Mated to (The vampire diaries...

By Thunderthighz2005

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Emily Addams, Caroline's half sister has 9 mates, she is mated to Elijah, Matt, Klaus, Stefan, Tyler, Damon... More

Chapter 1 - How it all happened
Chapter 2 - Jeremy, Matt, Tyler, Stefan, Damon
Chapter 3 - Suprise parties and Jealous mates
Chapter 4 - Meeting mates
Chapter 5 - Truth and Tears
Chapter 6 - Cheaters
Chapter 7 - Surprise
Chapter 8 - Sunday
Chapter 9 - Connor
Chapter 10 - Confidence
Chapter 11 - It's ok
Chapter 12 - Miss me?
Chapter 13 - I'm sorry, it won't happen again
Chapter 14 - The blood fest
Chapter 15 - The blood fest (Pt.2) and a funeral
Chapter 16 - No way
Chapter 17 - Babygirl is that really you?
Chapter 18 - Time to catch up ;)
Chapter 19 - Carry me everywhere.
Chapter 20 - Girls only
Chapter 21 - I love you forever and always
Chapter 22 - Daddy kink?
Chapter 23 - Teasing and touching
Chapter 24 - Lesson learnt
Chapter 25 - Period pain
Chapter 26 - God damn it.
Chapter 27 - New Orleans
Chapter 28 - Our home
Chapter 29 - Nightmares
Chapter 30 - You're OK
Chapter 31 - Relaxing
Chapter 32 - Sister time
Chapter 33 - Bad news
Chapter 34 - Fuck me slowly
Chapter 36 - What's Twilight?
New book
Chapter 37 - Heat
Chapter 38 - Really?
Chapter 39 - Man hunt
Chapter 40 - Found you
Chapter 41 - Caroline
Chapter 42- Girls night
Chapter 43 - I need to tell you something
Chapter 44 - Doctors appointment
Chapter 45 - Sex dreams
Chapter 46 - A kick
Chapter 47 - Where is she?
New book
Chapter 48 - How?
Chapter 49 - You're here
Chapter 50 - Mum
Chapter 51 - Coming clean
Announcement and new book
Chapter 52 - Delightful mornings.
Chapter 53 - Three days
Chapter 54 - Gender reveal

Chapter 35 - Valentines day

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By Thunderthighz2005

Emily's pov

I woke up and saw none of my mates in bed. I saw a note on the bedside table. I picked it up and started reading it.

"Dear Em, Happy Valentines Day my dear. We all love you so much more than you now. We couldn't ask for a more beautiful and wonderful mate. You mean the world to all of us and we are so happy to have you in our life. We are thankful to have you with us everyday. Remember your so beautiful and you deserve the world. Get ready and come down when you are ready" Love your mates

I got up and walked to my closet. I picked out some clothes to wear. I put them on then walked to the bathroom and did my toiletry stuff. Then I walked out the bathroom and did my hair and makeup. I was finally ready. I walked to my door and opened it. I looked to the floor and saw red rose petals leading all the way downstairs and I am assuming to my mates. I walked out my room and followed the petals. It lead to the kitchen. I followed them and stopped when I arrived at the kitchen. 

Kai was cooking his usual breakfast eggs, bacon, ash browns, etc. Normally I love it. But today it made me feel sick just the smell of it. Oh well. All my mates saw me and got up and hugged me. 

"Morning angel Happy Valentines day" Elijah said to me and hugged me. He gave me a red rose to hold.

"Thank you Elijah. Happy Valentines day. Good morning to you too" I said and hugged and kissed him. He kissed me back.

"Good morning princess Happy Valentines day" Connor and Enzo said to me and walked over to me.

They also hugged and kissed me and I hugged and kissed them back and they gave me a red rose each to.

"Good morning Connor, good morning Enzo. Happy Valentines day" I said

Then Stefan and Damon walked over and handed me a red rose each. I politely took them. We hugged and kissed each other. 

"Good morning beautiful, Happy Valentines day" They said

"Good morning Stefan and Damon Happy Valentines day" I said and kissed them on the cheek.

Matt and Tyler and Jeremy walked over to me and showered me in kisses and I giggled.

"Morning gorgeous Happy Valentines day" They said

"Morning boys, Happy Valentines day" I said and hugged them and showered them in kisses. 

They handed me a red rose each and I took them.

Klaus walked over and and handed me a red rose.

"Morning love, Happy Valentines day" Klaus said and sweetly kissed me.

