The Receptionist and the Prof...

By goldentournesol

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{COMPLETED} Y/N is the BAU's receptionist and has been engaged to Agent Grant Anderson for what seems like fo... More

Chapter One: Wins and Losses
Chapter Two: Revelations
Chapter Three: Minimal Loss
Chapter Four: Casino Night
Chapter Five: Royal Blue Napkins
Chapter Six: Lifted Burdens
Chapter Seven: Sweet Fulfilment
BONUS: Truth or Dare

Chapter Eight: Epilogue

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By goldentournesol

Working for the FBI made for a pretty wild life. Even though Y/N wasn't an agent, her life had been caught up with work just like all the other agents'. It also didn't help that her boyfriend was endangered practically every minute of every day. It was hard, but Spencer and Y/N made it work. Among the darkness, they created light for each other. Spencer was no longer dreading coming home to a quiet life of reading and rereading his favorite books. He had a partner, he had a lover, someone to depend on. She was there for him as he grieved the loss of his friend and coworker deeply and she was there when he struggled with his excruciating migraines. They walked through life together, facing the challenges head on.

Emily's death had taken a toll on the both of them, but they were nothing short of relieved when they found out that she was alive and well. Many changes took place after that.

JJ had worked long and hard to turn into a profiler, the liaison had years upon years of experience before switching jobs which meant Hotch had to find a new communications liaison, but he didn't have to look far at all. He had offered Y/N the job without a second thought. A lot of her job as receptionist covered a liaison's job. She would often get numerous calls a day from nosy reporters and she'd have to shut them down. However, with the added responsibilities, she'd had to take classes and had undergone copious amounts of training with JJ and Hotch, but she found that she flourished in this new job, despite the hardships that came with it.

This meant that she had her own office now. Whenever Spencer wasn't at his desk, he was in her office, and whenever she wasn't in her office, she was at his desk. She often found that she missed her old job as receptionist, but nothing could replace the newfound feeling of making a difference in the world. She used to admire JJ's ability to stand before nosy reporters and judgmental cops, and here she was, blowing herself (and the team) away with these hidden abilities.

Before, she was aware of the general gist of the job, she knew it wasn't easy, but the team often kept the gory details to themselves around her. Now, she had to pick and choose the gore which constantly left her with the question of whether she'd made the right choice or not. The intensity of the job had slightly damaged her spirits, but thankfully she had an amazing support system. She couldn't have done it without Spencer's unending support, or Hotch's for that matter. Before allowing Y/N to accept the job, Hotch had made sure to warn her about the horrors first. She assured him she was ready, even though sometimes she felt like she wasn't.

On the somewhat bright side, this also meant that she was around during most, if not all cases. This had Spencer jumping for joy, but it also terrified him to his bones. All his emotions were always on overdrive when it came to her. He was glad that he didn't have to spend so much time away from her, but it simultaneously meant that he was constantly worried for her safety. He never wanted her to go into the field, ever. No matter the amount of combat training she did with Morgan. She found that she preferred interviewing victims' families and controlling the press to facing serial killers head on anyway.

Sometimes it was easier for her to control the press from Quantico, so it wasn't uncommon for her to stay back during cases. One particular case had dragged on for much longer than any of them had expected. The whole team was gone in Wisconsin and Hotch had asked her to stay back and hold down the fort at Quantico. The team ended up staying there for two weeks. It was the longest she'd ever been away from Spencer. Nightly calls weren't enough for them and Spencer truly hadn't experienced such an emptiness without her before.

As he scooped her into his awaiting arms right outside the elevator when they finally made it back to the office, he breathlessly declared to her, "Marry me."

She pulled back from the tight embrace to examine his features, "What?" She said, voice thick with confusion.

"I don't want to be away from you for that long ever again. I don't want to wait anymore. Marry. Me." He enunciated firmly. She broke out into a grin.

"Okay, I will." She laughed and he squeezed her once more, savoring her warmth.

"This isn't the official proposal by the way, you deserve something far nicer than all this, but I just want you to know that I'm ready if you are." Spencer clarified and she threw her head back with laughter. Spencer's heart soared at the sound.

Spencer took that statement and ran with it. He teased her every chance he got. At one dinner date they had planned, he had the nerve to begin his sentence with her full name, her heart dropping to her gut.

