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By potterheaderror

43.5K 809 198

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How They Met
Year 5
An Illness
Ma Petite Renard
Veritaserum and Animagi
First Quidditch Match
Quidditch Tryouts
Gryffindor Party
The All-Wizard Tournament
Awful Predictions
Four Champions
The First Competition
Winter ball outfits (girls)
It's Christmas!
The Map Works!
The Second Competition
Room of Requirement
A Tad Bit of Revenge
New Years Eve
Imperius Curse
Happy Birthday Severus!
Sherbet Lemon
The Final Competition
Last Day at Hogwarts
An Unexpected Visit
August 14th
Grey Eyes
Back to Hogwarts
Full Moon
The Slug Club
Blood Promise
We're Finding Out What!
Finally 17!
Still Friends?
A Prank Gone Wrong!
Lilacs and Tulips
A Terrifying Letter
Lashing Out!
A Friend in the Stars
Trust Issues
Crazy Dyed Dares
Banned Things
Headaches and Milkshakes
Play with Fire
Exes and Hexes
Are We Sober?
Another Attack
Secret Societies
Crazed Maniac
Hushed Voices
Bittersweet Endings
The Beginning of an Era
Turn Back?

Winter Ball

847 17 1
By potterheaderror


"Oh, Moony, I forgot to ask, with whom are you going to the ball with tomorrow?" Clara asked Remus as they walked to Defense Against the Dark Arts. 

"Oh, well, I haven't asked anyone, yet." Remus answered quietly.

"Why not? Is there not a single person you'd like to ask?" Clara questioned him.

"Uh...no, not really." Remus replied, Clara nodded and they continued their way to the DADA classroom. 

They walked into the classroom, Remus sat beside Peter, while Clara sat beside Regulus.

"Who are you going with, Regulus?" Clara asked Regulus the second she sat down beside him.

"I'm not going with anyone." He replied.

"What? Why not?" Clara grinned. "You don't want to go alone do you?"

"Actually, I do." Regulus smirked, placing his chin on his hand.

"Your loss!" Clara giggled and looked to the front of the classroom, he laughed and nudged her and they both kept laughing. 

"Black, Potter, quiet!" The DADA Professor scolded them. "Today, our lesson is about boggarts, who can tell me what a boggart is?" The Professor asked the class. 

Claras' hand jolted up into the air, she was basically begging to answer, 

"yes Ms. Potter" the Professor said, 

"a boggart is an shape-shifter that takes on the form of its observer's worst fear. Because of their shape-shifting ability, no one knows what a Boggart looks like when it is alone, as it changes instantly upon encountering someone" she explained.

"Excellent Ms. Potter, 5 points to Gryffindor" he said, and she smiled to herself, "everybody form a line in front of this cupboard" he began, "there is a boggart in this closet, when I open it, I want the person at the front of the line to say loudly and clearly Riddikulus!" he explained. 

James was at the front of the line followed by Sirius, the cupboard door opened, and James saw his whole family dead, just laying there lifeless covered in blood, Clara was trying to push to the front of line trying to see what James feared, but Sirius and Remus were trying to push her back, they didn't want her to see herself like that, 

"riddikulus!" James shouted and they transformed into small white birds flying around.

Sirius was next *crack* the birds turned into a dead fox, but he quickly cast the riddikulus charm fast enough for only him to see it, 

"riddikulus!" he shouted, and it turned into an orange butterfly with a party hat. Remus pulled Clara in front of him, 

"go first Clara" he urged her, she nodded and stood in front of him knowing his boggart would reveal his secret. Clara was now at the front of the line, *crack* the butterfly turned into herself holding her wand in her right head, she had the dark mark, and an evil grin on her face, Clara became furious, 

"riddikulus!" she shouted with all her might and the boggart just disappeared. Everyone gasped,

"well done Ms. Potter" the Professor acknowledged, "alright class dismissed" he ushered everyone outside the class. 

The marauders were walking back to the common room talking and laughing loudly, "and then POOF ms.norris is dead" Sirius explained grinning,

"and where do you suppose are you going to learn to brew draught of the living dead?" Remus teased him, 

"who said anything about learning how to brew it! We steal it from Slughorn of course!" he stated throwing his hands up in the air, Remus shook his head and laughed, along with the rest of them. 

"I'll catch up with you guys later give me a second" Clara said and walked off, the rest looked at her then continued there way to the common room. 

She ran off to the dungeons, and to the Slytherin common room, "Salazar" she whispered at the wall, and the passage opened to the common room, she walked over to the table where Regulus was sitting with Evan Rosier, 

"hey guys" she said sitting down on an empty chair.

