A Melody With You ~ Saimatsu...

By aSilentPassion

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A Hopes Peak Academy without despair? Shuichi Saihara and Kaede Akamatsu are first years at Hopes Peak Academ... More

Ultimate Pianist - Chapter 1
Detective Akamatsu and Saihara on the Case! - Chapter 2
Ultimate Detective - Chapter 3
Believe in Yourself - Chapter 4
Getting to Know You - Chapter 5
A Duet Together - Chapter 6
Maki Roll- Chapter 8
Date - Chapter 9
Confession - Chapter 10
Pianist and Adventurer - Chapter 11
Training - Chapter 12
Tension - Chapter 13
The Truth Behind Your Lies. - Chapter 14
A Melody With You - Chapter 15
Relationship - Chapter 16
Short 1 ⭐ - Iruma's New Invention
Double Date - Chapter 17
To get the Astronaut and Assassin Together - Chapter 18
Short 2 - Shuichi's Love Hotel Event
Class Representative - Chapter 19
Shipping - Chapter 20
Our True Feelings - Chapter 21
Ultimate Hang Out - Chapter 22
Kaito Momota and Maki Harukawa - Chapter 23
Short 3 - Meeting You Again
Hopes Peak Getaway - Chapter 24
Meeting the Cast - Chapter 25
Mr. Shirokuro - Chapter 26
Day Two - Chapter 27
Disaster - Chapter 28
Short 4 ⭐ - Pool Troubles
Investigation - Chapter 29
Our Class Trial - Chapter 30
Short 5 - Reality Dating Show
Our Getaway Conclusion - Chapter 31
The Calm Before The Storm - Chapter 32
Short 6 - A Special Present For a Special Pianist
Dawn of Despair - Chapter 33
Endeavor - Chapter 34
Only I Deserve The Pain - Chapter 35
Short 7 - Little Saihara
Short 8 ⭐️- Kiss The Girl
Decrescendo from Hope - Chapter 36
Crescendo into Despair - Chapter 37
Without You - Chapter 38
Three Words - Chapter 39
Goodbye to the Past - Chapter 40
Short 9 - Hanahaki
Moving On - Chapter 41
Evil Organization? - Chapter 42
Cheating - Short 10 ⭐
Planning - Chapter 43
Before the Festival - Chapter 44
Practice - Chapter 45
Motivation and Rivalry - Chapter 46
Comfort - Short 11 ⭐
Sports Festival - Chapter 47
Class Events Part 1 - Chapter 48
Class Events 2 - Chapter 48.5
Unwanted Memories - Chapter 49
Unwanted Memories Part 2 - Chapter 49.5
Special Spot in My Heart - Short 12

1st Year Ultimate Students - Chapter 7

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By aSilentPassion

Saihara and I agreed to walk to school together. It's pretty lucky that we lived close to Hopes Peak Academy, it would be annoying to take the bus.

"I see you really are committed to be more confident, Saihara! I'm glad!" he wasn't wearing his hat today again.

"Yea, if I can't face my own classmates in the eyes, that would be kind of pathetic." He awkwardly chuckled.

We arrived at the school eventually. "Classroom 79-A.. Classroom 79-A.." This school was huge.. Me and Saihara had been walking through the hallways for so long.

"How big is this school..?" he said a bit out of breath. I laughed. "Don't worry, we should almost be there. Look, there it is!"

I pointed towards the class and we walked in to an odd sight..

A little kid and a girl was chasing a robot around while everyone else were at their seats.

Already an interesting sight.. 

Saihara looked concerned. 

"P-Please leave me alone!" the robot shouted.

"Ah c'mooonnn! Robots are soooo cool!" the little kid said.

"Yea, fuckin' stop moving! I want to see how ya' work!" the girl said, she was really hyped about this robot.

Suddenly, the teacher came in. He had messy brown hair and was wearing jeans and a dark green sweater. "Alright class, take your seats.."

The girl groaned as she sat down, but the robot looked really happy. I guess he was glad that there was someone to save him from being chased. The little kid however sat next to the robot and kept bugging him. How unlucky. 

The teacher gave me a glance, where I simply turned my head in confusion. He coughed before facing forwards once again.

