The Time Cranium

By RichmondOwusu8

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Conquering of time, centuries and countries. A heaven greatest weapon suffered his way to fought against cent... More

Chapter 1-Whatever I am, am hungry
Chapter 2- Dream of looting
Chapter 3- Crime spot investigation
Chapter 4- Time over everything!
Chapter 5- Dream's became bad reality
Chapter 6- The Mysterious Time Storm
Chapter 7- Welcome into future
Chapter 8- Agreement to time lecturing
Chapter 9- Late to holographic light field orientation
Chapter 10- New bizarre abilities test
Chapter 11- Successful Synchronisation of 1st element
Chapter 12-Lectures with Professor Morgan on four elements
Chapter 13- Cause Trouble day
Chapter 14- Operation X Ethical breaking into Precinct's database
Chapter 15- Formation of Time Department of Science and Archaeology Researching
Chapter 17- Lectures with Professor Satyr
Chapter 18- Assortments seeker's
Chapter 19- School Service Assignment
Chapter 20- Nine element of Time info
Chapter 21- Earth Marbles
Chapter 22-twilight day of magics
Chapter 23- Crime scene peeks
Chapter 24- Final Conclusion
Chapter 25- Terminate of the Marbles
Chapter 26- There's No Way to Survive
Chapter 27- Game in the fast lane
Chapter 30- Battle Ends
28- Dark Solstice Moon
Chapter 29- Battle progressed

Chapter 16- Cross Insubordination (Escaping to Khartime!)

95 64 18
By RichmondOwusu8

"Now on I will call the President of Khartoum to help me cut this buzzer for the open!" The attendees applauded as the president rised to his feet and walked to Prof Stephen.

"Sir, take this scissors and let cut this buzzer!" The president grabbed the scissors. "As the president of Khartoum, I hereby open this department of Time of Science and archaeology researching!" He finally cut off the red cross tape which was leading into the vaults, as the room became noisy and clapping. The President got seated.

"Once again, thanks to Mr Jordan Melton for granting our requests! Once again can attendees clap for Mr President?!"

The attendees again clapped for the President.

"Now it's time for the interesting part. If I say the interesting part then I mean, program evaluation and review technique. Come on connect the projector and let show the world the features of Time!"

The Projector was connected with a white long sheet, and project was ongoing with a slideshow any time a new photos appeared Prof Stephen explained. Until it got to a suit which was similar like a spacesuit with a colored blue."

"Prof what is this?" One attendees asked, "This is a high tech stealth suit which will be worn to protect the body from any attacks from gunshot, magics and all others!"

"Huh?!" the attendees was surprised. "And finally our last review is our ray guns for self defense! Mr president may I grant the permission to end my review here?"

"You can!"

"Please this is where we ends it!" As the attendees dismantled away from the room to outside of the mansion.

"Seth, you see, work will be successful by tomorrow ongoing, and expedition too will be marvelous."

"Raf, don't be too much happy you don't know what's on the way coming!"

"Why, why--" Prof Stephen appeared in front of them. "Seth I need you right now!"


"I said I need you right away!"


"Yeah, Seth!"

"See you later!"

"Hasta Pronto!"

Seth followed Prof Stephen into one of the room which was leading into one of the vaults. "Seth, what happened there!"

"Sir what?"

"Seth, don't tell me you don't know what happened at the opening!"

"Oh sir that was not. I was trying to defend the opening against that nemesis!" Seth tried to brushed it as nothing. "Why?! Burton hasn't done nothing to you it was my opening, your insolence tried to terminate the opening at the presence of the president?"

"I too it was my right to defend your pro--"

"Shut up! Shut up! I don't wanna hear any word from you!"

"Okay sir if I have done anything wrong forgive me for my insubordination!"

"How many times do I have to tell that shut up!"

"Why?!--" Before seth could finished any sentence Prof Stephen slapped him, "Alright sir it's because of your opening thats why you refused to trained me with the slo-mos, and Time Pausing. But today you called me insolence child because I defended your department from a nemesis you, slapped me... It's over between us!!" Seth with furiously, spreading across his face dashed out of the room... and Prof Stephen started chasing him.

"Seth, Seth! Forgive me, Seth! I didn't meant to."

He stopped and turned to face Prof Stephen and said. "You didn't meant to what?! It's over between us!" And he  stumbled away, Prof Stephen started following him down to the crowds at the hallway as he totally lost Seth tracked.

Outside Time Mansion was Steve Caveman  with some boys conversing. Seth arrived besides him.

"Hey! Seth why are you here?"

"Steve, listen I have tricked Prof Stephen for now we have to shun this department opening."


"Because it's already over, and we must held to the college right now! Before Prof Stephen find me here!"

"Alright Seth lets go for now!"

They strolled to the street... For the first time Seth experienced the future different from the past— their activities, their inventions— their technologies. Department in the street, the skyscrapers different! As for their harbours was a little bit different from the past—how containers was been sechs— how the people behaved and a huge improvement in technologies.

"So how do you tricked Prof Stephen?"

"As, the commotion caused by Burton, so I took the advantage on it... and actually, his mood was different! He testified his anger on me! And I acted like a hollywood star!"

"Haha! Wow, but you need something to do about Burton after your mere behavior on him."

"Yeah, Steve you are right! Ain't anyone to help me get assigned? As the matter of fact, I always used the holographic light field to studies at home. But right now am going inside real, some of the teachers should help me."

"You are right! Lets try... Professor Satyr he could help you get assigned. Right?!"

"No!" Insisted Seth, "Why?! he's polite and he can be a source of your help!"

