Broken Masks

By DivineZetsu

3K 59 45

This story follows what might have happened in my hero academias anime. What would happen if Izuku trained hi... More

Chapter #001 Tragedy
Chapter #002 Turning Tides
Chapter #003 Lost Hero
Chapter #005 Redone
Chapter #006 Another Sports Festival Arc
Chapter #007 Infilitrate
Chapter #008 Our little Secret
Chapter #009 Recap
New beginning

Chapter #004 Assets

333 7 0
By DivineZetsu

Author: Mr Mask drops down in a refurbished ensemble of a main mega suit

The suit was lit with tools,gadgets,tech and more self innovated and self manufactured using a gama radiation lux core as the source of the glow and energy spurs

Aizawa: How is it everytime they attack they get away with it, it happens every week
Hawks: the fact an organisation would reveal itself like clockwork you would think they were either fools or disorganized however these fuckers are neither, they keep causing a racket and introduce a new weapon every time
Miriko: Then that means they're using us as test subjects for the 7th week in a row? In the 7th city in a row? 😡
Endeavour: focus every time they call out as many heroes to find the right type of test subject strong enough to call themselves a por and thus strong enough a target, by minimizing our numbers to us four hopefully this will work

*model for radiation quirked villain with new tech weapon*

Atomogaunt: Too bad for you, endeavour your the perfect test subject
Endeavour: then spread, if I'm their target they'll put me as priority, I'll draw them away and buy as much time before he let's that radiation poison loose
Hawks: Sure why not😎
Miriko: I like it
Aizawa: let's just keep the damages to a minimum
Atomogaunt: *flares prosthetic arm and powers a gama ray*
Miriko: sorry I dont remember what that means
Aizawa: it means the type of energy waves that are designed to kill cancer cells but as a cannon
Miriko: wait but doesnt that mean since it isn't pure energy but instead energy waves doesnt that mean regardless of material or build the cannon can instantly burn cells ignoring any defense?!
Hawks: that doesnt sound too good to me
Miriko: I may be the dumbest here, but I ain't an idiot *kicks arm at end facing body*
Miriko: the weapon is a prosthetic but it isn't equipped to the user itself
Endeavour: that's because the knot one who can take that kind of radiation directly to the cells is (so that's why)
Hawks: that means he cant hold the power either so he distances it with magnetic force
Aizawa: complex and unusual tactics and strategizing from you two
Hawks: dont be so HARSH
Aizawa: problem is miriko already kicked the end of the arm
Hawks: sorry miriko well need you to kick it at max power,
Miriko: without momentum and only with one leg that was max yet it didnt dent the tin can instead I hot a brand new scar still steaming and green
???: this is hard to watch
Heroes: *looks*
Mr mask: *drops* I'll take care of this gentleman, and lady
Miriko: thanks but I dont let others do my work for me
Hawks: plus your the mythical mr mask right? The antihero? It's our job to arrest ya you know
Aizawa: indeed you intrigue me and peak my interests however I'll unravel your mysteries later on
Mr Mask: why must we waste time
Hawks: why do you say that as if the result is decided
Mr Mask: if your smart enough to know that was my thought process you should be ,intellegent enough to know it's exactly that
Aizawa: pretty cocky huh? Kind of lessens my opinion of ya
Mr Mask: well it doesnt lessen my opinions on any of you, your all true heroes, let me take it from here, this murderer shall get what's coming to him
Miriko: *attmpets to kick Mr mask*
Mr Mask: *pivots and sends kick Aizawas way*
Hawks: *sends fathers towards mr mask*
Mr mask: *catches each one*
Hawks: !!!
Hawks: unusual its one thing to be able to catch them, it's another that I cant seem to call them back
Mr mask: Plasmic Photon Type gama
Aizawa: !!!!!!!
Miriko: I dont get  it but that's bad *kicks again*
Mr mask: *effortlessly dodges*
Hawks: I'm no scientist but if thats what I think It is
Aizawa: gama radiation photons are only a theory of the ability to lass energy waves through spacial fissures
Hawks: and the plasmic additional would make it super transportation and super inhuman stats
Mr mask: I'm really sorry, your all good hero's but since I am a villain I cant blame you for doing what I admire you for, so I'm really sorry the ass whooping your about to get
Miriko: alright let's tango
Mr mask: sorry but your the tuffest, it may look easy but the only way *dodge* I've been able to keep my skeleton intact *dodge* is by carefully analyzing your movements and dodging. As such *dodge* I am unsure of a 1 on 1 let alone a 3 on 1 so let me take thses two out
Miriko: i want to agree but i cant
Mr mask: *dodges another kick then charges at Aizawa wearing what seems to be sickle barbs that sprung form mr masks gauntlet similar to batman's but glowing green*

Mr mask: *slices to see Aizawa jump and throw his tactical tape only to have it caught by mr mask and he puts Aizawa in a paddle ball loop and once Aizawa escapes mr mask sends fiery little spikes and misses, aizawa jumps again and watches miriko kick and kick over and over when suddenly they saw a trail of after images

Author : Aizawa watches in slow motion miriko get tripped midair and mr mask is now above hawks
Mr mask: *pummels hawks who digs feathers into mr mask suit but realises hes being pushed into the fiery spikes which lights his wings on fire, it contained a toxin that causes spasms in bird DNA forcing fiery feathers to spray like a 360 degree machine gun while hawks was in pain*
Mr mask: *shoots tranquilizer containing anesthetic* sorry about that
Aizawa: if that contains specific toxins that means three things,  one you have gear assigned for the types of heroes who would pose a problem, two you know how to make perfect gear and three that performance of sending them after me was a fluke to make hawks believe they were used and weren't set as a trap
Miriko: dammit
Aizawa: You were poisoned too?
Miriko: bunny type muscle relaxant.
Aizawa: you had our demise planned out, miriko wouldn't have been affected by that until hours later unless she exhausted herself like using full power and missing
Aizawa: why leave me?
Mr mask: no reason oh by the way the photon was a bluff, *shows radiation emitters from atomogaunt and the after images were holographic display projectors and super glue lite with the toxin to paralyze the feathers*
Mr mask: *throws a tranquilizer dart*
Aizawa: ouch, here nice throw impressive you can knock me out perfectly at the one blindspot hovering a gap between the scarf... *snooze*

Mr mask:

Atomogaunt: w-wait let talk about this
Atomogaunt: *sees his dead crew and observers*
Mr mask: wouldn't want them to tell anyone else about what's about to go down
Mr mask: however dont worry, I need that weapon and only you can use it so since I cant use it myself I'll need u alive for experiments, until I figure out how to recreate my own, you will be like my toys, a powerful ASSET
Atomogaunt: *terrified*

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