HALO - h.s.

By skywilliams_

97 12 71

He sighs deeply, slowly exhaling the air his lungs have been collecting for this whole conversation. "I suppo... More



30 2 4
By skywilliams_

I always thought I knew the world I grew up in pretty well. These last years nothing seems to catch me off guard anymore, because it feels like I've already been through everything you could possibly imagine. Escaping in a helicopter with bullets flying everywhere? Been there. Absconding in an underground bunker in Switzerland? Done that. Almost losing my life because Papà made someone a little pissed again? Wouldn't be the first time.

You see, I know my world, and nowadays it takes a lot for me to be shocked. Until now.

"Un guardaspalle? A bodyguard?"

What the fuck. He has to be kidding me, there's no other way. I've seen, heard and been through some crazy shit in my life, but that's how it has always been, for as long as I can remember. Why a bodyguard now?

The heaviness of his deep sigh seems to fill up the entire room. "Yes. I'll be away for business in Italy for about six months, and I need you to be safe."

Looks like he isn't kidding.

Papà isn't even looking at me, his eyes are locked on the huge suitcase in front of him, filled with all of his belongings. Hidden between black suits and silk ties the handguns and cocaine are almost unnoticeable, but not to me. I swallow.

Business. Right.

"I have some things to take care of in Sicily, and you know your safety is my priority."

"And a bodyguard is what you came up with?"

I can't hold back a scoffing laugh, knowing how ridiculous this is. A bodyguard? To protect me? I'm not a fucking toddler.

"Exactly. It's a great idea, if I do say so myself."

I desperately try to hold my frustration, when all I want to do is yell at him. Yelling isn't going to work though, I know that.

"And may I ask how you came up with this ridiculous idea?" I try to sound as calm as possible. He can at least try to explain, although I can think of anything reasonable he could say.

All he does is shrug. "It's the perfect solution. With a bodyguard you won't be alone for a second and get the protection you need. And I'll be aware of your location at all times."

"Oh, so that's what this is about. You want to control me." I cross my arms, even though his back is facing me and he can't see a thing of what I'm doing. It's the thought that counts, I guess.

"You don't trust me."

Of course he has his answer ready. "Wrong. I don't trust the people around you."

I know he's right, but no way I'm agreeing to this. A bodyguard is going to be the end of any normalcy in my life, and lately I already have so little left. I don't care if I have to put all my cards on the table, make all the sacrifices he wants, I'm not agreeing to this.

"Then I'm coming with you to Sicily. I know the language, I can take online classes, and get to know my ethnicity. And on top of that, you wouldn't have let me out of your sight for a single second. It's perfect."

Six months in Italy already sounds way better than some creepy guy keeping an eye on every single breath I take.

"You know you can't." It's like I can hear him grinding his teeth, he's definitely getting frustrated with me now.

"And why is that?"

It's an obvious question, to which we both already know the answer, but he replies anyway. "Because it's too dangerous."

It's the answer I expected, but I'm not ready to give up yet, even if it's making him pissed as hell.

"I'm not scared, Papà. The Famiglia is my blood, it's everything I've ever known. I can take it."

It's the truth. Even though Sicily would indeed be a lot more dangerous than any other place I've been, I could take it. I've been preparing for this my whole life.

"It's too dangerous," he repeats slowly, emphasising every syllable.

"And staying here, without you, isn't dangerous?"

"Not when you have someone else to protect you." He seems to have everything figured out, has an answer to every question I can come up with, which is getting me frustrated.

I guess I'll have to play it differently now. A devilish smirk starts playing on my lips, my arms still crossed. I guess it's time to mess with his head, he's giving me no choice.

"So you trust someone other than yourself, being a random guy who could do anything he wants to me, to protect the most precious thing in your life? I mean, you won't be here to control him, so you'll have no power at all."

His entire body freezes, like ice running through his veins.

"I mean, he could literally do anything, whatever he wants, without you ever getting to know it."

His head snaps up, and I can see his hands twitching as they grab the edge of his suitcase. I know thousands of scenarios that could possibly happen to me are now rushing through his mind, and that's what I wanted.

For a moment I allow myself to have hope, seeing he's not responding and lost in his thoughts, and think I've convinced him.

But then the tension disappears and he continues packing. "Yes, I trust him. I properly screened him, and he's a decent guy. The only thing he'll do is protect you."

I almost groan from annoyance, seeing my little trick on his mind didn't work like I hoped it would. And knowing he has already screened and hired somebody is already making this way too decided.

"You already found a guy? You didn't even tell me first, you're just doing all of this behind my back."

He sighs deeply, putting another clothing article in his suitcase. "Elena, how many times do I have to repeat it? It's not safe to be alone."

