A Thin Line Between Love and...

By BoominJayy

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Crazy in Love
Balling is a Hobby
You Aint Got Shit To Do!
I kissed a girl and I liked it
All I Want For My Birthday Is A
Life is Good
Secrets told in Private
All for Nothing
Grand Piano
Open Book
Curbside Delivery
Soul Ties, Endings, & Goodbyes

Just One More

2.2K 122 90
By BoominJayy

Onika POV:

After that whole incident with Beyoncé I really didn't know how to act with her. When I had woken up the next morning and saw the size of the hickey on my neck I just knew that we had done something.

She told me that it didn't go past kissing. Well she told me I tried to let it go past kissing but she stopped it. The fact that she stopped it had given me a major amount of respect for her.

We had been texting back and forth for a bout a week and hopped on the phone a few times. I know I should of probably stopped talking to her all together but she had this irresistible charm. Plus I didn't want things to end up weird.

Today was going to be the day that we saw each other in person since everything that had went down. It was family dinner at Ming's house.

I had to wear a damn turtle neck dress to hide the tacky hickey that was still still lingering on my neck.

I was helping set the table with Ming when YG and Beyoncé walked into the kitchen. They both went over to Ming first to give her a kiss and a hug then over to me. Keenon hugged and kissed my cheek then Beyoncé gave me a quick hug before following behind Keenon.


We both knew they were about to smoke. They always showed up high and if they didn't show up high they were high before dinner. Keenon just yelled okay back and kept walking Beyoncé followed suit.

Dinner surprisingly was not one bit awkward we all laughed and chatted it up. Beyoncé and I even exchanged words.

"So baby what you doing for your birthday?" Ming asked while sipping the drink in her cup.

I was confused cause nobody that I was aware of had a birthday coming up.

"Most likely nothing I'll probably just come chill with y'all." Beyoncé spoke up before putting a spoonful of potato's in her mouth.

"That's no fun baby we gone at least have some ice cream and cake." Ming put her cup down.

"Yeah Bey and you already know we gotta go out." Keenon added while shoving a piece of pork chop in his mouth.

Ming and I both looked at her son in embarrassment cause he was devouring the food on his plate like he was in prison.

"Baby boy I promise you that food ain't going no where slow down." I said.

He looked up between Ming and I like he had been caught red handed causing both of us to laugh. He sat up straight and wiped his mouth.

"So Bey when is you're birthday?" I was the only one in the room who didn't know.

"Two weeks from now on the 4th" she said after clearing her throat.

"Well what ever you do I hope you enjoy yourself." I chirped.

Dinner went by pretty fast after that. I washed the dishes for Ming since she had done all the cooking. I was putting the last of the dishes away when I heard a small shuffle enter the kitchen.

I turned to see Beyoncé holding a cup. She excused herself past me so she could wash it out. I finshed putting the last dish away and turned to find myself bodied up against Beyoncé.

"My bad." She mumbled before reaching past me to put the cup away.

We stood there a few seconds after she put the cup away.

"Thanks for not making things weird." She looked down at me.

"Why would I make things weird Beyoncé I told you everything was fine." I said to her and she nodded at me.

"This a cute turtleneck." She said reaching to touch it.

She pulled it down a little and exposed the hickey she had given me last week that had yet to heal all the way. Chuckling lightly when she saw it.

"Girl kiss my ass." I slapped her hand away and fixed the turtleneck back into position.

She mumbled something I couldn't hear and raised her eyebrows before walking out of the kitchen. I rolled my eyes and walked out of the kitchen as well.

The rest of the night went on once it got late we ended up departing from Ming's going separate ways aside from YG and Beyoncé since they came together.

It had been a few days since the dinner and I was sitting at home doing nothin in particular when my phone rang. I picked it up to see it was Beyoncé calling.

"Yes Beyoncé?" I answered into the phone.

"Hey Nicki you mind if I bring some more baby stuff to your house?" She asked quickly.

"Sure Beyoncé."

"Uh you mind coming to pick me up?"

"Beyoncé why you ain't got no damn car?!" I blurted out.

"Haha.. see um I had one but long story short my babymother totaled it." She confessed.

"Alright Bey where are you?" I sighed into the phone.

She gave me the location and a thank you before hanging up.

