7 Minutes in Heaven || The Bo...

By TaekookieandCam

77.4K 2.3K 1.8K

Jacob has a party and lots of people invite their friends, at first it was going smoothly until everyone star... More



889 36 9
By TaekookieandCam

Pov - Author's

The night was cold with a sliver of hope bending through the wind. Something was going to happen tonight, everyone just had a feeling. Some staying up at the nervous thoughts and others decided to ignore it and try to sleep.

But there were two boys who did neither, instead they walked their body's to a near by park. Both sitting on the same bench, staring off into a dark field in front of them.

It felt like forever until one of them spoke up, "I think you should come back. I'm not saying you have to right now, but we miss you. Especially Eric..." the voice going softer at the name.

The other just listened at the words, taking them in, trying to process. What should he do? It's been a week and he can't say he felt any better then when he left, he was still recovering from being sick. Now he had to think about what he might have done to the others, his friends.

But once he heard the younger's name, he couldn't handle the sudden outburst, "Why should I care about Eric?!"

Changmin shrugged his shoulders still looking far off, the cold air making puffs of breath visible to the eye. A red scarf hanging around his neck, while his long coat tried warming the rest of his fragile body. His pajamas still on as he had snuck out to meet with the older boy.

"I just think you shoud hear him out, you don't know the full story yet an-"

"And your saying you do?" Juyeon cut off. The tone he used wasn't angry almost a sad desperate cry. He couldn't wrap his head around the thoughts he was having.

His ex didn't want him... maybe he just used him? Or maybe it really was because of what happened. They we're getting distant, everyone could see it, but he never would have thought something like this would happen.

The younger noticed the change, the sudden sunken shoulders, the sounds of sniffles as if the man next to him was on the verge of tears. And he was.

"Sort of, and from what I know it wasn't their faults"

"It was with Sunwoo, wasn't it?" The voice was getting quieter almost faint to the ear, good thing the other could make it out. Tears fell down Juyeon's face as he saw his friend nod. A sarcastic chuckle escaped his lips as he tried wiping them away. "Of course"

They sat in silence for a couple seconds, both not sure on what to say anymore. "Eric is just as ruined as you" Changmin gossiped with a broken smile finally making eye contact with the other.

Juyeon could only nod at the words, not sure what to say.

"Hyunjae's worried about-"

"Eric, I know"

"And you too" the older felt a pat on his shoulder, feeling the simple warmth that he some how missed.

His head slowly fell onto his friends shoulder as they watched the night sky. Stars and satellites being shown and making it a bit brighter. The cold breeze moved slower than before, making it a tad warmer.

"Hyunjae has a weird way of showing he misses me" Juyeon finally whispered, remembering all the mean texts he received. "He... he doesn't like me" more tears fell down his swollen face. Why did he feel so hopeless? Why couldn't he just move on?

"Hey, breath... he does care. He just didn't know what was going on and jumped to conclusions like he usually does. Have you not seen his texts?"

"I only unblock you guys for a minute to look over it, but then I reblock you guys" Juyeon laughed bitterly, sniffs becoming louder. "I refused to unblock him"

Changmin nodded understanding why, the boy was getting hate from his own friends. No wonder he thought running would be best, hide from his problems. But nothing would be solved that way. He couldn't do that forever.

"I talked to Sunwoo and we're still together, maybe if you talked to Eri-"

"No!" The older stood up facing Changmin, his face filled with disgust. "You can forgive Sunwoo and love him for the rest of your life... but me and Eric, I just-"

"If this is about hurting him, you need to get over it!" The younger was also now standing. His hands holding down Juyeon's shoulder as they made eye contact. "Eric forgave you so many times and still you can't move on. Your guilt is eating you up and that's so unhealthy. And now what? You're running away not just from your friends or Eric, but yourself. Juyeon, I know I sound like a broken record, but please just talk to him"

The air around them was tense and a little unpleasant, but the burst of adrenaline from the both of them got their hearts pumping. Juyeon finally agreeing and soon unblocking the boy he was still madly inlove with. No matter how far or how hard he'd run... Eric would always be in his heart and he couldn't keep pushing him away forever.

After the texts they passed back and forth, he felt better, a little relieved that the boy even answered so fast. Maybe things were going to get better, we can only hope.

"Race you to the playground" Juyeon called as he rushed off to the slide. Laughing happily as he noticed a sudden creature running after him.

"Oh your so on!" Changmin yelled, trying his best not to trip over himself.


I'm sorry I've been so distant
I needed time to think and I had a friend
Who made me realize...

I never let you explain
I shouldn't have left you in the room
I shouldn't have raced out
I shouldn't have blocked you

I'm sorry for all those things
Do you think we can met up and talk?

No, please don't be sorry
I should be the one to say that!

You had every right to leave
You must have been feeling so many things
And being in that room, was only making it worse, right?

I'm sorry too
And I would really like to explain everything to you

At the cafe?

At the cafe

What do you guys want to happen with Juric?

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