Losing Love

By zami005

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*Some scenes include physical abuse* Hope Ficci is a 19 year old girl from New York. One night away with her... More



3.3K 80 74
By zami005

Hope's POV:

I wake up to pounding on my front door, "OPEN THE DOOR" Kyle yells as he continues his assault to my poor door. I pull it open swiftly while glaring at him, he nudges me aside and steps inside, "sure you can come in" I sarcastically remark.

He rolls his eyes at me, "you've been training for the past two weeks. You're pretty good" he comments without saying more, "okay thank you?" I add with a questioning tone. "So you're coming with us tonight". I stare up at him blankly. "What?" I ask, wanting him to repeat himself so I can make sure I heard him right.

"Jeez are you deaf? I said you're coming with us tonight... for the interrogation", "Why?" I ask him, "because you said you wanted to learn more about how we work?" He replies, questions linger towards the end of his sentence. "No but like, what does that have to do with my training?" I ask him, returning to what he first mentioned. "Oh nothing, I just wanted to say that". I stare at him as if he is an undiscovered creature, before turning away and rolling my eyes at how stupid he can be.

"I already told you that I don't want to join the Mafia" I utter as I start the kettle and grab two cups from the cupboard. "Yeah, when did I say you were?" He inquires. "Aren't interrogations like, a Mafia only thing?"

"Yes, they are. But I know you loved Cheryl just as much as we did, I just assumed you would want to know what's going on but if you don't then you don't have to" he begins, "no you're right, I do want to know" I reply quickly, "I'll pick you up at 6 then" he adds as I pour the coffee into the cups. I pass one to Kyle and place mine on the table. I walk over to the cupboard and pull out a bottle of whiskey from the top shelf, breaking the seal and pouring some in. Kyle gives me a questioning look as I place the bottle down on the table and take a sip of my coffee, 'what? it's 5pm somewhere", he shrugs as he lifts the bottle and pours some in his own cup.

Kyle leaves after around an hour, it's only 11am so I have the whole day to spend before Kyle picks me up. I begin to brainstorm ideas for the day when I hear my phone buzz, I walk over to it and stare at the lock screen.

Lunch in an hour?

Yeah sure, meet at Daniels?

I respond, referring to Daniel's restaurant.

Sounds good.

I place my phone back down on the table and let my clothes drop onto the floor. I turn the shower on and stare at myself in the mirror as I wait for the water to warm up. I stare at the scars that have been forcefully attached on to me, running my fingers over the one near my chest from when I got shot. I think back to that night, the night that I realised my whole life was a lie, but it was also one of the best nights because Dominic confessed his feelings for me, and I confessed mine. The mirror steams up and I turn to the shower.

Elisa and I are sitting on a table for two in the outdoor area of the restaurant as we converse about everything, though avoiding the topic of Cheryl at all times.

"Hello, what can I get you today?" A young waiter approaches us with his notebook and pen in hand, I order my meal as Elisa orders hers. The waiter informs us that our food will be ready in a bit before turning on his heels and leaving. Elisa and I go back to our discussion.

Unfortunately, we are interrupted about five minutes in as a good-looking guy in a suit approaches our table. He looks to be around 25 years old. "I apologise for interrupting your conversation ladies, but as I was sitting on my table my eye caught hold of the most exquisite lady I have ever seen." He stares down at me, "I decided that I obviously couldn't let a gem like you go by without at least trying to get you to join me for dinner tomorrow night?" He adds confidently. I chuckle a bit at his eagerness, and that he probably thinks he has game, but instantly feel bad and cover it up, "I'm sorry, I would love to but I have a boyfriend" I reply as sweetly as possible. He nods his head as he turns around and begins to walk back to his table. He stops and turns back around with an expression on his face that says he came up with the best idea ever, "what if your boyfriend never found out?" He questions. I see Elisa roll her eyes from my peripheral vision as I chuckle again, not bothering to cover it up this time. "Trust me, he finds out everything. Besides, I don't want to" I add. He looks slightly disappointed as he puts his hand in his pocket and pulls his wallet out. He lifts his black credit card, obviously trying to show it off to me, before putting it back in and pulling out a white business card. "Give me a call once you and your boyfriend break up then" he winks as me and turns around to walk away.

Elisa and I both shiver and fake gag, before laughing at each other's reaction. The rest of the lunch goes smoothly, we decide to go run errands together after lunch, and I head back to my house at around 4pm.

I plop onto the couch and decide to take a nap for around an hour.

I'm woken up to my phone's alarm beeping. I check my lock screen once I turn it off and as expected, not a single text or call from Dominic. He hasn't shown up here either. This is how it's been for the past two weeks, but I understand. He just needs space.

I change into black skinny jeans and a cropped long sleeved black shirt, with white air forces. I have another cup of coffee as I wait for Kyle.

Finally, I hear knocking on my door and I open it wide. I'm shocked to notice that instead of Kyle, Dominic stands in front of me. He has dark bags under his eyes and messy hair, yet he still attempts to look fine. "Kyle asked me to pick you up" he informs me. I nod my head in response as I grab my phone and place it in my back pocket before shutting the door and locking it.

We sit in Dominic's car in silence for a while before he begins to speak, "so Carter told me what you did last night", I look up at him, uncertain of what to say. He notices my uncertainty as he continues, "why did you do it?" He asks. My expression changes, now I'm staring at him as if he just asked the dumbest question ever. Because he did.

