Tainted hands

By Gracejenniferanne

412K 12.5K 4.1K

Angelina is a strong-willed and closed off girl although she has grown up in a strong family. Because of the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57

Chapter 33

5.2K 193 59
By Gracejenniferanne

"Trust me, princess, I think you will like this surprise."

Highly unlikely but from the niceness of my heart I will choose not to stomp on his parade. "Well, how long until we will get there," I asked playing with my fingers. He rolled his eyes and looked at me unimpressed.

"You don't know how to wait... do you?" I sighed loudly sucking in my breath. "No... Where are we going?" I asked as he kept on driving and soon he started to drive past the city which grew my curiosity.

"By the way, if your plan was to take me to a forest, kill me and hide my body. I brought my gun. So, you can shove that plan right up your ars-."

"Oh my God Woman SHUT UP! Do you always assume the worst?" He mutters the last bit pinching the bridge of his nose.

"FIRST OF ALL.... rude." I narrowed my eyes. "Secondly I only assume the worst because I am sitting in a car with the man who has thrown a knife, shot a bullet at me, stalked me and has tried to kill me numerous times for the last four months."

Wow when I say it like that, I do start questioning my own sanity. "If I was going to kill you, I would have done it. So just sit back and wait please."

"Charming." He rolled his eyes, but I didn't miss the way his lips lifted into a small smile. The car ride then fell peaceful but it wasn't long until he pulled up to an old abandoned tall building.

"Are you sure you aren't trying to kill me?" I asked in seriousness as I scrunched up my face looking at the scary building.  I might have seen a lot of scary things in my lifetime but this building is bat shit crazy.

"I'm sure." I looked at the building and then at him still suspicious. He sighed loudly and clicked his tongue before grabbing my hand in his warm large hand. "You can trust me." He whispered huskily and I could only meekly nod.

The building was terrible, and I was constantly looking behind me. I guess after all these years Juan's ghosts' stories are finally getting to me. One hand clutched Blaze's jacket with all my might while I held Blaze's hand for dear life.  He then stopped walking and looked down at me with an eyebrow raised. "What's wrong?" He asked in his deep husky voice.

"N-nothing." but just as I said that something jumped out causing me to jump further in Blaze's hands. "Really?" He smirked.

"Shut up!" I slapped his head and clicked my tongue. His face was so punchable right now with that stupid smug look of his. "What?" he surrendered not wiping his smile away.

"I just find it ironic that Sparrow is scared of the dark." He mocked looking at me smiling with his head tilted.

"I will shoot you."

"And correction I am not scared of the dark I am scared of ghosts." He shook his head then picked me up bridal style. "Well let's go ghostbuster."

"um, what are you doing," I say sounding annoyed.

"walking." He said ignoring my glare.

"Where to nut-face?" He scowled at me and shifted me in his arms. "Forward." I rolled my eyes at his annoying. For someone so smart and handsome he can truly be the most annoying dumb guy on this planet. After countless stairs and me resting in all glory in his arms while he does all the hard work, we finally got there. I was a little defeated that he didn't even look bothered by the time we reached the top of the staircase. But I guess with his sort of muscles nothing fazes him. 

He then got a black piece of fabric out of his pockets and went to pull it around my head before I stopped him. "Woah up buddy! What do you think you're doing?" He grabbed my hands softly and smirked down at me.

"Princess you need to trust me." I sighed and let him pull the blindfold on. "ok." I whispered.

He pulled me away and seconds later a huge breeze hit me in the face. I was thankful I was wearing my coat otherwise I would be freezing my butt off. His hands left mine and seconds later I heard some shuffling before he grabbed my cold hands in his.

"Ready?" he said slowly sounding excited. I bit my lip and nodded slowly, showing my own smile. He took the blindfold off and my breath was completely taken back.

"WOW." Was the only thing that came to mind as I stepped closer to the edge of the rooftop? The view was stunning. There were no words or anything that could describe how perfect this was. The streetlights, the skyscrapers, the houses everything just looked majestic. I was completely utterly taken away and absorbed into the view.

"It's incredible isn't it?" I nodded my head and looked at Blaze who was also taking in the view in front of us.

"Thank you." His head snapped to mine.

"For what." I grabbed his hands and kissed them gently before pulling them to my chest. "Showing me this, it is beautiful... I don't think anything could compare to this." I said in all seriousness.

"Nothing but you." I rolled my eyes and snorted. "Ok Romeo." I joked teasing him about his cheesiness.

His hands captured my waist and pulled me towards him closing the distance between us. He leaned down showing his adorable dimples and kissed my forehead.

"You're welcome." My heart was filled with so much love and warmth I don't think I have ever felt like this in my life.

