Heart Attack • Shirbert

By EchoingEllipses

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Anne Shirley-Cuthbert had finally settled into her life at Green Gables when tragedy struck. For maybe the fi... More

Heart Attack: A Shirbert Story
• 1 • goodbyes, greetings, and gilbert
• 2 • cuthberts, cuddles, and cpr
• 3 • thoughts, tears, and thanks
• 4 • fears, funerals, and fights
• 5 • help, hands, and hearts
• 6 • silhouettes, stubborn, and silence
• 7 • woes, whispers, and waltz
• 8 • blythe, bridges, and beginnings
• 9 • prodding, plotting, and posting
• 10 • dancing, directions, and discoveries
• 11 • freedoms, fields, and flowers
• 12 • booms, babies, and birthing
• 13 • soothing, staying, and sleeping
• 14 • mornings, memories, and moments
• 15 • cramming, celebrations, and carrots
• 16 • ruby, rachel, and reveals
• 17 • partners, practice, and proximity
• 18 • backs, boards, and bickering
• 19 • working, worthy, and winifred
• 20 • beaus, bullies, and billy
• 21 • sanctuary, safety, and stories
• 22 • memories, makeups, and mirrors
• 23 • christmas, crimes, and confessions
• 24 • homecoming, hallucinations, and hearsay
• 25 • switching, strength, and secrets
• 26 • punching, prodding, and permission
• 27 • challenges, connections, and courage
• 28 • futures, feminism, and futile
• 29 • far-fetched, fires, and feelings
• 30 • acceptance, assumptions, and articles
• 31 • occasions, oceans, and opportunities
• 32 • chances, cautions, and coats
• 33 • engagEment, extend, and exploding
• 34 • publish, panic, and profess
• 35 • drama, divulging, and denial
• 36 • overwhelmed, okay, and olives
• 37 • exams, entrances, and exits
• 38 • scores, spelling, and successes
• 40 • dreams, dutch, and destinations
• 41 • cover, cities, and culture
• 42 • professors, pressing, and pride
• 43 • college, choices, and convincing
• 44 • recalling, relating, and releasing
• 45 • travels, tourists, and talking
• 46 • rum, ravishing, and realizations
• 47 • wayward, wills, and withholding
• 48 • dread, doubts, and diagnosis
• 49 • patients, practical, and promises
• 50 • marilla
• 51 • rain, rings, and rights
• 52 • boxes, business, and buyouts
• 53 • mischief, moonshine, and moonlight
• 54 • regrets, reassurances, and revelations
• 55 • proposals, presumptions, and paris
• 56 • dashing, death, and decisions
• 57 • admittance, answers, and anne
• 58 • questions, quotes, and queens
• 59 • dresses, dust, and destiny
• 60 • fixing, flirting, and fleeing
• 61 • houses, happenings, and hotspots

• 39 • trains, trips, and toronto

573 19 50
By EchoingEllipses

'Why do I keep running from the truth?

All I ever think about is you'


The same day the students of Avonlea received their test scores, Gilbert received two letters with the same sentiment as Anne's letter from David Clark; he was accepted at both U of T and the Sorbonne. David Clark also invited him to visit campus, and Gilbert figured it might be in his best interest to do so.

Gilbert attending was also the only reason Anne would be allowed to go as well.

Marilla was too fearful to let Anne travel anywhere alone. She was already hesitant of train travel when Anne first arrived, and the Billy incident only made her more nervous.

Marilla would be lying to herself if she said a break from Anne wouldn't benefit her too. Her headaches and eyesight were only getting worse, and showing any sort of weakness around Anne only made Marilla feel guilty.

They now stood at the train station, anxiously awaiting a 16-hour ride from Charlottetown to Toronto.

"Are you sure you have everything?" Marilla searched Anne's face nervously, hoping everything was absolutely and magically together.

Anne's face was completely red with embarrassment. Gilbert, Bash, Mary, and Delly were standing a mere six feet away and definitely able to hear their conversation.

"Yes, I'm fine." Anne mumbled.

"And you're sure you're okay to travel so far?"


"And you'll stay with Gilbert until you get to campus?"


"And you'll write to me once you get there?"


"And you'll-"

"Marilla," Anne put her hands on her shoulders, "I'm fine."

Marilla took a deep breath. She wanted to believe Anne, but pushing aside anxieties was far too hard for her.

"Okay." Marilla gave her a sad smile, "Try to enjoy yourself."

"I will." Anne beamed back at her.

Anne didn't know how she felt about the whole visit.

Adventures were her favorite thing in the world, and this was bound to be a great one. Traveling the country to see the next stage of her life? It's a story asking to be a novel.

And then there was Gilbert.

If there was anyone she'd want to go on an adventure with, Anne would have to admit it would be Gilbert. She missed the tiny journeys they took before exams consumed their lives. She was determined to push aside her feelings and enjoy her friendship with Gilbert for the next weekend. They would really only see each other on the train since they were considering different programs and the dorms were completely separated by gender.

The only definite negative was leaving Marilla. Anne had never been separated from Marilla more than a few nights since she arrived to Avonlea. If Anne truly fell in love with U of T, she might want to go there more than Queens. That was a terrifying decision.

