Delusional Reality (Discontin...

Oleh IcyWillowSong

11.3K 451 163

Once the End Crystal exploded everything changed. For the Stevess and mostly for Sabre who they might never s... Lebih Banyak

Sabre's Gift (Old)
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Energy (Old)
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Healing (Old)
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Setting up
A Week

Sabre's gift (New)

487 18 1
Oleh IcyWillowSong

Then I felt it. The blast. It was strong. The end crystal blast... It shattered the glass around it and sent it flying... it sent me flying with the glass. I felt some of the glass penetrate my skin, but I didn't fight it, I expected that though. I knew in the end it didn't matter I was going to die anyway, but I will be able to save everyone else.. All of my friends...

I started to feel the emese amount of energy go through me. I felt a lot of this foreign energy inside of me settle beneath my skin. Only small amounts of this energy was able to escape causing more damage around me. I heard the explosion moments after the energy settled inside of me. It was loud and the sound quickly made my ears ring.

I felt myself hit the ground and felt my arm break. My body dragged against the ground causing some burns on my arm side and legs. After that I felt blistering heat run through the air causing my skin to boil. Whimpered in pain the first sound I've made since the blast. My head was pounding and my vision was turning black and I started to feel numb.

Am I dying? Is this truly the end? Now that I'm face to face with death it feels real. It's scary. I tried to relax by taking deep breaths in and out, but it didn't help as smoke started to fill my lungs instead of air.

I coughed heavily and tried to get up, maybe if I get out of here I can get help and live. I forced myself up feeling the small bit of strength I had left. If I fall now I won't be able to get back up. My vision was blurry and black and it was hard to tell what way was the right way to go. I take my first step as a wave of pain runs through me and I stop. I take another deep breath and cough out the smoke. I took my second step and this time I was able to brace myself for the pain. I took a third... fourth... fifth... Soon I was walking. In a senseless direction, but walking. I kept moving trying to ignore the exhaustion and pain I felt throughout my dying body.

Then I collapsed. I didn't even bother to try and get up, it would have been useless. That was my only chance of safety and I failed. I was too weak to get out.. Now I'm on the ground breathing in the smoke, weak and tired. Alone... maybe alone is a good thing. My friends won't have to see me so weak... they don't have to see me die. At least I gave them hope to save this world.

With that small sense of peace I felt myself relax a little. It made the pain I felt go numb. I felt my body relax and the smoke didn't in the air didn't bother my lungs anymore. I closed my eyes slowly and started to drift away. Drift away into a permanent dreamless sleep... and I smiled.

Guardian's point of view
"Is everyone okay?" I asked, filling the dreadful silence after the painfully loud explosion. I looked at Alex and Emerald Steve. Alex was covering her ears and shaking like a leaf. I have never seen her this scared before. I go over to her and hug her.

"Yeah fine." Emerald Steve said getting up from his curled up position.

"Alex?" I asked her. She looks up at me.

"Yeah I'm okay..." She gets up once I stop hugging her. I look at myself really quickly to see that I had no injuries myself.

"So it's over?" Alex asked, looking around.

"Yes, it looks like Sabre's plan worked." I told her then realized something, but Alex says it first.

"Sabre!" She runs to where the explosion is. Where Sabre is... was...

"Alex! Wait for us!" I tell her and run after her. Emerald Steve followed me and we saw a gastly sight. Emerald Steve's house and most of the area was just. The walls of bedrock around the area were gone too. Smoke was going up into the air like a large black cloud. Alex was already looking for a way into the hole.

"Alex there is no way he could have survived that." I told her. He is not anywhere near as strong as us.

"We have to see! What if he is alive and still down there?!" Alex yelled at me angrily. I sighed.

"Alright, but we can not be down there for very long." She looks at me a little frustrated, but gets through the bedrock blocks and makes her way down the ditch. I follow close behind her, but Emerald Steve stays where he is.

The ground in the hole was torn to bedrock. It was not as big as other explosions I have seen but at least 30 to 40 blocks in length of area was completely gone. There was fire everywhere. That explains the smoke. Me and Alex went opposite directions to see if we could find Sabre, most likely his body...

I soon got to the more center left of the massive hole. I found something new on the ground. Shatter glass. This is where the end crystal was. I looked at the glass more closely to see it evenly spread across the ground except in one area. There was not as much glass. That means something took the glass... or worse...

I walk in that direction to see pieces of glass trailing out farther than the other glass shards. I found a pool of blood about 10 blocks away from the pile of glass I walked away from. The blood was red and with Alex and me the only steves with red blood... well rather than Red Steves, but there are not any red steves here. Sabre is the only other person around here with red blood. I looked closer and saw a trail of blood. My eyes followed it and soon they landed on a figure. A person with a white chicken onesie. Sabre's body.

I didn't say anything and quickly ran to it. I moved his body that was once laying on it's side and made it lay on his back. There were multiple burns around his body with patches of his clothing completely burned off. Blood was running down his head turning the white fabric around his hood turned red. There were random pieces of glass stuck in his skin that were bleeding slightly. A very big piece of glass was digging into his side and was bleeding heavily. If I took it out now it would only make him bleed out faster if he isn't already dead. His left arm was twisted into a strange position as well. Probably broken and dislocated.

I do not know why, but I put two fingers to his neck. I guess a small part of me hoped he was still alive. I waited and focused on feeling his pulse. After a few seconds I was about to move my fingers away, but I felt it... a weak pulse. I pulled my hand away in shock, but quickly put my ear to his chest.

"Sabre!-... Guardian?" Alex paused after realizing what I was doing. She comes up to me and looks at Sabre in shock and fear.

"Is he-" I cut her off.

"Be quiet." She did not say anything else as I listened.

I could hear fire crackling and burning around me. I could hear the quiet howls of the wind above us. I could hear Alex breathing nervously as she waited for my answer. I could even hear my breathing and racing heartbeat. I heard a weak heartbeat... quiet but their. Sabre's heartbeat. I listened to it a moment to make sure my ears were not playing any tricks on me, but it was there. I slowly move my head up and look at Alex in the eyes.

"He's Alive."
(Words 1355)

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