Pretty Boy Diggory

By slut4cedricdickory

50.2K 1K 2.9K

Strong language and may contain smut. Maddison Weasley, Fred and Georges younger sister, had adopted a cert... More

Water day
"One Or Two Drinks Couldn't Hurt"
letters, lies and lasts
Drugs, Alcohol And More Drugs
Tomorrow, Same Time
Broken Boy Diggory
Over and Over again
The Nightmares
Week Alone
"Piss Off, You Wanker"
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Another A/n (sorry)
Party Time
The next morning
The Tie
Hannah Abbot
24th of November
'Reds So Your Colour'
Confession Time
The Piercings
The Note
Head Masters Office
'No! It's not!'
The Ministry
The 'Truth'
Last Chance

Heart To Heart

2.3K 55 113
By slut4cedricdickory

"wait... what did you just say?" Freds eyes widened after hearing Cedric admit that he loved Maddi. George and himself had teased him about having a crush on her, they never knew that he was genuinely feeling that deep about her.

"I said I love her" he shot another glance towards the stairs, crystal tears forming in his eyes, threatening to role down his cheeks. he blinked them away, not wanting everyone to see him cry. "I have to go speak to her." he felt another grip form on his wrist, this time it wasn't Bill, the grip was delicate, a dainty hand was now replaced were Bills rough one had been. Turning around, he met eyes with Ginny

"you stay here, calm yourself down, I'll go up first, give you both a chance to relax a bit, yeah?" Cedric nodded, not wanting to speak as he knew he couldn't hold back the tears that were threatening to break through his eyes.

they all heard Ginny run up the stairs and knock on Maddis room

"Maddi? can I come in?" she gently ratted on the door one more time

"I wanna be alone right now, Gin"

Cedric could hear the pain in her voice from two floors down

"tough shit" there was silence for a moment until they heard Ginny once more "alohomora" a click of the lock was heard and the shortly after the door shut with a soft noise and Ginny had clearly cast the silencing spell



Cedric didn't know if Maddison was screaming or crying or both, it was killing him

it had been about five minutes, although, to Cedric it had felt like an eternity. time always seemed to go slower when she wasn't around. it was as if his life didn't exist unless she was there.

like She was the sun and he a planet that needed her for survival

"Luna, do you think we should go up?" Hermione gave a look to Luna that only girls understand, causing the boys to all knit their eye brows in confusion

"of course" her soft voice rippling off of the walls

with that, the two vanished up the staircases as if they had entered a black. hole. After about half an hour three of the girls walked back down stairs, however, Maddi was not one of them

"did she tell you what happened? what made her so upset?" Cedric had basically rushed to his feet and ran towards them before they even stepped foot on the floor

"I'm gonna go talk to her" he nodded his head whilst turning towards the boys who gave him thumbs up as if to wish him luck, as he walked up the stairs, it dawned on him...

what the fuck was he going to say to her?

he didn't even know why she was upset. for all he knew, he was the reason. Cedric quickly shook the thought out of his head, he hated her being in such a state, never mind him being the reason

he reached her door, he noticed the pictures that had been stuck onto it. before knocking he took a moment to look at them, there were six. 

she'd placed them in a line going down in order they were taken

the top one was from her first year; it was her, the twins and Cedric, she was on Cedrics back, they were laughing, it was just after they got back from Christmas break. Their faces were rosy from the cold whether. Cedric was spinning her around in circles, making her laugh grow louder.

looking at the second one, the twins weren't in this one, well, not the main focus of it, they were in the background throwing professor Flitwick up and down. The main focus of the picture was himself and Maddi, he had his arm around her shoulder and was pulling her into a tight hug from the side. he remembered this as it were yesterday, Gryffindor had just won the house cup thanks to Harry, Ron and Hermione....oh, and Neville, although Cedric was convinced Dumbledore only gave Neville points so they could win, that was Harrys first  year.

