Robbing the decade between us

By Antusama

6.2K 378 92

"Girl, I'm not kidding. I'm actually going to kill you,"Baekhyun said while pointing his gun straight at her... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 1

385 21 9
By Antusama


Why is this happening to me?

Baekhyun wondered while taking off his mask and plopping down on the couch of a completely unknown and dark house in Goyang. He stared at the ceiling fan that was not rotating because he was too afraid to turn it on incase he turns any light of the house on rather than turning the fan. He had made sure that there was no one in the house before entering but he still can't take risks of the neighbors seeing the lights suddenly turning on.

Baekhyun sighed. He has completed such a big heist in USA without any flaw. He had to work so much without sleeping, eating or resting properly. He returned to his homeland with such a big victory. All he wanted was to go back to his apartment and take a long and refreshing bath and sit in his air conditioned room while enjoying some delicious food and listening to some jazz music.

But as soon as he landed in Seoul after a long flight, the first news he heard was that the cops might be searching for him and he has to leave Seoul right away. he got out of the airport that had such high security and was full with police officers and came out of Seoul to Goyang was a huge history. He ran, climbed walls, stole motorcycles, got on taxis, it was a whole shitshow. It was fortunate that it was night. Or God knows what would happen in broad daylight.

When he reached in a lonely and quiet suburban area of Goyang, it was 3 at night and he was tired as hell. His legs were giving out and he needed to sleep. If he doesn't sleep for any longer..he might actually go crazy.

That's how he got into this quiet house, using his skills to unlock the front door after checking that the rooms were empty. He was pretty sure the house was empty even after entering.

This is not the cleverest decision he has ever made, but for now this is the best option and he really needs his sleep. He is going to get out of this place before the sunrises.

Baekhyun closed his eyes, wanting to go to sleep. He is sleepy but the heat and his empty stomach is not letting him peacefully sleep. His stomach was grumbling. He stupidly skipped the airplane meal thinking he should keep his stomach empty cause as soon as he reaches Korea, he would eat authentic Korean food.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes at his foolishness and slowly got up. His destination was the refrigerator and it was hard to walk in the dark and while being this tired. But now all Baekhyun cared about was eating something and just going to sleep.

Baekhyun stumbled a few times in the dark but eventually reached to the refrigerator in the kitchen. Baekhyun smiled and held the handles of the refrigerators and was about to open it, but as soon as he touched to handles, all the lights of the house turned on.

Guess I'm busted.

Baekhyun sighed and turned around and he saw something he totally wasn't expecting. Deep down his heart he was probably expecting to see police or a scary owner of the house, but he saw a petite teenage girl standing while leaning against the wall of the kitchen. Her baggy pajamas, cute bob cut hair, big eyes, huge headphones around her neck made her look smaller and less of threat than she was.

But something about her felt weird from the get go. Baekhyun got a bad feeling about her as soon as he laid his eyes on her. Especially because she was not freaking out seeing an intruder in house like others.

Wait..why is she so calm?

Her expressionless face didn't change, even when she dialed a number in her phone and raised it to her ears while maintaining direct eye contact with Baekhyun and not lowering her eyes for a bit, this shocked Baekhyun the most.

"Hello? 112? I would like to report an emergency. There is a strange man in my hou..."

Before she could finish Baekhyun ran, grabbed her phone and hung up. The next thing that happened was more unexpected. She grabbed Baekhyun's arm and twisted it around and tried to grab the phone from his other arm. Both of them got into a little bit of a tussle while trying to get the phone and somehow at one point the girl hand pinned Baekhyun on the ground and had successfully grabbed the phone while sitting on top of him.

Baekhyun was tired as hell, but he still had to admit that this girl had some fighting skills.

She was again about to dial the police number but Baekhyun couldn't let that happen but she was holding him in such a bad position, he couldn't even move.

"Hey, hey, kid. Let's not involve police into this! Let's help each other out. I will give you whatever you want!" Baekhyun shouted.

She seemed unamused but decided to give him a chance to explain.

" would you explain you being at my house at 3:30 in the morning without my permission?" She asked while still holding him down,"What are you? A burglar? A fugitive? A runaway.."

"I'm none of that..hey..I'm having trouble breathing. Can you please get off me?Kid, it would be easier to talk in the living room, wouldn't it?"

"Adjusshi," she started.

Baekhyun widened his eyes.


Who? Me??

Is she blind or what??

But Baekhyun knew he wasn't in the position to argue about that right now. This girl is way more dangerous than she seems.