"Morning Klaus, Happy Valentines day" I said and kissed him back after.

"Morning darling, Happy Valentines day" Kol said and kissed me and handed me a rose.

"Morning Kol, Happy Valentines day" I said and kissed and hugged him

"Morning Babygirl, Happy Valentines day" Kai said and handed me a bouquet of roses to go with the ones in my hand.

"Morning Kai, Happy Valentines day. Thank you everyone for the beautiful roses" I said and kissed Kai and all my other mates again.

I walked to the cupboard and found a beautiful vase and put the flowers in there. When I turned around all my mates were holding more gifts for me. I would give my gifts to them later. 

"Guys you shouldn't have" I said

"Your our mate and we want to spoil you today" Matt said

I gave them all hugs again. Matt gave me a box of chocolates. Stefan brought me a massive teddy. Damon bought me lovely earrings. Klaus bought me sweets. Elijah and Kol bought me two different expensive champagne bottles. Enzo bought me a basket full of bath bombs and face masks and soaps and other stuff. Tyler bought me white roses. Jeremy bought me another pair of gorgeous earrings. Kai bought me another bouquet of red roses.

"Thank you all for your gifts, you really shouldn't have" I said

"We wanted to princess" Connor said and hugged me

I started crying a little bit in happiness.

"What's wrong darling?" Kol said worried

"Do you not like the presents? We can return them and get you better ones" Elijah said

"No I love them. They are all perfect. I love you guys so much more though. I am crying because I am happy so happy to be here with you, have you as my mates and spend Valentines day with you all" I said and hugged them all.

"Your such a sap" Kai said and they all laughed

"Only for you guys" I said and giggled.

"We love you so much too" Jeremy said

"We are happy to be here with you, have you as our mate and spend Valentines day with you as well Em" Tyler said

We all just hugged each other. They all heard my stomach rumble and laughed.

"That's one thing that will never change" Stefan said

"I am hungry, please feed me" I said 

"I have another idea what we could feed you" Kai said smirking

"Kai! Why you horn dog, I can't believe you. I need food. Please feed me food not you" I said shocked and laughing and blushing

They all laughed and took me to sit down. I sat on Tyler's lap this time. The smell was making me more and more sick. They seemed to notice.

Tyler felt my forehead.

"Em what's wrong? Your burning up and you look pale" Tyler said worriedly

"Nothing I am fine" I said

My soulmark hissed from the lie. Now all my mates were coming to look at me. They all took turns feeling my forehead.

"Em what's wrong?" Enzo said

"Maybe we should take you to bed" Matt said

"No I am fine, I promise" I said

They all looked wearily before nodding. Kai passed me a plate of food. 

"Thank you Kai" I said

The smell was even stronger under my nostrils now and I felt like throwing up. I felt so sick. They all saw me staring at the food.

"Em why aren't you eating love?" Klaus said

Tyler picked up some of my food and put it near my mouth. I couldn't take it. I had to go to the bathroom right now, I am gong to throw up. I jumped out Tyler's lap and threw up all in the toilet. I kept throwing up. What's going on with me this morning? I saw all my mates rush to the bathroom. I saw Elijah holding my hair and rubbing my back slowly. I threw up again. Once I was sure I was done throwing up, I wiped my mouth and flushed the toilet. I brushed my teeth to get rid of the horrible taste of sick in my mouth and stood up. Not before Elijah picked me up and carried me.

"Right we are taking you to bed and we are relaxing" Elijah said

"No I am fine" I said and smiled

"Em you just threw up, you have a temperature and you look really pale. You need to rest angel" Elijah said and kissed my forehead

"Elijah I feel fine now" I tried to argue

All my mates looked at me and I knew, I wasn't going to win this.

"Ok fine" I said

But before we went upstairs someone knocked the door. I jumped out Elijah's arms and ran to the door. I opened it to see my neighbor Mavis.

"Hello Mavis, how can I help?"

"I have just heard you screaming from your room recently from next door and I wanted to make sure you are alright" Mavis said

My cheeks went bright red, I knew exactly what she was talking about.  I have never been so embarrassed.

"Oh sorry I have just been watching too many horror movies with my mates, I will keep it down sorry" I said and lied.

"Oh no worries dear, I was just making sure you were ok. Knock my door if you need anything. You are always welcome over" Mavis said

"Thank you Mavis, same to you" I said

"Bye" Mavis said and started walking off

I shut the door behind her and leaned against the door. I have never been so embarrassed and blushed so hard. I walked back over to Elijah and hopped in his arms with still right red cheeks.