"Y/N Y/L/N, would you do me the honor of...sharing this fine wine with me?" Spencer said smugly, resulting in a shocked, but somehow relieved scoff coming from her.

A different time, he decided to give her a false alarm during one of their daily lunch walks in the park nearest to Quantico. He knelt down to one of his knees in the middle of their promenade.

"Y/N Y/L/N, will you...wait for me while I tie my shoe?" Spencer asked with a face-splitting grin. This time, she didn't hesitate to shove his shoulder slightly, causing him to lose balance and almost faceplant into the pavement.

At this point, she truly had no idea when he was going to pop the big question. Knowing him, it could literally be at any point in time. She had to admit, though, he kept her on her toes. A month later, she was sure he'd pop the question during JJ's wedding reception because of the way he was staring at her all night. He'd looked dreamy in his tux to say the least. Y/N was almost too shy to dance with him because of how magnificent he looked. What she didn't know was that he was thinking the same exact thing about her. She looked exquisite in her evening gown she adorned and Spencer was absolutely enraptured by her.

Being so surrounded by love and admiration, Spencer finally asked her to marry him the second they made it through her front door. They stood in the small hallway between the kitchen and the living room. She had just turned around from taking her heels off and was met with Spencer down on one knee, holding the most beautiful ring out to her in a navy blue velvet box.

"I had this elaborate speech planned, Y/N, I really did. I was going to talk about the stars, about the first conversation we had when I told you about the origins of yogurt, about how stupid we were for not realizing our love for each other earlier, but I realized that none of that matters right now. All I know is that this feels right, you make everything feel right. Will you marry me?" Spencer asked, his face incapable of hiding even a sliver of the adoration he felt for her.

"Yes, I'll marry you in every lifetime and every universe." She said, tears falling freely from her eyes. He sprang to his feet and wrapped her up in a long awaited embrace. He felt her body shake with wet laughter against his. He placed the ring on her finger and quickly kissed her passionately. Their giddy giggles flew through and around them.

Spencer knew she didn't want a long engagement. Her previous engagement was hard enough of the both of them. Their jobs were just so demanding, it was hard to set a date and keep from pushing it back. Their wedding planner was beyond frustrated with them, but what can they do? They're literally out there saving lives. And before they knew it, two years had passed them by and they were due to be married in two months.

But, alas, Spencer Reid seemed to have a knack for getting shot by unsubs right before weddings. While they were investigating a difficult case in Texas, Spencer was shot in the neck. Y/N was at the police station when she'd heard. She wasn't sure who took her to the hospital to see him, everything was a blur since she got the call. She was plagued by the fear of losing him.

She'd overheard Alex Blake and JJ discuss how he'd always wanted children when she arrived at the hospital. In the back of her mind, she screamed that she'd give him all the kids he wanted, if the universe just let them breathe.

All too quickly, she was a sobbing mess in JJ's arms. He'd gotten hurt before, he'd been in danger before, but she'd never been as close to it as she was then, it terrified her. Garcia had arrived and guided her to Spencer's room. In another flash of events, there was a loud bang and Y/N had barely registered that a gun was shot inside the room.

The ringing of her ears subsided just enough to hear Spencer tell Garcia, "You saved my life, do you hear me?"

That was the second time his life was endangered in the span of two hours. Y/N looked her fiancé square in the face.

"I don't want to wait anymore. As soon as you're up and well, we're getting married."

Exactly one week later, they'd rushed through whatever they could rush through. Thankfully her dress was ready and altered, the cake was made to order, but sadly, they'd given up their gorgeous, gorgeous venue. Rossi was more than happy to offer up his backyard and the couple found it more than fitting to commemorate their love in the very location where Spencer had first confessed his feelings to her and where she'd returned them later.

Life truly came full circle as Spencer stood in the same exact spot where he'd confessed his undying love for her the very first time. Spencer did everything he could to keep from sobbing like a child as he saw the owner of his heart stand before him, just like she did that day, but this time adorning her white dress.

Being the romantic sap that he was, he recounted almost every milestone in perfect detail during his vows. Through the unrelenting tears, of course. Y/N's words came out wobbly and wet, but she managed to get her vows out. There really was not a single dry eye in the small, intimate crowd. The entire team had watched them fall in love oh-so-gracelessly over the years.