"Clara! Hi!" Regulus exclaimed shocked to see her,

"sup Potter" Evan smirked,

"not much guys, didn't feel like going to the Gryffindor common room so I came here instead" she explained, "oh and Evan don't call me Potter, I don't like it" she added sitting back into her chair, 

"alright Clara" he said still smirking, "game of chess?" he asked her,

"play with Regulus I'll watch" she answered. 

Clara was watching them play warning both of them that if they moved a specific piece they would lose, causing them both to lose their focus, 

"Clara you setting us up or something?" Regulus laughed as she told him not to move the knight,

"you'll never know" she grinned,

"honestly how are you not a Slytherin" Evan asked her,

"I have no idea!" She laughed and banged the table out of control of laughing causing all the chess pieces and the chess board to fall of the floor. 

"Clara!" Regulus and Evan both called out, and she laughed uncontrollably causing the two to join her.

Several hours later...

Clara said goodbye to Regulus and Evan and was now headed to the Gryffindor common room.

"My lord Clara!" James exclaimed, "it's been about two hours! Where were you?" He asked curiously, 

"none of your business James" she answered walking up to her dorm,

"it is his business and you know it!" Sirius called out to her, "I bet you were with that Jason guy!" he retorted furiously, 

"actually I wasn't! Now if you don't mind I'd very much like it if the lot of you kept your noses out of my business!" she turned around raging and shouted furiously throwing the books in her hands on the ground annoyed, 

"calm down Clara" Remus ran up to her, 

"get away from me idiot!" She raged pushing him away from her, "stay away from me! The lot of you!" She ended and ran up angrily to her dorm leaving her books on the ground. Remus started picking up her books feeling sorry for her, Clara was a really nice person but was also very moody and quick-tempered. 

The next day...

The most talked about subject was the ball, after all it was that night, 

"I'm so excited to go with Sirius!" Clara heard Marlene say excitedly, she rolled her eyes annoyed, she decided to play clueless, so she walked over to Lily, Marlene, and Alice, 

"oh guys! I'm so excited for tonight!" she exclaimed, and the three girls excitedly nodded in agreement. 

Clara used the benefit of the three girls' chatting to find out who was going to the ball with who. She saw Jason walking to history of magic, which she was currently headed to as well, 

"hey Jason!" she jumped on his back,

"oh hey Clara! Seems you're in a good mood today, yes?" he laughed, he was now carry Clara in a piggy-back ride, 

"you make my day brighter" she smiled and laid her head down on his head, he laughed quietly and they headed to history of magic together. 

She quickly got off his back before they entered class, Clara and Jason waved bye to each other as they sat on different tables, she saw Sirius giving Jason a death stare and rolled her eyes, the poor boy! she thought. 

James and Sirius kept looking suspicious as if they were planning something during class, as Clara sat beside Regulus. 

"Annoying my brother isn't he?" Regulus nudged Clara as he saw her stare at him with a face of disgust, 

"like hell" she replied, and they laughed. 

History of magic ended and Clara walked with Severus, Regulus, and Evan to Care of Magical Creatures taught by Professor Kettleburn. 

"I hope we learn about unicorns today!" Clara said sarcastically as she heard a few firsts years talk about them as they passed by, causing the boys to laugh, 

"or about mermaids!" Evan said trying to imitate a girls voice but failing causing Clara to fall on the floor laughing, and so the three boys had to pull her to class. 

The entire class was pretty boring as they were learning about nifflers which half the class already knew about, Clara stayed with Regulus, Severus, and Evan dreading to go back to the four marauders, or her three gossiping friends, she thought about talking with Jason but she saw him having fun with his friends so she decided not to be too clingy. 

Every once in a while Sirius would glance at Clara, clearly annoyed, Clara had caught him several times and rolled her eyes.

At the ball...

The ball hadn't started yet but Sirius was standing and waiting with Marlene, Lily, James, and Remus who came to the ball with Mary MacDonald, Regulus who was standing across the room with Severus, Narcissa, Lucius, and Evan. 

Sirius glared evilly at Jason as he saw him stand without anyone, ha take that Clara didn't even show up!  He thought to himself, just then everyone turned around to the stairs to see a beautiful angelic girl walking down the stairs in a beautiful red dress, that beautiful girl was Clara Potter. 

Oh really thought you'd show your face here Potter! Sirius angrily thought, he was staring at Clara furiously, then looked back at Jason whom he could see had a huge grin on his face, Jason held out his hand to Clara as she approached the bottom of this stairs, she took his hand and blushed slightly, people murmured things like 

"she's so pretty", and 

"Jason's so lucky to be with her!". 