Me and Saihara took our seats next to each other. I scanned the classroom to see if I knew anyone and.. 

Instantly, I saw him.

I looked away before he could notice me.

"Hm, Akamatsu? Is something wro-" he got interrupted.

"Alright class, my name is Mr. Harada." he sighed and scratched his head. "Honestly, I wasn't gonna be here today but another teacher forced me to in order to 'maintain high school youth' or something like that.. "

Suddenly, he looked at us and looked shocked. "Huh, I guess everyone's here, all 16 students. I'm pretty surprised everyone came because it isn't even required but, hey, that's pretty cool." He seemed like a pretty chill guy. "How about we start with some introductions? Come to the front of the class and introduce yourself with your talent when your name gets called.."

First, Akamatsu!

I walk up to the front of the class. "Hello, I'm Kaede Akamatsu! I'm the Ultimate Pianist. I hope we can all be friends here!" 

Next, Amami!

"Hey. My name's Rantaro Amami. I don't actually remember my talent, heh." I clicked my tongue when I saw him. I didn't want to see him again, it's so annoying how he conveniently got picked to Hopes Peak.. How does he even forgot his talent, is he stupid?

The teacher looked shocked. "Uh, Amami? I got the student list here with all the talents, your talent is-" 

"Nah, I'm just kidding. I'm the Ultimate Adventurer. Nice to meet you all."

'Hilarious, Rantaro.' I thought to myself and rolled my eyes.

Next, Chabashira!

"Hiyah!!!!!!!!" she yelled which made us all go recoil back into our seats. "I'm Tenko Chabashira, the ultimate Aikido Master! Nice to meet you all, except the degenerate males!"

All the boys looked confused, especially the teacher.

"Uh.. Alright??"

Next, Gokuhara!

A really buff guy took the stage. He looked really scary..

"Uh, hello! Gonta's name is Gonta Gokuhara! Gonta is the Ultimate Entomologist. Gonta loves bugs, and Gonta hopes everyone else loves bug as well!"

"Uh, Gokuhara, you can say 'I', you know?" the teacher said, confused.

"Just call Gonta Gonta! And Gonta's not quite sure what you mean.."

Oh hey, he actually seems like a sweetheart! I'm glad.

Whatever, next Harukawa!

"..Hello. Maki Harukawa. Ultimate.. Child Caregiver." The teacher blinked as he looked at the girl with confusion. His mouth opened to say something but then she glared at him, which made him shut up. She swiftly sat down after her introduction. Maybe she's shy.

Next, Hoshi!

A little kid took the stage, and he had to stand on a chair to be seen over the desk.

"Yo.. I'm Ryoma Hoshi. I've still got a ways to go before being considered an Ultimate Student. I used to be the Ultimate Tennis Pro but.. That's all in the past." His voice was way deeper than I thought it would be. "I guess I'm also the Ultimate Prisoner." 

W-Woah! He's the Ultimate Prisoner! But, he's so small! I wonder what happened. Before I could ask, he took his seat.

Next, Iruma!

"Sup cocksuckers! I'm the legendary Miu Iruma, the Ultimate Inventor, bow down to my big ol' tidd-"

Next, K1-B0! 

"Heee!! W-Why!?" Iruma let out a cry and the robot took the stage. 

"Hello! I am K1-B0, but please, call me Keebo. I'm the Ultimate Robot! I'm an amazing robot created by Professor Idabashi!" He put his hands on his hips.

Suddenly, the little kid with purple hair blurted out something. "Ehh, you're the Ultimate Robot just because you're a robot? Thought you would have a cooler talent rather than something you were created to be.." 

"Hey! That's robophobia! I have a recording function, so don't make me take this to court.." Keebo said.

"Sheesh, alright Kee-boy!" the little kid let out. The robot looked angry at his new nickname.

"Be quiet until your turn, please." the teacher sighed. 


Next, Momota!

"Alright, it's my turn!" the tall guy yelled out. "I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! I'm the Ultimate Astronaut, remember my name for when I get to space!" He seemed like an enthusiastic guy.

Next, Oma!

"Yayy, my turn now!" 

