down."

"Ok... Ok... Yeah you're right." she started stammering and stood up. "You're right... It's better if I go." She ran to the door.

"Kara! I don't want you to go. I just wanted to slow down. It doesn't mean you have to go." I tried to calm her down. I caressed Kara's face. She smiled at me calmly.

"You're right. Again Miss Luthor."

"I'm always right Supergirl." I smiled at her with a big smile. "So..." I sat back on my couch.

"So..." she walked to the couch and sat down next to me.

"You love me." This was the first time when I said it out loud. I felt my beg smile. Kara made me feel like I deserve to be loved. And a lot of other feelings but that wasn't the right time for it.

"Yes, I do."

"And I love you." I said it and she started to smile.


"Yes, silly. So what does that make us?" I played with my hands. I really wanted her to be my girlfriend, but I didn't want to scare her.

"People who loves each other, but never talk about it because they are so stupid?" she giggled softly.

"Yeah, I guess." I laughed at her. I took a deep breath. -Kara Zor-El do you wanna be my girlfriend?

"Absolutely! I mean... yeah. Yes I wanna be your girlfriend." She said it so fast, and that made me laugh.

"Sooo you are my girlfriend." I sat closer to her and turned to her. I kissed her and she kissed me back. She broke the kiss when we hadn't enough air in our lungs. Technically I hadn't enough air, I guess she could handle it a little more.

"Can we just keep this to ourself for a little time." my first thought was so bad and she saw it on my face. If my family was the reason because she felt shame because she was with me, I knew that I will do something really bad with my mother. "Not because of you or because you are Luthor. Because of me and Alex. I have to talk to her about this because this isn't a simple situation."

"Not really? Why?" I laughed playfully.

"Well...I guess it wouldn't be enough if I would say "Hey Alex! I have a relationship." Rather "Hey Alex! I like girls. And do you remember when you said I fell in love with Lena? Yeah I guess you were right. And we kissed. And it was so amazing.""

"How amazing was it?" I leaned over her. If one of us would move, we coud kiss. I literally could feel how the temperature became warmer.

"Very amazing." she whispered while she watched my lips. She licked hers and I was over. I kissed her softly. I really had to try, not to lay her down on my couch, not rip her clothes off and not kiss her soft skin. She said she loves me and I love her. With my whole heart. And this was totally enough for me that night.

"Ok. We can keep this from us a little."

"Thank you Lee." She smiled at me. She was so sweet. Her phone started ringing. Our pink bubble broke and she picked her phone.

"It's Alex. Probably I have to go."

"Go. Someone has to save lives." She gave me a fast kiss and jumped up and hurried to the door. She almost closed it behind her, when she turned back and smirked at me. Kara with her fastness kissed me, like she never wanted to stop. I didn't want either but we didn't have too many other chances. The next moment the door closed and she ran away.

Kara's part

2 weeks later Lena and I dated with each other in the biggest secret. Telling her how I feel about her was the best thing, what I could do. I was really nervous and I don't even remember what I said to her. Really don't. My body was full of adrenalin.

I still didn't tell Alex the thing. Not because I felt shame. I just tried to find the best time. Being with Lena, dating with her, was big news to me, to her and probably it would be to Alex too.

Lena and I spent a lot of time together. She was gorgeous in every way. She made me feel things, what I never felt. I mean I did, but not like this, not this heady. Lena worked a lot, but with this, we spent a lot of time together. When I didn't work in the CatCo, and I didn't have to save lives, I was in her office, and watched her while she sat behind her desk and worked.

"You are doing it again darling." She smiled at her papers when she felt my look on her. I was laying on her couch and just watched her. She looked stunning. Her hair was off and her dress was perfect to her.

"I am not!" I responded immediately and looked away from her when she looked up.

"Yes, you did. You staring and it's creepy."

"I'm not doing it, and if I would do it, that would be romantic." She giggled softly.

"So I was thinking..." I tried to tell her something, without I would seem totally weird, crazy or freaky. I took a deep breath and just told her what I want. That can be that hard right? "We are together since...."

"13 days and 10 hours" Said she before I could even finish it. I looked at her and she looked up. "I guess, who's counting, right?" She was so embarrassed. We both laughed.

"So we are together for 13 days and 10 hours. Technically we had a lot of dates before we got together. I just wanna say that our third date was a long time ago, and I thought maybe... you know... you and me could do that thing." I felt how my cheek went red when she looked at me. There was something in her eyes that I wanted to do THAT thing right now. Actually, why are we waiting?

"Tonight?" I could see how she licked her lips, and clenched her thighs. Shiit. I nodded and watched her reaction. She shakes her head.

"I can't, I'm sorry. I have a lot of work here." Her heart started beating so fast and she didn't look in my eyes.

"Lena, I know exactly when you are lying to me." I sat up. I was so nervous. I didn't want this reaction from her. I wanted her first reaction.

"Kara, darling." She stood up and walked to the other side of her desk.

"You don't want it? Because I understand, it's ok." I tried to find out what was the reason, and she didn't help me a lot.

"No it's not about that. I want it, believe me. I'm ready a long time ago."

"So it's about me? You don't want me?" I felt my heart in my throat. God please say this not about that.

"No! God no! You are everything I want. I just... You didn't tell her your sister yet. And you are supergirl." I looked confused.

"Yes I am. You think I could hurt you?" God this conversation just got worse and worse.

"No! I trust in you with my life, but darling. You are Supergirl. Literally Super. I have to be super too. I mean how can you impress someone who is perfect?" She laughed at herself.

"First of all, I'm not perfect. Don't say that. Second... Lena, you are impressing me all the time. I mean I just lied on your couch and thought about how amazing and beautiful you are." I smiled at her and when she looked in my eyes she smiled at me back. I thought seriously about everything, what I said. She is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"And I will tell her Alex today ok? I tell her at the DEO, to be honest I have to be there since 5 minutes."

"Go Supergirl. Don't make your sister wait." I stood up and gave a kiss on her cheek.

"Can we talk about this later? You know about that thing"

"I love that you are that innocent, that you can't say sex at loud." she was joking at me. A looked at her seriously then I rolled my eyes. I gave her a fast kiss and I looked back at her from her balcony.

"See you later, Miss Luthor."

I had to hurry because my sister would be out of her mind. She took the lateness too seriously. At that moment I was happy. Maybe if I'd known what was coming, I wouldn't have been so careless.

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