Ender | Ranboo Adoption SBI (...

By _just_snakess_

175K 8.1K 8.7K

As a mute ender hybrid, Ranboo has never experienced much love or affection until Phil decides to adopt him... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
hiatus :((
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
half of Chapter 18

Chapter 1

20K 683 1.4K
By _just_snakess_

This is an Ranboo SBI adoption fanfic, but it's set in an alternate universe where the government has experimented on people and has accidentally created hybrids, which are humans but with enhanced or animal characteristics. Most of these hybrids are children and they are kept in Hybrid Rehabilitation Centres which supposedly introduce the hybrids into society, but they're mostly just testing centres. Ranboo is an ender hybrid and is in one of these centres.

This is my first fanfic, so sorry if it's a little badly written! If you want to comment any suggestions or improvements, go ahead :)

Ranboo sat alone by the dusty window, staring out at the vast grey wilderness that lay before him. It had a certain kind of ethereal beauty to it, very different to the cold metal angles of the Hybrid Rehabilitation Centre that he lived in. Ranboo wished that he could be out in that wilderness, or really anywhere apart from the centre, but he'd given up hope of ever getting out of this hellhole. Nobody wanted to adopt a mute teenage boy, let alone a hybrid.

A loud bell disrupted him from his thoughts and he sighed and stood up. He hated the rigorous testing that the hybrids were subjected to, but he could hardly refuse to take them. Nobody had ever refused while he was at the centre, but the older hybrids told stories of an aquatic hybrid that rebelled, and nobody had ever seen her again.

Ranboo lined up outside the testing hall as usual, but before he could go inside, a grim-faced member of staff grabbed him by the arm. He flinched at the sudden movement and looked at the ground as the man pulled him up some stairs and around a corner, before halting in front of a door that he'd never seen before.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" the man said to Ranboo sharply. Startled, the hybrid nodded. He'd learnt the hard way that staff didn't like it when you were too slow to respond, or were being 'disobedient'.

"Good. A man is here to see you. He's considering adoption. Be polite. Be obedient. Certainly don't do any of your weird hybrid crap. You have thirty minutes with him."

Ranboo nodded again, more hesitantly this time. He would love to be adopted, but he'd been seen and rejected many times before. Only people who were knowledgeable about hybrids and had passed a test to prove it were allowed to adopt, so most adopters were scientists interested in having a personal hybrid to test on, and none of those people wanted a mute teenage hybrid.

"Go on then, what are you waiting for?" the man barked. He pushed open the door and shoved Ranboo into the room. Ranboo stumbled and tripped into the room, falling flat on his face in front of the visitor. Not a good first impression.

"Are you ok?" The stranger rushed over to help Ranboo up, and Ranboo got a good look at him for the first time. He had medium length blonde hair and was wearing a white and green striped hat and green suit and his kind-looking blue eyes were looking at Ranboo in concern.

Ranboo nodded shakily and stood up, anxiously glancing back down at the floor.

"It's ok, you can sit down," said the stranger. "My name's Philza, what's yours?" he added gently.

"He doesn't speak," the guard in the corner replied curtly. "Beats me why you wanted to see this one."

Philza's eyes hardened. "I asked for his name, please," he said politely, but Ranboo could see the anger in his eyes and shrunk back in his seat.

The guard shrugged. "His name's Ranboo."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Ranboo. I'd very much like to get to know you, but this session is about you getting to know me as much as the other way round, so why don't I tell you about myself and then if you have any questions, or you want to tell me something, you can write it down, that ok?"

Ranboo nodded, extremely surprised and a little suspicious about how kind Philza was being. Phil smiled and handed him a notepad and pen.

"Well, I already have three boys that I've adopted from here, Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy. Techno's the oldest and he's a boar hybrid, he likes to fence and read, strange combination, I know, but he's very into both. Wilbur is about a year younger than Techno and he's a spectral hybrid, he loves to write songs and play his guitar. Tommy, the youngest, is a squirrel hybrid, and he's probably the most outgoing, he wanted to come along today but there's only one visitor allowed."

Ranboo looked at Phil, extremely confused. It was beyond him why anyone would want to adopt three hybrids, let alone care about their interests. Hybrids were akin to animals, beasts with no real thoughts or emotions. Everyone knew that.

Everyone apart from this strange man, apparently.

Phil continued to talk for the next half hour and Ranboo built up the courage to ask a few questions. He was still very confused, but he liked this strange man. Even if his kindness was an act, nobody else had even bothered to act kind. Eventually, a bell rung and the guard motioned for Ranboo to leave, but Phil put a hand on his shoulder before he could go.

"Ranboo, I know you've only met me once but I'd very much like to adopt you and I want to make sure that that's ok with you before I sign the papers."

Half in shock, Ranboo looked at Phil and nodded enthusiastically. Phil smiled. "I'll see you again tomorrow then, you can pack up your stuff and say goodbye tonight and then I'll pick you up first thing tomorrow morning, yeah?"

Ranboo nodded, hardly believing how lucky he was. Sure, he didn't trust Phil completely, but he had to be better than the facility staff. Anyone would be. He smiled at Phil, not a big smile, but a genuine one nonetheless. He was still smiling as the member of staff escorted him back to his room, and he fell asleep with a smile on his face for the first time in years.

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