Black Tech Internet Cafe Syst...

By robelyn_214

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For Offline Reading Purpose We've had systems that help the MCs make pills, steal skills from legendary maste... More

Chapter 941: The Incarnation of the Great Dao!
Chapter 942: The War Ends; Gods and Demons' Fall!
Chapter 943: Huh?! Where Are My Potato Chips!? (The End - 1/2)
Chapter 944: The Ten-Year-Long Internet Story in This World (The End - 2/2)


314 23 3
By robelyn_214

Chapter 651: Rise! Assassins!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

"Maybe everyone in the world thinks that the Underground Council is the most elite assassin group in the whole world," Luther sneered while lounging on a wide luxurious chair. It was a piece of cake for them to deal with a group of assassins whom were even looked down upon by ordinary people. "They will never know why their assassination attempts are just jokes to us."

Luther glanced at the knight captain beside him and asked, "Do you want to know why?"

The knight captain said with a bow, "I don't think I deserve to know..."

"It doesn't matter if you know. In fact, the most ancient assassin group belongs to our godly palace," Luther said proudly, "This is the most secretive team in our godly palace. Now that these assassins angered St. Dulan and St. Heinz, the lowly ants of the Underground Council will see what true assassins look like!"

"What Assassin Pioneer – Altair? What Eagle of Florence – Ezio?" Luther said, "They are all fledgling juniors before our assassins!"

"I think we'll have a good show to watch!" The knight captain said with a laughter.


In a small, insignificant inn in Canglan City, some figures whispered about something as if they were hiding in the shadows.

"Oh! It's truly a great story! I can feel it even though I only watched a part of it."

"Watch it while you can. After all, people like us never know which comes first, tomorrow's sun or our deaths. Don't think too much of it."

"If I can come back alive, I must try that sword control technique."

"Haha! Maybe." Harrison carefully packed his stuff, including the newly-made throwing knife and hidden blade. With a turn of his wrist, he shot out a chilly light into the dark night. "If I die in that damn place, remember to tell me the ending of the story by burning a paper copy of it at my tomb, Buddy."

"I'd like that too!" another assassin said with a chuckle.

In her room, Elina swiftly changed into black assassin's clothes which were made after the style of the Brotherhood uniform. After putting on the black robe, body-fitting pants, and leggings, she lightly pulled up her hood, revealing only the lower half of her exquisite face.

This was a battle that only belonged to assassins. It was hidden in the darkest shadows of the world, with few people knowing its existence.

It was a shadow under the sunshine.

The night in Canglan City was always quiet. Elegant aristocrats didn't have the habit of going out during the night. As for the civilians, they thought that the quiet night was the best time for cultivation, and they didn't want to waste it.

On White Pigeon Square, even the pigeons had left and gone home. The quiet square seemed to be telling a story of its prosperity, and it reminded the assassins of the cheers and exclamations that they had heard during the busy hours.

Harrison entered the pitch-black back alley again. It seemed like the shadows of two assassins remained here, and they were hopeful toward the future.

Standing in the back alley all by himself, Harrison brought his hands together before his chest and prayed silently, "Oh! Brother! I know this is a trap set up by those people, but I just can't stop myself from going into it."

"Do you know that I've finally understood the true meaning of being an assassin. If you want, I'll tell you all about it..." He murmured, "I don't know if you're still alive. If you are, please hold on and wait for me..."

At this moment, the square became the assassins' world.

One after another, assassins wearing white or black robes with pointy hoods came and gathered here.

Harrison also walked out of the alley and came to the square.



Elina glanced around the crowd, knowing that she must unite these assassins together for the upcoming battle.

"Fight together with me! Let them see what they get for messing with assassins!"

"Nothing is true; everything is permitted." Harrison walked toward the crowd. In many people's eyes, he was an elite assassin, but he was not confident due to his lowly background and poor talent. However, when he walked among his peers, he felt different. "Everyone is equal before the hidden blades!"

"It's time! If we work together, we're the Brotherhood!"