I got up off the couch grabbing my keys off of the table then walked over to the front door. I slipped on the nude yeezy slides I had near the door and left out locking it behind me.

I picked up Beyoncé from someone's house. Who I didn't know? She was already waiting outside though it looked like she had a high chair and a car seat stroller. We conversed a little on the ride back to my house. When we pulled up she grabbed the boxes and followed me to the door. When it was open she wasted no time moving past me going up stairs.

It baffled me how she just walked into my house like she knew where she was going. Well I guess she kind of did but still. I waited near the door for her. She came back down the stairs skipping one at a time holding the railing. When she got to the last three steps she jumped off onto the ground.

I shook my head at her child like behavior. She walked past me at the door and started to make her way to the living room.

"Uh uh where the hell you think you going?" I yelled stopping her in her tracks.

"Whattt? I was finna watch TV." She said turning around.

"Beyoncé you not watching no damn tv in my house after what happened or Almost happened." I corrected myself and turned to leave the house.

I heard her smack her lips but surly she followed. I pulled the door up and locked it then walked over to the car.

Beyoncé was slow dragging the entire time. With her lips poked out. She finally got in the car with her head down.

"Where am I taking you?" I asked starting the car.

"Nickiii I don't have no where to go right now YG said he had business to handle, Kelly at work, and all Kehlani wanna do is argue and fight." She whined.

I backed off the driveway slowly then started to drive.

"Beyoncé you need to get a car." I said bluntly.

" I know Nicki you think I like asking people for rides? I don't. Not only am I on someone else's time but it's also an inconvenience to them." She replied.

"What you gone do when the baby get here Bey?" I questioned it may have seemed like I was being hard on her but this is stuff she needed to think about. The baby is going to have doctor appointments and she can't walk across the entire city pushing a stroller.

"Jesus Nicki! I know! If I had the money for a car I would get one, but right now I can barely pay the rent for the shitty ass apartment I stay in!" Beyoncé was loud but she wasn't really yelling at me she sounded more frustrated.

She put her head in her lap and sighed.

"I'm sorry Bey I didn't mean to get you worked up." I said with an apologetic gaze on my face.

"It's cool Nicki." She replied dryly.

Damn not only did I feel bad I didn't know where the hell we should go.

After thirty long silent minutes of driving I finally pulled up to a destination.

"Nicki why we at the outlet mall?" Beyoncé still had a dry tone.

"To shop duh." I replied like she was slow.

"Nicki I don't have no shopping money we literally jus—"

"Who the hell said you was shopping since I'm yo Uber driver today the least you could do is hold a bitch bags." I cut her off.

"Oh okay." She nodded her head and smiled lightly.

We got out of the car and I made my way to my favorite store. When we got inside it was my turn to act like a child. Shopping was a passion of mine. Everything I picked up I made Beyoncé hold for me.

We had been in the Chanel store for about an hour when Beyoncé started to whine.

"Nicki we been in this store for over an hour and all you did was try on shoes half the time." I could tell she was getting annoyed but I couldn't help it.

I couldn't decide which pair of the two shoes that I wanted.

"Okay okay we about to leave just help me decide on which pair of these to get." I held both shoes up for her to pick one.

She pointed to the one in my left hand and I examined it for a few seconds.

"I think I like this one more." I said looking at the one in my right hand.

Beyoncé looked at me like she was fed up.

"Nicki...why would you ask me just to pick the other one?" She had a straight face by the time she was done talking.

"You know what you right ima just get both." I replied putting them both in their boxes.

She just smacked her lips and walked to the register.

I scurried behind her with the shoe boxes in my hand. She let out a huff and she sat down all the stuff she was carrying on the register.

The lady rang me up and Beyoncé's eyes popped out of her head when she saw the total. I laughed and swiped my black card for it. Beyoncé was holding all four of my bags with the same look on her face as we walked into the Gucci store. I had picked up a few things out of the Gucci store not as much as I did in the Chanel store.

"You see something you like in here?" I asked walking over to Beyoncé.

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"You see the prices of the shit in here?! The shit I like is at Ross and Walmart shit around tax time I might even hit up Macy's if I'm feeling boujee." She was so serious with her response I couldn't help but cackle.

"Beyoncé do you see anything you like?" I repeated myself again to her.