"But that's not the only surprise." He turned around and my jaw just about hit the ground. He had set up a picnic blanket, with chocolate strawberries, pizza and champagne.

"HOLY." I felt his chest vibrate against my back as he chuckled. "Blaze this is incredible."

"I hope you like pizza... I wasn't sure but if you don't it is ok. I can just go somewhere else and we go somewhere for dinner. You probably would prefer that better. Let's g-." I cut him off smashing my lips on his. Filling the kiss with passion, love and lust but it wasn't long until his dominance took over. His hands glided down my back locking me in his arms so I can't escape. We were in perfect sync, moving together and being together as one.

I pulled away and caught my breath, panting heavily... "No this is perfect. No one has ever done this for me."

He rubbed the back of his neck smiling innocently like a little boy. "Sorry I just- have never done this before." He chuckled to himself shaking his head.

"Me neither." I laughed along with him.

We sat down on the picnic blanket and indulged ourselves in the food. "Oh my God, THIS IS AMAZING." I moaned.

"I know! I get this at Sarah's restaurant it is hidden and unheard of. But it makes it perfect, it's the only pizza I like." It was definitely the best pizza I had ever had so I can see why he only goes to this restaurant.

"You know you surprised me tonight," I said aloud.

"How so?" he questioned. I bit into my chocolate strawberry. "I didn't think you would be the sort of guy to take a girl to a rooftop picnic. I always assumed you would be the restaurant sort of guy."

'I'm not the guy to take a girl anywhere. But to be honest I surprised myself. I have never brought anyone here." He sat up and walked before sitting back down on the edge of the tall building.

so, I got up and joined him.

"What do you mean?" He sighed loudly and looked up at the stars.

"My mother used to take me here... whenever I had a bad day or something happened. We would always come here and just look at the view. Talking about nonsense and dreams."

His voice was filled with so much pain as he looked up into the starry night with so much pain.

"What about your dad." He sighed loudly and shot a sad smile. "My biological dad was never in the picture. He knocked up my mother then ran for the hills. But my stepdad stepped up and he was always my father, blood or not." He looked so happy talking about his stepdad and mother, it brought a smile to my face.

"Where are they now?" I asked smiling and joining his star gaze. But suddenly as soon as the question left my lips the air around us shifted.

"They got killed." He seethed through gritted teeth, clenching his jaw.

"I-I am so sorry." By the look of heartbreak in his eyes, it made me almost feel his pain. It was unbearable and toxic.

"I-its ok... its......not your fault." The air shifted and he looked like he was deep in thought and my heart was getting tugged in every passing second.

"You know my mother and passed grandfather, that the starts are what brings us all together. Mamma always told me and my brothers that to connect with the people we lost, we just need to look at the starry night sky. And they will be there." He looked at me with a blank expression.

"And you believe that?" He asked before looking back at the sky even more in deeper thought.

"I do... If we have nothing to believe in... then eventually you lose hope." I said gazing at the stars wondering if my grandfather is looking down at me. I wonder what he would be thinking? Would he know how to help me? or would he be so disappointed that he hates me?

"So you really think my mother and stepfather are up there, looking down at us." He said trying to keep his voice strong. But I could see straight through him. He and I are so similar but yet so different. He is organised, I am messy, he has everything in order, and I don't. But yet in all of this, we are both lost. So lost, that we both don't know which direction to take. Our lives are both so messed up on so many levels that the only thing that makes sense is our hearts finding each other.

"I do," I voiced trying my best to give him hope. If hope is the one and the only thing I can give him. Then I bloody hell will give that to him. He needs that, I need that, we need that.

"You know." He started in a small voice. "Before I was angry and I wanted to kill you. I swore that I would kill you. But now...."

"But now?" I asked looking at him. His eyes connected with mine as he put his hand over mine.

"I couldn't think of anything worse... then killing you."

"i-I." I tried to get a word out but my stomach was filled with too many butterflies.

"You're my life now Angel."

The rest of the night we sat and talked about everything and anything until dawn started to arise and he had to drop me home. Before my mother or worse one of my brothers or father decided to go in my room and find out im not there.

That would be chaos.

"I had a really good time."

'So did i." He smiled at me and kissed my hand gently.

"Next date I will take you to a res-." I cut him off placing my finger on his lips.

"Nope! Next time I am taking you somewhere." He grumbled but agreed.


"this Saturday so be ready! And wear something casual but warm."

I smiled and hastily left his car before he could question me further. This time it was my turn to surprise him and i could already hardly wait.

I sprinted across the estate quickly dodging cameras and guards before climbing up the first floor into my room. Before an unexpected presence made it self noticed in my daydreaming daze.

"Would you care to explain where you have been all night?"


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