The Lost Witch | Fred Weasley

By MissOgilvie

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"Fred Weasley. Pleasure to meet you," one of the twins greeted me, sweeping into a bow ... More



5K 115 31
By MissOgilvie


I'm sorry I couldn't resist when I saw what chapter we were on HAHA.

The next morning was an awkward one. I could tell the girls wanted to ask me what had happened, but no one dared be the first one.

I groaned as they all busied themselves with getting ready for their day.

"Come on guys, just ask me! You're killing me here." It was the day of Gryffindor versus Slytherin Quidditch match and I couldn't have them worrying about me when they needed to focus on the game that was approaching.

Angelina and Lucy looked at each other, and then turned to me. Lucy came over and sat down on my bed next to me. The others quickly came over too.

"What happened last night?" Angelina asked in a low voice. I couldn't tell them, but I could give them bits of the truth.

"Fred and I fell asleep on the couch down in the common room and I had a nightmare. I feel so embarrassed that I woke everyone up. I'm sorry."

Lucy reached up and rubbed comforting circles on my back. "Do you want to tell us what the nightmare was about?" she asked in a voice that was too soft to belong to her.

I looked down at my hands, fidgeting my fingers together. "It... it was someone I care about a lot. My family, and – and I had a nightmare that he was murdered," I shuddered involuntarily at that.

Alicia gasped and then they all came forward and pulled me into a group hug. "Oh how horrible. I'm so sorry," Alicia said from somewhere in the hug.

I smiled weakly. "It's OK. It was just a dream. I sent him a letter last night when McGonagall let me go. I just wanted to check that he's alright."

They released me from the hug and straightened. I smiled at the girls in front of me. "OK, now that that's over with. It's Quidditch day! Ready to step on some Serpents?"

Everyone cheered good heartedly and went and got dressed.

I lay down on my pillow again, needing an extra hour or so of shuteye after the long night I had.

"Oh, no you don't." Someone grabbed my legs and pulled me off my bed, so I landed with a thud.

"Angelina in case you've forgotten, I'm not on your team. You don't need me up at this hour!" I whined at her.

"Of course I do. You're part of my support team. Now get dressed."

I needed a shower after last night though so I quickly got up and ran for the bathroom, making the others call out in protest as I locked the door. I showered in record time and got dressed in a knitted sweater that sported the house colour and a pair of knee high boots. 

As I opened the door my hair was still wet. Amelia quickly waved her wand at me, drying it instantly. I let it hang loosely, the natural waves falling down my back and over my shoulders.

Just as I finished tying up my hair Lucy grabbed my elbow and started pulling me out the room after her. I quickly grabbed my wand off my trunk and stuffed it in my boot before letting her pull me along.

We headed for the Great Hall and spotted Harry and Ron having breakfast. As we passed the Slytherin table I saw most of them wearing badges with a sort of crown on them.

Angelina came to an abrupt stop in front of me, making me walk right into her back, letting out an oomph.

She was staring at the same badges I had been looking at. At closer inspection I read the words written under the crown, Weasley is Our King

Angelina narrowed her eyes at the nearest Slytherins as my blood boiled along with her. She reached behind her and grabbed me by the elbow like Lucy had done and starting pulling me with her to the Gryffindor table.

As we reached Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny Luna had just left them, wearing a hat that looked like a lion's head.

We'd picked up Katie Bell in the common room and went to greet the group sitting there.

"When you're ready, we're going to go straight down to the pitch, check out the conditions and change."

"Angie, dear, I think you forgot to say hello," Amelia teased her as she sat down by Ginny's side.

"Yeah, hi," Angelina rushed out. "We'll be there in a bit. Ron's just got to have some breakfast," Harry assured her.

"Makes two of us," I muttered as I glared at the back of Angelina's head. She heard me and released my arm. Angelina, Alicia and Katie headed off to the field.

Lucy joined me and I did some half braids at the top of her head while Amelia proceeded to paint Gryffindor shields on mine and Ginny's cheeks.

"You good?" Ginny asked from across the table as Amelia finished up with her painting. I smiled at her and nodded, then got myself some breakfast.

We finished our food and headed off to the stands, joining the many excited fans. Amelia and Lucy heading to the dorms to get some snacks for the game first so it was just me, Hermione and Ginny as we sat down. As I sat down between them they both leaned in towards me.

"What happened last night?" Hermione whispered urgently. "I had a nightmare," I swallowed. "Tonks was injured and... and Snuffles was killed." They both pulled their heads back at that, staring at me in shock.

"I was so worried and worked up that I had to go and see Dumbledore to check if they were OK, and he reassured me that they were both safe and very much alive. I was so scared because it felt too real."

