Pokémon Academy: Master Class

By AnimePokemonWorld

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(Book One of the Pokemon Academy Series.) Ash is advanced for his age so when he applies for a Pokémon Academ... More

Chapter 1: Welcome to the Pokémon Academy!
Chapter 2: The Battle!
Chapter 3: Roommates
Chapter 4: The Ambush!
Chapter 5: A Legendary Visit
Chapter 6: The Shadow Bullies
Chapter 7: Red vs Ash!
Chapter 8: Heading To Alola!
Chapter 9: The Lost Valley Of Friends And Family (Part 1)
Chapter 10: The Lost Valley Of Friends And Family (Part 2)
Chapter 11: The Lost Valley Of Friends And Family (Part 3)
Chapter 12: Alola, Old Friend
Chapter 13: Meeting The Ultra Guardians
Chapter 14: Ash Vs. Kiawe!
Chapter 15: The Eevees With A Strange Power (Part 1)
Chapter 16: The Eevees With A Strange Power (Part 2)
Thank You!
Chapter 17: Ultra Beasts And Where To Find Them! (Part 1)
Chapter 18: Ultra Beasts And Where To Find Them! (Part 2)
Chapter 20: The Announcement
Chapter 21: The Gathering of Academies!
Chapter 22: Conversations
Chapter 23: The Clash Of Academies! (Part 1)
Chapter 24: The Clash Of Academies! (Part 2)
Chapter 25: The World Changing Footage
Chapter 26: New Students
Chapter 27: The Battle And The Reveal
Sequel Information

Chapter 19: The Argument

2.2K 46 17
By AnimePokemonWorld

It was the first day back to school after spring break. Ash was with all of his other pokemon at their home in the forest. Sparkle, Ray, Satin, Sunshine, and poipole all wanted to come to school with Ash, pikachu, and mew. And they all wanted to be out of their pokeballs. So basically Ash would be walking around all day with 6 pokemon following him (minus mew because she'd be invisible).

"Guys, I can only have 4 of you out at a time." Ash said. "Aww. But I really want to see what's so bad about this place." Sunshine said. "It's not the place, so much as the people who are in it." pikachu mumbled. Ash rolled his eyes. "Tell you what. Satin, Sunshine, poipole, you can come today. Tomorrow, Sparkle and Ray will come. Ok?" Ash said. Everyone nodded. "Good. Now, time for breakfast!" Ash concentrated hard and a feast appeared in front of them. All Ash's pokemon dug in. Ash had made a giant bowl of star-candy for solgaleo. He smiled and ate his breakfast with his pokemon.


Satin and Sunshine had been showing off their newly-discovered forms to the 10 other eevee. Turns out they hatched while Ash was in Alola. But it was all good, since the pokemon that didn't come with Ash to Alola, plus the forest pokemon, all took good care of the eevee. There were 5 males and 5 females. Ash had conjured up collars for them so everyone wouldn't get confused. The 5 females were Star, Cora, Sakura, Nova and Eve. The males were named Alex, Eon, Axel, Lucky, and Hachi. Their ages from greatest to least are Star, Eon, Lucky/Nova(Born at same time), Cora, Sakura, Axel, Eve, Alex, and Hachi.


Everyone finished eating and Ash made the empty bowls and plates disappear. "Now, who wants to come?" Ash asked. A bunch of his pokemon roared out. "Ok. Pikachu, mew, Satin, Sunshine, poipole, and charizard." The following pokemon shouted out in happiness, while the non-mention ones were disappointed. "Don't worry guys. I'll be back for lunch." Ash smiled and returned charizard. Mew invisibly got on his head. Pikachu jumped on his shoulder. Satin and Sunshine walked on either side of him, while poipole flew along. Ash coated poipole in invisibility since it would probably draw attention as a pokemon no one's ever seen except a small amount of people, including the Aether Foundation.

They left to the academy.


