Another story of fate

Autorstwa KatherineGorbatiuk

196 30 0

We all perfectly know the magic story about the "boy who lived". We all love this magical world and its uniqu... Więcej

Authors note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Authors Note

Chapter 16

4 2 0
Autorstwa KatherineGorbatiuk


As friends expected, the punishment was severe. Gryffindor lost fifty points, and the guilty ones were waiting for a trip to the Forbidden Forest (a place that was terribly frightening). The only good thing was that Malfoy was also hit by the hand.
Filch ran into the office, out of breath. He murmured something quickly in Minerva's ear, and the two of them left. Before leaving, the Head ordered to wait for her in the office.

"What, Potter, now you and your buddies are helping this overgrown idiot with all sorts of critters?" - the blond boy quipped.

“Shut up Malfoy! Otherwise Harry won't hold me back this time." - Nest hissed back.

“What are you going to do, Lupin? Use Flipendo on me like you did on Flint? Believe me, it won't work... People like you are just a material for powerful wizards." - Draco began his tirade.

Nesta clenched her fists with all her strength, trying to contain the anger that boiled inside.

"Don't you dare talking to her like that!" - Ron growled.

As much as the girl pissed him off, she was part of the family, and family for Ron was the most important thing.

“Come on, Weasley. You're a pureblood, but no better than them... The same pathetic excuse for a wizard." - the Slytherin seemed to have the answer to everything.

“You'd better be careful with your words. They can turn against you...” - Harry said calmly. - “You'll see, Malfoy. One day you will regret it greatly..."

Nesta did not understand how her friend managed to remain calm in such situations. She would have hit the blond snake long ago.

Malfoy was about to poke at something else, but the door slammed open. Dea entered the office, accompanied by Filch and McGonagall. The girl looked sad and tired.

"Well, now there are five of you... Mr. Filch, take them to Hagrid."  - the Head gave the order.

"With pleasure!" - the squib grinned and pushed the children to the exit.

As the company walked through the corridors and courtyards of the school, Filch enthusiastically talked about the old methods of punishment, and Dea trudged behind.
Nesta slowed down to catch up with the blonde.

"What were you punished for?" - she asked quietly.

“Neville, Seamus and I stayed in the library. When they ran away from Filch, the guys dragged me into your common room. McGonagall caught me there... Your Head obviously doesn't like me. "  - answered Amaretto.

"What are talking about?!  McGonagall may choose favorites, but she's always fair. By the way, how do you like our common room?" - Lupin asked, distracting her friend from the thoughts of punishment.

"It's nice... And warm, unlike dungeons."

As they spoke, they didn't notice as they approached Hagrid's hut. The saddened half-giant left the house.

"Oh my God... Are you still upset about that bloodthirsty dragon?" - Filch rolled his eyes.

Hagrid, who was examining the crossbow, sighed heavily and looked up at the children.

"Norbert is gone... Dumbledore sent him to Romania to live in a colony." - he explained to his little friends.

“But that's good! His relatives are there." - Hermione tried to calm him down.

“What if he doesn't like Romania? What if other dragons mistreat him? After all, he is still a child!” - he did not give up.

"We'll write a letter to Charlie, he'll take care of him... Right, Ron?" - suggested Nesta.

"Right! He will definitely take care of his upbringing." - the redhead quickly realized, helping his friend to carry out her plan.

“For God's sake! Pull yourself together, you are going to the Dark Forest. You have to be on the lookout there...” - Filch grumbled ominously.

"In the forest? I thought you were kidding! We can't go there. This is prohibited for students. There are... werewolves." - Malfoy whimpered.

“There are worse things in this forest than werewolves... You can be sure! Good night." - Filch replied.

Nesta felt uneasy. They wouldn't send eleven-year-olds to dangerous areas, would they?

"Let's go."  - hurried them Hagrid.


They walked silently between the trees, emerging deeper and deeper into the cold darkness of the forest. Fang ran ahead with surprising briskness. If the huge coward is not afraid, then there is no risk, but Nesta couldn't get rid of an anxious feeling... Bad things would happen, she felt it, so she carefully looked around, peering into every bush.
The company approached a huge littered tree. A silvery puddle glistened at its roots. Hagrid bent down and dipped his fingers into the liquid. The substance dripped slowly from his hand as he examined it closely.

"Hagrid, what is this?" - Harry asked.

“That's what we're here for... See? It's unicorn blood." - answered the half-giant.

Ron raised his eyebrows in surprise. Nesta's anxiety increased.

“A couple of weeks ago I found a dead unicorn, and now someone badly hurt this one.” - led further Rubeus.