"What happened?" Stefan said

"Who was it?" Kol said

"Why are you blushing?" Elijah said

"That was my next door neighbor Mavis. She asked me if  I was alright because she has heard me screaming from my bedroom recently." I said and blushed harder

All my mates smirked and started laughing.

"I knew you were loud but not that loud Babygirl" Kai said 

"It's not funny, I was really embarrassed" I said

"You right it's not funny, it's hilarious" Tyler said

Elijah took me upstairs and settled in bed and the rest of my mates settled in with me.

"I am sorry" I said to my mates

They all looked at me.

"Sorry for what Em?" Klaus said

"I ruined Valentines day for you all. You all had everything planned out and Kai cooked and amazing breakfast but I fell ill" I said

"Em look at us, you didn't ruin Valentines day. In fact you probably made it better because all day we can snuggle with you. We didn't have much planned anyway except treating you and relaxing all day with you. You didn't ruin it. Plus we would choose looking after you any day over Valentines day. Our princess is sick and we will look after her" Connor said

All of a sudden I felt sick again. I ran out of bed and to the bathroom. I ran to the toilet and threw up again and again, emptying out my stomach. This time Matt held my hair and rubbed my back. 

I wiped my mouth and flashed the toilet. I brushed my teeth again and thanked Matt. He picked me up and carried me to bed with my other mates.

"Em we are going to see a doctor soon if this happens again" Klaus said

"I feel fine now it was only then" I said 

"We are worried about you that's all Em" Jeremy said

"Jeremy" I said

"Yes gorgeous" He said

"I am sorry for trying to kill your sister Elena and Bonnie your ex girlfriend. It was wrong of me, I am sorry. But I just got angry. They really hurt Caroline badly and what they did to her was pure evil. She really loved them. They hurt her and I couldn't allow that because Caroline is my family, my sister and I love her. I can't let her hurt my family. Bonnie gave me nightmares and made me scared of everyone for a while. Then they threatened to take you guys away from me and insulted me and insulted Caroline again. I couldn't have it. I am sorry Jeremy. I am also sorry to the rest of you for losing control" I said

"At the end of the day she was in the wrong. They shouldn't have done that to Caroline. I could careless about Bonnie because I have you our beautiful soulmate. Yes Elena is my sister and I love her but she needs to stop being an over jealous controlling bitch. She shouldn't have done that to Caroline and hurt you. She shouldn't have insulted you either. Your my well our beautiful soulmate and I won't let anyone insult you Em even if it is my sister. I won't let her insult you. I don't ever want Bonnie back either because I have you" Jeremy said and kissed my head.

"You don't need to apologise Babygirl. We don't blame you for losing control. It is alright. Someone threatened your family and it is just instinct for you to protect you. It is the same for any of us. If anyone were to threaten you or hurt you we would lose control as well because you are our mate and we love you so much. No one could take us away from you. No one is going to have us but you. No one can take us away from you, we wouldn't allow it ever. We are yours and you are ours ok. We love you so much." Kai said

"I almost forgot" I said and jumped up.

All my mates pulled me back and I laughed. 

"Where are you going?" Connor said

"You are sick, you must stay in bed" Kol said

"I feel so much better now" I said

"I am not convinced come back to bed" Enzo said

"Just let me get your Valentines day presents" I said

"You bought us presents?" Damon said

"Of course I did. You think I would forget about you guys?" I said  giggling

"You didn't have to get us anything love" Klaus said

"Of course you are my mates duh and I love you. It is also Valentines day if you didn't notice" I said and giggled.

"When? We re always with you" Elijah said

"The mornings over the past couple of weeks. I woke up extra early so I could get your presents and find good places to hide them all" I said

"That's why I have been sleeping in longest because I woke up super early" I said

"How early?" Tyler said

"Six in the morning" I said

"Aw princess, you honestly didn't have too get us anything" Stefan said

"Well I did so suck it up mates" I said and laughed.

I got up and walked to my cupboard. I crawled inside right to the back.

"Em where are you?" Stefan shouted

"In my closet" I shouted back

"Damn how deep is that cupboard?" Jeremy said

"Pretty deep, I am grabbing all your presents now" I shouted back

I grabbed all eleven bags and crawled back out carefully. I stepped out the cupboard. I bent into grab them all.

"Damn that is a nice Valentines present" Damon said

"Very nice indeed" Connor said

I felt them all look at my ass.