Their ceremony was beautiful. It was different than JJ's had been, it was more special to the two of them. Spencer was in nothing short of awe as he watched his wife sway with Henry wrapped up in her embrace on the dance floor. Henry's little arms and legs were wound tightly around her, the bottoms of his shoes surely smearing dirt all over the back of her dress, but she didn't care. Not when Spencer was looking at her like that. His throat clogged itself up as she caught his eye and smiled sweetly. The same thing was on both their minds, it was like an unspoken agreement had been made through some kind of special, invisible bond between them.

He couldn't wait to have a family with that woman.

And they'd wasted absolutely no time. Three months after the wedding, Y/N announced that she was carrying a baby Reid. Tears and cheers erupted for them all. They had found the perfect little house with the help of Morgan. It was perfect for their growing family.

Pregnancy wasn't easy on Y/N at all. Flying all around the country and helping catch serial killers was not an activity that pregnant Y/N wanted to engage in. The team had been more than forgiving as they dealt with her mood swings and crazy cravings. It also turns out that soon-to-be mama Y/N was especially helpful in chewing out unsubs in the interrogation room, but as useful as she proved to be, she couldn't wait to pop the little peanut out.

Spencer and the team were rushing off the jet to the hospital as they'd heard Y/N had gone into labor. Spencer had only missed the very beginning and was by her side the entire time after that.

They welcomed baby Emelia Reid into this world on a chilly September night. Spencer was over the moon, he was borderline obsessed with looking at the baby and keeping a hand on her at all times whenever she was in the room with them.

He waited for his mother to fly out a few days later just to meet baby Emelia. He wept as he watched his mother kiss the top of his baby girl's head. No other feeling could ever compete with the one he experienced at that moment in time.

Emelia had grown into such a radiant little girl. She was a miniature hurricane of chocolatey brown curls and rosy red cheeks. She'd already blown her parents away as her intelligence only seemed to increase with time. The similarities she had to her father were astonishing. She was a daddy's girl through and through, but Y/N didn't seem to mind sharing him. Not when the sight of them together instantly melted her heart every single time.

Diana tried to be as active in the baby's life as she could possibly be, however her condition began to worsen over time. Eventually, Diana had had to move in with Y/N, Spencer, and Emelia. Thankfully, their house was large enough, but taking care of a toddler and Diana while being 6 months pregnant was inarguably too much to handle for Y/N. She'd found out that she was pregnant again, and they were expecting another baby girl. Y/N had also taken time off from work to focus on the dilemmas at home.

The at-home nurse was doing the best she could since Spencer was always either at work or off finding Diana some kind of new treatment. He'd told Y/N that he'd been going to Mexico to get her some special medication and so she didn't mind as long as she'd been kept in the loop of where and how he was. Spencer Reid never kept anything from his wife. They were always transparent with each other. Y/N was glad that he'd told her about his trips down to Mexico, or else she'd be out of her mind looking for him.

But suddenly, during one trip, he'd stopped answering her calls. Complete silence on his end. It had driven her absolutely mad. It was only until JJ visited her the next morning informing her that Spencer had been arrested in Mexico for the illegal possession of drugs and possibly murder. If JJ hadn't been around to catch Y/N before passing out, she or the baby would have been in extreme danger.

But Spencer Reid never kept anything from his wife. She'd been adamant that she would have known if he was struggling with drugs again. The last time she'd seen Spencer was during the trial. He'd looked so terrified as they pronounced him guilty and shoved him away from her. From his family. He'd spared Y/N one last broken glance, his gaze drifting down to her swollen belly. Their second child was on the way and he won't be there to meet them. He mouthed a heartfelt apology before they took him away. Y/N wept and wept until everyone but the team left the courtroom.

"How am I gonna do this, Pen? How am I gonna do this without him?" She spoke between breathy sobs. The baby, Emelia, Diana. She couldn't do it on her own. It would break her.

"You won't be alone, Y/N. We're all going to help you." Penelope reassured her, but the only thing that was capable of reassuring her was currently in handcuffs behind closed doors.