I shook my head, trying to clear my head. "But Fred tells me I've been worked up lately. I've been stressing about classes and homework, the DA, and..." my voice went to a whisper, "The Order."

"That's actually reasonable. Stress can often affect our dreams. I'm sure Fred's right," Hermione reassured me. But she didn't look too sure herself. She was probably working out her own theory in her head.

Lucy and Amelia appeared then and took the two spare seats in front of us that we had held off for them.

Ginny nudged me and I turned to her. "So what were you and Fred doing on the couch that had you falling asleep there and him coincidently being by your side?" she raised a suggestive eyebrow at me, and I turned straight forward, feeling my cheeks heat up in the crisp, cold air. 

Lucy and Amelia chuckled in front of us, overhearing what she was saying. "You're too young to hear," I told her. Lucy let out a loud laugh at that and a horrified expression crossed Ginny's face. "Ew, gross. I don't want to know that. That's my brother you weirdo."

"You're the one that asked," I shrugged. "That curious nature of yours is gonna come with repercussions, Sweets."

This match was turning uglier by the minute. But the Slytherin fans made everything a lot worse than the players did. And curse the theme to 'Weasley is our King' because it was actually quite catchy.

My eyes followed a particular blonde flying around with his green and silver robes flying behind him as he flew around the pitch. I smiled. I didn't know Draco was their Seeker. Even if it was him, I wished him to fall off his broom. All in good fun of course.

"D'you think we can manage Silencio on all of them from this distance?" I asked Hermione. She was gritting her teeth in anger watching the game and listening to the Slytherins cheer.

"No. But maybe if we borrow George's Beater paddle we can send a Bludger straight at Pansy's head." This made me and Ginny look at her, astonished.

"I like feisty Hermione. It suits you," I smiled. Turning my gaze back to the match.

Just then Harry caught the Snitch and we all cheered, but quickly gasped as one as a much too late Bludger hit him in the back.

He quickly recovered and the cheer roared up again. I could hear Luna's lion hat roaring mixed in with the cheers as we watched our team land and gather around Harry.

"Oh no, poor Ronald," Hermione said, looking in the other direction. I followed her line of sight and saw Ron heading straight for the Dressing rooms on his own, not joining in on the celebration.

As I turned back to the Gryffindor team I saw Draco was still standing a few feet away from Harry. It looked like he was talking, and assuming he was a sore loser, I guessed they weren't the best things. I shot him a disapproving look. He looked like he was shaking with rage, I could see it from up here. Yeah. Definitely a sore loser.

Fred and George had just reached Harry to congratulate him when they both froze and looked behind Harry, straight at Malfoy.

Uh oh.

Both the twins stepped forward trying to reach Malfoy. Alicia, Katie and Angelina held Fred back, and Harry stopped George. But then what Draco said next must've triggered Harry as well, because he quickly released George and headed for Draco too.

"Shit," I hissed as we watched the three girls frantically hold Fred back as George and Harry leapt on Draco, hitting him like there was no tomorrow.

Madam Hooch landed and sent jinxes at the three of them to stop the fight. Harry and George got up and Draco stayed on the ground with blood on his face. 

As Harry and George were sent away each team went to their respectable changing rooms. I stood shocked for a few minutes. What the hell just happened? 

Muttered words reached us as it went upwards in the stand what had been said, and my entire body froze. He insulted Lily. He insulted Mrs. Weasley, the sweetest, kindest woman alive on this earth. And he insulted the whole Weasley family. 

Hell. No.

I snapped out of it and realised most of the spectators had left the stands. Ginny and Hermione stood silently beside me, looking at me cautiously, waiting for my next plan of action. 

I quickly turned on the spot and sped down the stairs of the stands, Hermione and Ginny hot on my heels.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Draco disappear into the castle with a few other Slytherins, the Gryffindor team following behind them.

I marched right towards them. "Uh.. what are you going to do?" Ginny asked hesitantly.

"I'm going to kill him," I answered through gritted teeth. 

"Allie, Fred didn't do anything though. Sure he would've if he wasn't restrained but his hands are clean."

"Not him," I muttered.

As we reached the Gryffindor team they all turned around at our hurried footsteps. I think Fred saw the fury and murder on my face because he looked a little alarmed.

"Now before you say anything, I didn't lay a finger on the guy –" He was trying to explain himself, but I just pushed through the team and kept heading forwards.

"Allie?" he questioned behind me, but I kept going, boiling now.

I heard footsteps behind me, probably Fred, Ginny and Hermione following after me. I rounded a corner and spotted Draco amongst his friends. I sped up my pace and reached the group. Some turned around just when I reached them.

