The Sixth Titan | Teen Titans

By missextinct

173K 5.1K 1.7K

Jump City is swarmed with crime. Luckily, six teenage heroes serve as its sworn protectors, defeating the amb... More

Chapter One - Divide and Conquer
Chapter Two - Sisters
Chapter Three - Final Exam
Chapter Four - Forces of Nature
Chapter Five - The Sum of His Parts
Chapter Six - Nevermore
Chapter Seven - Switched
Chapter Eight - Deep Six
Chapter Nine - Masks
Chapter Ten - Mad Mod
Chapter Eleven - Car Trouble
Chapter Twelve - Apprentice, Part One
Chapter Thirteen - Apprentice, Part Two
Chapter Fourteen - How Long Is Forever?
Chapter Fifteen - Every Dog Has His Day
Chapter Sixteen - Terra
Chapter Seventeen - Only Human
Chapter Eighteen - Fear Itself
Chapter Nineteen - Date With Destiny
Chapter Twenty - Transformation
Chapter Twenty-One - Titan Rising
Chapter Twenty-Two - Winner Take All
Chapter Twenty-Three - Betrayal
Chapter Twenty-Four - Fractured
Chapter Twenty-Five - Aftershock, Part One
Chapter Twenty-Six - Aftershock, Part Two
Chapter Twenty-Seven - Deception
Chapter Twenty-Eight - X
Chapter Twenty-Nine - Betrothed
Chapter Thirty - Crash
Chapter Thirty-One - Haunted
Chapter Thirty-Two - Spellbound
Chapter Thirty-Three - Revolution
Chapter Thirty-Four - Wavelength
Chapter Thirty-Five - The Beast Within
Chapter Thirty-Six - Can I Keep Him?
Chapter Thirty-Seven - Bunny Raven... or... How to Make a Titananimal Disappear!
Chapter Thirty-Nine - Titans East, Part One
Chapter Forty - Titans East, Part Two
Chapter Forty-One - Don't Touch That Dial
Chapter Forty-Two - The Quest
Chapter Forty-Three - Birthmark
Chapter Forty-Four - Cyborg the Barbarian
Chapter Forty-Five - Employee of the Month
Chapter Forty-Six - Troq
Chapter Forty-Seven - The Prophecy
Chapter Forty-Eight - Stranded
Chapter Forty-Nine - Overdrive
Chapter Fifty - Mother Mae-Eye
Chapter Fifty-One - The End, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Two - The End, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Three - The End, Part Three
Chapter Fifty-Four - Homecoming, Part One
Chapter Fifty-Five - Homecoming, Part Two
Chapter Fifty-Six - Trust
Chapter Fifty-Seven - Snowblind
Chapter Fifty-Eight - Kole
Chapter Fifty-Nine - Hide and Seek
Chapter Sixty - Final Stand, Part One
Chapter Sixty-One - Final Stand, Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Two - Revved Up
Chapter Sixty-Three - Go!
Chapter Sixty-Four - Calling All Titans!
Chapter Sixty-Five - Titans Together
Chapter Sixty-Six - Things Change
Chapter Sixty-Seven - Trouble in Tokyo, Part One
Chapter Sixty-Eight - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Two
Chapter Sixty-Nine - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Three
Chapter Seventy - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Four
Chapter Seventy-One - Trouble in Tokyo, Part Five
Chapter Seventy-Two - Epilogue

Chapter Thirty-Eight - The Lost Episode

1.9K 57 11
By missextinct

    Here it is! The Lost Episode. I'm aware that some of you might not have seen this one, or even heard of it... if you want to watch it, it's not that hard of a google search, and if you don't want to, it's not that long and doesn't matter much in terms of the story anyway, even in canon.

    "Only two more laps, Robin, and I'll be the new champion!" Cyborg calls out from his position on the couch. Both boys sit opposite the large screen set to the GameStation, fingers smashing the buttons on their controllers furiously.

    "No way, Cyborg!" the Boy Wonder fires back. "You're going down!"

    "Let's see," Starfire says thoughtfully from the kitchen bench. "A half a cup of dried zorka berries... four tablespoons of melted sputflinks." The pot boils over, but Starfire ignores this as she tastes its contents. "Almost done. Soon everyone will be enjoying my favourite Tamaranean dish."