Oh god, it's the mischievous kid's turn. 

"Helloo! My name is Kokichi Oma, the Ultimate Supreme Leader!"

Saihara and I looked at each other in shock. This little kid is a supreme leader?! This doesn't make sense..

"I can't wait to make this school fall into despair and set up my plan, 'The Biggest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Event in Human History!'" He gave a really creepy smile.

Everyone had a scared expression on their face. 

"Juuuuuust kidding! That's a lie! I hope we all become good friends." He went back to his mischevious smile and put his arms around his head. 

This guy..

..Next, Saihara!

"Hello, I'm Shuichi Saihara. I'm the Ultimate Detective. Nice to meet you all." He let out a smile. He was the most normal of the introductions, besides mine. 

Next, Shinguji!

A guy with a mask walked up. 

"Hello, everyone. I'm Korekiyo Shinguji, the Ultimate Anthropologist. I'm excited to see how beautiful humanity is during it's teen stages. Pleased to meet you all." This guy was really creepy..

Next, Shirogane!

A blue haired girl took the stage. "Hello, I'm Tsumigi Shirogane! I'm the Ultimate Cosplayer. I may be plain, but I hope we can all get along well!" She seems nice enough, she doesn't seem evil unlike Oma!

Next, Tojo! 

"Hello, I'm Tojo Kirumi, I am the Ultimate Maid. Please do tell me if you need assistance, I will help you if it is possible for me fulfill the task." She gave a gentle smile. She reminded me of a mom.

Next, Yonaga!

"Nyahahaha! I'm Angie Yonaga, the Ultimate Artist! Atua says this class will be really fun, so I trust his intuition!"

"Yonaga, who is Atua?" Mr. Harada asked. 

"The god of my island, of course! He is always speaking to me, I am his vessel." She lets out a smile. She gave me occult vibes..

Next, Yumeno!

"Be amazed, I am Himiko Yumeno, the Ultimate Mage." she lets out in an unenthusiastic voice. 


"Hm? It says here you're the Ultimate Magician though." Mr. Harada said.

"Nyeh.. that's just my talent on paper.. My real talent is the Ultimate Mage!"

"Yes Yumeno, you are!" Chabashira yells out. 

"Alright that seems to be everyone.." Mr. Harada said. He sat down and put his feet on his desk.

"Welp, I've done all I could do. Yukizome didn't tell me to do any more so.." He yawned. "Have fun class, do whatever you want." 

"There's a bunch of interesting people here" Saihara chuckled.

"Yea definitely.." I laughed with him. I feel like I can get along with everyone though! Except for.. Rantaro.

It pisses me off that he's even here..

"Well guys, you all seem boring, so I think I'm going to let my organization of 10 thousand members storm the school and destroy this class!" Oma blurted out of nowhere.

"W-Wha?!" Saihara said with a shocked look.

"That's a lie of course! God, can you not even tell when I'm lying, you're soooo dumb!" 

"Hey, don't talk to him like that!" I yelled out. 

"S-Sheesh.. It was j-just a joke!! H-How could you be so mean!!!! WAHHHH!!!!" He started crying.

I didn't mean to make him cry.. I felt bad so I apologized. "H-Hey.. I'm sorry.."

He immediately stopped crying. "Oh, you thought I was actually crying? That's a lie again, of course."


I gave him an annoyed look. "It's not good to lie all the time, you know.."

"Hm? I'm not even the biggest liar here. There's an even bigger liar here. They even lied about their talent, which is pretty dumb because their lie would be exposed if at least one person checked the student list for this class!"

"Huh? Why would somebody lie about their talent?" I asked.

"Beats meee!" He said. 

"Hey, maybe they don't wanna tell their talent, what if it's something personal?" Momota yelled out. "We should respect their privacy for now!"

"Hm, yea, I guess we should respect Harukawa's privacy and don't tell anyone she's the Ultimate Assassin!" 

Silence filled the room.

We all looked at her. She looked really annoyed. "Well.. I knew I couldn't hide it forever.."

"I knew this was a waste of time to come to class." She grabbed one of her twintails and played with it. She glared at Oma before composing herself. "I know it'll just be weird if there's a killer in the room. I'll leave."