She eyed me up and down for a second and licked her lips lightly before she got up and walked past me. She pointed out a few things she liked and picked each item up. By the time she was done I was holding 2 hoodies and a pair of jeans. We went over to the register and before the man told me my total I added this satchel I saw her looking at occasionally the entire time we were in the store.

I hit a few more stores I didn't see much I liked. Beyoncé saw a belt in the Louis Vuitton store that she liked so I ended up getting it for her. We were at the outlet mall for a good five hours and I spent a pretty penny. I didn't mind though, shit if it was Keenon or Lauren they would of picked up more shit than Beyoncé did.

When we finished shopping Beyoncé loaded all the bags into the car and got in the passenger seat putting her seat bet one.

We were driving for about 10 minutes and it was pretty silent aside from the music I was nodding my head to. Beyoncé looked like she was deep in her thoughts staring out the window.

It still hadn't occurred to me where the hell I was taking her.

"So where am I dropping you off too Beyoncé?" I turned the music down to pull her out of her trance. 

"Um-" she looked down at the time on her phone

"Can you take me to Kelly's house she don't stay far from you."

I nodded to her decision then asked how to get there. She told me act like I was going home and when I needed to turn she would tell me.

Beyoncé didn't talk the entire time until it was time for the directions. Even then it seemed as if she was on autopilot. We pulled up to a nice apartment complex and she still hadn't budged.

I turned the car off and faced her.
"Bey what's wrong." I was actually concerned because she was never this closed off.

She turned to me and put her elbow on the armrest then put her chin in her palm.

"Nicki you really don't remember anything from the night of the baby shower?" A hit of sadness was in her voice.

"Is that why you acting like this Bey?"

She nodded slowly.

"Nicki I already had a hard time getting you off my mind. But since that night it's like you're stuck in there and that fact that you can't even remember it drives me insane." She was spilling her truth to me.

"I'm sorry Bey I don't know what you want me to do. If I could turn back time to take the kiss back I would." I tired to console her.

"That's the thing I don't want to forget it Nicki I want you to know how I feel." She let out a sigh and starred at my lips.

I shook my head no slowly.

"Just one more kiss." She pleaded in a whisper and inched closer to me.

For some reason I wasn't moving.

"Bey this is us moving backwards." I whispered back.

She was still closing in on me slowly but stopped when she just a few inches away from my face. We were so close I could hear and feel the sound of her breathing.

She looked from my lips up to my eyes asking for confirmation. I let out a small sigh. I quickly leaned in and kissed her lips to get it over with.

Her lips felt so soft under mine and I honestly didn't want to pull away but I forced myself to pull away from the peck.

As I began to pull away I felt her gently grab the back of my neck and pull me back in. I didn't stop her when our lips met again. Instead of stopping her I surrender when her tongue invaded my mouth. With every second of the kiss it was as if she was transferring her emotions to me. I was beginning to understand why she couldn't get it off her mind.

An involuntary moan left my mouth as she moved her hand from the back of my neck to the front and gripped it into a light squeeze.

This kiss was getting out of hand but instead of stopping her I let her continue to devour my lips. I guess you could say I enjoyed it.

She finally pulled away and pecked my lips two more times before leaning back in her seat.

She looked like she was high and on cloud nine from the kiss. Me on the other hand I still hadn't moved.

Part of me felt sort of bleak that she pulled away and I wanted to feel her lips again. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head at her what the hell is she doing to me.

It's like my body was thinking instead of my brain and before I could grasp what I was doing I had her shirt in my hand tugging her back to me. She didn't hesitate with my decision.

It was as if she had lit a fire in me that only craved her. Our lips met again instantly locking. The sound of our lips smacking together infiltrated the silent car.

The blaring sound of her phone ringing caused us both to pull away from each other. She looked down at the caller ID before answering.

"Damn bitch where you at I thought you was on yo way?" Kelly yelled through the phone.

Beyoncé looked up at me and bit her bottom lip.

"Yea I just pulled up unlock the door please." She just hung up before Kelly could start talking again.

"She called right on time cause I was sholl bout to put it down on you right here in this car." She laughed.

"I- Girl get out my car." I fumbled to say.

Beyoncé quickly leaned over and grabbed me by my throat and pecked my lips quickly.

"Sorry I needed one more for the road." She opened the passenger door and turned to me.

"Thank you Nicki." She smiled and reached to grab her shopping bags from the back seat before leaving me sitting in the car.