"I won't be alone," I protest. "I have Francesca and Bruno, and everything you've ever learned me to keep myself safe. No need for protection."

A loud laugh fills the room. "A housekeeper and a driver aren't enough to keep you safe, Ellie, and whatever you think you can do to protect yourself definitely isn't either. I know you've seen and dealt with a lot in your life, all things which made you stronger than any other eighteen-year old walking this earth, but it's not enough."

"I can protect myself. I'm your daughter, no one knows the Famiglia like I do. Do you really think there are people out there more capable of keeping me safe than I am myself?"

"Like I said, you're strong, but not strong enough."

Fuck, I'm running out of counter arguments.

"But I really don't want a bodyguard."

Great, now I'm straight up whining like child, and Papà doesn't seem to even consider changing his mind.

"Well, lucky for you you have nothing to want. This is my decision, and I decided you'll get a bodyguard."

I clench my fists, frustration bowling in my veins. "Over my dead body."

"I think a bodyguard is meant to avoid that." A chuckle leaves his mouth. He's just making fun of me now.

Then he decides he's done packing and slams his suitcase close, not forcefully but still unexpectedly enough to make me jump a little. He stretches his back and turns around, now towering over me with his tall posture and looking right into my eyes. It's his way to look intimidating, but it has stopped working for me a long time ago. Even though I know what he's capable of, he could never scare me.

"This isn't up for discussion, la mia luche. You're too important, not only because you're my daughter and the whole future of the Famiglia, but also because of many reasons I really thought you were well aware of. You know how many people are after you. I can't risk it, Ellie."

His eyes have a stern look, a frown between his eyebrows, but I look right through it. Because behind this tough appearance, I see his fear and pain. Fear because he doesn't want to lose me, and pain because I wouldn't be the first one he has lost.

I sigh. He's clearly doing this out of love, and because there's no other way. I know Dad hates depending on others for my safety, maybe even just in general, because losing me is his worst nightmare.

I know I'm in danger every time I walk out of my house, I really do, even if I don't want to admit it, or even think about it. Maybe I do need to be protected. Only just a little.

So, out of love, and because I've figured out disagreeing really is pointless, I sigh deeply. "Fine. If it makes you feel better, I'll get a bodyguard."

He tries holding back a grin, but it appears anyway. He knew I would give in, because I have to, always. Whatever he has to say about my life is more important than anything coming out of my mouth would ever be.

I bury my face in my hands, already regretting all of this. "But please, don't hire someone to hover over me twenty-four seven. I still want a life."

"Deal." A crooked smile appeared on his lips, as he softly places both of his hands on my shoulders. "Ti amo, lo sai?"

I'm his soft spot. Always have been.

"I know. I love you too." Slowly I take a step closer and wrap my arms around his torso. Placing my head on his chest, I hear his heart beating in my ear, as he tightly hugs me back.

He slowly breaks our embrace, his hand reaching for the collection of documents laying on his nightstand. After quickly flipping through them, he hands them to me.

"This is his form with everything you need to know about him. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me."

I grab the papers out of his hands and scan through them, looking for any useful information.

Harry Edward Styles.

Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England.

Great, he's British. His accent is definitely going to annoy me.

20 years old.

I furrow my brows and look up to face Papà again. "Wait a minute, this guy is only two years older than I am."

He nods affirmatively. "I thought an old man would be weird. After all, you're going to be spending a decent amount of your time with this person, so you better get along."

A thought pops into my mind. "Does he.. Does he know about, you know, the whole Famiglia thing?" I carefully ask. Better to know now than to spill stuff later on.

And again, he nods. "He works for us, and is informed of everything he needs to know. Don't worry about that."

Then a small picture in the corner of one of the pages catches my eye. It's one of a guy, a bit older than I am, staring directly into the lens of the camera with two piercing emerald eyes. His hair is dark brown with messy curls, reaching the collarbones peeking out of his black button-down. There's no sign of a smile on his lips, just a firm look. He looks a bit intimidating, like Papà usually does, but again, not enough to scare me.

I'm guessing it's him.

Papà confirms my thought. "That's him. You'll meet him in a week, when I leave for Italy."

With those words he leaves me in his room, walking away.

"Just so you know, this doesn't mean I'm gonna like him." I call after him, making him stop in his tracks.

Just because I agreed to this doesn't mean I'm just going to obey this guy. I did this to satisfy Papà, but as soon as he's in Sicily, I'll show Mr Bodyguard who really is in charge here.

He quickly glances over his shoulder, seeming to have read my mind. "Of course. Give him a hard time as much as you like, I don't care. You'll still be stuck with him, and he'll be stuck with you."

Can't wait.

Author's note: Welcome to my story "Halo"! This is going to be one hell of a ride..
- Love, Sky

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