he felt a smile grow on his face at the memories, looking down to the third picture, it was the four of them again. her smile as bright as ever, she was on Fred or Georges shoulders, he couldn't quite make out which one it was. Cedric stood beside whichever twin it was with the other on his back, they were all smiling and laughing. The twins doing some stupid pose

the fourth picture was his favourite. they were in Hogsmeade, only the twins knew it was being taken. they were drinking butterbeer and Maddi had a moustache from it, you could see his hands shaking as they wiped so carefully across her top lip, he hadn't noticed it in that moment but with his action, Maddi shuddered slightly. looking at what the twins were doing was funnier then the romantic moment and Maddi had just shared, well, to him it was romantic anyway. The twins get again seemed to have picked the small professor up

the fifth, this hit him like a tone of bricks. Maddi wasn't close to Cedric at all, in fact, they were on opposite sides of the picture, he wondered why until he seen his answer. Cho Chang, she wanted him as far away from Maddi as possible. it hurt to see it, she still looked happy and he so miserable. she was dancing with the twins, stupidly like they always did whilst Cho stood staring at him longingly, he had his arm around her waist. last year was the furthest he'd ever been from the twins and Maddi, Cho made him spend every breathing moment he had with her, due to the fact she didn't trust Maddi, she thought she had a crush on him, when really, he'd already been head-over-heels for her since her first year, he just didn't realise it.

Then the sixth picture, from his birthday this year, the three of them had thrown him a party in the room of requirements, Fred was on one side of him and George was on the other, yet he didn't know which one was on each side, again. Maddi stood in front of Cedric,  his hands around her waist and his chin perched on her shoulder, they always took pictures as if they were a couple, neither of them knew why, it was just something they had always done.

not wanting any longer to speak to her, he knocked on the door in a tune six times to the beat 

"come in, Cedric" she sniffled from behind the closed door, trying her hardest to hide the fact she had been crying 

"how'd you know it was me?" he peered his head around the half opened door to find her crying. his Maddi..... crying. the sight actually made his heart hurt, he hated seeing her like this, her eyes puffy, her cheeks red, the cuffs of the hoodie she was wearing soaked in tears.

he immediately fell down next to her on the bed, their skin touching "why are you crying, darling?" he lifted his thumb up to her face and wiped a stray  tear that rolled gently down her soft, fare skin

"please don't call me that, Ced" it seemed as though she used everything in her to get the words out 

"wh- why, Madds? I've always called you darling" his face riddled with confusion "don't you like it?" he questioned, he didn't mean to make her uncomfortable 

"no, Ced, don't you see? I love it, thats the problem" she sighed, playing with the hem of her jumper

"Madds... I- I- don't understand what you mean"  he moved a little bit closer to her. he wanted so badly to hold her and not let her go, but  she clearly had something important to tell him

"it's you, Ced, happy? its always fucking been you!" a lone tear fell from her eye, rolling down her cheek like the many before 

"Madds, what are you talking about? what's always been me?" he placed his hand on her shoulder as she hung her head.

"you're the one I'm crushing on, Ced, you" 

he didn't respond. he couldn't. the girl he'd been crushing on for five years, had admitted his feelings to him. he had convinced himself they were one sided, without realising he placed a hand on the side of her face and went in for a violent kiss, their lips moving in sync, it was as if he was hungry for.

she pushed him backwards against the mattress, without even realising what he was doing, he pulled Maddi back against him once more. she moved her legs so she was straddling his hips. 

Cedric let out a small almost inaudible moan

"CEDRIC! MADDI! THERES DUCKS!" George almost seemed to ruin the moment every time between them, whether he picked her up from his knee or was talking about some form of prank or animal 

Maddi broke the kiss and rested her forehead against his

"well, I guess we have to go down and see some animals then" Cedric let out a small laugh and pushed some stray strands of hair behind her ear and moved his hands the the were linked across her back and his arms were either side of her head before gently kissing her forehead 

"fine, lets go" Maddi got off of the bed and walked towards the door, only realising once she placed her hand on the door nob that Cedric hadn't followed her "you coming?" she had a confused look on her face as to why he hadn't followed her 

"I'll erm- I'll meet you down there in a bit, still a bit hungover and don't think it's best to stand up so quickly, you go down" he wouldn't look her in the eyes 

"sure thing, don't forget the charm and I swear down, fuck up my bed sheets and I'll murder you" 

"ha ha, very funny. how much power do you think you, hold over me?"