I still hadn't moved. I was fucking stunned. The fact that we kissed again. The fact that I pulled her back into me without thinking. It all just seemed so surreal, but the one thing that I couldn't deny was the fact that I enjoyed the kiss.

An entire week had flown by and I still couldn't get that kiss out of my mind. Bey and I talked a lot more during the week but we kept things PG. She would occasionally flirt with me and I didn't stop her until she would take things to far causing me to hang up on her. The fact still remained that she was a close family friend, my nephews best friend at that.

Not to mention our age gap. I learned that she was 22 about to be 23 in 2 days. I'm also forgetting one crucial thing. HER BABYMAMA. She still had a baby on the way and a crazy babymother waiting on her at home everyday. She was always telling me that once the baby was born she was done, I even did remember the argument I overheard with the two of them. But truthfully she won't know how to feel when that baby gets here it's easy to say something but not as easy to follow through.

I picked up my phone to push Beyoncé out of my mind. I dialed up Lo and she picked up almost instantly.

"Hey boo you busy? I need my nails done." I asked her

"Come to the shop if you can get here in the next 20 to 30 minutes I can fit you in before my 12:00." She replied quickly.

I could tell she was doing someone's nail as we were speaking.

"Okay boo I'm on my way."

"Okay babes see you then. Muah" she hung up instantly.

I grabbed my keys, wallet and a pair of slides before leaving out. Since I was going to the shop I might as well get my toes done too.

On my way out my phone pinged I looked down to see a message from Beyoncé.

B🙄: Nicki what are you doinggggg?👀

Me: about to go get my nails done child.

B🙄: oooouu get them dick grippers blue😘

My eyes widened at her use of profanity as I started the car to drive off.

Me: Beyoncé who the fuck raised you?😐

B🙄: me myself and I

Me: and it shows

B🙄: okay see you not finna play me like that but im bout to get dropped off to you☺️

Me: I didn't send you an invitation.

B🙄: I did

I closed my phone at her response and tossed it in the passenger seat.

Truth be told I didn't know how I was going to feel around Beyoncé especially after that kiss.

I made it to the shop after doing like 30 over the limit. I got there right on time I saw Lo walking an older lady out. Lo was trying to wave her off but she kept talking.

"Okay Mrs.Johnson we gonna have to continue this later my next appointment is here." Lo pointed at me.

"Okay baby! Thank you. Remind me to tell you what Rochell did at my next appointment. That woman is a mess." The lady was yelling as she walked to her car.

"Okay I will." Lo turned and motioned for me to enter the shop.

"That woman will talk yo ear off." Lo muttered to herself.

I followed behind Lo and she directed me to her chair. Their were a few other people in the shop but it wasn't packed. Just as I sat down in Lo's chair my I got another message from Beyoncé asking for the address to the shop. I sent it to her and locked my phone.

"Lo baby I want my toes done and my brows arched as well." I called over my shoulder to Lauren.

"Girl for a walk in you sure is asking for a lot."

"Love you babe." I blew a kiss to her.

After a few minutes Lauren took a seat in front of me and started on my nails.

"Did you have something in mind for your nails or you want me to freestyle them like last time." She asked

"Um you can freestyle them but I want a little bit of blue in them." I said subconsciously.

"Okay boo. What you been up to on this lil vacation of yours?" She chirped

"Relaxing, spending time with the family, shopping, relaxing, and a lil more shopping." I really wasn't doing anything major.

"Bitch you know how to relax with yo workaholic ass?"

"I'll have you know I only checked my email once since I've been back." I'm proud of myself cause she wasn't lying even on my off days I was still working.

"Okayy, but anyways who you gettin all cute for. Asking for the whole package and shit. You must got a date with Drake." I swear she really thought she knew a bitch.

"I'm getting cute for me and that nigga Aubrey is canceled." I scrunched my face up at the mention of Drake's name.

"Oh I'd say that's a shame but he is kind of a simp." She shrugged.

I let out a cackle.

"Nooo not a simp!" I semi shouted.

"But you really ain't been talking to nobody." She squinted to see if I was lying.

Just then a message from Beyoncé popped up telling me she was 10 minutes away.

Lauren nosey ass read the message with me.

"Mmm and who is B?" she gave me a side eye.

