Forbidden Love ~ Phanfiction...

By Jessisnotonfire3

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Phil's life was perfect up until a year ago when he came out to his parents. They disowned him and sent him t... More

Author's Note
Part 1 - Fresh Start
Part 2 - Dan
Part 3 - The Great Escape
Part 4 - First Night
Part 6 - Temptation
Part 7 - Confusion
Part 8 - Fire
Part 9 - Phil's Diary
Part 10 - Holiday Pt 1
Part 11 - Holiday Pt 2
Part 12 - Trip To Prison
Part 13 - Betrayal
Part 14 - Unforgivable
Part 15 - Chris & PJ
Part 16 - Lunch Date
Part 17 - Tick Tock
Part 18 - Deja Vu

Part 5 - Rumours

1.9K 54 13
By Jessisnotonfire3

Just so you guys know I'm writing this quite late at night so sorry if it's not as good as usual!:/ either way I hope you enjoy:) Also I just made up Dan's mum's name as I don't know it.. Please rate/comment/vote it'll make my day<3 Love you, yes YOU! Anyway... to the story haha:)xx


Phil's P.O.V

I woke in a daze, unsure if last night had actually happened or not. My thoughts were confirmed when I suddenly realized there was an arm wrapped around me.. what? I concluded that it had to be Dan's because he was the only other one in the bed. That's right, I was in a bed with freakin Dan Howell. I really liked Dan now.. maybe a bit more than I should. I trusted him. I told him everything last night, well, nearly everything. I left out the part about me being gay, he didn't need to know that.. yet. I felt absolutely wonderful being spooned by him. It was warm, cosy, and caused tingles all over my body. I heard Dan mumble something about llama's and giggled. He was dreaming. After a while of absorbing the bliss of being pressed against Dan's chest, he started to talk.

''No... no stop! Why would you... what the?!'' He was talking in his sleep. But he was scared, sweaty, was he having a nightmare? ''I can't.. move. Don't.... stop that! Ahhhhh!'' It had now gotten to the point where he was waving his arms about. His small fringe was clinging to his forehead as he sweated in fear.

''Dan... Dan wake up!'' I shook him but he didn't wake up.

''Please... I can't!'' It was getting worse.

''Dan for God sake wake up!!!'' I screamed. Shaking him harder. Suddenly his eyes opened and he sat up in breathing heavily and shaking.

''Are you okay?'' I put my arm around him.

''Yeah.. Just a.. bad dream'' He shuddered. I rubbed his arm.

''Well it's okay now, it wasn't real'' I smiled attempting to comfort him as he did for me last night.

''Thanks Phil''

''So... what was the nightmare about?'' I queried. Dan looked uncomfortable.

''I'd.. rather not talk about it'' I nodded.

''Hey, no worries. Sorry'' I looked down. I need to get out of that habit!

''Hey it's fine'' We smiled at eachother. ''Breakfast?'' I nodded.

''Sounds good!'' We got dressed separately. Dan in his room and me in his en suite. (Yes, he had an en suite) He'd kindly let me borrow another T-shirt with an awesome pattern on it, and some black skinnies (Mine were still pretty much saturated) Dan was wearing a black tee with a white circle on it and black skinnies also. I couldn't help thinking how well they fit him. Stop it Phil! After we were both changed we went downstairs to get some breakfast. We went into his kitchen and I saw a women whom I presumed to be his Mum. She looked at Dan and said

''Hi darling would you like some panca-'' Then she noticed me and smiled.

''Oh so who's this then?'' She put her arm out to shake which I happily obliged to. I was about to respond when Dan stopped me.

''This is Phil. He's a friend of mine and he stayed last night'' I smiled sweetly.

''Oh well it's nice to meet you Phil. But.. Where did you sleep?'' Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. I tried to hold back a blush that was beginning to develop, which failed. Dan saved me.

''Oh we slept in my bed. I have a big bed, it was fine'' He grabbed one of the pancakes and took a big bite, acting like last night was nothing. Which it was I guess. I didn't want it to be though..

''Fair enough'' Dan's Mum said. She didn't question it. Although I thought I saw her raise an eyebrow. ''I'm Vanessa by the way'' She said to me.

''Nice to meet you'' I smiled again. Trying not to look like a gimp.

''You too sweetie'' She nodded at me. Dan and I sat down at the huge dining table as we were given 5 pancakes each. Whoa. I could get used to this.