"That's not it pervs" I said back and smirked.

They all laughed at me. Then I felt a presence behind me. I quickly turned them around and saw my mate Kai. I gently put my hand around him and pushed him against the wall.

"I know you all like staring at my ass but now is not the time right now Kai Parker or do I have to punish you?" I whispered in his ear and gently squeezed his manhood.

He groaned in pleasure.

"No response? That's what I thought" I said and smirked and let him go

"Damn" Kol said

All their eyes were black with lust.

"I love you when you are dominant" Kai said and sighed

"So hot" Enzo moaned

"Well may be you all will be lucky tonight" I said and smirked

I quickly grabbed the presents and gave them all out to my mates.

Kai's pov

The boys and I woke up super early this morning to get ready and surprise Em for Valentines day. 

"All of you hurry up and wake up" I said quietly not to wake up Em.

The rest of the boys got up and we all hurried into different bathrooms to get ready. I snuck into our room and grabbed the card I hid in the room and started writing in it.

"Dear Em, Happy Valentines Day my dear. We all love you so much more than you now. We couldn't ask for a more beautiful and wonderful mate. You mean the world to all of us and we are so happy to have you in our life. We are thankful to have you with us everyday. Remember your so beautiful and you deserve the world. Get ready and come down when you are ready" Love your mates

I finished the card and quietly kissed Em's forehead. We all did  but not before grabbing the bags of petals we hid in her draw in her desk quietly then quietly snuck out and shut the door behind us. We started spreading the petals all outside her door and leading to the kitchen. We wanted everything to be perfect for Em today. Then I grabbed the bouquet of roses I bought yesterday and hid in the kitchen cupboard. I handed everyone a rose.

"Why thank you Kai, I knew you loved us all" Connor said

I growled at him playfully.

"Says the boy who kissed Kol" I said and we all laughed

"Hey that was an accident" Connor said

"Uh huh" I said

"We all know you secretly love Kol" Klaus teased

"No I love Em only, she knows that and that's what's most important" Connor said

"We are just teasing Connor, we love you really, though in a brotherly friend way." I said

We all laughed.

"No the roses I gave you each are to give to Em when she wakes up. From all of you. Then I will give her this bouquet of roses. Everyone else got their other gifts ready?" I said

"Yes" Everyone said

Everyone had their gifts by them and ready.

"I am going to start cooking breakfast" I said 

"Alright" Elijah said

"Do you think Em will like her presents?" Stefan said

"Em will love the presents but she loves us much more and will probably say something along the lines of you shouldn't have" Elijah said

"She deserves to be spoiled, she's our girl and it is Valentines day" Matt said

"She deserves to be spoiled all the time" Tyler said

"If she lets us" Klaus said

"Oh we will find a way somehow" Damon said

"I hope she hasn't bought us presents. My day has already been made by her being here" I said

"Same for me" Connor said

"And me" Everyone else said

"Knowing her she has probably brought us all something. Something expensive" I said

"She doesn't have too buy us anything though" Elijah said

"She won't take no for an answer our girl is very stubborn when she wants to be. Makes her even hotter though" I said and turned round and winked. 

Then I went back to cooking. Then we all heard Em's door open and we heard her starting to walk downstairs.

"She coming" I said

"Everyone got their roses ready?" I said

We all nodded. Em finally walked into the kitchen. Everyone started greeting her.

"Morning angel Happy Valentines day" Elijah said to her and hugged her. He gave Em his red rose to hold.

"Thank you Elijah. Happy Valentines day. Good morning to you too" Em said and hugged and kissed him. He kissed her back.

"Good morning princess Happy Valentines day" Connor and Enzo said to Em and walked over to her.

I turned the food down so I could say good morning to my girl. Well our girl.

Connor and Enzo also hugged and kissed her and she hugged and kissed them back and they gave her their red roses each to.

"Good morning Connor, good morning Enzo. Happy Valentines day" Em said

Then Stefan and Damon walked over and handed her their red roses each. Babygirl politely took them. They hugged and kissed each other.

"Good morning beautiful, Happy Valentines day" They said

"Good morning Stefan and Damon Happy Valentines day" Babygirl said and kissed them both on the cheek.

Matt and Tyler and Jeremy walked over to me and showered her in kisses and she giggled. I loved when she giggled she was so beautiful. She was all ours.

"Morning gorgeous Happy Valentines day" They said

"Morning boys, Happy Valentines day" She said and hugged them and showered them in kisses.