Maddi shut the door and walked back over to him "well, seen as though you got a hard on because I kissed you, a lot more then you'll ever admit" she smirked before heading back towards the door

"fuck you, Weasley" he groaned whilst flipping her off

"you'd love to wouldn't you" she smirked as she walked out and shut the door behind her, walking to meet her siblings

"Maddi! look! there's ducks!" Freds voice was high pitched, he always got past excited near animals. especially small ones. He and George wouldn't admit it but they gave them more joy then pulling pranks.

"where's Cedric?" Ron queried

would this git mind his own business for once?

"he's still hungover, can barely stand up without going dizzy" she was amazed at herself, however, she knew Cedric would probably say something else


wanting desperately to change the subject, Maddi motioned towards the door and walked out to see Fred and George sitting cross legged on the floor with little ducklings in their hands which were cupped together to support them.

about  half an hour had passed. They we're still sitting with the ducks and ducklings. Cedric still hadn't came downstairs

"oh boys, leave the poor things alone would you?" Molly's voice had came from a few feet away

"hi, mum" Ginny had ran to her and hugged her tightly. despite her being in her fourth year, Ginny was the worst for being homesick when at Hogwarts

"hello dear" Molly had moved her attention to Hermione who was sitting along side the twins "oh Hermione, dear. I ran into your parents, they were headed here, they gave me the book you forgot" she looked towards Maddison "I'll go put it in your room for you"

Realising that Cedric still hadn't came down yet, Maddisons face went wide "no, mum don't worry. I'll do it" she took the old book out of her hand

"oh, thank you, sweetheart. Boys, come help me but the rest away" she motioned to the floating bags hovering above her head.

Maddison made her way upstairs and knocked on her bedroom door

"come in" his voice was still tired from the lack of sleep and probably the half hour he'd spend the upstairs

she opened the bedroom door to find Cedric shirtless, with a black top in his hand, the same pair of grey joggers, hanging low, exposing his v-line 

"mum nearly came in. be grateful it's just me" she stopped for a minute, just admiring him, his body, his face, his scars that ran across his chest and back. The way the light hit his features, making him all the more mesmerising. His eyes, God those eyes, they were perfect. You could get lost in them without even realising 

"oh trust me, Weasley" he dropped the shirt that had recently been in his hands and began to slowly walk over to Maddi until she was against the door and placed his arms either side of her head, "I am very grateful that it's you" he began placing small kisses down her jawline on her neck and began sucking marks onto her collar bone "good luck explaining these to your brothers, love" 

the vibrations of his voice against her skin formed butterflies in her stomach. She still never understood how one boy could make her feel so special, even with the tiniest motion 

he moved his hands to around her waist and began to walk backwards, before turning around and pushing her onto the bed and positioning himself on top of her, her arms now pinned above her head by her wrists which were pushed together by one of his hands, which had veins basically popping out 

Maddi let out a moan into Cedrics mouth which only made him deepen the kiss

then. the door opened, they turned to see a red faced Harry, standing there, his law on the floor. his hand still on the door knob. poor kid, the orphans had enough trauma to last anyone two life times

"what th-" he began but was interrupted by two other voices 

"Harry, the fuck is taking you so long?" Fred and George. of. fucking. course it was them

"Cedric?" George questioned 

"yeah?" answered the equally red faced Cedric was was still on top of the boys sister 

"no big deal, not really important but erm... would you like to explain why your half naked lying on top of my sister, please? again, no big deal" 

"well erm, after I came upstairs before, we got to talking-" he moved from his position and sat on the edge of the bed 

"seems it" Fred smirked 

"and erm, we erm- we told each other we're the ones we'd been crushing on" he finally spat out.


nobody spoke for a few seconds before the twins piped up 

"finally, bloody took you long enough" 

"right, well, I'm going to leave" Harry said whilst turning around and walking away. 

