A Place To Call Home [OC x Ak...

By Gasai-

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[3rd place Naruto Watty Awards (2014-15 winter) - Akatsuki] [1st Place Akatsuki Watty Awards 2015 Winter - Ot... More

A debt repaid part 1
Grasping my bearings part 2
True intensions revealed part 3
Going mental part 4
Tila's answer part 5
This is, Oh so wrong part 6
I was better off alone part 7
A new face arrives part 8
What Is This Feeling part 9
The truth surfaces part 10
Decisions, Decisions part 11
Nothing is as it seems part 12
I Really Should Invest In A Four Leaf Clover part 13
The world shall know pain part 14
Planting the seed of doubt part 15
Dreams and Jutsu part 16
Secrets part 17
Storm Release part 18
Unexpected end to a long day part 19
Long awaited fight part 20
Tilas First Mission Part 21
Eternity Is A Curious Thing Part 22
Covert Operation Part 23
Bounty Hunting And Sake Part 24
Nine Phantom Dragons Part 25
Distorted Reality Part 26
Alter-Ego part 27
Snow Fall Part 28
His True Feelings Part 29
Smoke And Mirrors Part 30
Revisiting The Past Part 31
Come With Me Part 32
Washing Sorrow Away Part 33
Making Kakuzu Proud Part 34
Explosions Part 35
The Reality Of Love Part 36
A Graveyard Of Colour Part 37
Intuition Part 38
Ulterior Motives Part 39
Gone For Good Part 40
Change Of Heart Part 41
Just Like Old Times Part 42
Tesselate Part 43
Fear Part 44
Quite The Predicament Part 45
Heed My Warning Part 46
The Ultimate Sacrifice Part 47
Held Captive Part 48
The Akatsuki's Rebirth Part 49
The Reunion Part 50
Every Second That Ticks By Part 51
Guilty Conscience Part 52
Break Of Dawn Part 53
Lost In Confusion Part 54
The Tale Of Tila Part 55
Giving It A Chance Part 56
Silhouette Part 57
Salvaging The Remains Part 58
Misunderstood Part 59
The Sharingan Part 60
The meeting Part 61
The Plot Thickens Part 62
The Awakening Part 63
Don't Let Tomorrow Come Part 64
The Place I Call Home Part 66
Special Message
Epilouge Whispers Of My Mind

The Devil In Disguise Part 65

374 25 48
By Gasai-

Those red eyes that are glowing in the dark are all I see, they bring back memories that are frightening enough to haunt me for the rest of my life but I swallow my fears and do as he says.

I slowly turn back around and flick the lock on the door handle causing a small 'click', the faint sound travels through the thick air for a moment, I slowly turn back around to face the figure that has caused me so much pain and with all my courage gathered up I stare him straight in the eye, wondering if this is the opportunity I have been waiting for.. Here goes nothing.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" I ask the looming figure quietly, carefully, desperately trying to mask the fact that I already knew who he was and what he wanted.

"Come closer Tila, take a seat" the cold familiar voice cooed, the slightest trace of amusement was only just evident in his tone, he was taking a sick pleasure in this and I could tell he had something sinister up his sleeve but even I couldn't keep my curiosity at bay so I slowly did as he wished and made way closer.

I reached the bedside, the curiosity inside now enveloping as my eyes slowly grazed over the sight of the handsome long dark haired male who was lounged comfortably on my bed, his position would be considered even somewhat seductive but to me.. I, who already knew the deep dark monsters that lurked within this individual's soul, I see nothing but a demon before me.

I cautiously sat down onto the soft velvet sheets and raised my legs up onto the bed so that I was now so close to the demon, so close that his intoxicatingly masculine smell filled my senses, so close that I had to hold down the shivers that so urgently wanted to run over my skin.

As I raised my head and daringly locked eyes with him, the dread inside me ran it's course, those dark, smug yet deadly handsome facial features of his were something that I wished i'd never have to see again, but as that delicate eyebrow raised itself and his lips broke into that eerily dangerous smirk I knew he was planning something terrible.

"You may not remember who I am but I remember you, Tila. You are more special to me than you will ever know. The reason I'm here is to save you from the people you are presently with. They are the reason you cannot remember who you are".

I desperately held back the scoff that urged to leave my throat, the fox surly is cunning but I see through his words, even so, right now I needed to play his game, play it better than he did if I were to have a chance at bringing him down so I held my gaze into those threatening eyes of his and nodded my head slowly.

"I've been kept in the dark for as long as I can remember, if I come with you will you give me the answers I need?" I asked in a barely audible whisper, his lips widened only a fraction, only enough for it to be noticeable, my answer must have been to his liking, it must surly be exciting his sickening pleasures inside, oh he hid it so well but I could still see.

"Yes, come with me and I will give you all the answers you need. I cannot stay any longer, we must leave immediately".

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed the slightest movement, I looked down to where the movement had come from, his hand slowly raised and gently glided down the bare skin of my calf, I held the urge to shudder in as I watched his hand ever so delicately push my legs off the side of the bed, making enough room for him to stand up, his movements so swift but agile, his alluring presence was just as it had always been.

Madara held out a hand to me, I took it and he effortlessly pulled me to my feet, I stood only inches away from him and I could feel his cool breath against my face - should I really do this? Is it too dangerous? I took a deep breath, it was too late now, I cannot turn back.