She'd had to keep Spencer's whereabouts from Diana and Emelia. She'd told him that he was consulting a case somewhere in California, where he also had access to the beach. Up until that lie wasn't viable enough. Emelia's questions about her daddy absolutely tore through what remained of her heart.

Diana's caretaker had apparently quit and a new one came by. Y/N thought something was off, but she pushed that thought aside as she worried over her husband and the baby that they were due to meet any day now. Two months had passed and Spencer was still incarcerated, he hadn't allowed Y/N or Emelia anywhere near the prison, but she'd broken down at the possibility of him being locked away for 25 years.

She'd visited him once, right after the birth of their second baby. They'd had another beautiful baby girl, whose name had been decided long ago by the two parents. Baby Adaline. The delivery was immensely difficult without him, but she pushed through. Y/N had almost begged Emily to pull any, any strings she could to get them to meet since Spencer said he'd only agree to see them if he could ensure their privacy and safety. They'd managed to get them in with Spencer's lawyer, Fiona. Y/N cooed to Adaline as she cradled her in her arms, wrapped in her little blanket. The cooing served as a distraction as she waited anxiously for Spencer to meet them in the small little room.

Suddenly the doors emitted a loud buzzing noise, prompting a loud cry from Adaline. A sound that was strange to echo off the walls of this place. Y/N shushed her gently until she caught sight of her husband walking through the door. Tears gathered in her eyes as she took in his disheveled state. His eyes found hers and quickly flitted to the squirming bundle of joy in her arms. Spencer's lip wobbled as he entered the room. Y/N shifted Adaline to rest upon her shoulder as she wrapped one arm tightly around Spencer. No touching was allowed, but the guards pretended to look the other way, courtesy of whatever strings Emily had pulled.

The three of them bawled against each other in an unceremonious reunion. Spencer at last pulled away from his wife and stared at the baby in the bundle. He hesitated to carry her. His hands were clean, but they still felt so dirty. How could his hands hold this beautiful gift of life while they'd been committing such heinous acts within these very walls? But one utterance from his wife made that all vanish.

"It's okay, Spence." She smiled slightly, angling Adaline towards him.

He gazed at Y/N closely, as if checking to see if she was sure. Y/N carefully handed her over to him and he instantly turned into less of a shell of himself and had begun to resemble the man that Y/N could recognize. He cooed to her softly, kissing her face repeatedly. Adaline instantly quieted down at her father's touch.

The small interaction had fueled the pair for weeks. Spencer found a source of hope and was determined to see through to the other side. He would not rot away in his cell forever. The team continued to try and crack the case from the outside. Y/N was instructed to be more careful than ever. She often brought Emelie and Adaline to work with her. She had not been flying out with the team, preferring to stay close to her girls until Spencer was back.

One one of the days Y/N brought her girls to work, she'd found out that Diana had been missing. Her caretaker was accompanying her to visit Spencer in prison and then neither of them had been seen afterwards. They quickly identified the caretaker as Lindsey Vaughn. If Y/N had been on the case with them three years ago, she would have identified her, but she was just another face to her. Y/N was livid, Vaughn had been around her children, she'd been inside her home. If Spencer didn't get to catch the bitch, they better believe Y/N will.

Spencer was released quickly after the BAU proved his innocence. He was on his way to the office now. Y/N had been peering into Adaline's carriage when she'd heard the high pitched voice of Emelia.

"Daddy!" Emelia exclaimed, racing across the bullpen to jump into her father's arms.

"Hi baby. Daddy missed you so much." Spencer said, hiding his tears in his daughter's hair. He held her tightly to his chest as he crossed the bullpen and made it to Y/N's office. He put Emelia down gently and scooped his wife into his arms.

"You're back." She said softly through tears.

He hooked his chin over her shoulder and sniffled strongly. He might not be the same man he was before, but he still loved her unconditionally. He still loved all three of them unconditionally.

"I'm here." He repeated the phrase out loud like a mantra.

And he was here, but he also wasn't. His wife could tell that the man who stood before her had endured hell, but when he cradled their baby girl so tightly to his chest, it was hard to imagine him as anything other than a loving, gentle father, and a compassionate partner. She knew she'd hold onto that thought forever. Once they retrieved Diana, they knew they could face anything.

As long as they were together.

And they knew they would be, for as long as the universe would allow in this life, and then the one after that.


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