Trust Issues

By lillyadams23

23.3K 722 192

Meredith has severe trust issues, we all know that. What happens when they get the best of her and she runs a... More

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 15

528 23 0
By lillyadams23

Dai woke up the next morning feeling much better. She waddled into Meredith's room and woke her up. Meredith sat up in bed and saw Dai standing near her head.

"Hey, baby. Are you feeling better?" Meredith asked as she picked her up

"yes mama. now i wanna cuddle." Dai said

Meredith laid er down next to her and wrapped her arm around Dai's waist and held her close to her. They laid there for about 15 minutes until Meredith's alarm went off. Dai had fallen back asleep so Meredith got up and then went to do her morning routine. When she was done, she went back into her room and Dai was still asleep, so she woke her up.

Dai woke up and Meredith helped her get and load in her into the car so she could take her to daycare. They were driving peaceful, jamming out to some music.

Meredith pulled up to  red light and she glanced up at her rear view mirror and looked at Dai. She was happily seated in her car seat in the back row. Then she saw a car, driving to fast for her liking. It was was getting closer. Then a huge impact hit, she got rear ended. She hit her head on the steering wheel and blacked out. The last thing she heard were Dai's cries.


When Meredith awoke, she was in a trauma room. She sat up, despite the hands of doctor trying to keep her laying down. 

"My kid, where is Dai? I need to see Dai. Let me go!" Meredith said still trying to stand up

"Ma'am you need to lay down." The lead doctor said

"No, where is Dai?" 

"Someone call her emergency contact! She has no one in the area. Also push some sedivtes, she might hurt herself more."

"nooooo" Meredith said as she taken over by darkness.

A couple hours later...

Meredith felt herself wake up. she hadn't quite opened her eyes yet when she squeezed her hand realizing that someone else hand was in hers.

"Mer? Are you awake? Open your eyes for me." She regonzied this voice to be Dereks. She slowly opened her eyes.

She was in a hospital room. Derek was by her side and Dai was nowhere to be found. She had an IV in one arm and a blood pressure cuff on the other. 

"Der..." Was all she could say. His eyes were red and tear stains were evident on his checks

"How are you? Any pain?" Derek said switching into doctor mode.

"My head, it hurts. Other then that no. Where is Dai?" 

"Well you hit your head on the steering wheel. Now Mer, don't freak out, Dai is in surgery."

Meredith immediately tried to get up but Derek was ready for that, he had his hands on her shoulders so she had to stay laying down. "What?! Let me go! She needs me!"

"Meredith, you need to calm down! She has a broken leg, arm, and a couple ribs. She hit her head pretty hard too, she had developed a brain bleed. The best surgeon here is fixing that."

"No! She was in a car seat! She was buckled!" Meredith yelled still struggling to get up. All of a sudden the heart monitors on Meredith were going crazy. Her BP and pluse were through the roof. The doctor rushed in.

"Dr Grey! You need to calm down! Sir! What did you do?"

"She asked about Dai, her daughter. Let me deal with this." Derek explained. The doctor watched as Derek climbed into Meredith's bed and held her tight. She put her head down on his chest, struggling to breathe from hyperventilating. 

"I... I can't... lose... I can't lose her too!" She hiccuped. Listening to Derek's heartbeat, she slowly calmed down. Once the doctor was satisfied with her BP, he left the two alone.

"It's all going to be ok Mer..." Derek said, trying to calm her down along with him. A silent tear fell, it had to be ok. He had to be able to see his daughter go to college, get married, have kids. He wanted to be able to see his daughter grow up.

After a couple hours Dai's surgeon came in. Meredith, who was still in Derek's tight embrace shot up. Derek soon after.

"Well, she is stable. She is in the ICU until she wakes up, it could take awhile though. She had a brain bleed which I fixed and a broken arm and leg which the other surgeon fixed. She will be in an arm and leg cast for a couple months. You can go see her if you like." The doctor explained

"Yes please." Meredith said. Derek got up and got a wheel chair for Mer, even though she didn't need it, it made him feel better.

Derek wheeled Meredith to Dai's room. When they got there, they slowly went in and saw a nurse adjusting something in her IV. The nurse looked up and saw them, then she exited the room.

Dai looked so small, she had a tube down her throat and multiple IV's in her good arm. Her left arm and left leg had a huge cast around them. 

Meredith gasped when she went into the room, quickly standing up and going to hold her hand, slight tears freely. Derek walked over and held Meredith's hand that was over Dai's. 

"She was in a car seat..." Meredith whispered

"I know." Derek said back

The two sat there watching the tiny girl in the huge bed. The hiss of the venteraltor filling the silence of the room.



Sorry it took so long to update, school has been kicking my butt lately. I wrote this chapter over this week lol. Anyway, happy reading!

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