They handed her their red roses each and she nicely took them.

Klaus walked over and and handed her his red rose.

"Morning love, Happy Valentines day" Klaus said and sweetly kissed Em.

"Morning Klaus, Happy Valentines day" She said and kissed him back after.

"Morning darling, Happy Valentines day" Kol said and kissed her and handed her his rose.

"Morning Kol, Happy Valentines day" Em said and kissed and hugged him

"Morning Babygirl, Happy Valentines day" I said and handed her a bouquet of roses to go with the ones in her hand.

"Morning Kai, Happy Valentines day. Thank you everyone for the beautiful roses" Em said and kissed me and all her other mates again.

She walked to the cupboard and found a beautiful glass vase and put the flowers in there. While she was doing that we all pulled out our other gifts. When she turned around we all held our gifts out.

"Guys you shouldn't have" Em said

"Your our mate and we want to spoil you today" Matt said

She gave us all hugs again. Matt gave her a box of chocolates. Stefan brought her a massive teddy. Damon bought her lovely earrings. Klaus bought her sweets. Elijah and Kol bought her two different expensive champagne bottles. Enzo bought her a basket full of bath bombs and face masks and soaps and other stuff. Tyler bought he white roses. Jeremy bought her another pair of gorgeous earrings. I bought her another bouquet of red roses.

"Thank you all for your gifts, you really shouldn't have" Em said

"We wanted to princess" Connor said and hugged her

She started crying a little bit. I was worried, we all were. Did she not like her presents. Maybe she doesn't like roses maybe she doesn't like anything we have done or given her yet? How can we fix this? 

"What's wrong darling?" Kol said worried as we all were.

"Do you not like the presents? We can return them and get you better ones" Elijah said

"No I love them. They are all perfect. I love you guys so much more though. I am crying because I am happy so happy to be here with you, have you as my mates and spend Valentines day with you all" Em said and hugged us all.

We all breathed out in relief and smiled and continued to hug her back.

"Your such a sap" I said and they we all laughed

"Only for you guys" Em said and giggled.

"We love you so much too" Jeremy said

"We are happy to be here with you, have you as our mate and spend Valentines day with you as well Em" Tyler said

We all just hugged each her. We all heard her stomach rumble and we laughed. Some things in life just don't change.

"That's one thing that will never change" Stefan said

"I am hungry, please feed me" Em said

"I have another idea what we could feed you" I said smirking at my dirty mind

"Kai! Why you horn dog, I can't believe you. I need food. Please feed me food not you" Em said shocked and laughing and blushing

We all laughed and took me to sat down. I resumed my cooking and my food was doing good. Em sat on Tyler's lap this time. I seem to notice she was very quiet. Now I was getting worried. She is only quiet when something is up. I turned the food on low and turned around. I was going to ask her what's wrong but Tyler went and felt her forehead.

"Em what's wrong? Your burning up and you look pale" Tyler said worriedly

"Nothing I am fine" Em said

Her soulmark hissed from the lie. Now we all looked at her. We all took turns feeling her forehead.

"Em what's wrong?" Enzo said

"Maybe we should take you to bed" Matt said

"No I am fine, I promise" Em said

We all looked at her wearily before nodding. I passed her a plate of food.

"Thank you Kai" Em said

She just stared at the food. Now I was really worried. Did she not like the food? Is she sick?

"Em why aren't you eating love?" Klaus said

Tyler picked up some of my food and put it near her mouth. All of a sudden she jumped out Tyler's lap and threw up all in the toilet. She kept throwing up. We all rush to the bathroom after her. Elijah held her hair and rubbing her back slowly. She threw up again. She then stood up and  wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet. She brushed her teeth. Not before Elijah picked her up and carried her.

"Right we are taking you to bed and we are relaxing" Elijah said

"No I am fine" Em said and smiled

She was not fine, she just threw up.

"Em you just threw up, you have a temperature and you look really pale. You need to rest angel" Elijah said and kissed my forehead

"Elijah I feel fine now" Em tried to argue

We all looked at her and she knew, she knew she wasn't going to win this not today.

"Ok fine" Em said

We all smiled happily and worriedly at her.

But before we went upstairs someone knocked the door. She jumped out Elijah's arms and ran to the door. She walked to the door and could hear someone talking to Em.

"What do you think is wrong with Em?" I said

"I am not sure, but we have to make sure she is alright later" Kol said

"Agreed, we can't let anything happen to her again" Elijah said

Em walked back in the room with the reddest cheeks I have ever seen. She jumped back into Elijah's arms.

