Next Door Differences

By InNarniaMeek

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A new girl moves in next door to Ryan who is this scene guy,Off the back he doesn't like her because of how s... More

(1)Judgemental People
(2)School Time
(3)Class Projectes
(4)And School Continues
(5)After School Annoyance
(6)Calming The Storm
(7)Observing The Scene
Im sorry....Thank you

(9)Planing The Next Performance

457 23 9
By InNarniaMeek

(Nadia P.O.V)

I walked out of the stuffy locker room,I couldn't believe that I just saw her cry-well about to cry anyway-I mean she was someone I thought really didn't care about what anyone thought.With this fresh on my mind the last thing I needed was for Miley to actually be on a power trip right now. I walked back down the path to where it looked like break was over,they were all in a circle with evie spot dead in the middle.

“Good you're back,Miley went off somewhere with Tristan so I'm in charge.”Her voice sounded annoyed and a little frustrated.I just nodded okay so she could continue whatever she was doing,I was busy looking in the direction I just came from to see if alexandria and that J.V girl come out.

I watched the whole time Evie talked and still didn't see her,nor did I see the other girl.

“Nadia,are you alright?”Evie asked,I was oblivious to the fact everyone was taking there position and I was just staring off Like a idiot.

“No actually,Hey Evie how long have you known Alexandria?”I asked never looking away from the same spot I was staring at

“Since Middle school,we actually was cheering with each other then as well,Why?”

“I was just wondering,what's her and that J.v girl got in common.I mean she’s the only other one that will go near Alexandria.”

“Oh you mean Isabel” she looked around first before saying anything,then grabbed my arm to move me a little further from the group. “Well alexandria is a foster care child,Isabel’s mom and dad adopted her around eigth grade year.No one Knows but me,we may not be Bestfriends but Im there for her.Thats why me and Miley have such a rocky friendship,when It comes to her I dont take to much of Mileys bs.”

“Okay that makes sense,but Listen Miley’s my cousin and all but being plain nasty isn't something I can handle.Alexandria is in the locker room crying,so I thought maybe you could go help her.”I told her more then asking,I didn't know her too well to help with anything but evie does.

“Alright,just go over the first part with the girls,nothing has changed but two parts.I wrote everything down in the folder,so take it and Ill be right back.”She handed me the folder then went to the group of girls. “Nadia Is in charge,I have to go handle something.”

She left and I just had everyone staring at me wondering what we were about to do.

“Alright,from the top,just try and work around me,Miley and Evie not being here.”I instructed about to start the music,coaching wasn't exactly my forte.

“What about that weird emo girl,and the weird girl that hangs out with her.”One J.v shouted,getting a few giggles from the other Jv's.This is why I hated freshmen sometimes,they were just ignorant.

“First her name is Alexandria and thats all I want to hear you all calling her,second she is busy.Now lets go.”Finished listening to them I started the music regardless of whether they were ready or not,Which some of them weren't and started to mess up.

I watched the high kicks,the flips and throws to the very end,there was no way a new routine was gonna be out before tomorrow.If they can't get this one down there was no way would get a whole new one,as they finished I grabbed the folder again.It seemed the only things that was changing was some of the group spotlights that didn't include miley changed,there was actually a little solo part for her.

“Listen up,theres no way we can get a whole new routine in a short time.So where gonna practice the old one,dont worry about Miley Ill handle her.”Anoyed beyond belife I ripped the papers up,there was just no way.I made them go over the whole routine and each time they did they got a little better,evie sure was taking a long time.

“Won't Miley bitch flip over this?I mean she made it clear she wanted it changed.”A girl from varsity came up to me and asked,she was a ginger girl,if you don't know what that mean a redhead,she also had pretty green eyes.

“Yes,but I can handle her.”I dismissed that conversation and went back to looking in the folder,and I happened to stumble upon something.I didn’t know what it was but it looked like it was a record of something,I just couldn't figure out what it was.

“So what's the girls doing?”Evie voice sprang up a few feet away causing me to drop the damn folder,I scrambled to pick it up.I looked up and saw a now fine Alexandria right behind her,I knew she could help.

“Did you actually watch the Jv practice with us,they can barely keep up.I ripped up the new routine and we're sticking with the old one,dont worry im one person Miley cant boss around.”My words were strong and confident,I just had to remember I was at a home court disadvantage,I needed to remain smart playing with miley.

