The Love Of A Father

Af -skywalkerxs

12.5K 254 47

Darth Vader discovers his 3 month year old son on Tatooine then raises him. Luke was his light, his only weak... Mere

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 1

2.2K 35 13
Af -skywalkerxs

Darth Vader stared out of the viewport to see the planet of Tatooine. The hood on his black cloak was over his head, concealing his brown hair and handsome features from everyone on the bridge. He never thought he would be back here. Tatooine had too many memories. Too many memories of his mother and...her. But now he was back and for only one reason. One of his spies said he had found a baby. A baby by the name of Luke Skywalker. At first, he denied it, there was no way his son could be alive.

The force rang out with the truth. Luke Skywalker was his son, his baby boy. It was hard to believe it had been 3 months since everything had happened, 3 months he could have spent taking care of his child. Someone had taken Luke from him no doubt. He suspected it was none other than Kenobi.

His old master would do something like this. Not only did he try to kill him, but he also hid his son from him.

"Is my shuttle prepared?" Vader questioned as he stared at his admiral.

"Y-Yes Lord Vader."

Without a word he turned around, his cloak snapping at his heels, and made his way to the hanger. He soon arrived and dismissed the pilot then quickly took off.

"To be angry is to be human."

"I'm a Jedi...I'm better than this."

Vader frowned at the memory and quickly pushed it into the corner of his mind. He did not want to think about her or his past. He had to find his son. Kenobi could be around for all he knew and might try to steal his child again. No. He refused to let that happen a second time. Luke would be his and there was nothing that could stop him.

The sith quickly landed the shuttle then stormed down the ramp. The heat shined down on him, his black clothing quickly becoming hot from the twin suns. The sand flew around his feet, some getting into his boots. With a glare at the sand, he walked out of the hanger and into Mos Eisley. He looked very out of place in his attire but he didn't really care. Let them know who he was, let them be afraid of him.

Vader's golden eyes darted around and landed on a man he recognized. Owen Lars. Hmm...would Kenobi dare to hide Luke with the Lars? It was possible. Before he learned of Luke's existence he never would have considered it an option. After all, he thought their baby died with her.

Sidious and Kenobi were liars and he would murder them one day. But before he could kill Sidious though he would learn everything he could from him.

"Owen Lars?" Vader questioned as he approached.

"Yes that's m-" Owen started to speak but the rest of the words died in his throat.

It only confirmed his suspicions. Owen would die for his treachery. But not now... He would soon though. Soon he promised himself.


Vader smirked from his spot in the landspeeder. Owen was in the passenger seat next to him. He could feel the man's fear and anger. It only fueled the dark side and made him stronger. The Lars homestead soon came into view and with that, a bright presence was getting closer and closer. It had to be Luke.

He didn't waste a second in hopping out of the speeder and running into the home.

"Owen you-" Beru Lars started to speak.

Vader smirked. "Expecting someone different?"

"I-I know who you're here for. D-Don't hurt him he's just a baby!" Beru exclaimed.

Vader frowned and pushed her against the wall with the force. "I would never hurt my son. Now get out of my way."

The sith apprentice dropped the poor woman and looked around, locating his son through the force.

Suddenly a loud wail filled the air followed by more crying.

Luke. His son was crying! What did the Lars do to him?! Vader followed the crying into a nursery where a baby boy was laying, his chubby hands balled into fists, tears streaming down his face. It made the sith freeze at the sight. He quickly snapped out of it and walked over to his son. Ever so gently he picked him up and held him against his chest.

"Shhhhh little one shhh. It's alright. I'm here now and I'll never leave you again I promise," Vader said softly as he looked down at the baby in his arms.

Luke was perfect. Oh so perfect. She had been right though of course. Their child was a boy all along, a beautiful baby boy. Only if...only if she were here. But she was long gone and was never coming back.

The baby in his arms looked up into his golden eyes curiously.

That's when the Lars' burst into the room.

"You can't take him! He's like our son!" Beru exclaimed.

Vader turned and glared at them. Like their son?! Luke was his son, not theirs and Luke never would be!

"Like your son you say? Well, he's mine!"

Vader gently put Luke in his crib then stared at the husband and wife in front of him. They didn't deserve to live after keeping his son from him. Luke should have been with him the moment he was born. He took the lightsaber off his belt and ignited it casting a red glow in the room.

Beru and Owen's eyes widened in fear.

Good they should be afraid, they were going to die after all.


Vader held his little son in his arms and looked up at the night sky. The sky looked peaceful even if the planet itself was anything but that. All the more reason to get off of this horrible planet with too many memories and regrets. The baby in his arms cooed up at him with a smile.

"Don't worry my son you'll never have to come back to this horrible planet again," Vader said.

He pulled the baby close to his chest then entered the shuttle he had sent for.

They were going home, and the only thing he left behind was a burning homestead.

A/N: Welcome!!! I posted this fic over a month ago on AO3 for SilverDaye for a exchange fic but finally decided to post it here. Enjoy!

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