𝐈 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐇�...

By hamiltonpsycho

18.1K 384 664

The complicated love story of Y/n Miranda and Daveed Diggs. Y/n was the little sister of Lin Manuel Mirand... More

00. Meeting
01. Worth it
02. Show me around
03. I love her
04. Opening night
05. Wait a second
06. Hanahaki
07. Deal
08. Hopefully
09. It's getting worse
For the new characters <3
10. When it happens
11. We know
12. I'm serious
13. One month later
15. Nightmare turned reality
16. Everything seemed to be going right
17. Epilogue

14. I Think I Love Him

516 15 49
By hamiltonpsycho

--one week later--
Daveed POV

It was my last day on Hamilton! Y/n called me earlier to wish me luck which was really nice.

Today was once again a one show.

Rafael woke me you by slapping me in the face. Not the first time.

"Wake. The. Hell. Up!" He said slapping my face after each word.

"I'm up! I'm up!" I said sitting up quickly rubbing me face.

"That hurt!"

"It doesn't matter, it's your last day on Hamilton. We have to celebrate!"

The first show was at 1 but I came to the theater at the usual time so I could spend more time with the cast. Right now, the ones who came early and I are in the green room.

The group includes Lin, Emmy, Jasmine, Carleigh, and Oak. We're all laughing and having a good time.

"I'm going to miss this." I told them.

"What do you mean? You're still going to come over and even if you say no I'm gonna force you!" Lin told me.

This made the group and I laugh even more. Things won't change that much. Right? Wrong.

--timeskip to final bow--
Third Person POV

Daveed just got finished with his last show.

After the cast took their bows they pushed Daveed up so he could take his last one. Lin also handed him the mic so he can say his speech.

"Ok, I'm not good with big speeches so sorry for this. Hamilton has been one of the best things that ever happened cough to me. It's given me lots of great opportunities and I have met lots of amazing people.

I will forever thank Lin for casting me in this and Rafael for making me audition. And with that said, I love every single one of you guys. Thank you!"

Nobody knew this except him, but during the whole speech we was thinking about how Y/n couldn't see his last performance. She really means a lot to him.

After that speech the cast walked off stage and went to go celebrate. It was a surprise for Daveed, but Oak and Rafael out a 'special dinner' for him. (Or clubbing I don't care)


The cast and I just got back from celebrating Daveed's final show when Y/n called me. I told her to call me around this time so it wasn't unexpected.

Y/n: Hey, Lin!

Lin: Hola hermosa. How was your day?

Y/n: Great! How about you?

Lin: It was awesome as always!

Y/n: Great! How was Daveed's final show?

Lin: It was great! I think he was a little sad about you not being there but he got through it. How are things there?

Y/n: Aww, I feel bad I couldn't be there and things here are great! I actually have something to tell you.

Lin: Go ahead

Y/n: Johan asked me on a date!

Lin: Wha-

Y/n: I said yes

Lin: Well... that's great Y/n!

Y/n: Mhm... don't tell anyone I told you this because I don't even know if it's true but...

Lin: What happened, Y/n

Y/n: I think I think I love him

Lin: Y/n are you serious?! You just met this man!

Y/n: Yes Lin, I'm very serious. I thought you would at least be happ-

Lin: No! Do you know Daveed is literally d-

Y/n: What Lin?! He's what?!

Lin: Nothing. I've got to go.

Is she serious?! She's literally saying she may love a man that she's know for 4 months! Daveed is dying for her but again she doesn't know that.

I can't believe I almost let that slip out of my mouth. Daveed would hate me.

--same time--
Third Person POV

What Lin and Y/n didn't know was that when Y/n said those words, "I think I love him," Daveed's condition got much worse.

--same time again--

I can't believe him! I thought he would at least be supportive of me.

I was the one who wanted me to be out there more. And what was he going to say about Daveed?

It shouldn't be that important if he didn't say it right then and there. Or maybe it's to important that he can't say it. Who knows?

--one week later--

It's been a week since I've last talked to Lin. We've talked through text but very short conversations.

Why is he mad at me? I don't know, neither do I care right now. I have much more important things to do.