The bus ride to school was how I expected. Dan and I got a few odd looks as it must have been strange to see us together. Dan's friends; Chris and PJ, weren't on the bus today so Dan couldn't talk to them about me. Dan told me that they were probably going to come in at lunch, as they liked to get high sometimes. I nodded as if it was the most normal thing in the world, but I wasn't into that kind of thing. Eventually we got to school and thank God; We had first period together, Maths. We walked into class a couple minutes late and no surprise, every set of eyes were on us. I followed Dan to the back of the room and sat next to him. The teacher cleared her throat.

''Why are you two late?'' Everyone was still staring at us. Dan spoke.

''Sorry miss, we just went to the loo'' There were a few giggles but she just sighed and nodded. ''We're doing activity 2 on page 34'' We nodded and got down to working. The next few lessons went the same way. We got a few weird looks from most people but Dan just ignored them, he hadn't spoke to anyone yet, I thought he was popular? The lessons themselves dragged. Finally lunch came and I followed Dan to the usual table he sits at, full of good looking guys and attractive girls. I felt so out of place.  Dan introduced me.

''Everyone this is Phil, he arrived yesterday, be nice to him alright?'' 

''Isn't that the guy that ran out of class crying?'' A big guy said, he must have been at least six foot with dusty blonde hair and green eyes. Meh, not really my type anyway. There were a few giggles. I felt Dan tense up beside me. 

''Shut the fuck up alright? He wasn't crying you twat. Just be nice to him okay?! You don't know shit about him so just stop it alright?'' Dan's sudden outburst shocked everyone. A random brunette said.

''Aha, sorry Dan. Don't want to upset your boyfriend'' The whole table burst into laughter as I suddenly felt like I was on fire. My cheeks flared up and I looked down. Dan's did aswell but I think for a different reason. The same girl said.

''Aww look. Little Phil's blushing, embarrassed are we?'' Everyone laughed again. Dan stood up knocking a few cups off the table. I stared up at him scared. I was beginning to learn that he was a very angry person. It suited him though, It was.. sexy. Phil you can't keep thinking like this! Dan is straight, end of.

''What the fuck is your problem Tracy? We're obvioulsy not going out so you can keep you stupid mouth shut. Why are you treating him like this?! You don't know him so stop judging him'' He was breathing deeply and his teeth were clenched. Damn he was sexy.

''Judging him?'' Great someone else had joined in now. The little blonde in the corner, brilliant. I just say quiet. ''Oh please you can talk Dan! You ALWAYS judge people, you're no better than us!'' The table agreed and I wanted to speak up for Dan, I just didn't have the confidence.

''You know what forget it, come on Phil'' Dan gestured for me to get up, I did without questioning him. We started to walk away without a second glance.

''Have fun fucking each other later!'' Someone else said. Dan stopped but I nudged him to keep going. They're not worth it. We carried on walking until we could no longer here their laughing. I felt so bad.

''Dan I'm so sorry for not sticking up for you'' He smiled.

''Don't worry about it, it would've just made things worse. I never liked those guys anyway, I only really have two friends'' I nodded, I knew he was talking about Chris and PJ. As if on cue Chris and PJ just appeared out of no where. We turned around to face them, they looked fucking baked. 

''Dan.. hey'' One of them said, I wasn't sure which was which. 

''Chris'' He pointed at the shorter one ''And PJ'' He pointed at the other one ''This is Phil, you remember him from yesterday right? Chris opened his mouth and smiled, swaying slightly, I wanted to laugh.

''Yeah I think'' He had a strong northern accent that really suited him. ''Isn't he the one you were really harsh too?'' Dan sighed.

''Let's just forget about that. Phil's a nice guy, be nice to him okay?'' The both nodded.

''Hi Phil, I'm PJ'' PJ had a strong, pronounced accent. He looked at me with bloodshot eyes. I smiled.

''I know aha, nice to meet both'' I shook both of their hands while they just stared into space in a happy daze. I laughed, Dan sighed.

''Jesus Christ you two can't go into school like that, why didn't you sober up a bit first?!'' They both laughed.

''No. Time'' Chris said. Dan frowned.

''Right that's it'' I was confused.

''What?'' He looked at me with his milk chocolate eyes (stop it!) ''We're going to mine, okay?'' Chris and PJ nodded. I was a bit scared to bunk of school for the first time but I didn't want to make Dan mad or annoyed. I nodded fiercely.

''Sounds good'' Dan raised an eyebrow.

''You sure you're okay with this?'' I nodded again.

''Yeah. It's cool. Whatever'' Dan didn't look convinced but went with it. 

''Right guys let's head to mine then'' He smiled in a jolly, sarcastic way as I walked next to him with the two zombies behind us. Hopefully the rest of the day would be fun. It would sure as hell be interesting.

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