    I turn my attention back to the woven basket in front of me, my eyes turning brown. Under my command, the dried plants begin to weave through each other, creating a criss-cross pattern.

    "Raven!" Starfire calls, once again diverting my attention. "Would you like to taste my homemade Glorg Supreme?"

    Raven looks up at the alien princess from her position on the floor, her back resting on the kitchen bench. "Not now, Starfire," she says. "I'm on the last chapter."

    Without warning, Beast Boy strides into the room, holding a boom box to his shoulder. I look up. "Hey, where'd you get that?" I ask, smiling at the Titan.

    Cyborg has a different opinion on the shapeshifter's music. "HEY, BEAST BOY, CAN YOU TURN THAT DOWN?!" he shouts. When Beast Boy either doesn't listen or doesn't change anything, the robotic teen whips around, controller in hand. "I SAID, TURN IT DOWN!!"

    Cyborg's attention is brought back to his game with the blaring sounds of the GameStation that are somehow heard over Beast Boy's music. Robin punches his fist in the air, letting out a content smile. "Yes! Eat my dust!"

    Cyborg turns around to glance at the game's results. "Aw, man!" he whines.

    I watch Beast Boy dance through the hallway, making his way over to the electrical panel. "Let's rock the house," he says.

    "Beast Boy, don't--" I'm cut off as he pushes a large, red cord into the powerpoint, and smoke billows through the room.

    Starfire's pots all overflow at once, and no matter how many lids she puts on them or new ingredients she adds, it doesn't go down. The mess from the alien's dish spews from the pots, with some of it splattering onto Raven's book, even spilling onto the half-demon herself.

    Bolts of electricity crackle from the powerpoint, and one bounces off Cyborg's head, electrocuting him. I run towards him and flatten myself as another flies in my direction. I smell something burnt and look back quickly to see my cooked basket.

    The lights go out and I storm over to the pair of wide, innocent eyes in the middle of the room. They blink twice before the owner asks, "Did I do that?"

    "BEAST BOY!" we all roar.

    "How could you mess with the main power source?" Robin fires.

    "You made me lose the game!" Cyborg's one red eye glows brighter than anything else, like a flame.

    "Now there will be no glorg for anyone!" Starfire's eyes turn a dangerous green, as if she were to strike the shapeshifter down for his actions. She does just this, and Beast Boy's left eye is left wrinkled, with a bruise to come.

    "I'll never know how it ends!" Raven shouts.

    "You ruined the basket that I was making for you!" I chide.

    My finger is licked by a flame, but the lights begin to turn back on. "Ah, no worries. Generator's kicked in," Beast Boy tells us nonchalantly.

    We all start to yell at him once more, and after a few seconds, I start to join in. "I can't believe, that after you asked me to do something for you, you'd just ruin it like that! You don't even care, either!" Beast Boy walks back, eyes widening, and when I look up I catch my red ones through the reflection of the glass. "Next time, don't expect me to be so--"

    "WHAT?" We all stop curiously as Beast Boy tips his head and pulls out a ball of wax large enough for the record books. "There, that's better. What were you guys saying?"

    The fact that he wasn't even listening angers me even more, and my fists clench as I resume my rant. "Next time, Beast Boy, that you ask me to do something, don't be so clumsy as to ruin it!"

    "I don't want to hear this," Beast Boy says, putting the wax back into his ear.

    As he does this, the alarm blares. "Titans! Trouble!" Robin shouts, and we all start to run.

    "Hey, where's everybody going?" Beast Boy questions. Cyborg grabs him by the shirt and pulls him with us.

    "When we get back, Cy, we're getting his eyes checked," I say to the mechanic male.

    Cyborg nods in affirmation and grins at me as we continue our stride.


    We arrive backstage at the theatre as Punk Rocket feigns sadness. "No one's staying for my encore?" he asks, pretending to be hurt by the news.

    "That's because there's not going to be one, Punk!" I call out.