"What happened?" Stefan said

"Who was it?" Kol said

"Why are you blushing?" Elijah said

"That was my next door neighbor Mavis. She asked me if I was alright because she has heard me screaming from my bedroom recently." Em said and blushed harder

All us boys started looking at each other and smirked and started laughing.

"I knew you were loud but not that loud Babygirl" I said

"It's not funny, I was really embarrassed" Em said

"You right it's not funny, it's hilarious" Tyler said

Elijah took her upstairs and settled in bed and the rest of us mates settled in with her.

"I am sorry" Em said to my mates

We all looked at me.

"Sorry for what Em?" Klaus said

"I ruined Valentines day for you all. You all had everything planned out and Kai cooked and amazing breakfast but I fell ill" Em said

"Em look at us, you didn't ruin Valentines day. In fact you probably made it better because all day we can snuggle with you. We didn't have much planned anyway except treating you and relaxing all day with you. You didn't ruin it. Plus we would choose looking after you any day over Valentines day. Our princess is sick and we will look after her" Connor said

All of a sudden Em ran out of bed and to the bathroom. She threw up again and again, emptying out her stomach. This time Matt held her hair and rubbed her back.

She wiped her mouth and flushed the toilet. She brushed my teeth again and thanked Matt. He picked he up and carried her to bed with my other rest of us..

"Em we are going to see a doctor soon if this happens again" Klaus said

"I feel fine now it was only then" Em said

"We are worried about you that's all Em" Jeremy said

"Jeremy" Em said

"Yes gorgeous" He said

"I am sorry for trying to kill your sister Elena and Bonnie your ex girlfriend. It was wrong of me, I am sorry. But I just got angry. They really hurt Caroline badly and what they did to her was pure evil. She really loved them. They hurt her and I couldn't allow that because Caroline is my family, my sister and I love her. I can't let her hurt my family. Bonnie gave me nightmares and made me scared of everyone for a while. Then they threatened to take you guys away from me and insulted me and insulted Caroline again. I couldn't have it. I am sorry Jeremy. I am also sorry to the rest of you for losing control" She said

"At the end of the day she was in the wrong. They shouldn't have done that to Caroline. I could careless about Bonnie because I have you our beautiful soulmate. Yes Elena is my sister and I love her but she needs to stop being an over jealous controlling bitch. She shouldn't have done that to Caroline and hurt you. She shouldn't have insulted you either. Your my well our beautiful soulmate and I won't let anyone insult you Em even if it is my sister. I won't let her insult you. I don't ever want Bonnie back either because I have you" Jeremy said and kissed her head.

"You don't need to apologise Babygirl. We don't blame you for losing control. It is alright. Someone threatened your family and it is just instinct for you to protect you. It is the same for any of us. If anyone were to threaten you or hurt you we would lose control as well because you are our mate and we love you so much. No one could take us away from you. No one is going to have us but you. No one can take us away from you, we wouldn't allow it ever. We are yours and you are ours ok. We love you so much." I said

"I almost forgot" Em said and jumped up.

All of us pulled her back and she laughed.

"Where are you going?" Connor said

"You are sick, you must stay in bed" Kol said

"I feel so much better now" Em said

"I am not convinced come back to bed" Enzo said

"Just let me get your Valentines day presents" Em said

"You bought us presents?" Damon said

"Of course I did. You think I would forget about you guys?" She said giggling

"You didn't have to get us anything love" Klaus said

"Of course you are my mates duh and I love you. It is also Valentines day if you didn't notice" She said and giggled.

"When? We re always with you" Elijah said

"The mornings over the past couple of weeks. I woke up extra early so I could get your presents and find good places to hide them all" Em said

"That's why I have been sleeping in longest because I woke up super early" Em said

"How early?" Tyler said

"Six in the morning" Em said

"Aw princess, you honestly didn't have too get us anything" Stefan said

"Well I did so suck it up mates" Em said and laughed.

She got up and walked to her cupboard. She crawled inside right to the back.

"Em where are you?" Stefan shouted

"In my closet" She shouted back

"Damn how deep is that cupboard?" Jeremy said

"Pretty deep, I am grabbing all your presents now" She shouted back

She grabbed all eleven bags and crawled back out carefully. She stepped out the cupboard. She bent into grab them all. We all had a very nice view of her ass.