"Maybe we will create a miracle, something impossible that will go down in history!"

"Victory belongs to the Brotherhood!"

"Victory belongs to the Brotherhood!"

Vows echoed on the quiet White Pigeon Square.

"All members of the Brotherhood, get ready and attack!"

A clear eagle shriek resonated in the sky in the dawn, declaring the beginning of the battle.

"Mom, what's that?" Woken up by something, Joseph rubbed his eyes and opened the window. Then he shouted in astonishment, "Eagles! So many eagles! They are flying to Grey Eagle City!"


"You know what to do, right?" A beam of sunlight appeared in the eastern sky.

At this moment, Luther was having morning tea in his courtyard.

"Mr. Luther." An old man wearing a priest's robe said respectfully, "We've bribed the Castellan of Grey Eagle. That man is only a despicable person who craves for riches. Today, this city will activate the highest-level anti-air magic array, under which even mages' spell for increasing their leaping abilities, Nimble Spirit of Cat, will be turned ineffective. They can only enter through the main gate which is heavily guarded."

Dressed in a luxurious robe, Luther looked as if he was going to host a great ceremony at this moment. "The magic traps are set up?"

"Yes sir. We set up the highest-level magic traps that even the mages' spell, Spiritual Detection, can't discover."

"We even set up the anti-mage array," the red-robed senior priest said, "After its activation, the assassins can't use stealth spells anymore!"

"The most important thing is that all the warriors and mages will find their strength suppressed to the lowest point. Only godly spells can be perfectly used in this place."

"The moment they show their faces, they will die!"


Meanwhile, several assassins in white cloaks were standing on the high walls to the east of Grey Eagle City with the golden morning sunlight shining on their backs.

They looked down on the many houses that had white walls and red tiles and the bustling crowds.

Many soldiers and godly palace knights were patrolling the streets.

The whole city was engulfed in a mysterious great magic power.

Harrison felt that he couldn't activate any qi or essence, which was the same as he had felt in the last assassination attempt.

However, he didn't panic this time at all.

Nothing is true; everything is permitted.

These words resonated in his mind.

"We must understand that we're executioners of our behaviors, and we must bear the consequences regardless if they are glorious or tragedies."

The words that he had once heard came back to him with clarity.

"These are the tenets left by our ancestors, and they are still valid."

"First, stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.

"Second, hide in plain sight."

"Third, never compromise the Brotherhood."

"Take these as your creed. Follow them and surpass them. If you break them, you must bear the consequences."

"Rise! Assassins!"

At this moment, no fear, hesitation, or confusion could be seen in these assassins' eyes.

They looked firm and determined. They were assassins and proud of that!

Chapter 652: Everything Is Ready

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

In the language spoken on the Nora Continent, 'Stan' had the meaning of flying knights, and the Stan Kingdom could also be called the Nation of Knights.

On this continent, only the truly honorable warriors could have their own mounts.

Powerful mounts would increase the warrior's combat strength by many folds. Also, the mounts that could fly would give a great boost to the warriors who were lower than level 7 and hadn't mastered the ability to fly. It meant that these warriors could battle in the sky, which was a critical ability.

Therefore, flying knights, also known as Sky Knights, became another word for nobleness and prestige.

It was why this Nation of Knights was the dream place for warriors.

However, in the luxurious royal palace, the king of the nation who should be enjoying the highest position and the greatest luxuries was now anxiously waiting for something.

He seemed to be waiting for some news which had not arrived yet.

Suddenly, rapid footsteps came from outside the palace.

The old king looked up with panic and fear on his face.

Two rows of people walked in. The people on the left row all wore red robes while those on the right were dressed in radiant light armor. They followed a silver-haired young man dressed in a beautiful white robe that was embroidered with gold threads.

"I think you don't have to wait anymore, Your Majesty." The young man flicked imaginary dust from his snow-white robe and remained silent, but the priest beside him spoke and seemed to be passing the message for him.

"Why?" The red-robed priest looked regretful and said, "Why would someone as lofty as Your Majesty betray the glory of God?"

