The Unlikely Hero!

By Logan-Kenway

264K 5.5K 2.2K

My 1st MCU Story! Enjoy! More

Chapter - 1 (Thor)
Chapter - 3 (Avengers Assemble)
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Chapter - 11
Chapter 12 (Iron Man 3)
Chapter - 13 (Carnage)
Update #2
Chapter - 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter - 17
Chapter - 18 (Captain America - Winter Soldier)
Chapter - 19
Chapter - 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter - 23 (Avengers - Age of Ultron)
Chapter - 24
Updated Bio
Chapter 25 (Captain America - Civil War)
Chapter 26
Update #3 (New Story)
Update #4
Chapter 27
Chapter 28 (Infinity War)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (Endgame)
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Final Chapter!

Chapter - 2

9.9K 223 51
By Logan-Kenway

Me and Clint made ourselves at home in the weird base thing... I don't know what to call it, we were just drinking sodas and playing cards when the alarm in the base started to go off, Clint grabbed his bow and I just ran outside, Clint joined me shortly after.

Me: Where did the rain come from?

Clint shrugged and made his way to his nest to get a birds eye view of the compound to try and find the idiot stupid enough to attack a S.H.I.E.L.D base, I was running around until I made it to the main HQ in the base and made my way to Coulson who was watching a long haired blonde guy just embarrassing S.H.I.E.L.D Agents, he then looked at me.

Coulson: Now's your time kid.

I just nodded and made my way to cut him off, I made my way towards the hammer that crashed here from god knows where, I made my way to my destination and saw this guy was about to walk into the crash site with a smirk on his face... I think it's time to wipe it off.

Venom: Be careful... He isn't like the others we have fought

I heed Venoms warning and I run at the blonde guy and two foot his chest and he falls on his back while I nailed the landing, he then slowly gets up.

???: Your big... Fought bigger.

Me: I can't let you take that...

He just smirks.

???: I didn't ask.

He then sucker punches me in the face, I then dodge his next swing and hit him with a combo that led to me tackling him to the outside in the rain, he pushes me off of him and gets up and so do I, he still has that smirk on his face and I gotta admit... This might actually be a little bit fun... He then runs at me and tries to kick my leg out from under me, I move my left leg out the just in time but when I look back at him he punches me in the face and I fall down to a knee and he kicks me in the face... I fall to the ground and he starts to walk to the crash site.

Me: Hey!...

I then slowly stand up... This guy hits hard, he turns around and smiles at me.

Me: I can do this all day...

I say and me walks up to me.

???: I hoped you could.

I then duck his punch and hit him in the stomach and we both just start browling, I gotta be honest tho... I am letting Venom use a bit of his power here, after awhile he punches me twice and then slams me to the ground and I gotta be honest... I'm done... He looks at me and I wave him off and he chuckles.

???: You are very strong... Hopefully this is not our last encounter.

I can't be bothered to respond and he then makes his way to the crash site, after a few moments I remember that I can't just lay around anymore and I got up and made my way back inside to see Coulson just watching him, I go to stop the guy from touching the hammer but Coulson stops me.

Coulson: Wait I want to see this.

I then remember that Clint is watching I look up to see him arrow ready and aiming at the guy, I then also remembered that I just got my ass handed to me and he saw the whole thing... He will not let me live that down, but I went back to watching the blonde guy struggle to lift the hammer, after trying for a few moments he gives up, falls to his knees and screams at the sky.

Coulson: Take him down.

Several Agents arrest the man and drag him to an interrogation room, I then walk up to where Clint is put back on the ground and he instantly started to piss me off about getting my ass kicked.

Me: Look, If I let Venom fight then we would have taking him down...

Clint puts his arm around my neck.

Clint: Sure you would have kid... Don't worry tho, we all have off days.

I sighed.

Me: Screw you.

Clint: No thanks, I'm married.

We don't know what happened in the interrogation as Coulson wanted to talk to him alone, but me and Clint were in the HQ when a old guy came up to the site, I went to go and get Coulson, I made my way into the interrogation room and saw Coulson talking but blondie just sat there.

Me: Sir, there's someone here for him.

I followed Coulson back to the old guy we now know as Erik Selvig... Dr. Erik Selvig... And the blond guy is apparently Donald Blake... I don't need a computer to say that, that name is fake... But Coulson let him go anyway, even when the computer did say it was a fake name, but I'm not here to ask questions... I gotta be honest, I don't like this taking orders thing... Me and Clint made our way to our temporary home, yes we shared a bunk which wasn't so bad.

After a few hours of me and Clint just talking and having a few drinks and playing cards, when he decided to start a completely new conversation.

Clint: So... What's going on between you and Nat?

I looked at him and smirked.

Me: Nothing... She hates me remember.

I said laughing at him.

Clint: Trust me kid... That is not her hating you... It's more like tough love...

I looked at him.

Me: Did you hit your head on the way down from your nest? Because you are obviously delusional.

Clint sighed and folded his hand.

Clint: Look, I know Nat more then anyone and I know she likes you... 

I site there and thought about it for a moment but I can't see it... OK, she's been hanging around me alot lately but thats what friends do...

Clint: All I ask is that you don't hurt her...

I just nodded and we went back to our previous conversation, a few more hours later me and Clint were laying in our bunks, he was asleep but I was still awake, mainly because Venom keeps on talking but I'm just ignoring him... I couldn't stop thinking about what Clint said... Does Nat really like me, like that... I don't know, I mean she is beautiful but she always seems to dislike me, in a friendly way of course but dislike nonetheless... I just pushed those thoughts aside and told Venom to shut up, I then rolled over and after a struggle I finally fell asleep.


