Ikki's Devil Life 2

By JaeZInsane

41.7K 402 149

This will take Ikki Kurogane into the 2nd season of DXD More

The Holy Sword Users
Devils vs Church
Sword Vengance and a rematch with Freed
The General Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Team Gremory Vs Cerberus and The Holy Swords
Ikki's True Power Unleashed Ikki Kurogane vs The Fallen Angel Kokabiel
Fun at the pool
Ikki Kurogane meets Gasper the Vampire
Ikki's New Sword and Akeno's True Self Revealed
The Leader Summons Meeting
New Powers Unleashed!!! Ikki Kurogane and Issei Hyoudou vs The White Dragon Vali

Open House

2.3K 30 7
By JaeZInsane

The next day at school

Ikki walks to school by himself since Rias had to go with Sirzechs and Grayfia and when he arrives he finds Issei on the bridge on the school standing opposite from a guy with silver hair. A black jacket, Green V-neck, Burgundy pants, and black shoes



Ikki:Come to me Intetsu

Ikki uses his speed to rush him and in the blink of an eye he's behind the stranger with his blade by his neck and Kiba and Xenovia arrive to help

Kiba:Don't you think this joke has gone on long enough?

Ikki:Who are you?

Xenovia:It wouldn't be smart for us to allow you to start a fight with the Red Dragon Emperor here now would it

Asia arrives.

Asia:What's going on

Issei:Asia get back

Vali:Let me guess your the one they call Ikki Kurogane the mortal that managed to best Kokabiel in battle.My name is Vali. I've heard many things about you. I've been itching to fight someone like you for a long time now. My pitiful rival over there will not even be worth my time. Maybe you can give some decent competition.

Ikki:What you've been wanting to fight someone like me or Issei?

Vali:Tell me something how do you think you compare to those with the power in this world

Issei:What do you mean

Vali:I'm talking about your Balance Breaker it looks quite incomplete if you ask me but still a four digit ranking on a scale of strongest to weakest that is I'd say between one thousandth and fifteenth hundredth or lower as for the human I'd say he's a two digit ranking

Issei:Great so what's your point?

Vali:My point is you two are valuable players you both should be taken care of and neutered don't you agree Rias

The group turns around to see Rias,Akeno,and Koneko standing behind them


Rias:We don't need your advice mind telling we what this is alo about if you've come here on behalf of the Fallen Angels I can assure you it's a huge waste of time .

Vali:Were you aware that the Welsh Dragon and the Vanishing Dragon called upon The Twin Sky Dragons people involved with the Red and white dragons have never had the best of luck I'm fascinated makes me wonder how your life will turn out.....calm down I didn't come here to fight with you I have much more important things to do today

Vali walks away from the school and leaves

Ikki:I don't know about that guy

Rias says nothing and holds Ikki's hand under hers

Ikki:Are you okay Rias ?(Her hands are sweating she must be freaking out)

During classes Ikki stares out of the window thinking to himself

Ikki:(Vali is The White Dragon Emperor and I can sense he's stronger than all of us we have to get stronger and soon.)

Xenovia:Hey Ikki

Ikki:What's up Xenovia

Xenovia:I'm sorry about the other day I didn't mean to spring that on you when you weren't prepared

Ikki:Oh it's okay but can we not talk about this here

Xenovia:I brought you something

Ikki:What is it?

Xenovia reaches into her party and pulls out 4 multicolored condoms in her hand

Xenovia:Keep these with you for the next time

The conversation between Ikki and Xenovia attracts a certain red dragon pervert and his girlfriend


Asia:Hi Ikki Hi Xenovia ohhh those are pretty

Xenovia:Here you should probably take one too

Asia:Thanks but what are you supposed to do with it?

Kiryuu:Looks like Issei's throwin a party later where is it at?

Issei:This has nothing to do with me!

Asia:Hey do you have any idea what these are for?

Kiryuu whispers into Asia's ear and after she's done Asia's face her face turns red and Issei's two friends punch him in the face.

Ikki:Come on guys get off of Issei

Xenovia:Hey Ikki


Xenovia:Are you ready let's go make intercourse

Ikki:Okay I gotta go!