“Good,I was about to do the same anyway.I got you if Miley tries to flip.”She took the folder and we all go into position to practice with them.After a few times they seemed to get it,however it was lunch and everyone dispersed to go and eat.

“Are you alright?”I asked walking up to alexandria,

“Yeah,thanks for sending Evie in there.Glad you're on the team.”She smiled and walked away,not before she did a spin on her heels. “Me and Evie are gonna talk more about the routine at lunch,join us?”

“Definitely”I smiled back and went to my bag,I walked back and saw the most annoying person start walking towards me.Ashton.

“Hey beautiful,working hard?”He smiled walking closer to me,I just slipped past him to my bag.

“Sure are,gotta make something about you football players look good.”I hope he could tell I was already peeved,I didn't want to much conversation from him right now.I looked around in my bag for my blistex,I felt my lips all chapped.

“Cute,anyway you're still going this weekend right?”I knew he was talking about the fair or carnival whatever it was.

“Yeah.”I found it and started to rub the medicated lip balm on my lips,

“Well Miley said you're gonna need a ride,i'm available if need.”He did a bow type thing,I smirked a little.He was arrogant,but he had his moments.

“Thanks but I have a ride-”Before I said anything else I thought about it. “Wait Miley’s not going?”

“Yeah,but tristan is picking her up.”

I knew a setup when I saw one,this was definitely mileys pushy way of trying to get me and aston closer.Wasn't gonna happen though.Why can't she get things through that thick skull of hers,better yet we didn't even have anything in common.

“Well thanks for the offer,but I have a ride.”I was lying through my teeth,and with the raise of his eyebrow he caught my lie.

“With Gavin,he said he would take me.”I was about to say evie when Gavins name came out,mostly because he was coming up behind Ashton.I walked over to him and wrapped my arm around his,he looked confused but went with it as I dragged him back over. “Gavin please tell him you're taking me to the carnival thingy t this weekend.”

One could only hope he caught on fast,

“Sure am,I thought I told you aston.”He said catching on,thank you lord,while giving a good performance.

“Oh,well I guess I'll catch you later then.”His eyes telling that his ego was once again hurt he walked away,but he seemed fine when I girl with rather large breast started to cling to him.

“Thanks,I really didn’t want to ride with him.Plus miley flaked.”I said releasing his arm,I grabbed my bag off the ground and flung it over my shoulder.We started walking towards the lunch room,I was hungry.

“No problem,guess I'ma need to get your number now to see where you live.Another thing,who said you could detach yourself from my arm?”He looked down at me with those grey eyes,I couldn't help but smile like an idiot.I did what any girl crushing did and locked my arm back with his,this boy was definitely too cute.Thats how we made our way to the lunch room,locked with each other.

(Ryan P.O.V)

I sat at the table zoned out,I wasnt really feeling it today.I was still too hung up over cole,I wanted to know who beat him up.

“Earth to Ryan!”Jake said waving a cooking in front of me,I looked up and barely saw his eyes.I swear one of these days I'm going to hog tie him and cut them my damn self,I mean how did he drive!

“Sorry what?”I asked coming back to reality.

“Well like I was saying,I think that we should do a cover of sleeping with sirens song,since everyone’s all time favorite is ‘If you can't hang’ But I like ‘Do it now and remember it later’ which one do you think?”He asked taking a sip of his chocolate milk,I really question how he could stomach the schools milk.It was just nasty to me,I cant really drink it.

“If you can't hang,thats my favorite.”I revealed,

I was letting Jake make decisions on the band stuff by himself when I saw Alex walk in,she seemed normal to a regular person but to I could tell something was wrong.She caught eye of us and made her way over,I straightened up getting ready to question her.She seemed fidgety and was popping that rubber band on her wrist,thats always the signal to when something was wrong.

She took a seat next to Jack,I just examined her.

“What?”She asked catching me,

“What's wrong?”

“Nothing why?”I could hear from under the table she was popping that rubber band harder and faster,Yup dead give away.

“Well first You're eyeliner is smudge,which is funny cause you wear waterproof eyeliner.Second that rubber band popping you're doing has been going on since you got in here,so am I wrong when I say nothing is wrong?”

I heard the noise stop,I saw her eyes go big at my observation.She looked away from me before answering my question,she should know she can't keep nothing from me.

