Just a Glimpse

Af casserole87

252 7 5

Hermione Granger has never done bad at school. She's never worn a cloak of invisibility, befriended a giant... Mere

Ello there
The Star
The Heart
The Square
Crescent Moon
The Circle

The Four-leaf Clover

28 1 0
Af casserole87

Ron left.

Harry threatened to kick and curse everything in sight at the mere thought of his friend's abandonment.

Life on the run had gotten harder as winter progressed. The cold was biting, the wind hurt with every bluster, and they were no closer to accomplishing their mission than they had been at the start. Hermione, too, would have liked to give up at that point. Home seemed like a nice place to be - a warm bed, a hot bath, good food. Fred.

Panic jump-started her heart. What if she never saw Fred again? The Seeing truffles assured her they'd be together, but things could change; the future could change. She needed the quick fix offered by the truffles to quell her fears and anxiety

Looking around she noticed the invisibility cloak was gone, as was Harry. The chocolate box was inconspicuously tucked into the pocket of her coat, and she deftly pulled out the clover, made of mint green chocolate and a nougat centre.

Luck, she decided, was the point of the four-leaf clover. A smile lit her face as she popped the candy into her mouth, and awaited the sights she'd see.

It was St. Mungo's, Hermione realized, the waiting room at St. Mungo's. Mrs Weasley sat quietly with a sleeping toddler nestled in her arms. Neither Fred nor her older self was around, and once again panic rose within the young witch. She inched closer to the witch who'd come to be a second her, taking in the little girl on her lap - rosy, full cheeks, soft auburn curls, and a Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes t-shirt. This had to be her...their daughter.

The little girl's eyes opened, landing directly on Hermione, though she was sure no one could see her. "Momma," spoke the little girl, her tiny fist rubbing the sleep out of her blue eyes.

Mrs. Weasley looked up, then to the left, then the right. Her arms tightened around her granddaughter who struggled to getaway. "Your momma and daddy will be out soon," she assured the child. "And when you see them you'll have a new little brother or sister."

"No, right there," an index finger extended in the direction of Hermione, who was now thoroughly panicked.

Mrs Weasley let out a small chuckle. "No, Frankie, there's no one there." But the toddler continued to insist that her mother stood before her. Hermione backed up to a small alcove to stay out of Frankie's line of sight as a medi-witch came out to speak with Mrs. Weasley. Wide blue eyes were locked on her as Hermione peered around the wall for a better listen.

"The baby came earlier than anyone expected," the stout, grey-haired witch said. "The Healers are working with the baby right now, but your daughter-in-law is fine. A bit tired, but I think she could handle seeing family."

Mrs. Weasley shook the witch's hand before taking Frankie's smaller hand into her own. Hermione hung back, waiting for them to pass, before following along at a safe distance. She hoped to remain unseen by the little girl who could inexplicably see her when no one else could. They passed through a set of swinging doors, walked by witches and wizards waiting for healers (all of whom, Frankie waved to), until they reached the maternity wing. Hermione watched as grandmother and granddaughter entered a small room.

"Momma, come on," Frankie urged before fully going inside. Reluctant to invade on the family moment, Hermione slowly followed inside. Her eyes immediately fell to a haggard-looking Fred, arms open to his little girl. With Frankie securely on his lap, his left hand went back to hold his wife's hand. She looked to herself - pale, tired, eyes drifting between open and closed, as she smiled at her daughter. "What is it, Daddy?"

Fred's head turned toward his daughter. "What's what, baby girl?" he asked, his arm tightening around her tiny body.

"The baby," Frankie replied exasperatedly. Fred laughed before looking at his mother.

"It's a boy." A smile lit his face as Frankie's fell. Hermione (older and younger) both caught the look and laughed.

"I wanted a sister," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest.

Mrs Weasley moved to stand on the other side of Hermione's bed. "Will he be okay?"

Fred sighed; all smiles disappeared. "He's pretty small," said Fred. "They're not...the healers are working on him."

The scene faded to black as Hermione moved once again through time. She was in a house, but whose it was or where it was, she was unsure. The lights were out, but hushed and whispered tones could be heard. A key rattled in the door before the knob turned. The lights were flicked on as people jumped up to yell "surprise."

Fred and Hermione stood in the doorway, their newest bundle of joy in Fred's arms.

"Pappa, Mom-Mom, look, Eddy's here!" Frankie ran from her grandparents to her parents and brother. An arm reached up, caught her around the middle, and pulled her back.

"No jumping your parents, squirt," said a deep, laugh rumbling voice.

"No fair, Unca Charlie," Frankie replied with a pout as she settled back against her uncle.

Hermione glanced around at the members of the Weasley (and extended) family. Despite the years added, she still recognized each face - Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Percy and Audrey, George and Angelina, Ron and Lavender, Ginny and Harry. Children of all ages ran through the crowded living room in an effort to reach the front yard, earning disapproving looks from their parents.

Fred and Hermione now occupied the love-seat, Edwin, now in Hermione's arms as Frankie climbed onto her father's lap for a better look.

"He's beautiful, Hermione," Ginny commented, sitting on the arm of the couch with her youngest son, Albus, in her arms.

"What do you think, Frankie?"

"Him's not a girl," replied the precocious three-year-old. She reached up and took her father's face in her small hands. "Next time, make him a girl."

Hermione was back in the tent, Harry worriedly crouched before her.

"Are you okay?" he asked, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

She shook her head to clear the visions. "I'm good. Just a dream," she replied with a smile.

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