Ikki gets up takes the condom from Xenovia and leaves

Ikki:Oh my gosh what's gotten into Xenovia today?

Rias:Hello Ikki

Ikki finds Rias and Akeno talking with Sona and Tsubaki

Ikki:Oh hey ladies

Rias:How are you feeling

Ikki:I'm fine after the fight with Kokabiel I just had to take it easy

Sona:I hear you met The White Dragon Emperor

Ikki:Yeah him I don't know but I don't trust that guy

Rias:I agree he seems to be working for the Fallen Angels so I don't think we have to worry about him making rash decisions

Sona:Regardless of his intentions I don't want him on school grounds

Rias:Me either especially since we'll have a much bigger problem to deal with soon

Sona:Good we agree talk to you later take care of yourself

Ikki:Why do they seem so depressed did anything happen?

Akeno:No nothing specifically they're just a little stressed out for open house

Ikki:How come I understand why Rias is freaked out but Sona as well.

Akeno grabs Ikki's arm


Akeno:*Giggles* Looks like your feeling better I'd say you healed up quite nicely now didn't it~

Ikki:Yeah I just had to rest for a while it wasn't that big of a deal

Akeno:Awww that's unfortunate I was hoping there was still some energy left sucking those juices out of you was good for me too~

Akeno kisses Ikki fingertip


Ikki steps back a little flustered

Akeno:You startled me

Rias:Obviously you two can't be left alone

Akeno:I was just checking on Ikki to see if he needed anything

Rias:Sure you were

At the Kurogane house

Ikki walks downstairs to the bathroom to take a bath to relax

Ikki:(Now the Fallen Angels are back and now The White Dragon Emperor Vali has shown himself it's like every time one problem is solved another one rises.)

Ikki opens the door to find Rias in the bathtub

Rias:Oh hello Ikki

Ikki was about to shut the door but Rias stands up and looks at Ikki smiling at him. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun and her long delicate legs draped over the edge of the tub. Water dripped off her skin as she looked up to see Ikki standing there in blushing shock.

When she saw him, she smiled seductively.

Rias:Ikki~~ Did you come to peek on me~?"

Ikki S-Sorry I'll leave...

Rias: "Wait~~ Let's take a bath together~"

In Ikki's frazzled state, Rias grabbed his arm and pulled him into the bathtub with her making a huge splash.

He spit bubbles out of his mouth and gulped in embarrassment, still covering himself.

Ikki:Rias what are you doing!

Rias:Nothing it just that I've always wanted to take a bath in her like this with you~

Ikki:Wait are you serious!?

Weight pressed on his body and the finest, softest sensation was stimulating his skin. Rias was leaning against him! She put an an arm around his shoulder and smiled as she scooted closer. He could even smell the shampoo from her hair! It smelled so nice... He almost melted just thinking about it. He was like putty in her fingers.

Rias:What's wrong Ikki Don't you like taking a bath with me?"

Ikki:No! That's not it at all! I like it I really do!

Rias:Good just hearing that makes me so happy I want to take a bath with you like this every day.But I don't think your body can take it so how about once every three days or maybe once every five days. Once a week just isn't enough though I want you more than that~

Ikki:Three days...s-sounds... great."

She smirked and kissed him

Rias:Wanna piece of me Ikki~.

Ikki blushes

The next day is open house day at kuoh academy the class is to make something out of clay while their parents watch.

Ikki:(Okay something meaningful to me okay I'm gonna close my eyes and whatever comes to me I'll make)

Ikki then get memories of him and Rias spending time together

Ikki:(That's right Rias I'll make something for the two of us.)

Ikki opens his eyes to look at what he made it was a clay version of them walking to school together including the part where Rias has his arm in her chest.

Ikki:Okay I'm done

Everyone in the class is in utter awe of what he has created

Female student 1:Holy Crap its a gray Ikki and Rias

Female student 2:It looks just like her

Teacher:You've been holding out on us I didn't know we had a future sculptor in the class!