“Miley.”She said it in a low whisper and a sigh at the same time,she didn't have to say no more.Miley was a pain in all of our asses.I left the subject alone,I knew I could only push her so far on a subject before she snaps.Alex has been that way for a long time now,ever since she was adopted.

I went back to in my own world,I was just making a list of all the potential boys that could of done this.So far the list was half the school,the first group being the people who hate others that dont look like them.The second half had to be the anti gays,which I never understood why they were there.I mean its not you're life its theres,If girls want to date girls so be it,if boys wanna stick it in with other boys then go ahead.

People really irritated my life,there was so much judgemental people in the world.They never even though what all the teasing could do to the other person,to be honest I could see why so many teens commit suicide.

“Oh by the way I got the goods you wanted,Mom brought them home last night.”Jake said winking at me,I nodded my head.I also made a mental note to go get them later.

I was absently staring when I noticed a short girl,with blonde hair and a bright white smile come over to our table.I knew who she was,one of mileys disciples,evie lockhart.

“Come on Alexandria,Nadia is already at the table.”She said tapping alex on the shoulder,alex looked at us then said she catch up with us later and followed evie.

“I thought no one spoke to alex on the team.”Jake asked puzzled to the fact that she just came over there.

“I thought that too,seems like we both thought wrong.”I replied eating a dorito,I had the red bag sitting in front of me for a while but never ate one.

My eyes were just wandering when I saw Mileys group staring down where alexandria was,Miley especially was staring hard.Evie,Nadia and Alex were oblivious to the stares,too busy in whatever they were doing.Thats when I notice the king of the group,Tristan Nathaniel and his lackey Ashton,get up.I thought they were going over to the girls when they made a sharp turn towards us,Jake caught it the moment I did.

“Here we go.”He said low enough for only me to hear it,I just sat there unphased by the two boys headed our way.

They stopped at the end of the table,I just continued to snack on my doritos,Jake mimicking me with his bag of cookies.Im guessing they wanted our attention cause ashton cleared his throat,I however ignored it.

“Yo freak.”Ashton finally said,I didn't look his way but Jake looked at me.

“So you don't hear us huh?”Nathaniel jumped in,I just sat back still ignoring them.I wandered my eyes a bit when I notice that not only ashton but Nathaniel as well had small bruise and cuts on there fits.Good thing my bangshid part of my eyes cause they surely went big in a shock,either that happened in football or there the ones responsible for cole.

“Ryan,I believe Mr. and Mrs. Idiotic wants your attention,by the way Ashton you're the mrs.”Jake smart ass tone and remark made the two boys boil with anger.Jake wasn't a pacifist like Cole,me and him took boxing lessons when were little.When we entered the tenth grade we both stopped,only because of the way we changed.Our appearance really didn't fit what the other boxers were,while we worked out like everyone else,me and Jake stayed skinny.We didn't bulk up like the others,we actually lost weight a lot of the time.

“You got some nerve,anyway i'm over here to tell you to keep Ms.Freak show away from our girls.”Ashton said,He was really looking at Jake.Nathaniel was just staring me down while I did vice versa,me and him always had a rivalry that formed long time ago.

“Sure,sure.We'll get right on that.”Jake used his hand to wave them off,he wasn't to in the mood for them.

“Oh and by the way,Tell the other freak that he left his P.E uniform in the locker rooms.”Nathaniel said with a grin,I didn't have to even think about what he said.I knew he was the one that did it,and by the high five ashton shared I knew he was just as responsible.

The two boys walked away,I watched them stride back like they were kings.

“I knew they did it,you don't see many bruises on hands with football players.Now only question what are we gonna do about them?”Jake was devising a plan as he spoke,he was just that kind of guy.

I sat there and thought about it,this would definitely be fun.

“Well there is that fair coming up,they have a haunted house.Im sure we can show them that scarey things can happen when you're in a dim lite area,plus Im sure scarlet has some kind of hook up with the people running the fair.”

The plan was forming quickly in my mind,We were gonna show them that they can get one but its gonna take a whole lot more to get to the rest.We weren't gonna let this slide,plus they needed to be brought down a couple of notches.Now all that was left to be done was to see if scarlet had some kind of hoop up,we could only pray that she did.

A/n: You all dont know how bad I get writes block with this story,but Here it is and there are surprises to come since I actually sat down and wrote planned were I wanted this story to go.Hoep you Enjoy :Comment/fan/vote ^.^ see you all next time

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