"Girl I don't know why you looking at me like that it's my nephew friend." I said cooly

"Bitch why yo nephew friend got yo number?! Wait wait wait... ain't you nephew in his early twenties? Bitch you after a lil juvie?!?!" Lo threw questions left to right not even giving me a chance to answer.

"Lo stop. Me and her just—"

"Bitch her?!? You eat the box now?!!!" She cut me off.

I let out a huff

"Lauren can you literally shut up for one minute and she's intersex." I said revealing Beyoncé's truth.

"Girl what the fuck that mean?"

"It means she was born with a different reproductive system.." I nodded my head slowly at Lo who looked like she was having an aneurism trying to figure it out.

I guess it clicked.

"BITCH SO SHE GOT A WEEWEE! IS IT BIG?" She whisper yelled so only the two of us could hear.

I closed my head and mentally slapped myself. I don't know why I tell her ass anything.

"She know about yo husband?" She asked me.

"One Do not call that damn scammer my husband he is irrelevant. Two she has a baby on the way. And three there is literally nothing going on between us." I rolled my eyes.

"So y'all ain't did nothing?" The look this bitch was giving had 'you so full of shit' written all over it.

"I mean.. we might of made out like twice, but that's —."

"Girl I'm bout to cancel my 12:00 cause I need to know all the details."

"Lo it ain't no details. I don't know why I told you this shit." I shook my head regretting my decision.

Just then the door opened and Beyoncé walked in. She scanned the shop and started walking my way once her eyes landed on me.

"Lo shut the fuck up!" I whispered to Lauren.

"Hey Nicki." Beyoncé beamed when she got over to me.

"Hey Bey." I smiled back.

Lauren cleared her throat waiting to be introduced.

"Oh Lauren meet Beyoncé, Beyoncé this is Lauren." I introduced the two of them.

"It's nice to meet you." Beyoncé smiled at her.

"Likewise." Lo smiled and nodded her head at Beyoncé.

"It's a bathroom in here?" Beyoncé asked.

"Last door on the right." Lo gestured to the direction of the back and Beyoncé walked off.

As soon as she was out of earshot Lo started again.

"BITCH THATS LIL JUVIE!?!" Lo squealed.

"Girl stop calling her that and yes that is Bey." I rolled my eyes.

"Girl you lucky me and Nip trying to have a baby cause I swear she would have another babymama." Lo pointed at herself

"Lo why you can't be serious dude." I was lowkey getting irritated cause she really be doing the most.

"Okay okay I'm sorry but that lady is Fine with a capital F. Matter of fact just capitalize all the letters."

"Girl. I promise of you don't stop I'm walking out this shop nails half done and all." I wasn't serious and she knew that but I did want her to stop.

"Okay I'm done for real now." She said.

I could tell she wanted to say something else but she refrained her comments.

Beyoncé came back out of the bathroom shortly on her phone walking over to me.

"Girl you might as well go have a seat cause I'm gone be in here for a while." I nodded my head to the seats by the door.

Beyoncé just sat down in the seat next to me at the table before closing her phone and leaning over to look at my nails.

"Ooo blue? That's cute." She had a light smirk on her face.

"I know right! I was surprised Nika even picked a color she usually just let me freestyle what ever." Lo was spilling my business.

"Oh word?" Beyoncé raised a brow.

"Anywho! Lo is the best nail tech in the city." I gave Lo credit taking the spotlight off of me.

"Nika stopp I only got like 4 awards." Lo boasted.

Lo and Bey started up a conversation and I was more than happy I didn't want to say too much because Lo was always dragging a bitch business.

It took her about 20 more minutes to finish my nails before I got up out of her chair.

"Okay ok I'm bout to arch yo brows and Jared gone do yo toes and before you say anything Jared if verified I let him do my nails." Lo said

She knew I was gone say something about having someone else polish me.

"Okay." I nodded slowly.

"And Bey sweetie you should let me do something about that." She gestured her finger in a circle around Beyoncé's eyebrows.

"What's wrong with this." Beyoncé mimicked her movements.

"Nothing but I promise you I will arch them bitches to the Gods." Lo wasn't lying sometimes I would literally fly her out just to do my nails and brows if I had something important to attend.

"Okay I guess you can put it on Nika tab." Beyoncé shrugged her shoulders.