Today is the big event! The one I've been talking about for months.

Daveed woke me up wayy to early. It was like 5 o'clock!

I am happy he's as excited as I am thought. I can't wait to see him again. There's only a matter of time, which is like 1 week.

Johan and I were now at Marissa and Kye's apartment getting ready.

"So how are you feeling, girls?" Marissa asked us. Her mouth was open because she was putting mascara on so it was hard to understand.


"Oh sorry. I said 'So how are you feeling, girls?'"

"Ohh. I'm great very excited!" I responded in an enthusiastic voice.

"I'm excited but also very nervous. This is the first big event for all of us! What if we mess up and ruin our career?!" Kye explained.

I used to be exactly like her. Always thinking the worse of every situation. But today will be different. We're going to think the best of everything!

"Stop being pessimistic! Everything is going to be fine. There's nothing to worry about!" I reassured her.

When the whole group was finished getting ready I got a call from Lin?

Y/n: Lin?

Lin: Oh, Y/n! I'm so so so sorry for ignoring you! I had no right to be mad at you last week

Y/n: *laugh* Lin it's fine! I'm just happy we're talking now!

Lin: That's great! So how's today going so far?

Y/n: Everything is going great! We're about to head out right now

Lin: Oh sorry. Call me when you get there, bye!

Y/n: Bye Lin!

--at the event--
Third person POV

I juts realized I kept saying 'the event' without telling you guys what it actually is. So I'll do that right now.

It's a big 'event' where designers from all across the world come together to show their works.

It's a big deal because the most highest designers and models are always hired.

There's also so much paparazzi and cameras. This event can literally make or break you career.

Right now the models were in the back getting makeup done.

Johan, Y/n, Marissa, Amalah and Kye were all in the front waiting for them to walk the catwalk.

"You know what. I think I am nervous." Y/n told the crew rubbing her sweaty hands on her pants.

"There's nothing to worry about! Everything is going to be smooth, just like we practiced!" Johan told her moving her shoulders so that she's facing him.

The two's faces were now inches apart when the music started playing, signaling the show just now started.

"Here we go." Y/n whispered to herself.


"THAT WAS AMAZING!!" Y/n explained walking into the apartment with the rest of the crew.

"See there was nothing to worry about! Just like how I told you!" Johan reminded her.

"I'm glad that's over." Amalah stated.

The rest of them agreed.

They loved doing this but it was a lot considering this was their first big thing.

"Oh my gosh guys look!" Marissa said all the way in the kitchen.

The group quickly ran over to her. "The best outfits from today's show in Italy." Johan read from her phone screen. It was a magazine article.

The picture that was put in first place was the dress they all worked on together.

They celebrated with hugs.

(This is weird)

When it got to Y/n and Johan their hug was very long and affectionate?

What is this?

After they pulled away and stared deeply into each other's eyes and kissed. (Lol I have no idea how to write this stuff)

Did they really just- cut the cameras, deadass.

They seemed to have forgotten that they weren't alone because when they pulled away and looked around all eyes were on them.

Marissa and Kye quickly pulled Y/n into her room and Amalah did the same to Johan.

After they closed the door the questions started.

"I thought you didn't love him!"

"What happened with the Daveed dude?"

"Didn't Lin not want you to date him?"

"Wait wha- calm down!"

"I don't know what happened out there. It just I don't know happened?"

"I can assure yo- ring"

"Hold on a second it's Lin."

Y/n: Lin what happ-

Lin; You need to come home right now!

There was shuffling on the other side of the line so he was obviously in a rush.

Y/n: What happened?!

Lin: It's Daveed

This made Y/n's heart stop. What happened to Daveed?

Y/n: Lin, what happened to him? Is he ok?

Lin: We don't know yet and we can't let it get any worse!

Y/n: Wha- let What get worse?!

Lin stopped what he was doing.

Should he tell her?

Lin: It doesn't matter right now. I'll tell you to your face but right now you need to get here

Y/n: Ok then. My flight was next week but I'll cancel it and get a flight for tomorrow

Lin: Great! I'll see you tomorrow!

You may be wondering, what the hell happened to Daveed?

