Red Vs Blue, & there's Magent...

By Zeta_Lyfe

16.3K 422 58

Red Vs Blue, but with a twist! Following O'Malley's defeat at the hands of the Great Destroyer, the Reds ret... More

Chapter 1 Familiar Surroundings
Chapter 2 Hunting Time
Chapter 3 Fight or Fright
Chapter 4 Fair Competition
Chapter 5 Lost in Triangulation
Chapter 6 The Hard Stop
Chapter 7 Previous Commitments
Chapter 8 Looking for Group
Chapter 9 Exploring Our Differences
Chapter 10 Setting a High Bar
Chapter 11 Getting All Misty
Chapter 12 Talk of the Town
Chapter 13 Sneaking In
Chapter 14 You Keep Using That Word
Chapter 15 Getting Debriefed
Chapter 16 Under the Weather
Chapter 17 Right to Remain Silenced
Chapter 18 Things Are Looking Down
Chapter 19 Two For One
Interlude - A Meaningful Warning

Chapter 20 The Arrival

673 18 0
By Zeta_Lyfe

Church: Ugh, I don't believe this.

Doc: It's true, your friend Tucker's pregnant. See? My little gizmo lights up green to indicate pregnancy.

The two were inside the Blue base.

Church: I thought it lights up green to indicate flesh wounds.

Doc: Yeah, also that.

Church: And infectious diseases.

Doc: Yeah, it lights up green for just about everything. It takes a while to figure out the difference.

He charged the device.

Doc: Like this green, indicates a high level of anger stimming from suppressed feelings of inadequacies.

Church: If that thing keeps talking bad about me, I'm gonna fucking smash it.

Doc: And this green means impotency. Oops, that green causes impotency. My bad Church.

Church: Oh that's okay, I wasn't using it anyway.

Doc: See? These tools can be confusing sometimes, that's why doctors have to go to school for so long. Not that I'm actually a doctor, mind you.

Church: And that's never been more apparent than with this diagnosis.

Tucker: What diagnosis?

The aqua soldier stood up with a groan.

Doc: Congratulations Tucker, you're pregnant.

O'Malley: *evil laughs* With bastard. *laughs again*

Tucker: It's not mine, I wasn't even in town that weekend.

Church: Tucker, don't listen to him, he's a lunatic, man. He's got no idea what he's talking about.

Doc: Uh, you want me to go over the green light thing again?

Caboose then rushed into the base holding a skull!

Caboose: Doctor, help! My second best friend is dead! Fix him.

Church: Woah woah woah, Caboose, what happened? Who's dead?

Caboose: Andy, Andy's dead. Look!

Church: Okay, that's disgusting.

Caboose: Doctor Doc, please help him.

Doc: Uh, I don't know what I can really do to help him, my first aid procedures aren't very effective after decomposition.

Church: Where did you get that?

Caboose: First Tucker dies and now Andy!

Doc: Tucker isn't dead, he's pregnant.

Tucker: It's not mine, we weren't even going steady!

Church: Stop that.

Tucker: Hey look man, I've been saying that for a long time, it's going to take a while to get used to this.

Church: You're not pregnant!

Caboose: I was just standing outside the base and someone told me to turn around, and when I did. . . .

Church: Woah wait, who told you to turn around?

Caboose: I don't know! But they were very helpful.

Church: Annnd, let me guess, when you turned back around Andy was gone.

Caboose: Yes, he was. . . gone.

Church: *sighs* Everybody stay here, I'll be right back.

Doc: Wait! What do you want me to do about the pregnant guy?

Tucker: It's not mine.

Church: He is not pregnant!

Caboose: And what about Andy?

Church: And that's not Andy! Just look, stay here!

Tucker then groaned and fell to his knees.

Tucker: Would this be a bad time to mention that my stomach just started hurting really bad?

Doc: Oh boy. . . Caboose, better go boil some water.

Caboose: How could you think of soup at a time like this?!

*With the Reds*

Lopes and Andy were side by side on the ground.

Andy/Lopez: (Vic) Here are your orders for winning the war, eliminate the enemy. Okay, also, try to do better than you are currently doing and please win, thank you.

Grif: That is totally lame. . . And not surprising at all. Which is also totally, totally lame.

Simmons: I don't know about that Grif, there was actually some valuable tactical information in there, right Sarge?

Sarge: Simmons, have you lost your last marble? That was pure nonsense!

Simmons: Oh, that's what I meant.

Sarge: Eliminate the enemy! What kind of plan is that? I think command has lost it.

Grif: Lost it? When did they have it?

Donut: Uh, speaking of the enemy, here comes one now.

The pink soldier spotted Church.

Grif: Hey, let's eliminate him. Then we'll have one less thing on the to-do list.

Sarge: I'm just so depressed, I can't even threaten your life for being a total jackass. Jackass. . . I'll kill ya.