Poor kid, he never had any luck, he always seemed to be the one to walk into awkward situations, whether it was finding Maddi and Cedric kissing, or last year after the ball when he walked in on Angelina giving giving Fred a blowjob, or at the start of this year when he walked in on Oliver and Fred snogging in Snapes supply cupboard. Or the occasional run in with Voldemort 

"Ced, put a shirt on and both of you get downstairs, Georgie's surprise is getting here soon" Fred smiled, Maddi and Cedric looked up in shock

"wait, thats today? I though it was tomorrow?" Maddi practically squealed 

"nope, somethings changed. we have about five minutes" Fred smiled, looking over at his twin

"what surprise?" George was as confused as he was when Hermione tried to explain algebra to them all last year

"well, if we told you what it was, it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?" Cedric mocked as he stood up and put his shirt back on 

"what the fuck have you all done?" Georges voice was full of worry. He'd trust his siblings with his life, but giving him a surprise, that was too far. 

"mum is leaving to meet dad at work in ten minutes, thats why your surprise is getting here in five, mum wanted to give a proper Weasley welcome" Fred smirked 

"Freddie, I swear to Merlin, if you got me a stripper like you did on our birthday, I will hex you" 

Cedric laughed and looked at George "oh, mate, I wish it was a stripper" with a hard smack over the back of his head from Maddi, he then winced in pain

"you have legit just had your fucking tongue down my throat and now your talking about strippers? classy Ced, classy" 

he crawled back over to her and placed his lips closer to her ear "come on, princess, you know I'd much rather see you strip for me" she felt him smile against her skin causing goose bumps to erupt all over her body like icy fireworks. her cheeks went red and a small smile formed on her face 

"erm, if you have something to say, Cedric, you can say it in front of all us" Fred smiled, knowing he wouldn't say, but wanted to try and embarrass him

Cedric walked towards the door and patted him on the back "nah, I'm good. come on, surprise will be here soon" 

"cheeky git" Fred mumbled before following him downstairs 

Maddison went to follow but was stopped by George shutting the door

"the fuck is you doing?"  

"what did he say?" he seemed almost angry

and then, no other but Bill walked in, great.

"what's going on?" 

A small smile came to Georges face "we were talking about strippers and then Cedric whispered something into Maddis ear, making her blush and go all weird, after, bare in mind, Harry walked in on them snogging" 

"your a twat, you know that?" 

"mate, your acting like you haven't said worse to Wood" he gave a small smile to George "plus, I told Cedric to do whatever he needed to in order to make them happen, as long as she gave consent" he took a sip of the bottle of water  he had in his hand 

"Merlin, can you all stay out of my love life? please for the love of all things magical!"

"you wouldn't have a love life if it weren't from me" 

with that, Maddi walked out and the boys followed, as if on cue, a knock came on the door

"ah, Georgie, here's your surprise" Maddi teased, walking towards the door, but not opening it "actually,  I think you should be the one to open it" 

with that, George walked towards the door, taking smaller steps then usual 

"oh for Christ sake, Georgie hurry up!" Fred yelled from the couch he was sprawled across 

"right, yeah, not like it's going to be anything scary" he laughed and opened the door.

"hi, Georgie" Oliver. Georges unofficial boyfriend

"O- Oli, your my surprise?" nobody could tell if he was happy, shocked or annoyed that he was there 

"what? disappointed it's me?" 

he didn't reply, instead he put his hands on his cheeks and pulled him in for a kiss before pulling away just as quick remembering that almost his entire family was there and instead, placed his hand on his back and guided him in

"mum, this is Oliver" he interlocked his fingers with Olivers  "my erm, my boyfriend" a wide smile  appeared on everyone's face, including Molly's 

"oh, George, I'm so happy for you both" she walked over and gave him a bone crushing hug

"I'm guessing you know everybody, maybe not, Bill, this is him, Georges oldest brother, he'll be here with you all again tonight whilst me and Arthur go out for dinner"

"hi" Oliver was able to breathe out, still trying to catch his  breath from Molly's embrace 

"Alright, mate, nice to meet you" Bill flashed his smile and extended his hand for Oliver to shake

"great, now me, Bill and Fred are the only ones here without dates" Harry groaned, throwing his head back in annoyance that he couldn't see Draco, he hated being apart from him, especially when he couldn't even write him