"Why are you here...?" The old king looked horrified.

"In the whole nation, Your Majesty probably is the only person who doesn't know that the assassins who dared to assassinate Mr. Luther have been captured. They exposed everything under torture. Great Mage Merlin received heavy blows from Mr. Luther for working with assassins and committing treason, and it's only a matter of time before we capture him," one knight said with a sneer.

"The mortals should never try to test God's power; it will only lead to your destruction." The silver-haired man finally opened his mouth; he sounded as aloof as a lofty god.


At this moment, Mr. Fang was sitting before his computer and writing explanations for different terminologies.

[Cultivator: ...] Mr. Fang typed the definitions word by word, trying to include all the detailed information that he knew.

[The difference between artifact-making and alchemy: ...]

[Flying on swords: ...]

[The dragons in the world of the Legend of the Sword and Fairy: ...]

"Sir!" Someone called Mr. Fang, but the latter was so engrossed in his work that he didn't notice it.

"What else..." Mr. Fang scratched his head, finding that his job as the shop owner was even more demanding than before. After all, his work should only be keeping an eye on the shop, right?

"Alas..." He regretted his offer of writing the knowledge post.

Of course, he knew that this work was necessary to promote communication between the new shop and the old shops.


Clearly, Mr. Fang didn't notice the hustle and bustle outside the shop.

The public execution of the assassins in Grey Eagle City drew many people's attention. Therefore, people gathered to watch around the execution ground.

Of course, the public execution wasn't an order from the higher-ups. However, Luther thought the godly palace needed to repair its image and reputation among the nations.

He found it necessary. After all, the scandal caused by the war had almost passed, and no one dared to mention it anymore. Therefore, it seemed like the right time was now.

By executing some notorious people, they would strike fear and respect into people from all nations. The best candidates for the execution were naturally the assassins who had been audacious enough to enter the godly palaces and try to assassinate the priests.

Also, the execution would shock the assassins who disturbed his big plans.

They were only weak and lowly assassins. Luther had dealt with these stinky and detestable rats for many years and didn't think that it was a daunting job.

He would make these assassins regret what they had done!

He was well-prepared for this public execution.

Other than the anti-air magic array, anti-mage array, and magic traps, they had another trump card.

The most secretive knight legion in the Judgment Godly Palace was classified as a 'knight order' but was actually the most ancient assassin group in this world!

Luther believed that if these damn lowly bugs saw these ancient assassins, their expressions would be fantastic to see.

By now, all the captured assassins had been brought to the execution platform.

"It's you...! Mr. Luther." Among the assassins, a middle-aged man covered in wounds looked up and smiled.

"You know me?" Luther said arrogantly.

"Of course. I remember how you yelled like a moron about those so-called barbaric natives before turning off the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection."

Luther's face froze.

"Hahahaha!" The assassin laughed wildly. "You guys called them 'barbaric natives' and invaded them with lofty excuses, but you were beaten senseless by these 'barbaric natives'. What are you? I watched you at White Pigeon Square. You are shameless invaders! You're dog sh*t!"

"Shut him up!" A staff hit this assassin's face viciously, silencing him instantly. After a long while, he spat out a few bloody teeth.

With half of his face numb, this assassin still laughed and yelled, "Long live the Sunrise Empire! One day, all your despicable schemes will be exposed to everyone in the world!"

"Plug his mouth!" Luther yelled furiously.

Soon, a filthy rag was stuffed into his mouth with vicious force.

"Good!" Above the execution platform were the seats for the aristocrats of Grey Eagle City.

Luther sat in the most prominent seat in the center.

– Meanwhile, in the distant Stan Kingdom, the Nation of Knights –

Wearing prisoner uniforms and covered in wounds, many assassins were brought out onto the meadow inside the prison. Before them, a Spiritual Spell Visual Projection was taking shape.

Among them were two white-haired old men who were locked by strange black chains. They were core figures in the Elder Group of the Underground Council.

They were the assassins who had broken the godly spells and almost killed those lofty priests.