I didn't mind but I was caught off guard at her calling me Nika she never called me by that nickname before. I won't lie it did sound kind of nice coming from her.

We both followed Lo into a room for her to do our brows. She did mine first and once she was done I left out to let Jared do my toes.

Jared was nearly finished when Beyoncé and Lauren walked out of the room. And when I tell you it really looked like God himself touched Bey's brows I couldn't help but smile at them.

"Aww they look so good!" I squealed.

"Thank you thank you I might have to start sparing this expense." Bey said rubbing her chin in the mirror like she was a damn mac.

"Okay bye you just ruined it." I said waving her off.

"Don't do her she is cute!" Lo said defending Bey.

"Thank you Lo." Beyoncé pouted

"Ummm when did y'all become friends?!" I had a stank face.

"Been friends." Beyoncé replied.

"Period." Lo backed her up.

"Okay bye y'all both ugly." I dismissed them both.

"Okay my next appointment is here so let me go do some tending Nika if you leave this shop without saying bye I'm kicking yo ass." Lo just walked off.

"I'm finna go sit down." Bey said.

I just nodded.

I was done with my toes about 5 minutes later. I stayed in the seat for an extra 15 minutes scrolling on my phone waiting for them to dry.

Once they were dry I got up to hug and kiss Lauren before I left. I gave her two fresh hundreds out of my bag and she folded them to put them in her bra. Beyoncé gave her a hung and a kiss on the cheek too as if they was friends for real before following behind me.

"So where we bout to go?" Beyoncé questioned while getting in the front seat.

"I don't know but somebody bout to see these nails." I started the car up.

"I wanna see them nails –"

I turned the radio up to max to drown her out. I knew she was gone say something out of pocket. Beyoncé turned the radio back down so she could be heard.

"Nika let's go to the movies or we can go to yo house to Netflix and chill." She smirked.

"You need to chill." I said pulling off.

Truth be told I didn't mind Beyoncé's antics that much because she was never really harassing me. She more of a playful tease. It was never a dull moment part of the reason why I liked hanging out with her.

I decided on going to the movies so Beyoncé could be quiet. Before got out of the car Beyoncé leaned over the arm rest.

"Can I get a birthday kiss." She puckered her lips at me.

"Okay close yo eyes."

She closed her eyes lips still puckered up.

I was tempted to kiss those soft ass lips again and her eyebrows didn't help the temptation.

Instead I lightly muffed her head and got out the car running to the doors of the theater. When Beyoncé finally caught up she gave me a stank look.

"Aww da baby mad you want a kiss?" I playfully puckered my lips at her.

"Nope!" She walked past me and muffed my head in the process.

I stood there for a second. Wow she really muffed me I'm hurt.

"Come on midget!" She yelled holding the door open.

I stuck my tongue out at her and walked past her. Just as I walked past I felt a light smack on my ass. Already knowing who it was I turned around to give Beyoncé a death glare.

"Let's watch a scary movie." She said not acknowledging me.

The death glare quickly turned into a confused look.

"Scary for why?" I asked.

"Aww da baby scared." Beyoncé mocked me from earlier.

"Ha scared? Please." Yes I am a grown woman who don't like scary movies. Like I know the shit not real but the pop up scenes really be fucking getting me.

Beyoncé walked up to the ticket booth and I followed behind her. I couldn't hear what she was saying to the lady but she turned around with 2 tickets in her hand.

"Come on." She gestured me toward the theatre rooms.

"Damn can we get some fucking snacks shit." I ignored her waking over to the concession stand.

"These snacks be high as shit." She mumbled behind me.

I spent about 10 minutes at the stand mainly dragging my nails across the glass pointing out snacks. Beyoncé and the man behind the counter were just about fed up.

"Okay can we get some twizzlers, a small popcorn xtra butter, and 2 lemonades." Beyoncé spoke up moving me aside.

"I want a sprite." I scrunched my face up.

"Clearly you don't know what you want." Beyoncé handed me a lemonade.

When it was time to pay Beyoncé took her wallet out and shuffled through 3 or 4 cards before giving the man one. He handed her the card back and she nearly dragged me from my spot.

"The movie done started messing round wit yo indecisive ass." She huffed

"Damn daddy long leg slow the fuck down." I said trying to keep up.