I grabbed Draco by the back of his collar, pulled him backwards and slammed his back against the wall next to us. I put my forearm up to his throat and pulled out my wand with the other hand. He was quite a bit taller than me, but by the look on his face, I wasn't any less intimidating right now.

He looked at me with wide, shocked eyes as I glared back. I can't remember the last time I was this mad. This disappointed.

"Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?!" a girl shrieked at me from the group he had been with. I just kept on glaring at him, seething at this point.

"Hey, I'm talking to you! I'm a prefect and I'll quickly –"

Draco turned to look at her. "Stay out of this, Pansy!" he snapped. Everyone in the hallway went silent then.

"This doesn't concern you, either of you. So piss off. NOW!" he shouted at his friends. I turned and saw most of them gaping at him in shock, but they followed his orders and started walking away like the good little minions they were.

"What?" he snarled at me.

"You know damn well what!" I pulled him out a little and slammed him back to the wall at the last word. "How could you be so foul?! That was disgusting what you just did. There are no words. That was horrid and spiteful and –"


"What the hell..." I heard Ron mutter. Guess he followed after me too.

He turned to look at the group looking at us. "OK? I'm sorry. But I told you," he turned back to look at me and I pressed my arm harder against his throat narrowing my eyes.

"I told you this is what I have to do. You know you're just mad right now. But when you let that boiling rage die down you'll understand."

"You didn't have to be so foul about it," I snarled through gritted teeth. He looked down at that, seeming ashamed.

"I did and you know it," he muttered. This made me lighten the pressure on his throat a little. "This is just the way it has to be," he said sorrowfully. I looked at him in pity. "It doesn't have to be like this. Figure out a different way. But for now, direct it at someone else. Or we'll be straight back here."

He gulped at that and nodded his head vigorously. I had just about released him when I heard footsteps from the other end of the corridor. I pulled away from him when a high-pitched voice called out.

"My, my! It seems all Gryffindors have trouble controlling their tempers. Quidditch must really bring out the worst in you all." 

We both turned with horrified expressions to see Umbridge standing there with a broad smile on her face. Harry and George were a few steps behind her, catching us with raised eyebrows too.

"Well, Miss White, I think –"

"No," Draco interrupted her quickly, stepping forward so he was mostly blocking me from her view. "No, Professor it wasn't her, it was me. I came at her and she was just defending herself," Draco rushed out.

I heard an intake of breath from behind us but kept my eyes on Umbridge. She smiled even wider at him at that. "As chivalrous as that is Mr. Malfoy, there is only one of you who has their wands out, and that is not you."

He shook his head at her. "But I didn't use my wand I –"

"That's quite enough Mr. Malfoy. I praise your honourable thoughts of protecting a lady, but Miss White must be punished for what she has done. And we do not tolerate violence at this school."

"She's not the one who needs protecting," Draco muttered making me pinch him in the back, a gesture to tell him to shut it. She turned her eyes to me and smiled her toad smile. "I think a weeks' detention will suffice, don't you Miss White?" She tilted her head to the side and looked at me.

"Yes Professor," I said obediently.

"No, wait that's not –" "Now I think you need a visit to the Hospital Wing Mr. Malfoy. You look rather roughed up after that match. I'll take you there. See you on Monday, dear. My office, 5 o'clock."

She turned on her heels and headed the way she'd come from, expecting Draco to follow her. He glared after her, sighed, and turned to me with an apologetic look, before walking after her.

Harry was glaring after Umbridge while George was glaring at Draco. He was about to pass them when I called out to him again.


He turned to look at me. I narrowed my eyes and nodded in Harry and George's direction. He furrowed his brows in confusion before understanding spread over his features. "Oh, right," he turned around again and looked at the two.

"Sorry," he muttered before walking off again. George and Harry looked at him as if he had grown an extra head and then their questioning gazes turned to me.

I turned around and saw Hermione, Ginny and Ron were gaping at me and Fred was watching me warily with furrowed brows.

"Okay don't give me that," I pointed a finger at George's face. "I'm allowed to lose my temper sometimes too."

I was trying to defuse the tension and the heaviness of the situation but at those words everyone rushed me.

"What the bloody hell was that?!" Ron demanded.

"Like I said, I was angry when I heard –"

"No," Ginny cut me off sternly. "That's the only part the does make sense. We're talking about how you just got Malfoy to apologize, to everyone. And he didn't even try to fight you off when you slammed him into the wall."

"And then he tried to defend you to Umbridge when he clearly hadn't done anything," Harry continued.

"And he defended you to Pansy too." Harry and George looked at Hermione then. "When?"

"When she grabbed him all his friends were with him and Pansy threatened to take points off her. Then Malfoy told Pansy to stay out of it and told all his friends to shove off," Ron explained.

