camp cretaceous (Brooke x oc)

By urmomlovesmemore282

17.7K 187 178

I WAS BORED 😭😭this is a fan fic about camp cretaceous and my oc :) (also I dont own the cover that belongs... More

meet my oc :)
chapter 1.
chapter 2.
chapter 3.
chapter 4.
chapter 5.
chapter 6.
hello again 😀
hi guys

chapter 7.

1.2K 13 17
By urmomlovesmemore282

Previously: I chuckle "was that just to shut me up? Orr.." I drag out the 'r'. She giggles "yes and no but mostly no" she said with a smile, I smile aswell and kiss her again and she kisses back. I hear cheering and we pull away to see  Darius, Yasmina, Sammy, Ben, kenji and.. Dave and roxie? Cheering for us "about time!" Kenji yells and we all laugh.

Still Silvers pov:

After they went back inside me and Brooklynn just stayed in the rain for like 5 minutes and I asked her to be my girlfriend and sort of my surprise she said yes. then we got cold and went inside. I pulled my hood up and sat down in my bed. Brooklynn got back from changing (in the bathroom dw) and she was wearing black shorts and one of my hoodies

I chuckle and lay down. I feel a weight next to me and I look over to see Brooklynn facing me with her eyes closed. I mean we are dating now but I didnt expect her to so I just blushed and
Wrapped my arms around her and went to sleep.

I woke up to giggling I open my eyes and see Sammy and Yaz beside my bed smiling really wide and squealing quietly at the sight of Brooklynn in my bed (shhh not Sexual they are minors) even though I know they know were dating. I roll my eyes "1. What do you want ,and 2. Stop squealing you're gonna wake her up." I say jokingly. "Well we came to wake you guys up for the gyrospheres, but then we saw you two so we squealed because you are adorable!" Sammy said and Yaz just nodded. I chuckle and say "ok I can wake her up" I said with a smile. They both nod and get out. I nudge Brooklynns shoulder. "Hey brooke wake up." I said quietly. She flutters her eyes open and I kiss her forehead. "Good morning B." I say with a smile.

She smiles at me "good morning" she said and rubs her eyes. "Lets go we have to get changed to go drive gyrospheres..we'll probably be able to record it." I say still smiling. She nods and gets out of bed. I get out of bed and pull my outfit out of my bag

And went to the boys bathroom to get changed. (For extra stuff Brooklynn is gonna wear jeans and a t-shirt so silver can give Brooklynn his hoodie bcus its cute)

Time skip.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Sammy yelled.  "We get to drive gyrospheres? Cool!" Darius said. "Saddle up dudes and dudettes. Were going on a cattel drive but with dinosaurs! Its a dino drive!" Dave said enthusiastically. "And just to be clear, all these dinosaurs are herbivores, right?" Ben asked. "Well, they only chewed on the last kid a little, so were like 99% sure they're cool." Roxie said messing with him. "Don't mess with him roxie. She's joking Ben don't worry." I said chuckling at bens scared face. Roxie chuckled and nodded.

"Park personnel are moving a group of dinosaurs to fresh grazing lands across the island, and we get to ride along behind the herd." Roxie said gesturing to the dinos in the feild. "Are you kidding me? Dinosaur migration patterns are my jam!" Darius yelled excitedly. Kenji put a hand on his shoulder. "You may wanna consider a new jam, bro." He said, kenji walked over to Dave and roxie and put his arms around their Shoulders. "So, uh, you sure these things are water proof? Looking pretty grim out here and hair this awesome does not come easy." Kenji said being annoying

"Your hair is gonna be fine kenji. The Storm has already moved up the coast away from us." Dave said checking his board and walking away. "Cool! Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere master can do." Kenji said walking over to the gyrosphere Brooklynn was sitting at looking at her phone. "No way! You are riding with Ben as a passenger. And besides silver is sitting with her." Roxie said and sending me a tiny wink at the end which made me roll my eyes playfully. "But- seriously? But he's so, uh.." kenji paused looking at Ben in the gyrosphere. Ben tapped the stick and he jolted forward then stopped to be flung forward and hit his face on the glass.