When they arrived at the academy, they saw a bunch of other students bustling around, some hanging around in groups. It was 20 minutes until classes started. Suddenly, a loud voice boomed throughout the academy. "Will all students please report to the stadium for an announcement." There was a lot of talking before everyone started to head towards the stadium. "Huh. Wonder what that's about." Ash mumbled, starting to walk towards the stadium. "Maybe we're getting a new student?" pikachu said. "Nah. I doubt it." mew replied. "Why?" "Because on our first day here, they specifically said "we're having a new student" but they didn't say that." mew said. "Good point." pikachu replied. "Maybe it has to do with a tournament." Satin said. "Why do you figure?" pikachu asked. "'Cuz that bulletin board had something about a tournament." Satin answered. "What? Really?" pikachu asked. "Yep. I only got a glimpse of it though, so I'm not sure what it's about." "Maybe we'll get to have our first official battle!" Sunshine squealed excitedly, jumping up and down. "Ohh, that sounds fun!" poipole exclaimed, flipping in the air.


They had arrived at the stadium. Ash walked in and looked for an empty seat. He found one and sat down. Satin and Sunshine sat down on his lap, while poipole sat on his free shoulder. Then he heard a voice that he didn't want to have to deal with right now. "Hey guys, what do you think the announcement is about?" Gary asked. "I dunno. Let's wait and see!" Dawn replied.

The gang was sitting a row down from Ash. "Ugghhhh!!" pikachu whined. "What?" Sunshine asked. "Them." pikachu said, pointing at the gang. "What? They're just a bunch of people. What's wrong with them?" Satin asked. "You'll see." pikachu said simply. "Maybe they're fun!" poipole said. "Let's just hope they don't notice us." mew said. Gary turned around, for arceus-knows-what reason, and noticed Ash. "You jinxed it!!" pikachu shouted. "Oops." mew replied.

"Ash!" he said. "Oh brother." Ash mumbled. The rest of the gang turned around and saw Ash. "So, where did you go?" May asked. "Was it fun?" Dawn asked. "What did you do?" Drew asked. "Ugh. It's none of your business where I went or what I did!" Ash exclaimed. "Come on! Just tell us and we'll stop bothering you!" May said. "Yeah! Or did you actually even go somewhere? You probably just said that to make us jealous." Gary said. "We went to another region and caught awesome new pokemon! We went on a cruise too!" Gary bragged. "I don't care what you did, just leave me alone!!" Ash shouted.

Then they noticed Satin and Sunshine. "Aww! They're so cute!" Dawn and May exclaimed. May reached forward to pet Satin, but he growled, attempting to bite her. She pulled back quickly. "What's wrong with it?" she asked rudely as Satin kept growling. "He's not an it. He's annoyed at you. Leave me alone and he won't bite you." Ash said. "Fine. But we'll get you next time." Dawn said. They turned back around and faced forward.

"Now I see why you hate them so much." Satin said bluntly. "Welcome to the club." pikachu said. "They seem like a nice bunch!" Sunshine said. They all stared at her. "Are you nuts?" pikachu blurted out. "Pikachu!" mew scolded. "What? I'm serious! Who in their right mind would like those guys!?" pikachu exclaimed. "Hey! I think they're nice, but you just got off on the wrong foot." Sunshine said. "Dude. They literally AMBUSHED US!!" pikachu exclaimed. "Seriously?" Satin asked. "Yeah. We were so outnumbered, yet we sent their pokemon to the emergency room!" pikachu said. "Awesome!" Satin shouted. Sunshine frowned. "But they seem nice." "Shine, you think everyone is nice." pikachu said, using Sunshine's nickname. "No I don't!" Sunshine protested. "You literally said the Ultra Beasts who attacked us just 'got up on the wrong side of the bed'. Like, seriously?" pikachu said. "Well, I can't help it if I try to see the best in people!" Sunshine shouted. "Well not everyone is bright and cheery and nice!" pikachu said. "How would you know? Have you met everyone in the world?" Sunshine countered. "No, but I've met the people who betrayed our trust when the time came to choose where their loyalty stood!" pikachu yelled. *PIKACHU!!* Ash shouted through aura so that the other people in the stadium wouldn't hear him. Pikachu froze. "That's enough you two!" Ash said flatly. Pikachu, Satin, Sunshine, mew, and poipole shrank back. The eevees and poipole had never seen Ash this mad and cold. "W-what happened?" Satin whispered. Pikachu lowered his ears. Satin and Sunshine looked at each other. "Pikachu..." mew tried. He stayed silent.

Professor Sycamore walked into the middle of the stadium and made the announcement.

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