She walked with Jason to the back of line where the champions and there dates were standing, 

"you look gorgeous" he whispered to her, 

"thanks" she smiled and looked in front of her trying not to blush. 

The champions and their dates walked out in a straight line in between the rest of the students there, then they music started, and they started dancing. 

Clara had practiced her dancing after all she was watched by everyone she definitely didn't want to mess up, 

"you don't think she actually fancies him?" James nudged Sirius who was staring angrily at Jason and Clara, 

"hah! What does she even see in him, probably just wanted to get the spotlight as usual!" Sirius rolled his eyes, Remus, James, and Peter laughed, 

"you're suggesting Clara is using him for the spotlight?" Remus trying to hide his laugh, 

"I'm not suggesting I know!" Sirius stated still staring annoyed at Clara and Jason,

"Padfoot, we know Clara is evil but not as evil as that!" James laughed and slapped his hand on Sirius's shoulder, Sirius shrugged to get it off, still annoyed. Everyone was now dancing except for the four marauders, 

"Sirius are you even going to ask me to dance!" Marlene walked up to him annoyed, 

"no" he smirked and walked away leaving Marlene fuming,

"oi Padfoot don't do her dirty, dance with her, me and Remus are going to dance anyways" James shrugged, 

"fine" he said, "Marlene!" he called and she ran up to him, "one dance that's it" he told her boredly, 

"oh yes!" she giggled and they danced, Sirius dreading every second of it. 

James, Sirius, Remus, and Peter, were once again sitting down on the chairs while the girls were talking, 

"hey guys!" Clara walked up to them holding the hand of Jason smiling from ear to ear, 

"we were going to get drinks want to join us?" She asked sweetly, Sirius was giving Jason a death-stare the entire time, Jason however pretended not to notice. 

Realizing what Sirius was doing, she hit him playfully, 

"stop it" she whispered quietly so only Sirius would hear, he rolled his eyes and walked off. 

"I'm going to Lily" James said getting up with his hands in the air, Peter and Remus followed, 

"ugh!" She grunted,

"don't worry about them, come on" Jason told her kindly and they walked over hand in hand to the table where the drinks were.

After the ball... 

"Thank you so much Jason, I had a blast!" Clara said and gave him a kiss on the cheek before heading up the stairs, 

"I had an awesome time to Clara" he whispered sweetly and kissed her hand, Jason stayed at the ball chatting with his friends while Clara decided to go back to the common room. 

"Jingle bells" she said and the portrait swung open, inside she saw the four boys sitting on the carpet, 

"hey guys!" she waved to them, they turned around Clara whos hair was now messy from all the dancing, 

"hey Vixen" they answered in union, Clara smiled and made her way up to her dorm, Lily, Marlene, and Alice were giggling and gossiping, that dearly annoyed Clara. 

She walked into the bathroom and changed into grey sweatpants, with a matching oversized grey hoodie, and red socks, she removed her makeup, and tied her hair in her signature messy bun. She walked back to the common room and sat with the rest of the Marauders, 

"oh tomorrow's finally Christmas, I can't wait!" she squealed,

"oh yeah! I almost completely forgot!" Remus chuckled, and they played wizards chess together while James and Sirius played together with Peter watching nervously. 

"Winners play against each other for the final winner!" She announced and they all nodded with agreement.

Five minutes later...
"Oh darn!" Clara gasped, Remus had beat her in their chess game and was now laughing, Sirius had lost to James and was now looking for an excuse as to why he lost, 

"you see you've confused me with all your talking!" "I demand a rematch!" Sirius made up an excuse,

"ha tough luck Padfoot" James said as he got up and moved over to play chess with Remus. "I bet Moony will beat you Prongs!" Clara stated,

"name your price Vixen" Sirius looked amused,

"all the chocolate we get tomorrow!" She darted,

"deal!" Sirius nodded and they shook hands. 

"Finish already will you" Sirius groaned it had been ten minutes since they started playing,

"come on James, just lose already!" Clara threw her hands in the air,

"now I see why you two lost, you see patience is key" James said calmly with the dramatic humming of Remus. Another minute later, Remus won, 

"ha!" Clara jumped up and down pointing at Sirius, "you better give me all your chocolate!" She giggled,

"fine a deal's a deal" he said smiling and shrugging,
"no I was kidding" she laughed sitting down, "keep your chocolate Padfoot" she grinned, and Sirius smiled mockingly.

Ah it was fun writing this🤪 Next chapter coming soon!!

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