"You're my boyfriend" I answer with a shrug, "so? I didn't ask you to do it" he adds harshly. I roll my eyes at him, this guy. "That's not how it works, besides it's nothing new. It's been like this for the past two weeks" I comment. I notice him grip the steering wheel harder from the corner of my eye, "yeah, and for the past two weeks I've been telling you to just leave me alone".

"OH MY GOD. What is your fucking problem Dominic? I already told you that isn't how it works and telling me to just leave you alone isn't going to make it stop" I begin to show my frustration towards him, for the past two weeks he's been acting like a child and I haven't complained once. Yet he's getting pissed at me for doing something that any regular human would do.

"My fucking problem is that I don't need you around so just fuck off" he adds. I feel my heart ache at his words but I keep a straight face. "Whatever" I whisper as I see that we are stopped outside the warehouse. I get out and head towards Kyle instantly, not waiting for Dominic. "You're dropping me home" I glare at Kyle as he responds with a confused expression. His expression fades as if his answers have all been magically answered once he notices a pissed off looking Dominic storming his way up to us.

"Let's just get this over with" he mutters as he walks through the door.

We walk into a dark room with only one lightbulb that hangs from the ceiling. Underneath the lightbulb is a man tied to a steel chair. "What do you want?" He blurts at Dominic as he approaches the man. Everyone else, including me, stands away from the direct light. Dominic begins questioning the man, yet the man stays silent the whole time. Even after Dominic threw a few punches at him, he still refused to answer.

I can tell Dominic is getting really agitated as he leans down to the man, "where is Matteo Santiago?" He questions the man in a low voice. The man doesn't respond with words, but instead spits in Dominic's face.

Dominic loses his temper as he punches the man across the face continuously, the chair falls to the ground and Dominic begins kicking the man on the ground, bending down and punching him more. I can hear the guys screaming at Dominic to stop, telling him that he's going to kill him but Dominic seems stuck in a daze. Blood splatters everywhere as I'm lost in the scene, this is a completely new side of Dominic. I have never seen him like this.

I'm brought out of my daze by Kyle's panicked arm, "DO SOMETHING" he yells wide eyed. I run up closer to Dominic, "DOMINIC STOP" I yell, he doesn't stop. "DOMINIC YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM" I warn him, again he doesn't stop. "FUCKSAKE DOMINIC JUST STOP" I scream as I subconsciously place my hand on his shoulder. I'm taken by surprise when Dominic turns around and pushes me hard. I fall down to the ground and watch as Dominic's eyes widen in fear as he realises what he has just done.

"Hope I'm so sorry" I rushes up next to me and pulls me up to my feet. I stand up and shrug his arm off me before not saying anything and stomping out the room. I walk out the warehouse, ignoring Dominic's protests for me to come back. He follows me out.

I can hear him calling my name but I choose to ignore them and just keep walking straight. I'll take a taxi home or something. "HOPE PLEASE STOP" he places a hand on my shoulder and it's enough to make me turn around and push his arm off. "Don't touch me" I warn him. I see his eyes glisten in the moonlight. "Hope I'm sorry, I don't know what happened I ju-"

"Really? You don't know what happened? Well I do, Dominic. You're so filled with hatred and vengeance that it's transforming you into a completely different person, and you might not see it but everyone else does. I see it, Kyle sees it, Carter sees it, Elisa sees it, even Cole has fucking seen it. Just look at yourself" I cut him off while staring him up at down. I notice his white shirt is now stained with blood, he knuckles covered in blood and a bit of the man's blood splattered across his face. He opens his mouth to speak but I'm not finished yet so I continue "You're so caught up in the idea of revenge that you are ruining everything else around you. All you do is work and drink. Do you even sleep anymore? Because you certainly look like you haven't been. And for the last two weeks I have been picking up your slack, I have been dealing with everything. Guess what Dominic, you're not the only one hurting right now. And as much as I hate to do this, it's clear that your heart is so filled with love for the idea of revenge against Matteo, and your hatred against literally the whole world that there is no space for the love you have or had for me." I hesitate before saying this next part, "I know you're not just going to let go of the revenge so that's why I'm letting go of you." I take a deep breath in as I feel my heart shatter. I hate this and I don't want to do this but he is dragging me down and I can't deal with his coldness anymore. Hopefully it's just temporary.

I look up at him as his glistening eyes are now crowded with tears. He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it, deciding it's best not to. I see Kyle approaching us and I realise I need to wrap this up quickly, "I feel in love with Dominico Moretti, I don't even know you anymore" I add quietly and sadly.

I can't bear the look on his face, I feel my own tears filling my eyes but I can't cry in front of everyone again so I turn my back and walk away.

I hear Kyle's heavy footsteps run up behind me. "Hope wait", he pulls me around by my arm but stops once he notices my eyes heavy with tears. Without saying anything, he grabs my head and pulls me into his chest. Wrapping me a warm, tight, embrace. I can't hold back anymore so I begin sobbing hysterically into his chest. He holds me even tighter, not saying a word.

Eventually, I run out of salty tears. Kyle pulls away from me, "come on, I'll drop you back" he whispers to me. I simply nod.

The whole car ride back is silent. My face shows no emotion whatsoever as I lean my head against the cold car window and close my eyes.

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