"Watch how your stupid peers die! Damn bugs!" a guard cussed viciously.

Chapter 653: Assassination

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

"I think they can't make it here to reach us." Beside Luther, the red-robed senior priest chuckled and said, "If they dare to come here, they will end up in defeat just like before."

"Yes. With the anti-air magic array here, they probably can't even enter the city!" The red-robed senior priest said while laughing, "Even if they can enter by climbing the walls, which is the stupidest way they can use, they can't get down. Otherwise, those morons will break their legs if they jumped down and can only wait to be captured!"

On the city walls in the northwest of the city, many cold corpses of patrol guards were laying on the ground. Then, several white-robed figures spread their arms and leaped down from the wall!


"Right. The magic arrays will allow even the ordinary soldiers to kill them with ease!" The red-robed senior priest said with confidence, "The moment they enter the city, they will die!"

At this moment, several people wearing white robes with pointy hoods walked among the bustling crowd.

They strolled forward with the crowd calmly.

Two godly palace knights who were wearing silver armor walked in from the opposite direction.

They were chatting leisurely, not taking this mission seriously. "I think they just don't dare to show their faces after all!"

"Hahaha! Right! Those lowly rats probably can't enter the city!"

"Mr. Luther is waiting for the morons to come into the trap! After all, we'll soon execute their peers!"

"Hahahaha... ugh...?" Their laughter suddenly stopped. At this moment, they looked up and saw a figure in white robes standing before them, slamming his palms onto their necks.

The people in the area suddenly ran away screaming. The two godly palace knights each had a bloody hole in their necks!

"What happened?!" People looked around in alarm. Other than the fleeing crowds, they saw nothing. Meanwhile, a white-robed figure vanished in the bustling crowd.


Meanwhile, on the execution platform, a large fat man wearing thick armor was talking smugly, "To avoid accidents, my Grey Eagle City is even more heavily guarded compared to the last time. Don't worry about it, Mr. Luther."

This man was Count Savon, the castellan of this city. "There's a guard every three meters and a post every five meters. Even the roofs are guarded by soldiers with magic firearms. They can't escape from our notice regardless of which direction they take."

After the restriction arrays were activated, only a few magic items could be used in the city. Magic firearms were one of them.

At this moment, on the roof of a house with white walls and red tiles, a soldier with a magic firearm spotted the white-hooded assassin walking among the crowd.

While he was aiming and about to fire, he felt a chilling sensation in his chest.

He wasn't sure when, but a silver throwing knife was now protruding from his chest.

This soldier with the magic firearm dropped to the ground in silence.


"If they are discovered, they won't be able to find any place to hide," the red-robed senior priest continued, "Because we set up magic traps in all the possible hiding places in the city."

Meanwhile, Elina in a set of black assassin's clothes moved swiftly on the roofs like a black eagle.

She paused occasionally to observe her surroundings. Observing from her perspective, one would see that everything had turned blurry when she paused while the magic traps were as clear as bright lightbulbs.


Count Savon seemed to be showing off the military power of the city. "Even if a few of them are lucky enough to come close to the execution platform..."

He glanced around the edge of the platform and said, "Everywhere is heavily guarded by my own guard teams."

This was an open, round square surrounded by all kinds of residential houses. There were four entrances, and each one of them was guarded by many soldiers wearing heavy armor.

At this moment, a white-robed assassin slowly walked toward one entrance with the crowds.

Since such scholarly robes didn't exist in this world, the dozens of soldiers guarding the entrance became suspicious.

The heavily-armored soldiers tightened their grip on the halberds in their hands, and their eyes emitted chilly glints as they looked through the eyeholes of their heavy helmets.

When the white-robed assassin entered the execution platform, he was surrounded by heavily armored soldiers.

Meanwhile, the assassin who were captured in the distant Stan Kingdom and other nations were watching this scene as well.

The two grey-haired elders of the Underground Council were watching the scene intently.

Then, they looked away as if they were afraid to watch it. They seemed to foresee that the assassin would end up dying in a blood puddle.