"Damn that is a nice Valentines present" Damon said

"Very nice indeed" Connor said

She probably felt us look at my ass.

"That's not it pervs" She said back and smirked.

I quietly got up and speeded over to her. I was about to grab her when she flipped me against the wall . She pushed me up against the wall.

"I know you all like staring at my ass but now is not the time right now Kai Parker or do I have to punish you?" She whispered in my ear and gently squeezed my manhood.

I groaned in pleasure. Oh fuck I loved when she was dominant, she is so fucking hot and all mine and the others of course. I just groaned more when she applied more pleasure or if she teased me by slowly rubbing up and down.

"No response? That's what I thought" She said and smirked and let me go

"Damn" Kol said

All the boys eyes were black with lust. My eyes slowly turned black with lust.

"I love you when you are dominant" I said and sighed in pleasure and lust

"So hot" Enzo moaned

"Well may be you all will be lucky tonight" Em said and smirked

She quickly grabbed the presents and gave them all out to all of us.

Emily's pov

"Right all of you can open your presents" I said

I watched as Stefan and Damon opened a small box. They opened it and saw a pair of car keys each. 

"Look out the window and press the buttons." I said

They stood up and walked to the window and pressed the buttons and their eyes widened in shock. They sped over to me.

Stefan's car

Damon's car

"How did you know?" Damon said

"I have missed this car our other ones got destroyed. How did you know?" Stefan said

"I have my ways" I said smirking.

"Thank you so much princess. Our beautiful princess Em" Damon said and showered me in kisses

"Thank you so much we love you" Stefan said and continued showering me in kisses

"Your most welcome guys" I said and hugged them and they hugged me back.

Elijah opened his present and saw  the new suit he wanted with the new cuff links he also wanted. He hugged them tight to him and sped over to me.

"Thank you Em. I don't know how you knew I wanted this but thank you so much" Elijah said and cuddled me.

"Your welcome Elijah" I said and he cuddled me

Next Kol and Klaus and Enzo came over to me and opened their presents. First was Klaus. I knew he liked to paint so I bought him new paints, paint brushes and canvases. He sped to me and picked me up and spun me around.

"Aww thanks love they are amazing. I love them so much" Klaus said and deeply kissed me and I kissed him back.

We let go and I watched Kol open his present. It was a magic book of spells.

"Why give me this Em? I can't do magic anymore, I stopped when I became a vampire, I couldn't anymore" Kol said sadly

"Kol come here" I said

He did and stood in front of me.

"This is why" I said

I am now more powerful after taking Bonnie's powers. I whispered a spell and gave him back his powers.

"Try doing a spell now Kol" I said

He turned on the light in my room using magic. I smiled at him and clapped my hands.

"Your powers are returned and the book can help you practice" I said

Kol turned to me with tears in his eyes.

"Kol why are you crying? Do you not like your gift?" I said cupping his face and wiping his tears as he leaned into my hand.

He quickly shook his head and kissed me so deeply and passionately. Then he pulled away to let us both breathe. Then he pulled me close to him and hugged me so tightly and I hugged him back so tightly.

"Thank you so much Em. No one has ever done anything like this for me. Thank you and I love you so much" Kol said

I pulled away and finished wiping his tears.

"No need to thank me Kol, you are my mate as well and I care about you as well. I love you too. I am glad you like it" I said

"Like it? I love it so much just like you" Kol said

He pulled the book close to him and moved aside to let me see Enzo. He opened it to see a beautiful book. It was filled with memories even before he was my mate, happy memories, funny memories and even memories from now. He was looking through them all and smiled and laughed. He closed it half way through and hugged me so tightly.

"thank you princess, I am so glad too have this" Enzo said and kissed me

"Your welcome Enzo, I love you" I said and kissed him back

"I love you too" Enzo said back as we hugged each other.

Then Matt, Tyler and Jeremy came towards me with their gifts. Jeremy started opening is and I swear I heard him squeal.

"The new Avenges movies all of them" Jeremy said excitedly and ran at me and hugged me and showered me in kisses.

"Thank you Em" He said and squeezed me tightly.

"I love you" Jeremy said

"I love you too" I said and smiled.

Matt and Tyler opened their presents. Matt got the new trainers he wanted and Tyler got his favorite Lynx Africa spray and soap. They were smiling wide and came over to hug me.

"Thank you Em so much" Matt said and hugged and kissed me

"Thank you princess, I love them. They are my favourite." Tyler said

"Your welcome Tyler and Matt" I said and hugged and kissed them both.