"Do I look stupid to you?" She asked,"You just want me to get off of you so you can attack me."

"No, that's not it," that's exactly it, "Let's talk like civilized human beings."

"What you were doing wasn't so civilized, was it?"

"I told you I would give you whatever you want. I'm really really tired and really weak right now and I really can't go to the police. Please, help me."

Baekhyun doesn't know if his desperation touched her or because of his offer of him giving her anything she wanted, she rolled her eyes and slowly got off of him,"Fine, let's go to the living room and talk like 'civilized people'."

As soon as she got up and walked out of the kitchen to get to the living room, Baekhyun got up, got the small gun he keeps attached to his ankles out and pointed at her. He was waiting for this opportunity for so long.

How dare this little girl threaten and tackle him? Who does she think she is? Just because she got a little strength and fighting skills..she thinks she's all that?'s gonna be fun to see this girl tremble infront of the pointed gun. Baekhyun would probably be able to scare her into letting him stay here tonight and get him some food and then never telling anyone this ever again.

"Hands up, you little brat. You clearly didn't learn any manners. I'm gonna make this my duty to teach you some manners by shooting you in your freaking head."

Baekhyun was just scaring her. He doesn't actually planning on killing her. He is certain that this is scare the attitude out of her.

But when she turned around with her arms crossed and an amused expression on her face, his hopes shattered.

She wasn't scared. Even when a gun was actually being pointed at her.

"Listen, mister. If you are a thief, I'm sorry no one in the house has piles of cash stacked or nor does anyone wear expensive jewelry. You chose the wrong house. The only expensive things in this house are the electronics. I doubt that you'd be able to take any of them out by yourself..."

"I'm going to kill you,"He said sounding as scary as possible. He just wasn't having this girl's behavior. And this is also the first time any of this is happening to him.

"And if you think you can take my ps4 and my'd have to do that over my dead body."

"I said I'm gonna kill think I'm kidding?"

"And if you are in the home thinking you'd be able to do any kind of other perverted crimes just know that I'm a award winning black belt in martial arts.."

"Girl..I'm not kidding. I'm actually going to kill you,"Baekhyun said,"You don't know who I am."

"Okay,"She said while shrugging,"Go ahead then. Shoot me. Kill me. You are most welcome to do so. I'm not jazzed about living anyway."

Being weirded out would be an understatement. At this point Baekhyun didn't know if he should be scared of this girl or not.

She waited a few seconds for him to actually pull the trigger. When he didn't, she chuckled humorlessly,"See? You aren't killing me. So let's actually talk about what you are shut me off with. Let's go to the couch."

She then proceeded to the couch and then sat down while crossing both her arms and legs,"Do you want to keep standing?"

Baekhyun sighed and put his gun down and came to sit down on a couch across her.

This annoying little brat.

"So what do you want?"Baekhyun asked,"In exchange of keeping your mouth shut forever about how you saw me and letting me stay here for the night."

"You want to spend the night here? How would I know you wouldn't try anything funny while you're staying here?"

"Listen, I'm too sleepy and tired to be doing something funny right now. And that's exactly why I'm here instead of going and trying to find any hotel or something. I somehow ended up in Goyang and I need a place to sleep,"Baekhyun said,"If you ask anymore questions about me, you'd be in danger."

"So what can you give me? I would promise to shut my mouth forever."

"Money?" Baekhyun asked and saw her eyes sparkle at the mention of money. That's the first time he saw some sort of reaction in her. He knew he was going in the right path,"How much do you want?"

She opened her mouth. Baekhyun closed his eyes, preparing himself to listen to the large amount of money she is going to demand.

"565 dollars."

Baekhyun frowned and opened his eyes. He expected her to ask for way more. 565 dollars is weird and so low. She probably doesn't even know the worth of the secret she's keeping.

Stupid little teenager.

But Baekhyun nodded his head before she could change her mind,"Deal."

She also nodded,"Deal. Give me the money right now. And please get lost in the morning before 7 am."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and grabbed his wallet from the back of his pocket and kept the money on the tea table,"Okay."

Thank God I had cash on me.

She took the money, kept it in her pocket.

"Now unload your gun."

"Excuse me?"

"Do you want me to cancel our deal and call the police?"

"Don't do that. I really can't get caught,"Baekhyun sighed and slowly unloaded his gun but sneakily kept one bullet in.

"You still have one bullet left. Stop trying to fool me, you won't succeed."

This girl has eyes of a freaking hawk and still decides to call me adjusshi?

"Fine,"Baekhyun unloaded the final bullet,"Now you give me your phone. How would I know that you are not trying to scam me and won't contact police?"