"Yea daddy got a long leg for you." She said keeping her same pace turning back to smirk at me.

I just sucked my teeth and pulled arm away from hers. I really did set myself up for that one.

We ended up up sitting in the back of the theater. Beyoncé was trying to move the arm rest that was between us up.

"Nah playa this finna stay right where it's at." I smacked her hand away.

She just shrugged and leaned back paying attention to the movie.

Not even 15 minutes later I had that damn armrest up clinging on to Bey for dear life. She was just laughing. I ended drifting off during the movie only to be nudged by Beyoncé.

"Bruh are you fucking sleep?" She whispered.

"No I'm not shh watch the movie." I closed my eyes to drift back off.

I woke up to the credits playing on the screen and the dim lights filling the theater. I got up and stretched. Damn that was a good ass nap. I leaned over to take a sip of my lemonade but ended up only sipping air.

"Beyoncé did you drink my fucking lemonade."

"Sure did." She got up and stretched.

"You not shit." I walked off leaving her in the theatre.

I made my way to my car leaving Beyoncé in the dust. She made it to the car a few minutes after me.

"So what you credit looking like?" I asked her while pulling out the lot.

I think I scared Beyoncé more than the movie did with my question.

"Uhh Nicki that ain't no shit you ask somebody that's personal. Shit what yo credit lookin like?" She replied in defense.

"Perfect sweetie." I replied

"Well shit you tryna get married?" She joked.

I nearly choked on air thinking about How I was already legally married.

"Damn it was just a joke sheesh."

If she only knew.

"Haha Beyoncé but seriously what is it looking like." I continue my question.

She took a deep breath.

"Let's just say my credit score need a fucking hospital." She ran her fingers through her hair like she was stressing.

"Calm down Bey we just talking about it." I tried to ease her.

"Real shit Kehlani really did a number on me. Mentally, physically, and financially." She gave me a quick look before glancing out the window.

"Okay I wanna help you fix it." I truthfully said

"How Nicki?"

"Well first you gotta pay off your debt."

"With what money?"

"Well you can get a loan from a ba-"

"If the bank see me coming they lock the doors on my ass." She cut me off

I laughed a little even in a serious conversation she found a way to be goofy.

"Okay well I can have my assistant write a contract for—"

"Uh uh nope! You already told me how you get down in business. Hidden fees up the ass I'll pass."

"I'll write up the contract myself Beyoncé no hidden fees and you can take as long as you'll need to pay it off." I assured her.

It was like she wasn't buying anything I was saying. She just eyed me in disbelief.

"I just drunk yo lemonade and now you wanna help me fix my credit?"

I only nodded.

"Why Nicki?" She questioned.

I decided to be honest with her.

"Beyoncé in all honesty you deserve it. You've been through a lot and I can see that. Also I want to help you."

"Alright Nicki. Let's do it I guess." Bey finally agreed.

"One thing tho Bey." I looked over at her.

"See I fucking knew it."

"Shut up and listen... I want to help you Bey, but I can't help you if you don't help yourself."

"Alright Nika i'm hearing you." She nodded.

"While we working on your credit you need to work on your money management."

"Shidd I need some money to manage first." She mumbled.

"Don't worry Bey we finna get this life of yours together... Especially if you tryna kick it with me."

She turned her head quick to look at me.

"I think yo midget ass just lowkey called me a bum." She said assuming some shit.

"'Spare change?' head ass. Nah I'm fuckin wit you." I laughed.

"Wowwww I know yo step stool needin ass is not tryna go on me like this." She said dragging my height.

"Okay boo ima need you to bring it down a few notches with the height jokes."

"Cause you can't reach me? Okay I'm done." She was in the passenger seat cracking up.

I only sucked my teeth in response.

After she was done laughing she started looking around.

"Ayo Nicki.. Where the fuck are we going?" She questioned

Her question was a good one cause I was so into the conversation that I was really just driving for a good 15 minutes.

"I just been driving if we being honest." I answered

"Oh well Kelly should be done with what ever she was doing now if you want to take me to her." Bey announced.

I nodded making a U-turn. Beyoncé and I had a casual conversation the entire way to Kelly's house. When we pulled up to Kelly's house she took her seatbelt off and leaned my way.

"Can I get a kiss now?" She puckered her lips out.




"Pretty pretty please Nika?"