    The villain turns around and scowls at us. "That's Punk Rocket to you, miss!" he says to me. "Now let's kick it out!" He strums a horrible sounding chord on his guitar, so bad that it pushes us into the wall behind. "How's that for a number-one hit?"

    "I don't think I could take another hit," Cyborg mumbles from the bottom of our stack.

    With a grunt, Robin pushes his way to the top and pulls out a birdarang. "I've heard enough. Titans! Go!" Robin charges and throws the birdarang at Punk Rocket, but it ricochets off his instrument and back to the Boy Wonder.

    Cyborg and Beast Boy run at the villain, and when he strums his guitar, Beast Boy changes into a pterodactyl and lifts Cyborg up, who counters the attack with his sonic cannon. I'm not so lucky, and the attack pushes me back with incredible force. I pull a rock out and push it into the floor like a to stop myself quickly.

    Cyborg counters this attack with his sonic cannon, which only causes Punk Rocket to play harder, redirecting the sonic cannon's blast towards the two boys. It hits them at their hand hold, causing them to break apart. Starfire catches Cyborg as he collides with her, but Beast Boy changes into a falcon after his collision with Raven as she rights herself.

    I make a staff out of ice and jump down to help Robin. He kicks at Punk Rocket, who dodges that and Robin's next attack. The two stand for a second, deciding their next move, and I bring my staff down onto Punk Rocket's head.

    He yelps and kicks me, square in the chest, and I collide with Robin, bringing him down as well. Whilst we're both in the air, defenceless, Punk Rocket blasts his guitar once more and we're sent flying through the auditorium.

    Robin lands first in a seat near the aisle, his cape over his face, and before I can change my path I land on top of him too. I pull myself up and into the gap between the two sets of seats, where the other Titans have assembled.

    "Ruddy fools!" the villain shouts as Robin rejoins us. "No one can stop the sound of chaos!"

    "Listen up!" Robin calls out. "Those sonic waves are coming from his guitar!"

    "We gotta shut him down!" Cyborg agrees.

    I can practically see the excess wax oozing out of Beast Boy's ear and the steam pouring out of Cyborg's as the shapeshifter asks, "WHAT?"

    Cyborg grabs Beast Boy by the ear so that his lips are less than a centimetre from it. "I SAID, SHUT HIM DOWN!!" he roars into the shapeshifter's ear.

    "Ohhh!" Beast Boy says, smiling. "Okay." He becomes an elephant and charges towards the stage, trying desperately to fight against the current that is the sound waves. Eventually, he's pushed back, and I dive into the seats to avoid turning into roadkill.

    I reach my hand out to Starfire and she propels me into the air as Beast Boy changes into a human. "I think we need another plan," he states groggily.

    "Leave that to us," Raven tells him as she joins us.

     We fly high into the air, and I toss rocks towards the redhead beside me. Once Starfire shoots them with starbolts, I fly the now fiery asteroids at Punk Rocket. Raven pulls a black hand through the smoke on the stage, forcing Punk into the air.

    "Long live the Punk Rocket sound!" the villain cheers. He uses his guitar as a hovercraft and dodges all of our shots. "Whoo-hoo!"

    "Attack together," I tell Starfire, and with a battle cry each, we fling our own weapons at Punk Rocket, my eyes switching to red to do so.

    "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven calls, and another hand joins her first in trying to catch the villain.

    "I'd like to dedicate this next song to all my female fans," Punk Rocket says. After dodging some more of our attacks, he lands on the rail for the top floor's collection of seats. "This one's for you."

    Punk strums his guitar, sending the three of us soaring back towards the stage. I groan as my spine makes contact, before sitting up as Starfire speaks.

    "Why does the Punk Rocket wish to hurt people with his music?" she asks. "Music is a glorious expression that is supposed to make one feel happy."

    "You obviously haven't heard any of my music," Raven states.

    Punk Rocket chooses that moment to try to fly right through me. I don't see him coming, and would have become roadkill for the second time tonight if a yellow rope hadn't reeled me in.

    "All right, Punk Rocket," Robin says, releasing me. "What do you want?"

    "I want to bring the world to its knees with the sound of chaos!" the musician instantly replies.

    "Right to the point, then," I say.

    "You are so one-note," Raven adds.