"Okay lets get there first... we will find a solution out there!"

They passed through many secret anarchies without arriving, and Seth became broke. "Steve we have walked about--" He paused the sentence to spied on his wrist watch for time. "About 2hours but we haven't arrive yet, why?"

"It's a secret society school, which is not registered under any government cooperative. So only fewer people know about it. If any circumstances inside get viral we'll be sued and jailed. I even don't know the negative effects it will raise on us."

"Okay Steve, If we got sued me ♪I got a motherfucking warrant but I won't go to court. Goddamn one day we all be together until then am ready for whatever♪''

"Wow, what's that song?"

"Tupac Ready to die!"


"If it's serious that it's a secret society then we need to gather encapsulation's data's about the college from any circumstances to defend it, when any effects broke. Indeed the college is guiding us to our magical elements."

"Yeah Seth it will be only important to that, lets continue for now!"

They walked about 2 minutes and they finally got to a place where a main gate was blocking them! They got inside by passing the first verification utilities system. Inside the college was a picturesque collection of cozy looking buildings with steepled roofs, a manicured lawn, and an ostentatious statue out front. But as he gawked the carved marble figure kept moving around, and overhead, people flied around on a variety of objects including an ottoman, a broom, and an ornamental rug!


Seth turned and saw a tall man with goat feet eyeing him disdainfully from nearby and approached them.

"Steve! Who are you with?"

"Please sir, he's Seth Parker!"

"Did Seth read the information packet? the arrival protocols, you know. I hope his admission standards are not decline? Due to overpopulation students!"

"Admission?" Asked Seth, "Sir, Seth is already a student here he frequently went to lectures at home with the hologram."

"Okay! You are already ATL." he nodded his head, and offered his hand and Seth shook it. "Nice to meet you Seth, I'm Professor Satyr, that's the name they used to called me. By the way don't be late to my class tomorrow morning around 7AM now I have you assigned to my lectures. Thank you!"

Professor Satyr then walked away leaving Seth and Steve!

"Seth, so will tomorrow be your third day of the new semester?!"

"Yeah I think so! But am not hundred percent sure!"

"Once again the campus is nice!"

"Seth, this is just nothing lets hurry before we missed 'The Roll Hall Of Fame' by a mile, but I think we'll made it."

"Huh? Where legends records are stored?!"

"No it's a mirror which helped students to travel easy around the campus!"

"Wow, I can't wait to see the Hall Of Fame!"

Steve turned and started to walked inside the school and Seth stumbled after him. On the way, Seth passed the large statue in the center of the campus, and it swiveled its head to look at Seth! "Oh, that's just the security system, set to vaporize any ATL intruders. But there hasn't been one on campus... well, I don't even know."

"(I don't love to be vaporized.)" He kept an eye on the statue but soon it looked away. Seth let out a relieved sigh when he turned back, they've reached a massive double doors. They entered, "Welcome to Khartime!"

"What's Khartime?"

"Another name for the college! If you follow me I will show you the way." He followed Steve up the stairs, which was leading into an adjoining hallway. "The dining hall is just at the left end of this hall and to the left. This is the school main building, so there's a ton of offices and stuff in here. Reception, the burton's office, classrooms... Some of the ATL placement exams are held here, too."

" 'ATL placement'?"

"I think its kind of silly, too. I knew Earth was my thing when I caused a tiny earthquake throwing a tantrum over desert when I was five."

"Right. Totally."

As they pass one of the door, off the hall, Seth heard a small commotion coming from inside.

Voice: Oh, hell!

"Uh, Steve what's that from?"

"Thats The Roll Hall Of Fame where we supposed to travel through, to the dormitory." The first thing Seth saw when he opened the door was a wood nymph girl. With a long, dark hair containing a plastic flake ribbon, trying desperately to pulled her foot out of a floor length mirror.

"Oh thank goodness! Some assistance s'il vous plait?" Seth and Steve rushed over, each took one of her hands, and tugged until she came free. She stumbled right into Seth arms and blew her bangs out of her face with a smile.

"Oops. Macfarlane Ministry, in your arms and at your service. Good catch, by the way!"

"Thanks... How do you get stuck?" Seth asked, Macfarlane straightened up and smoothed out her hair. "I always been trouble with these silly mirror if we're being honest. I much prefer air travel. But at least I made it. I was about five months away when I opened my new shop."

"Call me Aster Macfarlane, shop keeper take this card anytime you want you can come and buy all your stuffs you will be needed at my shop. Indeed am promoting myself." Then she struts out of The Hall Of Fame mirrors.

A short while later, After Seth and Steve travel using the Hall Of Fame soon they entered a nearly empty dorm lobby, an upperclassman with a clipboard waved Seth over.

"Welcome to Khartime! How can I assist you? Need help finding your room?" A RA asked Seth and Steve. "Uh..." The RA cocked her head to the side. "You can just tell me your last name, and I'll point you in the right direction." Seth gave her his last name, and his stomach roiled as her eyes skimmed the clipboard. "Wait a minute." She glanced at Seth, then back at the page... Then she flipped the page over. "Here we go! Seth Parker, first floor, room 103. Your roomie has been checked in since this morning!"

Seth steve hurried down the hall, simultaneously relieved and even more confused than he was before. "(If this is all some mistake, how was my name on the list?)" Behind the doors down the hall he could hear music, people laughing, and even... an occasional roar? Finally Seth and Steve found number 103. He saw that there was a doorknob.


"Steve!" he responded! "I will leave you here. Right?"

"Okay, I have finally found my room, so bye!"

Steve turned back and stalked away leaving Seth on the door to his room.

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