I am his

By avamari33

79.8K 1.4K 230

Kaden falls for his childhood friend but has a hard time showing his feelings. He has a terrible relationship... More

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By avamari33

Naomi's POV

I arrived home, my heart pounding as I faced the inevitable conversation with my parents. How do I even explain where I was last night? Lying to them wasn't something I wanted to do, but I couldn't reveal the truth either. Besides, my grades had slipped a bit, and that was another concern.

My mom's worried face greeted me, and I tried my best to conjure up a convincing explanation. "I'm sorry, Mom. Kaden took me to his place, and I-I just forgot to mention it. I'm so sorry," I stammered, hoping to gain some sympathy.

"Were you okay?" my dad chimed in with concern in his voice.

"Yeah," I replied, offering a smile to put their worries at bay, knowing they wouldn't press me further about my whereabouts last night.

"I trust Kaden, you know that, right?" my dad reassured, and I nodded in agreement. The truth was, I did trust him with all my heart.

"Dad, I really need to go meet Kaden," I added, attempting to shift the focus away from the questioning.

Both my parents looked at me, and my dad inquired, "Umm, where are you two going?"

"Ava and I aren't friends, but she invited me over, and I wanted Kaden to be there to make sure I'm comfortable," I lied, fabricating a story to divert their attention.

"Okay, you can go, but make sure you're home by 11 pm, okay?" my mom said, smiling with a hint of relief.

"Yeah, I will," I assured them, relieved that they didn't pry further. As I walked outside, I spotted Kaden in his car, looking effortlessly handsome.

I climbed into the car and closed the door. He smirked, asking, "What was your excuse this time?" He had a finished cigarette in his mouth, and I couldn't help but dislike his smoking habits. I didn't mind it occasionally, but he seemed to be indulging more than usual.

"I said Ava wanted to see us, and I have to be home by 11 pm," I said with a smile, trying to push away any tension from our earlier conversation.

"Too bad we don't want to see her, and that sucks; I wanted to sleep with you tonight," he pouted playfully, his words causing my cheeks to flush. Despite my reservations about his smoking, being with Kaden always made me feel alive and captivated.

I sensed his sarcasm, knowing well that he didn't mind my absence at times. Kaden enjoyed his own space, and sometimes, I thought he relished the moments without me around.

"Me too, but I feel so bad for her, and I want to be her friend again," I whispered, voicing my inner conflict to Kaden.

"You want to be her friend?" he raised an eyebrow, looking at me with curiosity.

"I know, it's bad, but she's been my friend since second grade," I explained, trying to justify my desire to reconnect with Ava. She had been my best friend for as long as I could remember, and our bond ran deep, despite our recent disagreements.

His playful retort came as no surprise. "I've been your friend since before first grade," he smirked, reminding me of our shared history.

"Yeah, but you're my boyfriend now," I countered with a smile, appreciating the unique connection we now had.

"I know," he whispered, leaning in to kiss me tenderly, causing my heart to flutter. His actions always had a way of making me smile.

We arrived at Jamie's house party, and the atmosphere was vibrant, with people dancing and reveling in their intoxicated state. Feeling Kaden's arm tightly wrapped around my waist brought a sense of comfort amidst the chaotic ambiance.

As we settled on the couch, the scent of smoke from a passing blunt filled the air. Kaden took a hit, and I followed suit, the laughter bubbling from within us. I passed the blunt along, partaking in the camaraderie that surrounded us.

Kaden sipped from a bottle of Hennessy, and I playfully extended my hand for him to share. Our playful banter continued as I requested a taste, and he obliged, wrapping his hand around my neck, pulling me closer. The Hennessy flowed down my throat, leaving a tingle in its wake. The room buzzed with hoots and comments, acknowledging the moment.

"That was hot," a girl's voice rang out.

"Of course it was fucking hot," Jamie chimed in, and the room erupted in laughter.

"At least we know she can take it," another guy added, prompting more laughter.

"If only you could shut up, Sam," Jamie retorted, his voice tinged with amusement.

Sensing the need for a change of scenery, Kaden whispered, "Let's go do something fun," and I willingly followed him upstairs.

I stepped into the room, and Kaden shut the door behind us, creating an intimate space. The effects of the alcohol were beginning to take hold of my body, and I couldn't help but smile as Kaden pushed me against the wall, kissing me passionately.

Our lips danced together, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling weightless as he effortlessly picked me up. The intensity of the kiss made me feel alive, and in that moment, everything seemed perfect. Kaden was perfect, with all his "imperfections" that I cherished dearly. To me, he was indescribable, an irresistible force that captured my heart completely.

Gently laying me on the bed, he continued kissing me, trailing down my neck, sending shivers down my spine. The sensation was unlike anything I had experienced before, and I could feel every nerve in my body coming alive, yearning for more of him.

Despite trying to suppress my moans, I couldn't contain them, and as I let out a small one, I heard him mumbling against my neck, adding to the pleasure.

He pinned my hands above my head, and I moved my hips towards him, craving his touch desperately. The anticipation was driving me wild, and I needed him to satisfy my desires, now more than ever.

With a smirk, he watched me eagerly take off my shirt, and I could feel the alcohol taking a stronger hold over me. My senses were overwhelmed, and as the passion intensified, I slowly started to lose my grip on reality.

