Goodbye Cullens(a Twilight an...

By Demigodfrominkheart

388K 8.2K 1.1K

***DISCONTINUED DUE TO BULLYING*** My name is Meredith. I'm the twin of Renessmee. Of course Mrs.Myers left m... More

Chapter one*about me*
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
chapter 4
Chapter five
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter eight
chapter 9
Chapter Ten
Chapter Twelve
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter 20
Not an update
Chapter 21
Writing again
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Author's note
my mental health
continue writing
chapter 24
Chapter 25
chapter 26
not a chapter
chapter 27
story over
Its out guys!!

Chapter Eleven

13.8K 333 16
By Demigodfrominkheart

*Nessie's POV*

"Do you know where they went? " I heard Mommy ask.
" They went to visit Meredith ,"Alice replies in a duh tone.
"No I mean where? " Mommy says annoyed.
" Oh I can't be positive but I think Rose said something about Mystic Falls," Alice answers.
"Well then Mystic Falls here I come, "Mommy says looking mean.
  I decide to call Sissy and warn her. 
Nessie Meredith
Hi sissy
Hey baby girl. It's great to hear you, but you realize it's 2 am  right?
Oh no I didn't. But I needed to tell you something. You're in Mystic Falls right?
Hun I'm not sure I should tell you with all the people who hate me in that house
Well then I'll tell you anyway, I heard Mommy say that she's heading to Mystic Falls.
Thank you baby girl, I'll figure some thing out ok? I love you. Try to get some sleep baby girl.
  Ok love you sissy.
*end call*

Afterwards I get into my bed and fall asleep thinking about my favorite people in the world; sissy and Jake.
*Meredith's POV*

After Ness called I called Bekah and asked her to come over so I could plan, I also woke up mom and dad.
"Meredith, Love, are you okay? Bekah came in my room saying you sounded distressed" a voice calls from down stairs.
I only know one person who says love, Klaus. As I walk down stairs I decide I won't let them see how scared I really am. I walk into the living room and force a smile. I turn to mom and dad and say,
"I just got a disturbing call from Nessie, she said Isabella and Eddie boy are coming to mystic falls"
I used names that they both hate. 

Surprisingly, Klaus looks more angry than mom and even dad, which is hard. Klaus walks out of the room, probably mad his sister had woken him up for a personal matter of mine.

 I sigh.  

I actually was starting to like him. Who am I kidding, I thought I loved him. I turn to my parents, "I'm sorry for waking you up at this unearthly hour. I'll talk to yall in the morning." I say pretending I was okay and not emotionally drained. 

They nod and say good night. I go into my room and collapse on my bed before putting a small sound proofing so spell on my room and crying my eyes out. After a few minutes a pair of arms wrap around me and I knock the person to the ground, thinking it was Bella or Edward. But when I turn around, I see not Bella or Edward, but Klaus. And then I welcome the much needed comfort his hug gives me. I continue to cry in his arms until I fall asleep in his arms.

*Klaus POV*
At about 2:15am Rebekah comes into my room saying Meredith called and sounded upset so she was going over there. I told her I would do it instead. She gave me a knowing smile and just said okay.  I walked over to get house and let myself in not bothering to knock. I yelled,
"Meredith, Love, are you okay? Bekah came in my room saying you sounded distressed"
I get no reply besides sound of feet. She comes into the room and gives us (us being her parents and I) a smile that looks fake.She turns to get patents before saying,
"I just got a disturbing call from Nessie, she said Isabella and Eddie are coming to mystic falls"
I feel myself getting angry and walk out of the room to keep from exploding. I hear her sigh before telling her parents goodnight and walking to get bedroom. I hurry and get there before she does and I sit in a dark corner. She lays on the bed, mumbles a spell, and begins to cry.

I come up behind her to hug her and she throws me to the ground, ready to attack. She looks at me realizing I'm no threat, and cries into my arms. After a while I notice she had fallen asleep. I gently lay down with her and just think. What has this girl done to me? I'm not a hugger yet I just hugged her for hours. I'm not childish, yet I've felt like a child these few days, in a good way. I'm starting to think I love this girl. And that is my last thought before falling asleep.

A/N what do you think?  Little bit of an love interest. Lots of thoughts.  Do you like the POV changes or should I quit doing so many? Let me know!  You even got a little bit of Nessie there, next time I might do Jake! Bye!
Love bubbles

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