    "We're never gonna beat him while he's got that guitar," Cyborg states, coming up behind us with Beast Boy at his side.

    "Yes, we will," Robin says, "as long as we work together as a team."

    "Let's go," Raven says, pointing at our adversary.

    A rope drops down in front of Punk Rocket. "You're daft, thinking you can beat me!" he shouts. "Now here's something to really bring down the house!"

    He pulls the rope and the curtains fall away, revealing an entire wall full of amplifiers. "What is that?" Beast Boy asks.

    "Up to now, his whole act has been... unplugged," Robin realises.

    "Which means..." Raven begins.

    "... He's just getting started!" Cyborg concludes, eyes as wide as mine.

    As he says this, Punk Rocket blasts his guitar, and even that's not strong enough of a word. My ears are tortured and I clutch them as my body his the wall behind before collapsing to the ground.

    "Ouch! That looked like it hurt... but not enough!"

    Punk Rocket bangs his guitar once more as Cyborg begins to charge with his sonic cannon. The impact causes the robotic teen's cybernetic parts to light up and and his parts to detach and move around unnaturally.

    "Blimey! That looks a bit dodgy now, doesn't it?" the villain comments.

    "Cyborg!" Starfire and I call simultaneously.

    "Are you okay?" Robin asks.

    Cyborg continues to cover his ears, trying hard to push out his words. "Sound... messing up my circuits!... Not sure how much longer... I can keep it... together!"

    Beast Boy grins from behind and walks past us all, towards the sound. "Hey, Punky!" he calls, in a teasing tone that worries me. "You call that the sound of chaos? Sounds more like elevator music to me!"

    "I can't hear you!" Punk Rocket replies teasingly as he turns a knob on his guitar. When he plays it next, it sends me to my knees and electricity begins to shoot out of Cyborg's system.

    Robin mouths something, and then Starfire after her, but I can't hear them. "Cut it out!" I shout, as loud as I can.

    I assume Beast Boy has chosen to ignore me, because the next wave of sound is stronger, once again, than the last. I let out an agonised scream as I feel my eardrums burst.

    After what feels like an eternity, the music stops. I stand up to see Punk Rocket holding his guitar to his chest and sobbing.

    "You are so not cool," Raven comments. The cord from the amplifiers fall under her influence and as Punk Rocket tries to run away, she ties his feet together with ease.

    "What? Hey!" he shouts, as he falls to the floor.

    Beast Boy pulls an unhealthy amount of wax out of each ear and rolls it into a ball, before tossing it onto the ground. "Waxy buildup saves the day," he declares, before walking over to Cyborg. "You gonna be okay?"

    "Thanks to you, little buddy," Cyborg replies, ruffling Beast Boy's hair. The look on the shapeshifter's face leads me to believe that Beast Boy pulled out not just the wax from his head, but his brain, too.

    Robin pulls on the cord holding the defeated villain and Punk Rocket comes to a stand beside the Boy Wonder. "Looks like Punk Rocket's next tour will be behind bars," he says, and we all laugh, much to the villain's dismay.


     I walk into the main room, just in time for Robin to call my name. "Ember!" he shouts, throwing me some kind of item. "Put these in your ear."

    "Why?" I can't help but question.

    "Because," Cyborg begins, "when Beast Boy walks in, with his music too loud, he's going to go on some kind of speech about how he was the hero and so he gets to do what he wants. Also, I don't wanna listen to his music," the robotic male whines and shudders at the mere thought.

    "Okay," I say, walking over to the couch. "Since Beast Boy ruined the basket I was making for him, I'm gonna watch you guys play."

    Cyborg nods and he and Robin place the earplugs into their ears, and I follow suit. Since my foot is on the floor, I feel the heavy bass of the music grow louder, my indication of when Beast Boy is in the room, and when it subsides I turn around.

    "WHAT?" we all ask, taking out our earplugs. I look over to Cyborg, and we share an amused glance.

    "Did he say something?" Cyborg asks me, and I grin.

    "Couldn't tell you."

    Next is the two part finale! By next weekend at the latest, I intend to have both parts up - this is because I want to do some extra polishing before I publish them, just to make sure they're both amazing for you all!

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