"awww, come, here, Haz, I'll shack up with you" Fred walked over and hugged into Harry, ruffling his hair 

"thanks, Freddie, I appreciate it" he gave a fake sniffle and hugged him back 

"oh get a room would you" Maddi laughed from Cedrics knee on the couch 

"you're the one who's sitting on Cedrics knee" Fred sneered

"HARRY IS LITERALLY SITTING ON YOU!" Cedric let out a chuckle before nuzzling his head into Maddis neck and placing a quick kiss on her shoulder, is hands around her waist as she sat with her side facing him and arms around his neck. They didn't see the point in trying to hide their feelings from the group, especially since they had known before each other

"behave you lot, we will be back tomorrow. If you put a toe out of line, I will end you. Of course that doesn't go for you five" she smiled, looking towards Luna, Harry, Cedric, Hermione and Oliver

"sure, you'd kill you own kids, lovely of you" Ron snickered, getting a smack over the back of his head from his mother 

"I'll see you all later" and with that, Molly exited the house, once again, putting far too much trust in Bill

"let me guess, your getting us drunk again?" Ginny looked towards her eldest brother with a smile

he shook his head but had a wide grin on his face 

"what the fuck have you got planned?" Harry chirped, still sitting on Freds knee

"we're playing a game of truths, no dares" he smirked whilst standing up and reaching into his pocket

"and? we played a much more interesting game last night, what makes this one so special?" Hermione had chimed in from next to Ron

"ah, you see, last night we were drunk, tonight, we're using these" he brought two small bottles from his pocket and held it out in front of him "so, Granger, it is definitely a game of truths" 

"veritaserum and liquid luck?!" Maddis jaw hit the ground, she was not ready to expose her secrets, especially to her brothers 

"yup, that is exactly what it is, you have no reason to be scared, whatever gets said tonight does not leave this group and unless it is something serious and hurtful, nobody can get offended" 

"bet your glad you came that day early, aren't you, Ol"  Cedric laughed, still tightly holding on to Maddison as if he were protecting her from something 

"oh I am absolutely over the moon" the sarcasm ran out of his voice 

"right then, who wants to ask the first question?" Bill sat back down after everyone had taken some of the glistening potions 

"I will, I don't mind" Lunas soft voice came from the chair her and Ginny were sat on 

"here, I'll ask" Ginny smiled, looking evilly at her girlfriend whos eyes went wide "who was your first kiss?" 

Luna took a dramatic breath in and looked at Ginny "Hannah Abbot, third year in the potions class room in a detention with professor Snape after we asked him for a a few extra days to turn the homework in" she quickly slapped her hand over her mouth after she realised she'd shared a lot more then needed 

"whhooohhhh, go Luna" Hermione cheered 

"I'm going to ask Fred" a quick grin game to her face  

"ask away, I'm an open book" he seemed pretty confident, far too confident 

"who do you prefer? Ron or Charlie?"

a second hadn't even passed without his answer leaving his lips "Charlie, that fucker has dragons!" 

"gee, thanks" Ron laughed from the couch

"Bill, your turn" Fred grinned turning to see his brother 


"if you could kick Percy and I mean like, proper volley him, suffer no consequences, would you do it?" 

"oh absolutely, wanted to do that since the whiney git could talk, easily" he laughed "Mr Diggory, I wanna know something about you" 

"go ahead" he flashed his smile and looked into Bills eyes

"who did you really want to save from the lake in the second task, instead of Cho?" of course he knew the answer already but he wanted Maddi to hear him admit it

"Maddison, easy question"  he relaxed a bit in his seat, Maddi still clutched around him

"aww, cute" she placed a kiss on his lips before smiling at him

"Georgie, I want to ask you something" 

"go right ahead" 

"where'd you loose your virginity?" everyone now seemed to be more interested 

George threw his head back, not wanting to expose himself but clearly, he had no choice "broom cupboard, fifth floor"

Olivers face went red and he no longer looked at George, but at the floor, this gave away to the rest that it was clearly to him

"Harry, let's expose you, the all mighty chosen one" he looked over to the young raven hair coloured boy 

"hi" his one response 

"you have the chance to cast the killing curse twice, you're in a room with three people, your best mate Voldemort, Umbridge or Peter Pettigrew, who do you cast the curses at?"