"Damn it! You will all die pathetically!" an elder of the Underground Council cussed loudly and struggled to get up, but he was knocked down by a stick.

"Be quiet! Old Man!"

"I don't know what good luck brought you here." From the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection, Count Savon saw the assassin and yelled, "But your good luck will end here."

He gestured with vicious force. "Get him!"

An eagle feather seemed to float down from the sky, and it landed on the palm of the white-robed assassin.

Before the heavy-armored soldiers could react, they stumbled back frantically. Each of them had a bloody hole in their chests!

The heavily-armored soldiers who had surrounded this assassin dropped to the ground one after another. One of them struggled forward but was pushed onto the ground by the assassin with a slight nudge, losing all senses of life.

"What's happening?!" Count Savon stood up from his seat in horror.

He looked up and saw Elina revealing herself on the roof. As the smoke of the magic firearm rose, her fiery-red hair fluttered in the wind beneath the black hood of her black assassin's robe. "Thank you for your firearms."

Meanwhile, several assassins appeared from the gun-smoke like ghosts.

They wore elegant robes that looked those of scholars, and the pointy hoods looked like eagle beaks.

With the hems of the robes fluttering in the wind, the proud figures looked down at the crowds with a unique lofty presence.

"Are they... assassins?!" The aristocrats sitting above the scaffold platform and the captured assassins who were watching the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection all looked at the scene in a daze.

Chapter 654: You Might Be the Worst Group of Gamers That I Tutored!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

"Don't come near! Or these assassins are dead!" Count Savon roared in fury and horror while directing the executioners, "Kill them!"

Soon, the executioners put ropes around the assassins' necks. The moment the floor was lowered, the assassins would be hung to death!

Suddenly, many assassins leaped down from the roofs of the surrounding houses like water drops in a waterfall. While landing with neat and clean movements, they released their hidden blades, instantly killing one executioner each.

"Godly palace knights! Kill them!" Beside Luther, the red-robed senior priest roared in shock and anger. Instantly, large groups of soldiers and heavily armed godly palace knights swarmed up.

Meanwhile, the red-robed senior priest lifted his magic staff and began to chant. Soon, his magic staff released a golden light beam which landed on the armor of these godly palace knights.

Instantly, the armor of these godly palace knights emitted faint golden lights.

It was the Holy Light Armor Spell which could harden and strengthen the knights' armor so much that even magic firearms couldn't pierce them, let alone the assassins who were deprived of strength.

Then, another golden light beam fell.

Instantly, the knights found that their strengths grew greatly. They slashed out their huge swords and created a series of air-piercing noises!

The red-robed senior priest looked vicious. "Despite your great combat experience, you can't kill more than seven fully-armed knights without qi or magic energy in your body. Now that I've empowered the knights with godly spells, I'll see how many you can kill!"

Sure enough, an assassin unsheathed his hidden blade, and it made a crisp noise when it collided with a knight's armor; it couldn't even leave a scratch on the knight.

"Hahahaha!" Count Savon laughed, "They are dead!"

However, in the next instant, the assassin stabbed his hidden blade into the knight's body through a crevice in the armor. Then, blood immediately gushed out!

The godly spells had toughened the armor and increased the knights' physical strength but hadn't toughened their bodies.

With the blades stabbing through the crevices every time, the armor looked as fragile as paper before them. It didn't take the assassins more effort.

Slaughter! It was a one-sided slaughter! With their current combat techniques, the assassins could easily defeat enemies who were more powerful than them!


Everyone instantly stood up from their seats.

Luther's face became livid. "Escort me back to the godly palace. Quickly!"

On the square in the prison of Stan Nation, the captured assassins who were watching the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection while sitting on the meadow were stupefied by the scene, wondering if the people they were seeing were really assassins!

"Immediately escort Mr. Luther out of here!" Count Savon roared, and his face became wicked as the fat on his face distorted. "Elites of Grey Eagle City! Kill them all!"