I leaned over and quickly pecked her lips.

"Now get out Beyoncé!" I rolled my eyes.

"WOOO!" She exclaimed.

"Them kisses like crack." She opened her door to get out.

"Bye Nicki!" She smiled

"Goodbye Beyoncé." I wanted for her to shut the door and walk off before leaving to go home.

When I got home instantly put my phone on silent so I could get into work mode and write up a contract for Beyoncé. It took a few hours to get done but once I finished writing it up I emailed it to my number one before calling her.

She didn't pick up the phone so I knew she was at the office. So I dialed her office number.

The phone rang a few times before before someone picked up.

"Fenty Agency how may I direct your call?"

"Hey Sandra it's Nicki can you push me through to Rih?" I said

"Oh my godddd Nicki!! We miss you down here. When are you coming back?" Sandra asked me in excitement.

"A few more months I'm taking personal time off."

"You and Rihanna both. She's only been coming into the office 2 or 3 times a week." Sandra told me.

"Really?!" I was shocked because I was a workaholic but Rihanna worked more than me and that's saying something.

"Yeah really I'm gonna try to push you through I'm not even sure if she's in today."

"Alright thanks!" I said

The line went silent for a split second before playing some calming music.

After about a minute someone picked up.

"Fenty speaking how may I help you?" Rihanna spoke in a professional voice.

"Hey Rih it's Nicki." I replied.

"NEEKA! Oh my god gurl das you for real?!" Rihanna's professional voice went out the window and her accent came crashing in.

"Yeah it's me." I smiled at her energy

"To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?" Rih asked.

"I just emailed you a contract that I need put through as soon as possible."

"Alright give me a sec to pull it up." She started clacking on keys.

I assumed she found it because it went silent for a minute.

"...Nic I know you been on vacation but I know damn well you didn't forget how to do your job..."

"Rih the amount isn't even that big of a deal." I let out while rubbing my template.

"Neeka the amount isn't even the problem. The problem is you didn't attach a credit check nor a background check. How am I suppose to get this done immediately. Do you know how many red flags this is gonna raise? What am I asking of course you know. Have you lost your damn mind?!" She was going on a rant.

"I haven't even mentioned the fact that you don't have a date on this!" Rih was starting to lose it.

"Rih I need this done. If you don't want to push it through I'll fly back and do it myself." I was starting to get irritated myself simply because I felt like she was challenging my authority.

"...Nic I'll push it through..but if this shit blows up it's all on you." She finally came to an agreement.

"Thank you love. And it won't blow up I promise. It's for a family friend."
I said thanking her.

"Yea yea, I'm emailing you da pdf right now ta confirm it, cuz dis shit here is tew sketchy for me I'm not gon be da one tew sign it." Her accent was back.

"Alright I'm already at my computer." I refreshed my email a few times before seeing the pdf file.

I e-signed it then sent it back.

"Okay Neeka I just put it through. I'll have the contract to you in about 2-3 days."

"Thank you. You know I love you right?"

"Gurl what ever you was ready to square up with me a few minutes ago over dis damn contract. Don't act like I ain't hear it in ya voice." Rihanna laughed.

"I would never! Not with my mini me." I blew a kiss through the phone.

"Okay boo I love you but I got to go I'm leaving the office." She said trying to rush me off the phone.

"Nope! Wait. A little birdie told me you ain't been in the office. What's up with that?" I was really curious to know what this bitch been doing.

"Remind me to fire Sandra. But to be honest I met this guy and we really been hitting it off." She confessed.

"Girl do not fire Sandra!" I laughed
"And who is this guy? I know him?"

"Girl you don't. I didn't even know him I almost ran him over getting coffee like a month ago. He let me take him out and we've kind of been seeing each other since." Rihanna told me.

"Aww that sounds like a cute romantic movie." I said back

"I know right. Neeka he is so perfect! I did a back ground check on him and his record is squeaky clean not even a parking ticket." She said

"Squeaky? Hold on now even I got a few Parking tickets on my name. How you know this man not a serial killer?!" I questioned.

"The only thing he be killing is dis pussy." She laughed.

"Okay bye I'm hanging up now." I said.

"Alright boo love you again!" She laughed and kissed me through the phone before hanging up.

I got up from the desk and turned off my computer. All I felt like doing now was taking a shower and going straight to sleep.

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