"Umbridge" he responded almost instantly causing Fred and everyone else to laugh

"and?..." George motioned for him to finish the answer 

"no, that's it, just her, I'd use it twice, make sure she's dead" he said, casually as if it were a normal thing to say

"wow, okay. moving on,  harry, who do you choose to expose?" Fred questioned 

"Wood" he looked directly at him, thinking of all the times he could've smacked him over the head during Quidditch but then he'd always get hit by at least one bludger "what do you care about more? Quidditch or Georgie boy?"

Oliver answered quickly, too quickly. "Quidditch." he stated 

"It doesn't bother me, I didn't expect anything different" George chuckled after everyone had looked at him, trying to gage his reaction

A few more rounds went by and everyone learnt a lot more about the people they spent everyday with. Ron revealed that he couldn't tell the difference between the twins, it wasn't exactly a secret however, Hermione admitted she found professor Lupin attractive. Oliver had admitted he also lost his virginity in a broom cupboard, which raised a few suspicions and little teases from the group. Harry confessed that saving everyones lives at least once a year was getting kind of annoying, Ron had also admitted that his favourite professor was Snape, although this surprised the group, it also shocked Ron, a lot. Bill confessed he lost his virginity on the couch Ron, Hermione and George were sat on. Fred admitted Harry sitting on his knee was giving him a boner for some unknown reason. Cedric revealed he thought Ron was gay for the first two years of knowing him. Maddi announced that she'd definitely go for the marauders in their younger days, much to Harry's discomfort. Ginny got shouted at after she admitted she wasn't as innocent as they all once thought and Luna spat out that she'd always hated Cedric and Cho together, especially since she wanted him and Maddi together for a long time.

It was now Bills turn to ask someone a question and he of course chose, Maddi. "Madds, I already know the answers going to be yes, but I want confirmation, are you a virgin?" 

The one question she had wanted to avoid, the one thing she wanted to attempt to lie about, no matter how hard she tried, the potion was stronger, she was forced to tell the truth "no" her brain hadn't fully caught up with her mouth for a few seconds, and then she realised what she had said and  how everyone was staring at her 

"Don't tell me it was Pucey" Georges jaw was clenched and his hand that wasn't interlocked with Olivers was formed into a fist 

"no" her body made her say again, without her wanting to 

"who then?" Cedric laughed, he was trying to hide his anger

"Ernest Macmillan" she cringed at her own words, that was the one thing about her she didn't want Cedric to know 

"hold on, as in- as in one of my closest friends... Macmillan?" the temper in his voice was rising 

"yeah" Maddi snapped back, not understanding how he was angry, he was with Cho at the time 

"you slept, with my best friend, when you had a crush on me?" 

Maddi got off of his knee and stood in front of him, annoyed with the fact that he was getting angry at her. At this point, the potions were beginning to die off, none of them feeling lucky or as if they were handcuffed to the truth anymore.

"everyone off to bed, this is gonna be awkward enough without you nosey gits listening" Fred and George had shouted in unison, trying to diffuse the tension that had formed in the room, everyone followed and continued up the stairs, wanting to give them some privacy 

"you're one to fucking talk!" she was screaming at this point, she looked up and seen Bill placing the silencing charm at the top of the stairs, giving her a nod 

"and what the fuck is that meant to mean?" he got off the chair and stood facing her 

"you dated Cho Chang when you had a crush on me and more then likely fucked her, when you knew I didn't like her" her face was red and her hands were in fists

"I've known him since I was three years old, he's one of my closest mates and you fucked him!" he took a step closer to her to which she turned around and walked a couple steps away, not trusting herself to not smack him

"and what? it's not like we were together, you were too busy blowing us off for Cho the hoe to notice, the twins knew and if you cared at all about us last year, or any of your other mates for that matter, you would've known as well!" she'd never been this annoyed, especially not at Cedric 