Donut: Nah, I don't think eliminating him will be easy. It looks like he's bringing his tank with him.

Simmons: What are you talking about Donut? The tank isn't coming out here. Look, it's not even moving.

Donut: Yes it is! Look.

Grif: Hey Sarge, cheer up, I've known command was stupid all along. It could be hard at first, but you'll get used to it.

Sarge: Just leave me alone. *cries*

Simmons: Donut, I am looking, and if it was getting closer, it would be getting bigger.

Donut: It is getting bigger, compared to that tree!

Simmons: What tree? There aren't any trees!

Grit: You want to call me an idiot Sarge? That always makes you feel better.

Sarge: Oh shut up moron!

Grif: Ah, feels better, right?

Sarge: Yeah, I guess a little.

Simmons: Nope, not moving.

Donut: Yes it is! See, look closer.

Sheila: Firing main cannon.

The missile hit a rock right behind them.

Simmons: Okay, you're right. It's coming this way.

Donut: Run!!!

The men ran as more tank shots hit the rock formations around them! The eventually found a small spot where they could take cover!

Sarge: Regroup men! Grif, start passing out additional ammo.

Grif: Uhhhhhh. . . .

Sarge: Simmons, pass out the ammo you brought because you knew Grif would forget.

Simmons: Already on it sir.

He was giving Donut a few mags.

Sarge: Return fire men. I'll call for reinforcements.

The sergeant turned his radio on.

Sarge: Come in command! Come in!

Vic: Hey dude, come in. Hey, what's going on? That sounds like fun.

Sarge: Vic, we need help! Simmons, get busy negotiating a surrender.

Simmons: Okay, how about we give them our base?

Donut: Ah, good idea. We can live in the caves!

Simmons: We can let them kill Grif!

Sarge: Simmons, you're supposed to negotiate THEIR surrender, not ours! Vic, are you still there?

Simmons then peaked over the rock.

Simmons: Hey Blues! Uh, I mean Blue! We're only going to give you once chance to surrender!

Grif and Donut then peaked up as well. Church stood beside a firing Sheila.

Church: Wha- Why would I- Hey, hold on a second Sheila.

The tank stopped firing.

Church: Why would I surrender?!

The Reds whispered. . . .

Simmons: Um, because you're outnumbered!

Church: Bullshit dude, I got a tank! People with tanks are never outnumbered.

More whispers ensued.

Simmons: We also think that it's your turn to surrender!

Church: We surrendered twice in a row, so it's your turn to do it twice in a row! You've only gone once!

Simmons: No-

Church: Sheila, shut him up.

She fired.

Simmons: SON OF A BITCH!

Donut: Is that a no?!

Church: Okay guys, I don't mean to be rude, but I've got a missing girlfriend, a guy who's pregnant, an idiot who thinks his pet just died and our worst enemy is hanging out unsupervised in our base right now! So I really, REALLY, don't have time for this horseshit right now.

Grif: Uhhh, what was that part about the pregnant guy?

Church: HE'S NOT PREGNANT!!!! That's impossible!

Andy: *laughs* Yeah, unless the alien impregnated him, 'cause that's what they do. They infect the host with the parasitic embryo. But you already knew that, right? . . .Right?

Church: WHAT?! NO! Why didn't you tell us that could happen?!

Andy: Uhhh, I mean uh, alien baby? How could that have happened? I'm as shocked as you are.

Caboose then contacted Church.

Caboose: Come in Church, come in.

Church: Caboose! What did I tell you, man?! You're not supposed to be using the radio while O'Malley's here! Oh great, now I'm on the radio too.

Caboose: Oh, that's why I'm calling to tell you, Um, the Reds already used their radio annnd O'Malley is gone.

Church: Oh my god!

The Blue leader was being driven insane.

Sarge: That's right Blue! We've called in the calvary. As we speak, the glorious Red Command is sending a ship to aid us. No doubt it's a battle cruiser of the highest magnitude. It's time to end this thing once and for all!

Meanwhile, Tucker had given birth.

Doc: Congratulations, it's a. . . thing. Eugh.

Baby Alien: Glug glug. Huuuuuu!

Back with Church,

Church: What was that?

Caboose: Um, that's the other thing I called about. Tucker had his gross baby.

Church: He is not PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!! Sheila, stay here! If anybody moves, shot 'em!

Donut: A baby? Wait up, I want to see!

The pink soldier sped off after Church, who was heading towards the base.

Sarge: Donut, get back here! Wait for the ship!

Donut: But Sarge, we don't know when the ship is going to get here! It's coming all the way from Earth. That could take days, weeks, or months, or even years!

A pelican dropship suddenly fell from the sky and landed right on the pink soldier! Everyone had frozen in place. . . .

Simmons: Ship's here.

Grif: Shotgun!

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