Ikki:Oh thank you

Ayaka:Good job Ikki dear

Kanae:I didn't know he was this talented

Shizuku:Good one big brother

Kanao:Congratulations Big cousin Ikki

Issei:Hey Ikki who are those two

Ikki:Oh everyone this is my Aunt Kanae and my little cousin Kanao

Kanae:Hello my name is Kanae Kurogane its so nice to see my nephew has made such good friends

Male student 1:Yo Kurogane's Auntie is bangin

Male student 2:I can't wait to make a move on her fine ass

Kanao:Hi everyone my name Is Kanao Kurogane

All girls:Sooooo cute!!


Rias:This is very well made

Akeno:Oh my well I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering the fact you see Rias body every day right?

Ikki:Well it's happened so many times the image us stuck in my mind

Akeno:In that case I'd love it if you'd make one of me too

Ikki:You want one too

Akeno:While I'm naked I want it to be extremely accurate you may have to touch to learn my curves~.

Ikki:Okay I'll keep that in check

Ikki notices a group of boys with cameras running into the gymnasium

Matsuda:No way a magic girl photo shoot!!

Motohoma:Come on!! As former photography club members we gotta represent who called this thing

Ikki:A magic girl?

Rias:It can't be!

Akeno:Or can it

As the group got closer to the gym, there was a crowd of boys were swarming the gym with cameras and flashes were going off everywhere.

Upon a closer look, they saw a beautiful girl with long black hair tied into twin tails and purple eyes standing on the stage in the gymnasium. She wore a pink magical girl outfit with a pink wand, and had a very curvy figure.

Issei:Is she wearing a Milky Spiral 7 outfit?"

Asia:Issei how do you know about that costume?"

Issei:Because I watched the whole show in one sitting a friend of mine was obsessed with it and insisted we do a marathon

Meanwhile the other boys were screaming with lecherous joy and glee as the girl posed. She twirled her wand like she really was a magical girl.

Saji:Knock it off we are still on school property you've seen enough of this! We don't need this kind of commotion on the day of open house get out of here!

The dejected and disappointed boys walked away sulking that their photo shoot got cut short.

Saji:Alright are you related to anyone at this school.


Saji:Okay they should've told you that this kind of outfit is unacceptable here

???:Sparkle Shine you command is mine!

Saji:You have to stop that!

Ikki:Hey Saji

Saji:Well well. If it isn't Ikki. What's up man?"

Sona enters the gymnasium

Sona:Saji! What's going on here

Saji:Oh hey Sona this girl says-

???:I finally found you Sona

Ikki:Who is she and how does she know Sona

???:I'm so happy to see you what's the matter you look so sad your face is all red aren't you excited to finally be seeing your big sister again I'm gonna require alot more happiness from you come on you should run into my arms and tell me how much you miss me and then I'll say "I missed you too!" and then I'll you give you a big fat kiss and you kiss me back and that will lead to girl on girl action and wouldn't that be hot!


A sweat dropped from sona's face

Ikki:Sona has a sister?

Rias:That is the lady Serafall Leviathan


Saji:She's currently one of the four devil kings ive always heard things about sona's sister but I didn't recognize her since this is the first time we met

Serafall:Your lines next this is the part where you say how long it's been and how excited you are to see me!

Rias:Its been quite a long time lady leviathan

Serafall:Oh yes it has Rias how excited are you to see me

Rias:Very thank you for asking did you come her to visit Sona for open house?

Serafall:Yeah but I has to find it out on my own Sona's a meanie and didn't tell me I was so mad when I found out the truth I almost attacked heaven out of frustration!

Ikki:(Did she just say attack heaven?!)

Serafall notices Ikki

Serafall:Hey look is he the guy that beat Riser Phenex

Rias:He is Ikki I want you to meet someone

Ikki:Okay I'm coming

Ikki walks over to Serafall

Ikki:My name is Ikki Kurogane I'm an extra member in the service of Rias Gremory its a pleasure to meet you Lady Leviathan

Serafall:Eeeeeeee he's so adorable!

Serafall begins hugging Ikki and jumping around

Ikki:Hey Sona your sister is very...lively

Serafall:Oh and by the way

Serafall:You can call me Little Levi

Ikki:Oh okay you can just call me Ikki then

Sona:Listen to me I am responsible for the entire student council here even if you are family this is inappropriate school attire you're gonna to have to change!