"Live it up tough guy." I said and smirked and roxie chuckled. Kenji groaned and rolled his eyes at me. I walked over to Brooklynn's gyrosphere and sat on the other seat. (Darius has a 3 seater gyrosphere with Sammy and yaz.) "Hey B you excited?" I said and gave her a piece of gum and got another a chewed one myself. "Sure.. whatevs.." she said and put the gum in her mouth. And I knew there was something bothering her. I looked at her phone to see hate comments and I frowned and looked away. The door closed and I buckled myself in. "Alrighty campers.." Dave started. "The headsets are for emergencies. You can always reach us on channel 6." Roxie finishes. "Let the herding begin!" Dave added as we all zoomed past the car.

We drove by a long neck dino (cant remember its name :/ ) "you seeing this?" I asked trying to cheer her up a little but she stayed looking at the comments. "How awesome is this? Were like so close!...Brooklynn?" I asked her noticing she was upset and saw a glimpse: ❤12k 💔35k. On her phone "so she's getting way more hate then I thought..." i thought with a sad look on my face. "Used to be cool?.. you made jurassic world boring? one..likes you anymore?" She read off comments and at this point I felt really bad for her I know how that felt. "Uh.. hey can you believe that an ankylosaurus tail is strong enough to shatter bone?" I asked trying to cheer her up again. "Can you believe I dont care?." She snapped at me. My smile dropped and I looked back to the feild with a sad face. "I know she's upset but I just tried to cheer her up" i thought.

She noticed my sad face and sighed "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I- I'm just...having one of those know?" She said. I looked at her with sympathy. "Theres alot of pressure when your whole life is about being popular, and im not like you.. I cant just look at hate and move on.." she said. "I don't always do that.." I said quietly. "Trust me.. you do. You totally do, but you're not even fazed. I just want people to like m-.." she started but she cut herself off. "You wouldn't understand.." she said with a sigh. "No no trust me I do.. I dont just look at it and move on.. I think about it all day but I usually just keep my feelings trust me I know." I said telling her basically everything.

She looked at me with a shocked face then a sad on and put her hand on mine and I smiled a sad smile at her then looked back to the feild and continued driving.  There was a flash of lightning and some of the dinos got scared. The car with Dave and roxie cut js off to make us stop driving. Our doors open and Dave gets out. "Hey gang new plan. Storms gettin worse, so were all going back to camp. Fun right?" he said  "Aw man." Sammy groaned. "Are you serious?" Darius asked in disbelief. "Dont blame me blame the storm." Dave said. "I blame them both." Roxie said.

"Were not gonna let a little rain stop us are we?" Darius asked. I noticed Brooklynn was slightly shaking "she looks cold.." I thought. I took off my hoodie now left in my white t-shirt and gave it to Brooklynn. She smiled and put it on. It was big on her because im alot taller than her so it was really cute. I smiled back at her and turned back to Dave and roxie. "Sorry cant risk it." Dave said. I guess Darius said something about us to keep going.. "but Dave im sure with under you and roxies leadership, we'll-" Darius started but got cut off by roxie. "This is not up for discussion." She said and her radio made a noise.

"Hello, hello! Roxie here. Can you hear me? Anyone?" She said but the storm messed with her radio. "Ok new plan.  Storms interfering with the radio. So rox and I will drive ahead and tell the others were pulling out. We'll be right back stay behind the herd." He said then they drove off. We got back into our gyrospheres and the lightning struck and a dino got scared and ran off. "That sinoceratops is gonna get lost. We need to go after her." I said to Brooklynn. "Sorry but you heard Dave. Lets just chill out and wait here." She said. "I know alot about sinoceratops' behavior. We can get her. Plusss~ our followers might really love a thrilling dino chase~" I said smirking and pulling out my phone. She smiled at me and I chuckle and drive after the sino. "Wait. Are you guys going after her?. I really don't think that's a good idea." I heard Sammy ask through the mic.

"I've seen cattle spook before and-" she said but got cut off by Darius. "Lets go!" He said then followed us. "Great! I'll drive." I heard kenji say through the mic "I guess Benny boy didn't wanna come. Heh nice kenji." I thought with a smile.

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