
By yasmine_muffin

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A story about how the simple word, Love, can change the world of a middle aged woman and that of a Young Adul... More

"The meeting"
"As told by Angie"
"The End"
"From the Author"
AN: a new project.


2.9K 151 4
By yasmine_muffin

My head was thrown back while my body was on fire, Angie had been stuck between my legs while I squirmed in pleasure. My hands had been holding on to the sheets while my whole body tried to avoid the same sheets. Angie had been kissing my pussy while her hands held on to my hips, to stop me from moving too much but she wasn’t as strong as her kisses and perhaps she should restrain me next time. My heart had been beating faster and faster by the minute while my eyes shut from pleasure “Oh yes” I moaned and I could feel her smile while her lips were stuck on my other lips.
“Someone is at the door” the security system said. I barely used it but now that we spent most of our time having sex Angie had advised me to start using it. Angie ignored the voice and continued to kiss me while I whimpered.

“Someone is as the door” the robotic voice said.

“Argh!” Angie said as she lifted her head “Wait, let’s finish because I am pretty sure they can wait” I said as soon as I realised that Angie wanted to go answer the door.

“I am sure it is the delivery person but you know what would be exciting? You going to answer the door while your clit is throbbing” she smirked

“I don’t think I can even walk” I said

“I know but that is the whole point” she argued

“Okay” I stood up from the bed with the sheets covering my body but before I could leave the room, Angie handed me a robe and said “You smell like sex and those sheets won’t do any justice” she then chuckled while I wobbled to the door. I slowly moved towards the door with the knowledge that whoever was at the door was delivering something for Angie so I didn’t have to check the security camera. I hurried to the door and gracefully opened it and the sun hit my face like a vampire, I thought that I could burn to my demise but that was because we had spent two days in the house, watching porn and trying to investigate if some things are physically possible and we to my surprise, it was possible and very enjoyable.

“Jane!” a girl said and for a moment, I had forgotten that I was answering the door due to the sun. The face of young Angie stood before me and I couldn’t help but beg the earth to swallow me at that moment. She was wearing white sweat pants and a black crop top while she held on to her phone, she looks just like her mother but without the beauty that came with age nor did she have the silver that I loved.

“Ruby?” I said in disbelief, I didn’t know she was coming and it didn’t seem like Angie knew either “What are you doing here?” I asked.

“Are you not going to let me in first?” She asked

“Oh yeah, come in” I said while I made space for her to enter.

“Babe! What are you doing with that delivery person?” Angie asked from our bedroom and that is when I remembered what we were doing but my clit wasn’t throbbing anymore, in fact it was as if Angie wasn’t kissing is mercilessly “Don't tell me they are finishing you off” I heard her chuckle while embarrassment overflowed.

“You should probably tell her I am here before she tells me all about your sexual stuff which I don’t need to know about, I might add” she smiled but I could see that she was just as mortified as I was because situation isn’t ideal.

“That is a good idea but in the mean time, please make yourself at home while I go get your mother” I said

“Okay” she smiled and all I did was hurry to our bedroom with worry hovering over me. As soon as I reached our bedroom I threw myself in and found Angie standing on top of the bed with an erect, well always erect, strap on.

“Come here” she said but as soon as I closed the door she realised that my mood had shifted so she got of the bed in concern “What is it baby?” she asked while caressing face.

“Did the delivery person do or say something wrong?” I could feel her protectiveness hover over us

“No baby but we seem to have a visitor” I said.

“Is it Amanda because if it is I will deal with her this time” she said while getting ready to leave the room but I stopped her before she could “It’s Ruby” I said softly.

“Very funny” she chuckled, nervously, but as soon as she realised I wasn’t joking, she picked up a mint and hurried to the living room to find Ruby while I followed behind her like a little puppy. I didn’t know if she was happy or sad but I could tell that there a lot of emotions to fill a stadium.

“Mom!” Ruby said as soon as we entered the living but now she was standing next to a boy I have never seen. He was wearing blue skinny pants, a light blue shirt and colourful socks that didn’t match the formal look he was going for. He seemed taller than Ruby while his dark brown hair stood out. He seemed like a good gentleman but I have learnt that looks can be deceiving.

“Ruby?” Angie said “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming home?” she asked and somehow, it seemed like she didn’t even notice the boy that stood next to Ruby.

“I wanted to surprise you” she said

“I am surprised” Angie said while she awkwardly stood in front of me.