Serafall:Why do you have to be like that? Can you hear the tone of your voice right now? It's borderline violent! You now I've never asked for anything all I want is to be a magical girl

Issei:You know I feel like I've heard this line before

Serafall:With my sparkling staff I will do my duty and obliterate all the angels and Fallen Angels

Sona:Do you have any respect at all if you start sparkling you could annihalate a small country in minutes!

Ikki:(In minutes!)Wait how come Sona didn't call her for help with Kokabiel we could have used her help

Akeno:The problem is actually that Lady Serafall loves her sister a little too much some would say she's obssessed

Serafall begins hugging sona to the point where she runs with tears on her eyes

Sona:Ahhhh I can't take it anymore!

Serafall:Sona wait

Sona:No way get away from me!

Saji:Looks like Sona is gonna need my help I'll talk to you later

Issei:I hear ya catch ya later

Ikki:Later Saji

Asia:Saji's in for a rough time isn't he?

Rias:It's not my place to say Asia but yes he is all of the devil kings are like this he's got his work cut out for him.

Ikki:What do you mean "Like this"

Rias:I mean highstrung and excitable it can be exhausting

The group enters the school where they find Ikki's family talking to Issei's parents and a man with crimson red hair and beard

Miya:Oh Hello Ikki dear

Mr Hyoudou:Ahoy there Issei

Ikki:Hey mother

Issei:Hey dad

???:There you are I've been looking for you Rias

Rias:Hello Father

Ikki:Wait Rias that's you father!

Rias' Father:You must be Ikki I'm Rias' father thank you for taking care of my daughter

Ikki:Hello sir it's nice to meet you mother what's going on here

Miya:Your Aunt and I ran into him in the hallway and here we are how about we all have our talk at our house where there's room to sit

Rias father:That sounds like a wonderful idea


Kanae:Then it's settled we'll head home now should I stop by the store and grab some drinks

Mr Gremory:Please

Ikki:Drinks? Oh no

Asia:What's wrong Ikki

Ikki:My mother......can't hold her liquor very well

Sirzechs laughs as we walks down the stairs

Sirzechs:That's brilliant!

Rias:Why are you laughing?

Sirzechs:It looks like we're having a family slumber party with father tonight

At the Kurogane house

Mr.Gremory:This is splendid everything looks delicious

Kanae:I told Miya if you can't cook big then go home

Mr.Hyoudou:Let's raise a glass to our new friends


Ikki, Rias, Issei,and Asia all watch as the adults watch the film's they took of their children in class

Rias:I've had enough of this I'll be in my room stupid jerks!


Ikki follows Rias upstairs into the room while the adults continue to laugh

Ikki:Hey Rias do you want to come stay in my room?

Rias enters Ikki's room and places her face in his pillow

Ikki:So I know its pretty awkward with the videos and your brother being a jerk but it's not really a bad thing that our parents met and are getting along you know.

Rias:No I know its not can I ask you something

Ikki:Yeah go ahead

Rias:Be honest are you glad that you met me.Im very happy here

Ikki sits down on the bed beside Rias and holds her hand

Ikki:I am truly grateful I met you Rias you were then one who wanted me to join you and I really care about you I want you to be safe and happy

Ikki:Because... I love you Rias Gremory

Ikki looks in the opposite direction when he said that and when he heard Rias moving he was just in time for their lips to connect.

Rias:I love you too...Ikki Kurogane

Sirzechs is in the doorway and turns the light on

Sirzechs:Aww that's sweet

Rias:How long have you been there

Sirzechs:Long enough there's something I've been meaning to discuss with you

Rias:Go ahead

Sirzechs:Alright I was thinking it might be about time to release the other Bishop

Ikki:What is he talking about Rias what other Bishop I thought Asia was the only Bishop?

Rias:The Bishop's gifts were dangerous so they were sealed away because I wasn't strong enough to handle them

Ikki:How dangerous?

Rias:You the one who organized this aren't you

Sirzechs:Guilty as charged rest assured after observing the fight with Phenex and Kokabiel I've reconsidered

Rias:Then why

Sirzechs:There are a lot more pieces to work with and your stronger now than you've ever been I am more than confident that the time is right..release the Bishop Rias

Rias:If you...I mean yes if the great devil Lucifer orders it done

Ikki:(The other Bishop?)

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