Nesta turned her head sharply to the right. It seemed to her that something rustled in the bushes. A figure in a black cloak flashed a couple of meters away. The girl blinked in fright. The figure disappeared. Lupin turned to her friends, checking to see if anyone had seen. She met the equally frightened Potter's gaze. The girl exhaled, after all she was not crazy, and there really was someone there.

“Okay guys. We need to find the poor animal...” - Hagrid began to distribute instructions. - "Ron, Hermione, you're  coming with me."

“Okay…” - Ron choked out.

"Nesta and Dea, you go there." - the keeper pointed to the path behind him.

The girls nodded.

"Harry, you go with Malfoy."

"Okay, but I'll take Fang!" - Malfoy exclaimed.

"Perfect! Just know, he is very afraid...” - answered Hagrid.

The sly grin instantly disappeared from Draco's face, and the mastiff whimpered softly, confirming his master's words.
Everyone went their separate ways.
Dea and Nesta got a hilly path overgrown with bushes. Lupin walked forward confidently, holding the lantern.

"Aren't you afraid?" - Dea asked quietly.

“I am afraid. But I convince myself otherwise." - Nes answered calmly.

"Huh... And you fit all the stereotypes about Gryffindor." - Amaretto chuckled.

Nesta stopped abruptly.

"What are you talking about?" - she wondered, narrowing her eyes.

“Brave and self-confident. Fear is hidden behind a mask of calm. You always ask for trouble, protecting everyone. Typical lioness."  - explained Dea.

Lupin felt a slight prickling sensation in her heart. It seemed to her that the Slytherin was taunting and trying to hurt her. The girl did not understand why, because she was just trying to make friends.

"And I doubted that Slytherin is your house... Now I see it is perfect for you."  - the brunette decided to parry the same. - "You believe every single stereotype and use the virtues of the faculties as a reason to ridicule them... Typical snake."

Amaretto didn't expect such an answer. The girl realized that she had hurt a friend and bashfully lowered her eyes, not finding what to answer. Her gaze fell on the pendant presented by Nesta. The transparent rose flashed red.

"Um... Nes... Does the pendant light up red in danger?" - she asked the question worriedly.

"Yes, why?" - Nesta threw over her shoulder.

She had already continued her way.

“Look…” - Dea called out to her, lifting the pendant.

Lupine turned around and froze with wide eyes. The rose no longer just glittered red, but burned with bright scarlet light.
Roars and rustles were heard all around. The girls were right there next to each other, back to back, wands at the ready. They scaredly looked at every bush and tree, turned they heads at every rustle.

"What is it?" - Dea whispered.

A drawn-out howl was heard in response to her words.

"Wolves..." - Nes replied, gripping her wand tighter.

The first wolf appeared from behind an old dried mountain ash bush. His yellow eyes burned greedily, saliva dripped from his mouth.
A few seconds later, several more animals appeared. They surrounded the girls, slowly narrowing the circle.

“There are five of them. Just five, we can handle it!”  - Nesta tried to cheer up her partner.

"Only? Well then, I'm waiting for your ideas, heroine!" - she snapped.

One of the wolves leapt onto the Slytherin, jaws open.

"Depulso!" - the girl cried out.

The predator flew off several meters, hitting the trunk of an oak tree. The beast screamed pitifully, but after a second it got up and returned to the pack.
The animals were very hungry and were not going to give up.

"Incendio!" - Lupine set fire to the wolf preparing to jump.

"Well, now only four."  - observed Dea, watching the burning spot receding into the forest with loud screams.

"No... Still five..." - Nesta pointed to the path along which they came.

A wolf was approaching from there, much larger than the rest. The others parted to make way for him, their leader.
He slowly approached the girls, jumping away from all the spells directed to his side.

“He's too smart! I can't get him!" - Dea cried desperately.

"Try again!" - answered the Gryffindor, fighting off the rest of the predators.

The leader clung to the ground, dodging another Incendio, and jumped out. He landed, knocking both witches down and knocking the wands out of his hands. With one paw, he pressed Dea to the ground and bared his teeth towards Nesta.
Lupin got up on her arms and assessed the situation. They didn't stand a chance. Alpha pressed Amaretto to the ground, four more wolves surrounded them, trying to bite into Nesta at any second.

“I have no choice…” - the brunette whispered.

At this time, Dea fought desperately, trying to get out from under the big wolf. She did not see what was happening around and where Nesta had gone. Before her eyes were only sharp fangs, which inexorably approached her neck, illuminated by the red light of her pendant.
The blonde closed her eyes. 

"This is it... The end... Forgive me, Mommy, I let you down."