She shrugged,"Fine, be my guest." She said while giving him her phone and picking up the bullets from the ground,"I'm taking the knives from the kitchen with me so don't even think of anything.."

"Do whatever you want."

She got up and went to the kitchen to grab a snack and the knives. The snack was the main reason she came downstairs and that's when she caught Baekhyun. As she was getting a snack from the snack drawer of the kitchen , Baekhyun's eyes were digging holes into her back. He was angry, humiliated.

When she came out after grabbing all the things she needed she looked at Baekhyun and said,"I'm going upstairs. Don't you dare touch anything at the house. And have a good night..I guess."

Then she was about to walk to the corner of the house and go to the rooftop room using the stairs, which Baekhyun had completely missed because of the darkness. But Baekhyun had called her,"Hey kid."

She rolled her eyes but stopped,"What?"

"What's your name?"

"I'm Vincenzo."

What the actual fuck?

"Why are you looking at me like that? Will you tell me your real name if I ask you? You won't, so neither will I."

Well...she has a point.

He's never gonna tell her his real name, or who he actually is.

She was again about to leave but Baekhyun again called her,"Hey kid."

She turned around again, her face didn't but her movements showed anger,"What?"

"Do you.."Baekhyun's face was turning red with embarrassment,"

That's when Baekhyun's stomach growled. Loudly. Very very loudly.

Baekhyun's face turned redder than it already was. But she still didn't show any emotion. She just came and dumped a few bags of snacks in front of him and kept a few for herself.

"Hey, change this with this one,"Baekhyun said while pointing at one of the snacks she gave him and another that she was holding.

"You sure are choosy for someone who is a definite criminal and is scared of going to the police."

"Hey, I'm not scared. I just don't want to be locked up."

"Yeah whatever,"She said, changed the snacks and again was about to leave.

"Hey kid."

"What the actual fuck do you want now?"

"Turn off the lights and turn on the fan."

She turned to him and glared at him. If looks could kill..he would've died without any questions.

"Pretty please," Baekhyun said, almost pleading,"You forbade me to touch any.."

She stomped towards the switch and did what he asked her to. The fan turned on and most of the lights were turned off leaving only one light on.

"If you call me once again, I'm gonna call the police. I was playing a really important game and you ruined it. And I'm providing you shelter and food for the night. Don't you dare.."

"Yeah..whatever..sorry..I guess. But listen. This is not a threat. This is a warning,"Baekhyun paused and seriously said,"Don't ever..reveal what happened tonight. If you do it..I really can't guarantee what's gonna happen to you. It's gonna be scarier than death. Both for you and your close ones. So be tight lipped. I'm not a person you should mess with. If the police gets to're gonna regret it."

He again paused, " My freedom is worth more than your life will ever be. Or your closed ones."

Baekhyun didn't know if he saw right but he could see that her stone cold expression had changed for a few seconds to fear and then she changed her expression again saying,"Okay. I guess."

Baekhyun smiled thinking he had finally scared her. He doesn't know why it gave him so much satisfaction. She would definitely not mess with him again.

She walked towards the foot of the stairs but stopped and turned around.

"I would like to add one thing,"she said.

Baekhyun looked at her, curiously.

Baekhyun didn't know if this was because of the darkness, the situation or if his sleep deprived mind was hallucinating, but her voice sounded scary as hell.

"Don't you ever again fucking dare to call me a kid, adjusshi. "

And with that she walked upstairs, without turning back, leaving Baekhyun dumbfounded. He thought he was finally successful in scaring her but what the hell just happened?

What kind of girl is this?

Baekhyun has come across a lot of different kinds of people in his life but he has certainly not seen someone like her.

Baekhyun opened the snack bags and started thinking about how because of one girl he was humiliated, beaten in fight, had to give up on his gun, his pride was hurt.

No one treats the Byun Baekhyun like this.

She has to learn a lesson.

There is no way in hell, he's gonna leave her alone. This isn't just going to be this one night. She even saw his face. Leaving her alone would be a bad idea. And how can he even trust her to not reveal anything after taking only 500 dollars?

And aside from being a total disrespectful brat, she is quite interesting. Baekhyun remembered her face when he had pointed a gun at her.

How can she be so calm with death literally in front of her face?

Baekhyun laid down on the couch after finishing his snacks. Then he closed his eyes. The first thing tomorrow he has to leave this house, contact his teammates and has to find out more about this girl.

I will teach you a lesson, you annoying little kid.

And that's how their story started.


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