In the haze of the moment, everything faded away, and I blacked out, succumbing to the intoxicating mix of emotions and sensations that Kaden had brought to life within me.

I awoke to the pounding in my head and glanced at the time, 11:30 pm. Panic washed over me; my parents would be furious. My mind was a haze, memories of the night before blurred, but one thing was clear – I loved Kaden. Even though I couldn't remember what happened, I trusted him with all my heart.

Kaden lay beside me, his form stunning even in slumber. I couldn't help but admire his perfection, feeling an overwhelming love for him despite my confusion. Slowly, I got up, trying not to disturb him, and put on my clothes. I noticed him watching me, and he groaned, his voice husky and irresistible.

"Come back," he pleaded, his groggy voice making me weak at the knees. I bit my lip, smiling, as he got up and dressed himself.

"My head hurts so bad," he groaned, wrapping his arms around me. I rested my head on his chest, feeling his comforting presence.

"I feel like shit," I whispered, and he chuckled softly. "You look like sh-" Before he could finish, I playfully slapped him, and he laughed.

"I was joking," he said, a smirk dancing on his lips. "You've got mascara running down your face."

I rushed to the mirror and wiped away the smudged mascara, not caring about my appearance at the moment. My eyes wandered to my neck, where dark hickeys marked my skin. I turned to Kaden, scolding him with a groan.

"Hickeys, really, Kaden?" I grumbled, worried about facing my parents.

He smiled and defended himself, "My parents are going to kill me," I sighed.

"You can wear my hoodie; it's in the car," he offered, trying to be helpful.

"Don't act so innocent; you did the same to me," he lifted his shirt to show the hickeys on his chest.

"Oh my god, but I blacked out," I whispered, shocked by our mutual lack of memory.

He chuckled, "If I'm being honest, me too. I had no clue what was happening, so you'll need to take the morning-after pill to be safe, of course."

I laughed along with him, his lighthearted attitude easing my worries. "Come on, I can't be even more late," I groaned, and we drove back to my house in his car.

He handed me his hoodie, and I put it on, and he looked at me with a smile. "What?" I laughed.

"I should take you inside, I don't want your parents to hate me, and you'll get in less trouble if you pretend to be asleep," he suggested sweetly.

"You're cute, you know that, don't you, Richardson?" I teased, my affection for him evident.

"Mhm, really?" he whispered, amused.

"Mhmm," I replied, smiling as I leaned in to kiss him. He smirked and pulled the hoodie over my head, teasingly calling me a "dick."

I chuckled, "You know you love it," and he smiled, getting out of the car and lifting me up bridal style as he walked to my door. He looked at me with that trademark Kaden Richardson smirk, and my heart fluttered.

"Good night," Kaden whispered, kissing my forehead gently. I mustered a smile, pretending to be asleep as he made his way to the door. My heart raced, knowing my parents would have questions about our late return.

"Oh, Kaden, thank you for bringing her home. Why are you two so late?" my mom's hushed voice reached my ears as I lay still, listening intently.

"I'm so sorry; she fell asleep, and I didn't want to wake her. Then, I fell asleep too, and I completely lost track of time," Kaden explained hurriedly.

I couldn't help but appreciate that, despite his explanation, he was not entirely truthful; he chose to omit certain details.

"It's okay; I'm just glad that you're both okay. Is she friends with Ava now?" my mom inquired.

"Uhh, they had a fall-out again, and I'm not sure she wants to talk about it," Kaden lied, covering up our tumultuous night.

"That's fine. You can take her to her room, and you should head home soon. Your mom texted and said she was worried," my mom advised kindly, and I could imagine the understanding smile on her face.

Kaden complied, taking me to my room. As he turned to leave, I grabbed his arm, pulling him back to me. Our lips met in a tender kiss, a wordless expression of gratitude. "Thank you," I whispered, my feelings for him overwhelming my emotions.

"No problem, nerd," he smiled, using his playful nickname for me. I rolled my eyes, savoring the teasing familiarity between us. I watched as he shut my door, leaving me alone with my thoughts and a heart full of affection for the boy who held my heart so tenderly.

Kaden's POV

Walking downstairs, I found her mother, Stephanie, busy boiling the kettle on the stove. "Thank you, Kaden," she greeted me with a warm smile.

"It's no problem," I replied, returning the smile. Her approval meant a lot to me, knowing how much Naomi's parents cared about her.

"She really likes you, I'm glad it's you and not some guy that sleeps around with girl after girl," Stephanie remarked, and I couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. I used to be exactly that guy, jumping from one meaningless fling to another, until I met Naomi. She changed me, not by forcing me to, but by simply being herself. I wanted to be better for her, and she made me want to be a better person in every way.

"Yeah, me too. I love her," I admitted, letting my feelings for Naomi slip out. Her love had transformed me, and I had become a better version of myself because of her.

As Stephanie continued to talk, my mind drifted back to the past, recalling the reckless choices I had made. I vowed to leave that behind, to be a better man for Naomi. She deserved nothing less, and I was determined to be the person she could rely on.

"Well, you should go home. Amanda's waiting for you," Stephanie said, bringing me back to the present moment with a smile.

"Yeah, um, thank you," I replied, grateful for her understanding and acceptance. With a final smile, I made my way back to my house, thoughts of Naomi filling my mind.

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