"For the Brotherhood!" Harrison roared and charged into the enemies with red eyes.

"For our glory!"

"Battle until death! Kill them all!"

In each second, there were soldiers of Grey Eagle City and godly palace knights dropping to the ground. Harrison had dashed to the forefront of his group, and he used counterattacks and strung together combo kills, taking out his enemies with one strike each. The skills that he had practiced endlessly in the virtual reality training sessions replayed in his mind like flashbacks.

This combat style seemed to have merged into his blood and bones.

His hands, feet, knees, and everything he got his hands on could be turned into deadly weapons; he even felt like he could find his enemies' weakest points with his eyes closed.

Harrison picked up the middle-aged assassin who had passed out and said, "Oh! Brother! I got you!"

"We're late; but we'll triumph over them! Believe us!"

"Charge!!!" His hoarse roar signaled the full-force attack.


At this moment, Luther was hurrying toward the direction of the godly palace.

"Mr. Luther, do you have a plan?" Count Savon said in horror, "They... are these assassins devils? How can they kill so many people?!"

Luther's face was livid. Although he hadn't anticipated this situation, he obviously was prepared and wasn't panicking. "Don't worry. The battle has just begun."

Under the protection of godly palace knights, he walked into the godly palace.

Suddenly, the glass windows of the building shattered as dozens of assassins swarmed into the godly palace like a giant flood.

Luther, Count Savon, the red-robed senior priest, and about 20 godly palace knights were surrounded in the center.

"You can't escape, Mr. Luther." Elina released her hidden blade. After a long while, she finally returned to this place.

But this time, she wouldn't flee in despair. Instead, victory belonged to them!

"Don't be happy so soon. Damn it!" Luther said in a cold voice, "If that's all you can do, you'll die soon!"

The moment he said it, Elina felt a chilly sensation shooting up into her head from her heart. Used to the dangers that were hiding everywhere in Assassin's Creed, she had obtained a faint intuitive sense of danger without using qi or spiritual spells. It was this intuitive reflex that made her lower her head without thinking.

A silent black light shot past her scalp. If she was one second late, her head would have been chopped off!

"Be careful!" Elina exclaimed in alarm.

The others were alarmed but couldn't move fast enough. Instantly, several assassins were severely wounded!

Elina didn't even have the slightest idea where the sneak-attackers were hiding.

These new assassins wore simple black cotton robes, looking like a group of ascetics.

No one could sense any aura coming off of them, as if they were one with the void.

Instead of the huge swords that knights liked to use, they used pure-black short swords which were designed for the killing technique that they just performed. These techniques were more advanced and ancient than those used by the assassins of the Underground Council.

"Are... they assassins too?!" On the square in the prison, the two elders of the Underground Council couldn't believe their eyes.

They had never thought that the Judgement Godly Palace was the most powerful assassin organization in the world!

In the blink of an eye, more than 20 assassins dropped to the ground, losing all combat abilities!

Only Elina remained standing in the building, and Harrison was outside helping the captured assassins escape.

Elina looked grim. Despite the anti-mage array in the city, these assassins had sneaked up to her without her noticing.

Even Luther looked respectful. He bowed and said, "Welcome, Mr. Moody."

"You asked me to come here to deal with these wastrels? They are so weak." With his hands clasped behind his back, the man in the black robe looked to be the leader of these new assassins, and he glanced at the other assassins with a cold expression.

In fact, Luther's targets weren't only the assassins who had escaped in the last failed assassination.

His targets included Altair, who was called the Assassin Pioneer, and Ezio, who was called the Eagle of Florence.

In other words, his goal was to draw out the person who created the assassin mystical realm and taught the elves assassination skills.

Of course, he wouldn't go to that shop himself.

Drawing out his targets was the best strategy.

The red-robed senior priest said with sudden understanding, "So, Mr. Moody is our real hidden card!"

Luther said with a laugh, "You guys can't imagine how powerful he is!"

"In my opinion, even the so-called great Pioneer Altair or Eagle of Florence Ezio can't block one attack from Mr. Moody."