Suddenly she heard a loud roar and felt how an unknown force knocked the leader off her chest.  The girl curled into a ball on the ground without opening her eyes. She only listened to the roar and plaintive squeals of the wolves. As the sounds began to recede, she carefully sat up and opened her eyes.
Dea immediately froze, watching the new predator. A small but powerful young lioness stood sideways to her, her completely black fur glistening in the moonlight and her tail went from side to side, expressing displeasure. She watched the fleeing wolves, ruffling the scruff of the neck and bared fangs, a fresh wound on her shoulder.
The cat turned sharply, making Amaretto jerk in fright. For a while, they just looked into each other's eyes. The girl's heart was beating wildly in anticipation of the actions of the predator.

"Nesta!" - Dea realized that her partner was missing.

She looked around, trying to find the girl, but she was gone. But the wand was lying a meter away from the Slytherin.
Amaretto jumped up, grabbed her wand and with a trembling hand pointed it at the lioness, who was now sitting quietly, watching.
Noticing the wand, the animal slowly got up and took a step back. Barking and shouts were heard from afar. The girls have been heard and the help will arrive soon.
The lioness turned fearfully at the noise, then back at Dea. Her body was enveloped in a thick black fog and the predator turned into... Nesta!
Dea stared at the Gryffindor in surprise. She stood disheveled, with a torn shirt and a wound on her shoulder.

"Don't tell anyone... Please..." - whispered the girl and collapsed to the ground, losing consciousness.


It was noisy at 51 rue Montmorency. Five great wizards gathered at a round table discussing the latest news. The owner of the house, Nicholas Flamel, had not yet come out to the guests, but was straightening his robe in the bedroom, standing in front of a mirror in a gold frame. It looked like Erised, but in a smaller version. Nicholas and his wife Pernella saw their reflection in it.
They lived in this house for about six months, from the moment the alchemist decided to hide the Philosopher's Stone, first in the Gringotts Bank and then in Hogwarts. The four-story building, sandwiched on both sides by modern houses, once belonged to their family, but the couple preferred to spend time at the Devon estate.
House 51 was ideal for emergency meetings. Plus, it's easier to hide among Muggle tourists. Flamel chuckled softly as historians and scholars argued over what kind of house it was, remembering the squabble of two regulars about the house on Volta Street. Both options did not suit them.

“Darling, aren't you dressing up too much for an ordinary meeting?" - Pernella came up behind, hugging her husband. 

Mrs Flamel looked like a frivolous old woman in her sixties. She donned an airy lilac dress, wearing the uncomfortable heels she had seen in the shop of a Muggle friend, and her face lit up with a mad smile.

"What do you mean? I want to emphasize our status." - the famous inventor echoed in the tone of his wife.

"Since when do you care about status?" - she asked and fluttered out of the bedroom, immediately appearing in the hall. 

The husband followed.
Dumbledore ended the conversation as they entered, smiling warmly at them. Pernella responded in kind. She supported the friendship of Albus and Nicholas, sometimes calling them a "couple naive scientists who lock themselves in laboratories in search of a utopia". Albus was banging on the glass, drawing attention, and his robes painted in gold covered the hole in the floor.
Grindelwald, as a representative of the dark side, took the place on the left. In a matte black robe, he sipped a delicious alcoholic cocktail. The brilliant Aurora Amaretto used a comfortable chair for the throne while seated as the queen. Bathilda Bagshot couldn't contain her curiosity for the first time in many years to see her nephew, which Dumbledore did not dare to refuse. She was sitted between Aurora and Professor McGonagall. For the laat, the director of Hogwarts himself asked and they didn't dare to refuse the genius wizard.
Nicholas sat down in an empty seat, first holding his wife's chair.

“We are going to discuss the nearest future.” - he began the conversation. - “I heard about the school, Albus. Do you think he wants to come back?"

It was about the massacres of unicorns. Corpses were scattered across the Forbidden Forest, but the wizard did not know whom to suspect. The teachers participated in the protection of the artifact, and the students were under constant supervision. He instructed Hagrid to inspect the forest. Yesterday the forester, together with the naughty schoolchildren, found a new corpse. Dumbledore frowned.  Don't let Merlin find out that they included Dea Amaretto. The scandal cannot be avoided. He has already ordered not to endanger the girl in the future.

"Yes, trying to accumulate strength to prolong his existence. The chance of his revival is on our heels.” - he finally responded, stroking his beard. 

The headmaster was worried about the school and the students, because if Voldemort gets to the stone, he will gain immortality, restore his strength faster and the boy is not ready for battle and will die.

“There are many ways to be reborn without unicorns, the philosopher's stone and so on,” - Grindelwald said. - "Dark magic."

"Why doesn't he use it then?" - Minerva asked. 

The woman felt uncomfortable, because in strength and influence she could not compare with the company.

“You have to pay to use dark magic, but he has nothing.” - Gellert explained. 