“Oh and this is Tim, my boyfriend” Ruby said and I waved to say hi to the boy while Angie scanned the boy.

“Hello Tim, how are you?” I asked with the intention of defusing the situation but I could tell that Angie had gotten upset because she didn’t even try to acknowledge the boy.

“Ruby may I please talk to you in private” Angie said in her dominant voice and it bought chills down my spine.

“Sure” she said while she followed behind her mother. I didn’t know what I was ought to do at that moment but I knew that whatever this is, it was going to take a toll on Angie.

“May I sit?” the boy asked, breaking me out of my wonder.

“Yes sure” I smiled at him “Would you like a drink?” I asked.

“I’d like a glass of water please” he said
I hurried to the kitchen to get the glass of water for the well mannered boy. I wondered if perhaps Angie was angry because Ruby brought a boy with her or she was angry because she stopped by without informing either of us. My communication with Ruby wasn’t as strong as one would assume but I did talk to her a few times whenever I found Angie talking to her on the phone because it was easier to pretend like she didn’t exist simply because I didn’t want her to feel like I was forcing myself into her life. I took a bottle of water from the fridge and walked to the living room, the boy was silently sitting and staring at his hands while he fidgets with them. He was just as nervous as I was.

“Here” I said while handing him the water and he softly took it from my hand.

“So where are you from?” I asked with the intention of eliminating the awkward silence.

“I am originally from California but my family moved to England when I was about ten years old” he said.

“And how is it?” I asked

“There is nothing to compare it to, it is a beautiful place” he said

“And your family, how are they liking the place?” I asked

“A year later my Mother got really sick and she died the next year so my father left me and my sister and married another woman so I think the place is our demise” he said

“I am sorry to hear that” I said sincerely

“It is okay because my sister worked hard to get us in school so I guess it worked out” he shrugged

“How did you meet Ruby?” I asked

“We meet at a school outing  and because I didn’t have friends she sat with me for the entire trip and before she left, she gave me her number just in case I needed someone to talk to” he smiled

“She is pretty great isn’t she?”

“She the kindest person I have ever met and maybe too kind, I tend to worry about her” he chuckled

“I worry about her mother too” I said

“I always tell her that she is almost similar to her mother but she doesn’t believe me” he said

“I don’t think she knows her mother too well but I can also see the similarities, in my case physical ones” I said

“Yeah...” he paused to search for words “When she told me that she had two mothers, I got worried because having to impress two women is harder than telling a father you like some sort of sport” he chuckled.

“She said she has two mothers?” I asked in disbelief

“Yes, she talks about you all the time” he smiled

“She does?”

“Yes maybe more than she talks about her birth mother” he said

“I didn’t know” I said but before I can find out more Ruby walked in “Mom wants to speak to you” Ruby said.

“It was nice meeting you Tim” I said while I left for the dining room.

“Angie” I said as soon as I found her helplessly sitting on the brown chair “What happened?” I asked.

“I am so sorry for what is happening right now” she said sadly

“What do you mean?” I asked

“Are you not mad because my daughter came without informing us and then having a whole boyfriend with her?” she asked

“The boy seems like a nice boy and Ruby, this is her home” I said

“I just wish that she didn’t do such things without talking to me first” she sighed

“You need to understand that all of this is new for all of us and there will be some things we have to communicate about but right now Ruby is here and we cannot let go of her simply because she didn’t call to say she is coming” I said

“I wasn’t going to kick her out but that boy she came with” she said

“No. You need to return the favour that she did for you but you need to know that you will be returning that favour all your life because she is going to fall in and out of love but she will need you to hold her hand and guide her not dismiss her lovers”

“Why do you have to be so intelligent?” she asked

“Oh stop it but go and introduce yourself to the boy and hope that he is not going to hurt Ruby” I said and she stood up while she mumbled some words and without thinking about it, I spanked her ass and her mood became better. We walked to the living room and found Ruby standing with her bags while Tim held on to the large suitcase.

“Where are you going?” Angie asked and turned to Tim “Hi, I am Miss Parks the mother to Ruby” she said and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes, she was doing her power play and it was amusing to witness.

“Hi, I am Tim and it is nice to finally meet you” he said

“Well I will prepare brunch while you settle in but I just want you two to know that you will not be sharing a room” Angie said

“I know Mom” she chuckled

“Oh Ruby, I am so happy to see you” Angie said while she hugged Ruby.

“Me too mom” she chuckled “I cannot wait to get to know you better” she said while staring at me.

“Me too” I said.

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