Gilbert was nothing but excited. Getting away from Avonlea and his responsibilities was relieving and hopefully this time away would allow him to think. He'd get a real sense of what U of T could offer him and have a better idea of what was best.

And then there was Anne.

Despite every single awkward moment, Gilbert loved spending time with her, and always would. He doubted she remembered anything incriminating from the night of exams and, even if she did, she seemed fine with it.


The train rolled up and for the first time that day, Anne and Gilbert glanced at each other excitedly.

Bash and Mary watched them amused. This had to be the moment they finally actually admitted their feelings right?

Anne kissed Marilla on the cheek before hopping on the train and sitting across from Gilbert, who was rummaging around in his bag.

"Forget something?" Anne placed her bag on the seat next to her.

"I'm not sure." He didn't look up.

"Do you need it, whatever it is?"

Gilbert's heart was already racing. The thing he was searching for was a present for Anne, "No, but I'd really like to have it."

Matthew left a will before he died. When Anne came into their lives, Matthew and Marilla both intentionally made wills just in case something happened.

They were now grateful they did.

Matthew, like everyone else in Avonlea, recognized Gilbert's feelings for Anne. And, being closer to Anne herself, Matthew could see hers too. He wanted to give the boy a chance, so he left him a gift with instructions.

Right now is when Gilbert had to give it to her.

"Can I help you?" Anne reached out to him.

"No!" He watched her jump back in fear, "No, sorry, it's just...personal."

"Oh, all right." Anne sat back in her seat, trying not to let herself get upset.

She wanted this trip to be amazing and starting off on an awkward note with Gilbert is not how that was supposed to go.

"So, uh, how are you?" Anne was desperate to fix the beginning of their adventure.

Gilbert let himself calm down. He would look for the gift later.

He smiled, "Without exams to worry about, I feel a little lost."

Anne rolled her eyes, "You mean all the extra work on the farm isn't enough for your gifted mind?"

"Speak for yourself." Gilbert leaned forward, "I'm not the only one of us who got a perfect score."

"But I'm not complaining about being bored." She shot back, laughing.

"If I were as imaginative as you, maybe I wouldn't be."

Anne's chest felt lighter and happier. This felt good. She missed this.

She sighed, "At least you have a baby at home."

"I told you you're welcome to come whenever you'd like." Gilbert shifted in his seat to become more comfortable. He had a feeling they were bound to sit and just talk for a while.

He liked that.

"Marilla assumes that my presence is occasionally overwhelming for people who already have to take care of a baby." Anne huffed.

She pushed aside her annoyance with Marilla and sighed deviously, "And they take care of Delly too."

Gilbert's jaw dropped in amused shock, "Who exactly are you calling a baby?"

"Not Delly." Anne retorted, unable to stop herself from smiling.

"And I thought we were going to have a pleasant trip together."

He did. And this interaction was proving him right.

Anne leaned back in her seat, "I'm enjoying myself."

"That's all I can ask for."

Before she left Avonlea, Anne was worried that 16 hours of being on the train would be too much for them and things would get boring or awkward. Now, Anne couldn't imagine having that worry.

After hours of talking about everything from caring for Delly to the color of socks Jerry was wearing on Thursday, Anne yawned.

"Am I becoming boring?" Gilbert was genuinely worried he was. He felt like the conversation was easy, but what if he was too plain.

Anne shook her head. She couldn't believe Gilbert would be so unnecessarily self-conscious, "Becoming? That suggests you weren't already."

He was relieved she was joking, and continued the bit himself, "Anne, I'm surprised at you. I thought being 16 made you a lady."

"Since when have I ever been a proper lady?"

"Fair enough."

They made eye contact and laughed together.

Anne knew what those weird tingles she was getting meant, but she was determined to keep her cool.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't sleep last night." Anne mumbled to break the silence.

Gilbert took a deep breath. He was feeling just as Anne was.

"Nervous?" He asked.

"A little, yeah." She admitted, hanging her head.

Gilbert reached over to her and grabbed her hand in an attempt to comfort her, "We're just visiting. What's the worst that can happen?"

Anne looked up at him, "I'll end up liking it."

Her worst fear.

"What's so wrong with that?"

Gilbert knew exactly what she was going to say, but he wanted to believe her outlook on the situation would change and everything would be with only Anne's best interests in mind.

"It'll make choosing to go to Queens harder." Anne admitted, looking away from him.

"So even if you end up loving it here, you'll still go to Queens?" He asked slowly.

"I have to."

"You don't."

Anne shook her head and pulled her hand away, "Can we not fight about this right now? I'm too tired."

Gilbert was concerned, and it showed, but he wanted to honor Anne's wishes. This was her trip.

"Anne with an E not up for a fight?" He said playfully, "Are you sure you're okay?"

That seemed to brighten Anne up, "You're the doctor here." She smiled again.

"I'm prescribing a nap." Gilbert stated, attempting to sound professional.

Anne shook her head, "Too bad I can't sleep on the train."

"Why not?"

"Too hard," Anne knocked on the metal window, "and bumpy."

"Come here." Gilbert patted the seat next to him.

"What?" She asked softly.

"Trust me."

Anne slid over to sit next to Gilbert and instinctively put her head on his shoulder.

It felt natural.

"Goodnight Carrots."

"Thanks Doc."

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