Suddenly a swirling blur appeared for beside my bedroom door, I quickly looked over to see an old face I hadn't seen in a long time - Obito fully materialised and then walked over towards Madara and I.

"Let us leave" Madaras deep voice spoke, I felt his arm wrap itself around my waist, pulling me closely into his hard chest firmly yet somehow gently.

I looked up to Obito who had now grabbed a hold of Madaras sleeve, but something felt strange -

'Knock knock'

"Tila, are you awake? I think we need to talk" the smooth voice that I knew was Sasori's floated from behind the locked bedroom door.

My heart sank so deeply but I held my composure, I held it as best I could, I couldn't let my cover be blown, not now - I slowly looked up towards Madara, biting my lip gently as I did, what would he do now?

He raised his finger to his lips, gently gesturing for me to keep my silence.. I bit my tongue hard, how I wanted to scream out to Sasori, how badly I wanted to tell him.. Suddenly I felt the room being to swirl, just before the room had completely disappeared my eyes widened as the door was kicked down, the last thing I saw was Sasori's face.

Those eyes full of fright as he realised I'd gone.


A large beautifully decorated bedroom quarters now began to relieve itself as I felt myself being swirled back into a materialised form, a dark eerie room soley lit by a dim candlelight illuminated the large elegant bed, luxury armchairs and the table that was positioned at the end of the bed.

I could still feel Madara's masculine arm wrapped tightly around me, holding me closely as though if he were to let me go he would loose me forever, I slowly looked up towards Obito and Madara, I may have caught a small glimpse of them exchanging some sort of look that I couldn't quite decipher but either way it made me feel irked, causing me to hold my breath slightly.

Obito gave a curt nod as though in understanding, I felt Madaras grip around me release and as it did I started to breath again, Obito then made his way over to the door and left, I took a small step back from Madara to put some greatly needed space between us, he then let out a small sigh and without sparing me a glance walked over towards the small bench which had a kettle and cups upon it.

"Make yourself comfortable, would you like a cup of tea?" Madara asked me, his back turned as he began to prepare the beverages.

"Yes please" I answered quietly, looking around curiously at my surrounding as I made my way over to the small red velvet couch and sitting down, this room seemed very unfamiliar, perhaps Madara had changed the bases location since last I remembered.

I sat quietly on the small soft couch, secretly racking my brain, trying to premeditate answers to any unexpected questions he may ask me for I had a fear lingering in the back of my mind, the thought of him knowing I wasn't under his seal anymore worried me badly.

After a few moments of silence Madara came over and sat closely by my side, setting down two cups of steaming hot black tea down on the table before us, his eyes now back to an onyx settled on me before he leaned back more comfortably now facing me.

"Thankyou" I said, picking up my tea and repositing myself so I too was now facing him, his figure so buff that only a small space was between us.

"Ask me anything you please" Madara offered casually, picking up his tea cup and placing to his lips and blowing the steam off the beverage gently.

I swallowed thickly, this is it Tila.. Think carefully before you speak, don't give yourself up, don't let him know your already aware of his evil ways.

I thought carefully before asking my supposedly long awaited questions.

"If I am special to you then why was I with those people? And what did I need saving from exactly?" I asked, trying to proceed cautiously although Madara seemed to take my questions with ease as he gently lowered his tea to answer.

"They knew you were special to me and attempted to use that against me. You see, before you lost your memory we were all working together to achieve a world of peace, those people who took you decided to double cross us an our plans and therefor held you captive from me in hope that it would change the odds into their favour" Madara explained quite elegantly, his words and explanations were as though it was the truth and if I hadn't of known differently I certainly would have fallen for his treachery.

"I think I understand now..Madara" I whispered in a kind of awe, I blinked slowly as I looked down at my tea, pretending to be shocked by what he had told me.

I felt my chin being slowly pushed back up, my eyes being forced to lock with his own, his next words so bittersweet.

"Tila, I'm thankful you are back by my side, the way we used to be" his dark charm firmly evident, pulling me in slowly just as the closeness of his lips met mine.

Softly yet forcefully those cold poisonous lips of his pressed against my own, it was enough to make me feel sick in my stomach but I was rendered useless and had no choice but to kiss him back gently.

His lips broke from my own and his grip on my chin released, he lent back in his chair with a sly smirk across those lips he had just violated my own with, what was he thinking?

"You must be tired, I will show you to your room" Madara said, setting down his cup onto the table and standing up abruptly.

I nodded and put down my cup too, I stood up and began to follow his lead as he walked over to the door.

"I will have someone bring your belongings later on tonight" he informed smoothly as we made our way down a dark corridor, we soon came to halt before a large double door and he opened it up for me then stepped aside, giving me plenty of room to enter.

I stepped in and turned back around to face him, have I acted well enough to fool him?

My mind felt unsettled but when he simply kissed my cheek and left I felt a huge relief washed over me.

I lay down onto the cold bed and closed my eyes, my mind was seriously freaking out right now.

It seems as though he bought my little act.. But.. There was no way to know if he was playing me for a fool..

I laid tree for a while, only having myself for company until I heard a small sound coming from the floor, I quickly sat up and saw Zetsus black and white face rising.

"Tila, he knows. You need to get out of here, he's coming, he's coming now. The only way to stop him is to undo the reanimation jutsu" the alarm in Zetsus voice was one I had never ever heard before and I didn't know if he was trying to call my bluff of not but it scared the hell out of me..

Before I could recover from my shock he had disappeared back In to the floor.

'He knows.. And he's coming'

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