Everyone looked at me now, and I looked from face to face. My gaze landed on Fred's questioning eyes and sighed.

I looked around the corridor to make sure we were still alone.

"Remember when I told you my parents were Death Eaters? Well, I know Draco from that time. We grew up together."

All their eyebrows shot up and understanding dawned on most of their faces.

"Wait, but isn't dangerous if he knows you're here? I mean, his family is tied pretty closely to You-Know-Who, why would you tell him it was you?"

"He figured it out. But you saw how he is. I know he's a bit much," Ron snorted at that. "Okay, he's a lot. His become a much bigger prick from when I knew him." I rolled my eyes. He had to fix his attitude in some way.

"But he swore he wouldn't tell and... I trust him with that. He might be a lot of things but at least he's loyal. He keeps his word."

They all nodded, understanding, but still a few furrowed brows.

"But – uh... us knowing each other from before here can't come out. No one can hear this. Because if anyone finds out that we know each other or whatever, it's only a short way from figuring out that I was here when I was supposed to be in the States."

I looked from each of them. "So you all need to act as if you didn't see anything. You know nothing. We can't use this to our advantage to get back at him publicly either I'm afraid," I mumbled, and Ron laughed.

"Girl, you just got Draco Malfoy to apologize to 'low-lives' like us. That's enough for now." We all chuckled at that. Everyone started heading to the Gryffindor Tower then, but me and Fred hung back.

"I'm really sorry. I know I should've told you it's just –"

He cut me off by kissing me. I forgot to breath for a second, but reacted quickly, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling myself up to easier reach his lips.

He pulled away slightly and tucked a strand of hair that was hanging in front of my eye behind my ear.

"I like this new way of shutting me up. You should do it more often," I smirked, making him shake his head as he smiled at me.

"Stop apologizing for knowing things the rest of us aren't allowed to know. You're higher ranked than me, I can deal with that. Just as long as you come to me when you need to. And you know that anything you tell me is forgotten the next second. If you want it to be, that is."

I felt warm all over. How could he be so forgiving towards me when I was keeping all these things from them, from him. I looked down guiltily at the thought.

"I don't deserve you," I mumbled. He snorted at that. "Oh yeah. You, the twenty-year old, Auror trained badass with the kindest heart and brightest personality I've ever met don't deserve me." He gave me a look.

"Twenty-one," I corrected making him chuckle. "Yeah well you're not so bad for a 7th year, Bludger hitting, prankster King with the wisest mind I've ever met."

"Wisest you say? Have you met my friend Granger?" he teased.

I rolled my eyes and looked up at him, placing a gentle hand on his cheek.

"But you're so much smarter than her in so many ways. You're caring. Your emotional maturity is beyond my reach and you're always there to protect your loved ones. Even if it's beating up the ones that insulted them or if its offering us all a big, strong shoulder to cry on."

He looked at me with widened eyes. I don't think he expected me to get that deep. It's a surprise for me too. I don't even know where that came from.

"Oh, no. I think I'm having a feeling. How do I make it stop?" I scrunched my face up in disgust and he shook his head at me. 

"It's seriously surprising that you're older than me every damn time you open your mouth," he chuckled. I rolled my eyes before I grinned and gently reach up on my tip toes and slowly guided his lips towards mine again. 

He responded immediately and pulled me close to him, wrapping his arms around my back and lifting me upwards slightly so I was just standing on my tiptoes. Consumed in his embrace with my brain going foggy I couldn't take in his next words.

"You did it again," he mumbled against my lips. I pulled away for a second looking up at him in question. "Did what?"

He held onto the sides of my face and looked me right in the eye, his pupils widened slightly. "You rolled your eyes at me again," a sly grin spread across his face. I smirked. "Yeah? and what are you gonna do about it?" I challenged.

His grins spread wide and his look turned dangerous. He pulled me close again, one hand burying into my hair and the other hand grabbing into my hip tightly, pulling me against him.

We stood there in each other's embrace for a while, before we both needed air and pulled apart slightly. He rested his forehead against mine, looking down into my eyes. I lost myself a little when I saw that familiar mischief twinkle in his brown ones. I could see them crinkle at the sides as a wide smile spread across his face.

"How about we head back and celebrate that victory I just brought home for my team?" he wriggled his eyebrows as he said it, making me giggle.

So we headed back to the common room hand in hand ready for the party that was bound to be in full swing by now.


Allie putting Ferret Boy in his place for making fun of her friends. I know Draco's bullying can't go excused but he does have a deeper, more tortured, past behind it all, at least in my story. His parents taught him how to think. And after he lost his best friend, thinking it was about blood-status, he followed their prejudice ways of thinking.

GIF: Allie telling Draco off


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