Hearing Luther's introduction, everyone was astonished to learn that the godly palace had such well-hidden people.

"Do you think you need to state the fact..." Moody said mildly. But before he could finish, he suddenly stopped, turning around and revealing a throwing knife had pierced into his back and through his heart.

He collapsed to the ground instantly.

Luther instantly froze.

The red-robed senior priest and Count Savon froze too.

Looking at the black-robed man lying on the ground lifelessly, everyone's brain turned blank.

The assassins in the Stan Kingdom stopped thinking while they watched this scene.

What happened?!

The audience members looked forward and saw a white-robed assassin directly walking through the gate.

The large group of guards standing at the gate didn't see this assassin due to their strong desire to live.

"Hurry! Turn it off!" In the prison of the Stan Kingdom, the soldiers who were guarding the assassins and watching the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection yelled wildly, "Turn the damn visual projection off!"



While Mr. Fang was compiling the knowledge post, he suddenly received a task.

[New Task: The Battle of Assassins

Task Content: Complete Synchronization with Altair or Ezio

Task Target: Destroy all the assassins in Grey Eagle City who are not a part of the Brotherhood

Task Reward: Activation of the third large-scale online game, connection between all private teleportation array between all shops; Host can take one person along while using the array

Note: Using Complete Synchronization with other characters will be regarded as failing this task.]

Therefore, Mr. Fang took the chance to check up on the assassins by having a look.

Seeing the scene, Mr. Fang was at a loss for words. "You might be the worst group of gamers that I've ever tutored."

"Ahhyaaa...!" Elina felt like she was going crazy as she thought, Can you show some mercy in front of so many people?!

"Luther is trying to run!"

"Hurry! Deactivate all the magic arrays!" Desperate howls came from the palace. "Deactivate the magic arrays, and we might have a chance! Turn off the anti-air magic array so that we can escape! Demons! They are demons!"

"Ahhhh!" Their defense methods now became their death curse.

Meanwhile, in a dark corner under the real grand hall which worshipped the gods inside the Judgement Godly Palace, a pair of eyes suddenly opened. "I can't believe that I lost a figure projection this way... Who was that?!"

Chapter 655: Only Used Two Strikes?!

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

"Who... who are you?!" The other black-robed ascetics looked grim, astonished that Mr. Moody's figure projection doppelganger had been instantly killed!

"Who... the heck is you?!" Different from Luther and others, these black-robed ascetics were astonished but didn't panic like Luther and the others.

After all, different from ordinary people, their training and experience had taught them to forget life and death. These assassins knew that there were many things in the world that went beyond their understanding, which was why they regarded this unexpected accident as something not surprising. With this mindset, nothing could be a surprise.

The purpose of their existence was partly to solve these unexpected problems.

Each of them could execute missions alone. In their limited lives, they had killed horrifying monsters and lofty lords with prestigious statuses. It wasn't beyond the ability of this group to kill a saint-level master.

Different from those soldiers, their abilities went beyond the skills that they showed.

Compared to others, they had far more advanced physical conditions.

A level 9 anti-mage scroll could turn a level 9 mage into an ordinary person and could turn a level 9 Sky Knight into a mortal with some moderate combat techniques.

Reduced to this state, supreme masters would be as fragile as mortals and would die with one stab of a sword into their vital parts.

Could one use such things to assassinate people? Of course. It was why these ascetics were absolute masters in this anti-mage realm even though their cultivation strengths were not extremely high.

Casting spells on physical bodies would change people's physical conditions and cause great danger to these people, which was why the godly spells were usually cast on armors and weapons. That was the function for the most ordinary godly spells.

Only senior priests had the right to learn these godly spells which were extremely difficult to master.

For the fully-armed soldiers, full suit of armor strengthened by godly spells were enough for them to block any attacks.

However, these ascetics couldn't move agilely if they wore heavy armor. With the permanent magic spells or even godly spells in their bodies, they could kill level 3 and level 4 magic beasts with bare hands.