"you think I wanted to be away from you last year? you don't think I wanted to fucking be around all that time?-"

"well no, it doesn't fucking seem it considering every time we had plans you'd blow us off to be with Cho, who didn't fucking care about you or make you feel good about yourself, so, no, I don't think you wanted to be around us" she'd cut him off, she knew he didn't want to be around or he would've been there 

"would you let me fucking talk? It's clear I wanted to be around you as about an hour ago I admitted I wanted it to be you I saved in the second task, not Cho, plus, how the fuck has this came back around on me like I'm the one who fucked your best friend and kept it from you" he was angry, worse then he'd been about anything. Worse then in the lake or at the doors to the castle when he found out what was carved into her hand 

"because your angry at me when all I done was sleep with someone, not my fault he actually had the balls to tell me that he liked me, unlike you" she snarled at him, still not seeing why he was this annoyed. "who you wanted to save meant nothing, Ced, you had several changes to be around us more and without her last year, you didn't take any of them" her anger had died down and her voice was lower but the pain and anger still firm in her tone 

"your acting like that's not what I wanted, I always wanted to be around you, but Cho wouldn't let me near you unless she was there, and I knew you didn't like her so I thought it'd be easier to just not see you instead of hurting you whenever I seen you" he took a few more steps closer to her "you can't expect me to be okay with you fucking Ernest if you weren't okay with my relationship" the last word cut through her like a knife. 'relationship' he'd actually asked Cho out and told her how he felt, all he'd done with her was kiss her

"oh how kind of you" sarcasm ran through her veins as if it were blood "you knew I didn't like her so you didn't come near me with her, oh well why didn't you tell me that?" 

"why are you being like that?" 

"because you knew I didn't like her yet you still fucked her!" the anger was back "you admitted your feelings for her yet you can't admit them to me who you apparently feel stronger for" she started laughing, causing Cedric to panic 

"you know how I feel about you, Maddi-" before he could finish his sentence, Maddi had interrupted him

"no, actually, I don't. I told you that you were the one I was crushing on, you didn't say it back, you just kissed me. that wasn't exactly telling me how you felt" 

"fine, want to hear me say it?" 

"yes actually, yes I do" 

"okay" he softened his tone but you could still hear the anger coursing through him "it's you, Maddi, it's always been you. Ever since I met you, I may have not realised it, but I've loved you, ever since I seen you at that table, seen how you didn't care if anybody was watching you, you still acted like yourself" the anger in his voice was gone and tears began to form in his eyes "when you stuck up for Ron in his first year because someone was taking the piss out of him for being ginger" he took a few steps forward until he was only inches away from her and took her hand into his "when you manage to see the bright side in every situation, when you seen the beauty in my scars and imperfections. I love everything about you, Maddison, I always have and if your okay with that, I always will. I will always love you" 

tears began to form in her eyes, she held onto Cedrics hand as if he was never going to be there again "I love you too, Ced" she went in to kiss him to which he quickly responded, hoisting her up onto the table, her legs wrapped around his waist and arms around his neck. he deepened the kiss, roaming his tongue around her mouth before moving to her neck and pulling her closer to him

"Ced, you have another one of those letters off of Cho" Fred called down, the annoyance of saying her name rang through his voice "should I put it with the other ones or leave it on your bed for you to read like this morning?- oh, Maddi, your erm, still down here, this is nothing" 

what the fuck did he mean 'like this morning?' how long had they been talking? then it hit her, he wrote to her today, after kissing her, after. after being with her that same morning 

"what the fuck does he mean?" she moved her arms from around his shoulder and her legs from his hips "you've been speaking to Cho?" 

"I'll just leave it on you bed, see you later" Fred turned on his heels and walked back to his room with a guilty look on his face 

"Maddi, listen, I-" 

again, she cut him off "this morning. you kissed me this morning, Cedric, and last night, so what the fuck is going on and why are you still speaking to Cho" there was no anger, no sadness, nothing. It was as if she were numb and had no emotions "what letters, Cedric? what's going on between you and Cho?" 

he looked at her, guilt filled his body as if it was his personality "Maddi-"

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