Connor opened his present and it was a beautiful picture frame with a picture of him and I in it.

"Em it is so gorgeous, I love it" Connor said

"You look so beautiful. I love this photo" Connor said

"I am glad you like it" I said and we kissed each other and hugged each other.

Lastly was Kai. He opened it up and saw a beautiful locket necklace. He opened it up and there wee four pictures of him and I. One of us laughing together in the kitchen with food on our faces, one of us sleeping, one of me kissing him and one of us holding hands and smiling. He started to tear up.

"Em this is so beautiful, I love it so much Babygirl thank you" Kai said and kissed me and pulled me close to him and hugged me

I hugged him back kissed him back.

"Your welcome Kai" I said as we hugged each other

Eventually we pulled away from each other.

"Did you all like your presents?" I said

"We love them so much. But you really didn't have to buy us anything" Jeremy said

"Hush you are my mates as well and it is Valentines day. You deserved to be spoiled  well" I said

"You probably spent so much money" Matt said

"I don't care about money, plus I have my own and stole my dads card ages ages ago and I have so much money" I said and laughed

They laughed with me.

"Oh that reminds me I still have one more thing for you all" I said

"Em, not more presents"" Enzo said

"We don't need you to buy us so much we are supposed to be the ones to spoil you because you are our princess not the other way round" Connor said

I pulled out eleven small presents and gave it to them all.

"They are all the same this present" I said and smirked

They all opened it.

"Chocolate? Thank you" Stefan said smiling

I laughed at all their faces. I took my shield down quickly to let them all read my mind. Then I put it back up, they were all looking up at me with lust. 

"No" Kol said shocked

"No way" He said 

"It is Valentines day and I thought you guys would like it" I said

They all put their presents to one side. I magicked up a bowl and  spoon. I opened the bowl of chocolate and used my magic to melt it into the bowl. 

"I will do it to you all one by one but first Kol sit on the bed" I said

"Yes ma'am" He said

I put the melted chocolate to one side. He sat on the bed and slowly took his shirt after. Then he slid his jeans and belt off leaving him in his boxers. I licked my lips in lust as I looked his body up and down. I pushed him back onto the bed.

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I grabbed the bowl and spoon. I put chocolate on the spoon and spread it all over Kol's neck  and chest and arms and lips. Then I put the bowl to one side and slowly pulled them down his waist line and down his legs till he was bare. Then I threw his boxers to one side. I grabbed the bowl again and poured more chocolate down his abs and then down his waist line and then up and down is dick covering it.

I put the bowl to one side and kissed his lips licking all the chocolate off in the process. He moaned into the kiss and kissed me harder. Once I kissed all the chocolate off, I started kissing down his neck and slowly sucked the chocolate off both sides of his neck making him moan and groan more.

"Oh fuck Em" Kol moaned

Once all the chocolate was gone off his neck they were replaced with red and dark purple love bites. Then I made my way down to his arms and began sucking and licking it off while he moaned and moved under my touch. He was left with hickeys all down his arms. Then I licked all down his chest and began sucking everywhere. I looked at him and his head was thrown back and his eye were rolled to the back of his head as he was grunting. I began sucking harder and harder making him groan even louder than before.

Once all the chocolate was gone off his chest, I began sucking and kissing the top of his waist line getting all the chocolate off. Then I made my way down lower. I slowly licked up his dick right from the bottom.

"Oh Em" He groaned loudly

I slowly licked and sucked off the chocolate and he gripped the sheets tightly. Once I finished licking all the chocolate off his body. I licked the tip and he groaned.  I attached my mouth to his dick and fit as much as I could in and stroked the rest. I begun bobbing my head up and down slowly and then faster. He grabbed my hair and made a ponytail and started pushing my head down further and further taking more of him in. I started going faster and faster.

"Oh shit, oh God Em" Kol groaned

I could feel him twitch in my mouth. I started going faster and faster licking and sucking and teasing him making him go crazy. 

"Em I am close" He groaned

He twitched in my mouth and came all in my mouth.

He was sweating and so was I.

"That was so hot, we have to do that more often" Kol said

I winked at him

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I completed the process with the rest of my mates. We were busy all night. Eventually we finished and we were all in our boxers or pants now. We were still so hot. They all returned the favor to me and licked chocolate off of me in turns and God was it hot.

"Happy Valentines day guys" I said

"Happy Valentines day princess" Connor said

I snuggled into my mates and began to fall asleep.

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