These people's strength, speed, and reflexes far surpassed those of ordinary people.

With curses and extreme poison on their weapons, they could kill any master whose strength was suppressed by the anti-mage array.

Their overall strength far surpassed Elina and the other assassins. With the element of surprise, they had easily wounded these assassins severely.

They didn't think that Fang Qi could deal with them all by himself.

If their blades put one scratch on Fang Qi, Fang Qi would instantly lose all of his combat abilities.

"Don't worry!" Since each of them had the ability to handle a situation alone, there wouldn't be the situation where they lacked central command. Soon, one of them took over the responsibility of the team leader and said, "He's alone."

Meanwhile, in the prison inside Stan Kingdom.

"Who? Who dared to turn off the visual projection?"

"Beat him!"

"I've had enough!" The assassins suddenly erupted into a rage.

With pathetic screams, the guards were instantly knocked down by the large group of assassins.

Satisfied, the assassins resumed their seats on the square and continued to watch the Spiritual Spell Visual Projection.

"Who do you think this guy is, Mr. Altair or Mr. Ezio?" an old man asked.

"I think... he should be Mr. Ezio; I heard that Assassin Ezio wears a little white cape on his shoulder," another old man whispered.

Meanwhile, before Fang Qi, the black-robed ascetics divided into two rows calmly as if they had done this in the past while facing enemies. They knew that the person before them was a powerful opponent, but many powerful opponents had fallen under their blades.

The whole palace was full of grim murderous spirit which almost suffocated the audience who were watching this battle.

With their strength frozen, this battle would be a fight of combat techniques, combat experience, and brute killing skills.

Fast! These black-robed ascetics moved much faster than ordinary people. The audience could only see blurry shadows sweeping toward Fang Qi.

Under Complete Synchronization with his gaming character, Fang Qi slightly shifted away. Before the audience could understand what was happening, Fang Qi grabbed the wrist of the first black-robed ascetic who was holding a sword while his short saber pierced a hole in the ascetic's back as if this person's body were only a piece of fragile paper.

Then, the second ascetic's short sword reached him. Fang Qi moved his body slightly and slashed open the ascetic's wrist with his short blade at the same time. Blood sprayed everywhere from the ascetic's severed artery.

More attacks came one after another. The black sword shadows merged and combined into a deadly net. As people who knew all about killing, their attacks were deadly and almost impossible to dodge.

However, Fang Qi seemed to know their attacks before they used them. As if he had eyes on the back of his head, Fang Qi squatted at lightning speed as a sword slashed over his back with a deadly arc.

At the same time, Fang Qi used the forward momentum and stabbed his short blade into the foot of the black-robed ascetic who charged toward him.

His attacks were graceful and smooth with a special rhythm, making it feel like no one could interrupt.

The attacks happened at lightning speed, too fast for the audience to clearly see.

The leader's face turned cold, knowing that it would be too late if he didn't move now!

However, at this moment, Fang Qi leaped up high like a snow-white eagle, hacking down his short blade with vicious force!


With crisp metal-colliding noises, the new leader blocked this heavy strike and punched his left fist toward Fang Qi with vicious force.

Fang Qi blocked the fist with his palm smoothly with momentum. Before his opponent could react, his hidden blade shot forward and pierced the ascetic's palm. Then, he pushed his hand forward, and the hidden blade went through his opponent's chest!

"How is this... possible!" The ascetic dropped to the ground with dazed eyes filled with disbelief.

The Judgment Godly Palace had spent an exorbitant amount of money on these assassins each year, making their physical strength, combat experience, and combat skills far surpassing those of ordinary people. However, they were just killed by this man with at most two attacks?!

The money that the Judgment Godly Palace spent on them all these years had been for nothing?!

Meanwhile, Mr. Fang also looked at this ascetic in shock. He thought to himself, With the perfect T-virus created by the system, I can kill one magic beast with one punch. I even synchronized with Ezio at the peak of his life and know all his skills, but I still can't kill this guy with one strike?! I had to use two attacks to kill him?!

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