"Harukawa, wait!" Saihara and I yelled out at the same time. She ignored us and left anyways. 

"You degenerate male! Have some decency, would you?! I didn't expect much from a male in the first place, but you're by far the worst!" Chabashira yelled at him

"Yea.. That was just uncool, Oma.." Rantaro added.

"Wellll, wouldn't it be better if we knew her actual talent? We would all be better friends if we didn't lie to each other!"

"Yeah, fuckin' virgin, not like you haven't lied like every time you opened your semen-filled mouth!" Iruma said angrily. My god, she was vulgar.

"God, shut up Iruma! Hearing your voice is annoying as hell! Nobody asked for your input! And it's weird how you call me a virgin too when I know you get no guys at all with your donkey looking ass!" Oma said with a cheerful expression. Okay.. Maybe Oma was more vulgar.

"Eeee! I-I'm sorry.." she looked depressed.

"That's not very gentlemanly of you to say, Oma! Gonta thinks Oma should be nicer to women in order to be true gentleman!"

"I'll try Gonta! You're my biggest inspiration."

"Gonta's glad!" Gonta smiled. 

Somehow, the teacher was just sleeping through all of this.

"Kehehe.. Humans would kill anyone if offered something they want. Perhaps we should be wary when around Harukawa." Shinguji said creepily.

"No, she's still our classmate, it would be disrespectful if we didn't act normal around her." I pouted.

"She's still an assassin.. I get what he's saying." Keebo said. "I do not want to be associated with a killer."

"Atua suggests we tie her up when she's in the classroom with us!" Angie yelled out, clapping her hands over her head.

"We can use my magic to restrain her." Yumeno suggested.

"Guys no.. Leave it to me, I'll take down her mask. Maki won't kill any of us, I'm sure of it! No need to be afraid of her." Momota jumped up from his seat. 

"But first.."

He went up to Oma and punched him in the gut.

I heard multiple gasps from the crowd.

"That wasn't cool man, you should have know that that would have made her upset! I'm gonna teach you more of a lesson later, but first I need to catch up to Maki. Be right back!"

"I can't believe someone plain like me would witness this much drama on her first day.. Am I perhaps a side character in a shojo manga?" Shirogane said with a shocked look.

"Do you need assistance getting up, Oma?" Tojo offered him.

"Yes, thank you!" He took her hand and got up effortlessly.

"Why would you help that guy, Tojo!? He deserved to be on the floor." Chabashira said.

"I was only doing my duty, to help out. It doesn't matter who it is."

"Grggh.. You're so respectful, even to degenerates.. You're too kind, Tojo, you're the reason women are the superior gender!"

Me and Saihara just looked at each other, shocked at what had just happened.

Eventually, the bell rang and it was time for lunch. We all took out our lunches and Momota and Harukawa weren't back yet. I wonder what they were doing.

Me and Saihara took a seat at a table together while everyone else sat at their desks in their own friend groups.

"Our first day is pretty.. strange." he laughed.

"Yea definitely.. This isn't what I was expecting at all for my first day" I sighed. "Oma is so troublesome.. I wonder if I can deal with him all year."

"I feel bad for Harukawa.." he said. "I'm still wary that she's an assassin but it sucks that everyone singled her out.. I hope Momota is being nice to her."

"Yea, me too.. I just want everyone to be friends." I nodded. "Why did Oma have to say that anyways?"

He shrugged. "We would have had to figure out at some point but still."

Suddenly I got an idea. "Do you think he revealed the truth so that she wouldn't feel bad about it later for lying to us? Maybe he prevented it so that instead of figuring out the truth later and feel sad her friends no longer trust her, we would become friends with her at the start, accepting her as an assassin?"

His eyes opened wide. "That is very specific.. Maybe.. That would be cool, but honestly I thought he was just a troublemaker."

I chuckled. "Yea, maybe I'm just overthinking it." I glance at Oma who was sitting with Keebo and Iruma. He kept on bugging Keebo about what he can do as a robot and every time he said name one of his functions, he would get disappointed. Yea, this kid was probably just being a big troublemaker..


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