Well, I'll tell you that right now. I mean- it's my job so I have to.

--minutes before Johan
and Y/n kissed--
Third Person POV

'I think I'm finally going to tell Y/n' Daveed thought time himself.


He ran out of his room and into Rafael's.

"Hey Rafa, I think I'm finally going to tell Y/n that I love her!"

"Finally! I was just about to tell her for you!"

"Rafael! Don't play like that." Daveed joked slapping Rafa's arm.

"Who said I was playing?" He laughed in which Daveed joined in.

And now! This should be the time they kissed.

Daveed felt a sharp pain in his chest and clutched onto it. Rafa seemed to notice very quickly.

"Daveed- are you ok?!" He said moving to aid his friend.

Just then Daveed passed out.

"Oh my gosh." He said nervously moving to check his pulse. There was one but it was very weak.

"I have to call 911!"


After the call he quickly dialed Lin and explained to him what happened.

Lin tried to gather his stuff as quickly as possible to meet him at the hospital.

That's why there was shuffling on his side of the call.

After that, he called Y/n to tell her to hurry back.

That's all the information you need for now so let's go back to the present.

Third person POV

It has been about 30 minutes since the call between Y/n and Lin and she still hasn't found a flight.

"Stupid flights! Just come up already."

"We can help if you want?" Amalah suggested.

"No, no it's fine. Wait! I just found one!"

"Great!" Kye told her.

"So, once again. Why are you leaving?" Johan asked her.

"I really don't know. My best friend is in some kind of trouble and I want to be there. Or I need to be there. That's what Lin told me."


They sat in silence for a little while.

"Ok I just booked it! I just need to pack my clothes and supplies now." Y/n said in a hurry getting up from her spot on the couch.

"We'll help." Johan told her

--same time--
Rafael POV

We just now arrived at the hospital. They immediately admitted Daveed into a room.

I'm still waiting on Lin, Anthony is also supposed to come.

Damn, that's them right now. I was sitting in the waiting room so that's where they went.

"Hi guys," I said kind of stuffy because of my crying. I got up to hug them.

"Any word on how he's doing." Lin asked me.

"No. Not yet, they just admitted him so it may take some time."


After 30 minutes we heard, "Anyone here for Daveed Diggs?"

The three of us stood and made our way to the doctor.

"Daveed is in room three. You all can join him there in a second, but for right now is anyone related to him?"

"No. But his parents should be here tomorrow." I told her.

"Ok," she stopped to write something down, "so who here right now is closest to him?"

"Rafael is." Lin told her pointing to me.

"Ok, Rafael. If you don't mind can you follow me. You two can go to Daveed's room."

The two left and I followed the doctor.

"If you don't know, I'm Doctor. Schuyler but you can call me Mary." She said opening up a door.

What is this place?

"This is the x-ray room. These right here are Daveed's x-rays. We didn't know he had Hanahaki until a while ago when we say these. For some reason it wasn't on his medical record."

"Whoa," was all I could say looking at them. It showed the flower petals and the flower plant's position. I was very close to his heart.

We were supposed to avoid all of this.

"How long has this been going on?," she questioned me.

"Umm, for about 4 months."

"Wow. He must really love this person."

"That's all I need for now. You can go to Daveed's room with the others. If we have any more questions we'll come back to you." She said opening the door and letting me out.


Inside of the room Daveed was hooked to many machines. It broke my heart knowing someone I've know all of my life is going through this.

Luckily, he was awake. And writing something?

"What are you writing Daveed?"

"Nothing!" He he said very quickly moving the paper towards his chest.

"He won't tell anyone what he's writing."

"Yah, because it's a secret!" He responded very defensively.

"You'll see it after a die. Only if she wants to show you."

"Wha- Daveed! Don't talk like that. Everything is gonna be fine. Y/n is coming tomorrow so you'll tell her." Anthony told him.

"And she? Is it for Y/n?" I asked him.

He shook his head yes.

"You've gone soft for her."

"Heyyy! That's not true."

"Stop lying. It's very true."

That's when we heard a knock on the door and the doctor came in.

"Sorry to interrupt but we need to run one more test. Can you guys please leave room for a second."

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