Larry sickfics. HS LT

By Kay6107

255 3 2

Just a bunch of Larry sickfics. Hope you enjoy, requests are open More

Food poisoning (louis)

255 3 2
By Kay6107

It's was about 7pm and Harry had just gotten home from work, to find his husband fast asleep. Harry cooed and the sight not wanting to wake him up, but he knew he had to.

"Lou sweetheart I'm back" he said in a soft tone whilst gently stroking his hair. Louis started to stir and slowly opened his eyes smiling and his gorgeous husband, however this smile didn't last long.

Lou quickly sprung off the sofa running towards the bathroom. Of course this worried Harry and he ran after him.

Once in the bathroom Harry was faced with a pitiful scene. Lou was on the floor in front of the toilet heaving his guts up.

Heave after heave broke Harry's heart cause all he could do was rub Louis back and tell him that it was all gonna be okay.
After about 10 minutes of non stop puking Louis finally felt like he was done and collapsed into Harry.

Harry reached over to the sink wetting a flannel and wiping the stray bits of bile and spit off of Louis chin. Harry then wrapped a protective arm over Louis and sat and waited for his breathing to slow down.

"Do you think your done?" Harry asked. He got a weak nod from Louis followed by a whimper as Harry moved.

"Bed or couch love" Harry asked a very sleepy looking Louis. "Bed please" Louis crooked, his voice raw from vomiting. "Alright love let me help you up" Harry said, and with that he helped Lou up and they both slowly walked into the bedroom.

Once there Harry helped Lou into bed and went off to find the thermometer and some medicine.

Once downstairs Harry grabbed a bottle of water and some stomachs relaxers and fever reducer, however he couldn't find the thermometer.

Instead of bothering Lou and asking him where the thermometer is he decided to look in there ensuite.

Harry was just putting the contents of the cabinet back when he heard a faint " Harry" come from the bedroom followed by the sound of sick hitting the floor.

Harry rushed into the bedroom to find Lou sat up on the side of the bed covered in sick obviously trying to keep whatever was left in.

" aww boo let it out" Harry cooed holding the bucket he retrieved earlier under Louis chin. Louis just shook his head " don't wanna" Louis cried in strained voice. He was repeatedly swallowing trying his best to not throw up and Harry could clearly see how much pain Louis was in, so he decided to help Louis.

Harry carefully placed the bucket to the side and carefully removed Louis soiled shirt so he didn't get anymore sick anywhere and threw it to the floor next to the pile of vomit. He then placed the bucket back on Louis lap and sat behind him.

He carefully placed his arm around Louis stomach and started to massage it with little pressure at first.

" H-haz I don't wanna throw up anymore" Louis pleaded trying to suppress a gag.

" I know babe but I promise you  will feel so much better once it is all out of your system" just as Harry finishers his sentence he started applying more pressure causing Louis to shift in discomfort however he had listen to Harry and accepted that he had to get it out 

As Harry applied more pressure Louis felt something rise in his through and let out a sickly burp followed but a very large amount of vomit, Harry continued to apply pressure however eased it in order to rub Louis back and make sure that he wasn't in to much pain.

Once lou had started vomiting he couldn't stop, the disgusting liquid was coming out of his nose and mouth burning on the eat out. The whole time Harry rubbed Louis back and kept his fringe out of his face.

Once lou finally felt done he layed back down thanking Harry for being there. Harry gave Lou a Kiss on the head and went off to grab the cleaning supplies and decide to leave the medicine for now.

Once the floor was cleaned Harry climbed into bed and couldn't help but smile as Lou hugged into his side.

"What do you think made you so sick boo" Harry asked still extremely worried about his poorly husband. " I think i have food poisoning, I ate a chicken salad for lunch and I think the chicken may of been under cooked" Louis said through a yawn. " awww baby" Harry cooed as he pulled Louis in a hug feeling awful for Louis.

"You tired babe" Harry asked seeing Louis fighting sleep. He got a mumble and nod from Louis so Harry decided to play with Louis hair, until he heard a loud grumble from Louis stomach and him scrunch up in pain so Harry decided to rub Louis sore stomach feeling him relax under Harry's touch.

The night was long, filled with tears, vomit and Harry feeling awful for his husband however by the time morning had arrived Louis was feeling so much better and just wanted to cuddle up with Harry and catch up on sleep which of course Harry loved thee sound of to.

I hope you enjoyed this sorry for the ending I feel like it isn't that good. Any feed back would be great and requests are open

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