He liked to initiate people into knowledge beyond the reach of books and McGonagall was the perfect victim for this.

He long ago gave up trying to die for the idea, rethinking his actions in recent years in Nurmengard. Guilt and a sense of helplessness gnawed at him. Strength has gradually recovered, but with a ban on use if there are no descendants of other powerful families nearby. Gellert even washed dishes and cleaned his house which is not suitable for wizards. So why not channel knowledge in a useful direction, help others to acquire it?

“I decided to protect the stone at all costs and if it doesn't work, then destroy it.” - interjected Nicholas Flamel.

Those present fell silent, pondering. They used the elixir to maintain a long life. Aurora Amaretto, for example, was using it on a full-time basis so that her daughter could be better prepared to replace her in office.

“You won't die quickly.” - she whispered. 

The gift helped to see the threads of life.

"Does it mean that he will not be able to reach the stone?" - Pernella choked out. 

She had not yet decided for herself whether she wanted to die, but she completely trusted her husband.

“I'm not a fortuneteller, ask Trelawney.” - Aurora snapped. 

They were at enmity in their youth with Flamel, so old resentments slipped through the conversation between both, forcing the men to strain. None liked women's conflicts, which involved screaming and crying. They had no idea that Aurora and Pernella are a different type of woman, preferring passive aggression instead of action.

"Do you still have an elixir?" - Grin-de-Wald turned to Amaretto. 

He did not take his eyes off her, all the while watching the woman nervously fiddling with the rings on her hands.

"I poured it out."

The audience gasped.

"Are you deliberately going to your death?" - Dumbledore inquired at what he heard. 

The old wizard guessed about his friend's plans, but did not speak about suspicions even to Grindelwald. He wanted to take revenge for something, realizing how much Amaretto's death will hurt him.

“Yes.” - she replied.

Aurora made her decision long before the meeting. She saw that her daughter was doing an excellent job, she went to the Ministry, anyhow, to agree on Longbottom's parents. If she takes her post, she can break the ban and save them.
Flashes of lightning flashed through the window. The protective dome cut through, letting in a couple. The man held the woman's hands, and she pressed against a strong body, which smelled pleasantly of eucalyptus and lilies.

"Marisol!" - Aurora jumped up, running up to her daughter.  - "What did you forget in Paris?"

The daughter looked down, but then proudly raised her head.

"We need help."

Snape, in his usual black clothes, nodded to his friend's words.

“We're listening” - Dumbledore said. 

Aurora sat down. The others watched with interest the unusual behavior of the Hogwarts professor, who was not going to let go of the woman's hands.

"You know that I, my daughter and my mother belong to the family of the Rulers of Life and Death. Aurora Amaretto decided to leave the post, sacrificing herself to Death and can no longer protect Dea. The protective circuit will collapse with her death." - she said in a husky voice.

"Does she need protection?" - the owner of the house interrupted. 

He watched with interest. For a long time there had been no fun in his life.

"The Parkinsons and Greengrass are purposefully doing everything they can to weaken Dea. She is a strong and intelligent girl, but she needs our help. They make attacks, spread vile rumors, posing as whipping girls. Her power will soon awaken. What power - no one knows. Already at the age of five, Dea could build Medium Spells. Reached the Highest at eleven. The girl is not omnipotent, but she grows and develops. If she was forced to use non-Simple Spells thousands will die. The contour retains the force before initiation and saves it itself."- Marisol Amaretto finished her speech.

" What do you suggest?" -  Dumbledore asked.

“Adjust the Outline to look like Horcruxes.” - the woman breathed. 

She was worried that they would not agree, then she would have to negotiate with Death. This old woman Marisol did not tolerate.

"How many Guardians?" - Bathilda Bagshot responded for the first time out of courtesy. 

It was fine with her that she could admire her nephew. Intrigues are not hers.

"Seven." - Snape muttered, barely audible, but the wizards caught the number.

“At your service.” - Albus got up and walked around everyone, stopping behind Aurora Amaretto. - “But I have a condition."

"What?" - the new arrivals asked synchronously.

"I want lemon wedges."

"How many?" - Amaretto's daughter rolled her eyes.

"A pound" - the sorcerer perked up and winked insolently at the dumbfounded friends.

Grindelwald sat quieter than water, below the grass. He tilted his head to the table. The news of the imminent death of Aurora haunted him. They were always friends, and Marisol saved him from his own captivity, giving him a new life. He did not understand why she should bring death closer when she could live.

"Gellert, my friend, are you in business?" - Dumbledore asked him.

"Why me?" - he raised his head. - "I already helped at the engagement."

“Dad, please...” - Marisol whispered.

Curious glances measured Aurora Amaretto and Gellert Grindelwald, who stood in shock opposite each other.

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