The next morning I woke up to sirens going off and Clint shouting at me to get up, I did and we both got dressed and ran to HQ where we found Agent Coulson and other Agents running around like headless chickens, Coulson spotted us and walked over.

Coulson: We have an unidentified object, not far from here, Hawk grab your stuff your need else were and (L/N) grab you stuff, your with me.

Me and Clint ran to our room and grabbed our stuff, once done we said our 'see ya laters' and both ran to our respective destinations, I made my way outside to see everyone getting into pure black cars, I saw Coulson get into one and followed him and we set of to the destination.

We then arrived at a large open field of sand and rocks and just a few meters in front of us stood a tall metal thing...

We then got out the car and I stood just behind Coulson who stepped up with a megaphone in hand.

Coulson: Hello!... You are using unidentified weapons technology!... Identify yourself!

The big... Thing just started to walk towards us and I gently pushed Coulson behind me and the metal man opened its face!...

Coulson: Here we go.

Agent: Incoming!

It started to shot fire blast out of the new hole in its face and I grabbed Coulson and throw both him and myself behind cover as the metal thing destroyed a car, The blasts stopped for a second and I looked and sore the thing is gone, I looked at Coulson and he nodded and I let Venom take the wheel.


We then jumped into the sky and made our way to were the explosions and screams were coming from.


We landed on top of a roof in a small town not far from where the thing attacked us, we watched as the thing just stood there and stared at four people walking towards it... What the hell are they wearing?

We just watched as it made quick work of these four... I mean they tried their best but, hey. We then watched as 'Donald Blake' walked up to it... Oh this auto be good... We then watched as he stopped in front of the thing.

'Donald': Brother, whatever I have done to wrong you, whatever I have done to lead you to do this, I am truly sorry. But these people are innocent. Taking their lives will gain you nothing. So take mine... And end this.

I don't know why but that seemed to work, the metal man shut it face and turned around... Just as I was about to retake control, the thing turned and slapped 'Donald' right in the face, as he went flying so did we and we jumped from the roof onto the metal mans back, now we have to be careful as Venom don't like fire, and this fuck can turn its whole body, we were hitting this thing with all our strength when it reached back and throw us all the way near 'Donald' as we got up the Hammer from the crash site flow past my face and into 'Donald's' hand... We don't' think 'Donald' is normal, then a lightning bolt hit him and surrounded him, It preticale scared Venom and he jumped back inside and didn't want to come back out... Pussy... So I was now out of the fight, I then watched as the Hammer came flying out of the lightning and smacked the metal fuck boy in the face, but it wasn't finished... Because it came back, and slapped him again... I watched as 'Donald' Stepped out of the lightning and was now wearing this really cool armour with a badass cape.

He kinda reminded me of the kids book my mum used to read to me... What was it called?... Ah who cares... 'Donald' then created this tornado and flow up into the eye of it, the tornado then sucked up the metal man and the two of them battled it out in the twister, with 'Donald' easily winning.

The twister disappeared at that moment and Coulson and some of the S.H.I.E.L.D Agents were with him, Coulson looked at me and nodded and I nodded in return, 'Donald' who was talking to Jane and the others then started to walk up to us, Coulson and I joined him halfway.

Coulson: Donald?... I don't think you have been completely honest with me.

'Donald': Know this, Son of Coul. You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, you can count me as your ally if...

He then steps back and stands next to Jane Foster and Erik Selvig.

'Donald': ... You return the items you have taken from Jane.

Jane: Stolen.

Me: Borrowed.

'Donald' Looked at me.

'Donald': Big guy.

He said with a smile, I approached him, and held my hand out.

Me: (L/N)... (Y/N) (L/N)...

He then sook my hand.

'Donald': Thor Son of Odin.

Me: Like the books?

I looked at Dr.Selvig and he shrugged and I shook his hand and Jane Fosters and stepped back next to Coulson.

Coulson: Of course, you can have your equipment back. Your gonna need it to continue your research.

Jane and Erik smiled at each other then Thor asked her.

Thor: Would you lie top see the bridge we spoke of?

Jane looked confused but then smiled at the God.

Jane: Sure.

He pulled her very close and she smiled and giggled at him like a school girl.

Coulson: Wait, I need to debrief you!

He and Jane flow of to see this bridge or something when Erik Selvig asked me something.

Selvig: How did you do it?

I looked at him.

Me: Excuse me?

Selvig: You know... Change?

Me: Oh... Like this.

I said and then changed to Venom. He looked scared but then laughed and ran into the van with the others and made there way probably to where Thor and Jane pissed off to, Coulson looked at me as I went back to normal.

Coulson: You have another mission, kid.

I looked at him.

Me: Already but we only just finished this one.

He just smirked at me.

Coulson: This one might take a while...

Me: What is it?

Coulson: Fury wants you to rendezvous with Agent Romanoff in Russia and help her extract her intel.

Oh fuck... How am I supposed to work with her, after what Clint told me... It's OK I'm a professional and so is she, everything will be OK... I hope...


(Just to let you know I'm going to be doing this story 3rd Person know as doing it just in (Y/N)'s POV has skipped on of the best Marvel movies... and I'm to lazy to re do it all so... See you in Avengers Assemble!)

(To Be Continued)

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