Jayflight's Vision (OLD)

By avesrobin

814 31 36

Book one in the Shadow Sea Rising series: Jaypaw is a young medicine cat apprentice who keeps having a vision... More

Author's note: start
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chaper 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Allegiences Update #1
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's note: midway
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Allegiances Update #2
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Authors note: end

Chapter 11

19 0 1
By avesrobin

"Hey, Jaypaw, are you okay?" Rosepaw's voice broke into her discovery. 

"Yeah, Rosepaw, I'm okay. I just had a thought." It wasn't exactly lying. Out of the corner of her eye, Jaypaw saw a large group of cats pouring into the clearing. StormClan!

"Finally!" mumbled Jaypaw and Mintpaw at the same time. They purred with laughter.

"Let all cats gather to hear news from all the Clans!" Came Spotstar's deep voice from the thickest branch in the Great Pine. 

"I'm going to go sit with the medicine cats now." Jaypaw said to the other apprentices. She padded over to Streamspirit, Shellcloud, Echosight, Oakfern, and Swallowsight.

"Hello, Jaypaw, and welcome to your first gathering!" Said Oakfern quietly. "Where's Sunwatcher?"

"He had to stay at camp, he got hurt in the woods. But he'll be here next gathering. He's recovering quickly." Jaypaw sat up a bit straighter. It was her care that was making him better, after all. And she didn't want the other clans doubting Sunwatcher's strength.

The medicine cats turned their heads to see what Spotstar was saying. "Life in LakeClan is good. The lake is full of plump fish, and we have two new apprentices, Rosepaw and Dewpaw!" 

The surrounding cats began to chant. "Rosepaw! Dewpaw!" Jaypaw turned to see Rosepaw and Dewpaw turning away, shyly but happily.

"Their training is going well, mentored by Jaggedstripe and Ripplemist. I trust they will be great warriors in the future."

Twigstar stepped forward, her proud gray figure confidently casting a shadow over the cats directly below the rock. "Things are well in ShadeClan. We have five new apprentices. Our dens are filling quickly!" the surrounding cats gave light purrs of laughter. "Join me in welcoming Ravenpaw, Jaypaw, Hazelpaw, Frostpaw, and Robinpaw into the Clans!"

After all the Clans chanted their names, Twigstar flicked her tail for silence. "Jaypaw has chosen to follow the path of a medicine cat. Our senior medicine cat, Sunwatcher, is not here tonight. He has been attacked by an unknown cat in the forest, but thanks to the care of our medicine cat apprentice, Jaypaw, he is recovering." Twigstar gave her an approving glance. 

The Clans shot a few admiring looks at Jaypaw and murmured amongst themselves before Twigstar waved her tail for silence again.

"Though there is something I'd like to address." Twigstar turned, her emerald green eyes meeting Spotstar's amber ones." "Spotstar, your warriors attacked mine about a half moon ago on a border patrol. Care to explain?"

Spotstar remained completely calm, unflinching. "Well, Twigstar,  I was just about to ask you the same thing. What were your warriors doing on our territory?"

Twigstar's eyes displayed obvious shock. "My warriors? On your territory? Spotstar, the way I heard it, it was your  warriors on my territory." A spark of anger joined the fading surprise in her eyes.

"Twigstar, our warriors scented yours by our border a while ago. We didn't say anything, but now it seems like there is something going on. Our warriors, again, scented yours on the border, and then the next day, met them on a border patrol and decided to ask. Do you care to explain?" Spotstar asked, still calm. Jaypaw admired his composition. She didn't know if she could speak in front of that many cats- the leaders were all brave.

Twigstar's eyes returned to a suprised look, which she quickly changed to not give away her emotions. She turned to her warriors. "Is what he says true?" she said to the warriors on who were on the patrol. "Did you attack first?" 

Thunderheart looked down at his paws. "We had to." He mumbled. "They were calling us prey stealers. And we tried to tell them we weren't, Twigstar, we really did." He licked his chest in embarassment. 

"But was is necessary to start a fight?" She asked. Her eyes were disappointed now. "We'll discuss this when we get home." Twigstar shook her head. She backed away and nodded her head to Deerstar of StormClan, letting her step up and speak.

Before the leader started talking, Jaypaw noticed Echosplash and Ripplemist each shoot the other a guilty look. 

Deerstar's spotted brown and white pelt glistened in the moonlight. "StormClan is..." She began, but sadness glistened in her eyes, and she paused momentarily. "In the recent half moon, a Twoleg monster pulled up to our camp and took some of our cats." Deerstar bowed her head. "Most of us managed to escape....but they got Badgerclaw, Toadspring, and Rabbitspring. We have found a place to build a new camp, and we are hoping to be rebuilt in the next few moons." 

Deerstar sighed. She's getting old, Jaypaw thought. The short furred she cat had been leader for many moons, since before Jaypaw was born. 

There were a few murmurs of sadness throughout the Clans, from the friends of Badgerclaw, Toadspring, and Rabbitspring. Jaypaw saw the deputy of StormClan, Sparkflight, give Deerstar a concerned look.

She must be on her last life, Jaypaw thought. Something made her very certain, like an instinct. Then Jaypaw remembered a scenario from her very early kithood. Jaykit had been no older than a moon and a half when it had occured...

"Will she get any better?" a murmur came from the medicine den. "

I don't think so." Sunwatcher's voice drifted to Jaykit and Ravenkit's hiding place outside the den. Jaykit and Ravenkit shared a horrified  glance. Briarstar was...dying?

"She's on her last life, isn't she?" Twigleap's sad but understanding voice came from the den.

Jaykit peeked through the brambles and saw Sunwatcher nod. 

"How do you know?" Twigleap asked. 

"A medicine cat always knows." Sunwatcher said to her. 

Jaykit gazed at him in awe. What a good medicine cat!

It is an instinct, then. Jaypaw thought, her mind in the present now. Deerstar is on her last life.

Deerstar jumped to a lower branch on the tree. Bristlestar of BreezeClan came up to the top branch and looked out across the Clans. Bristlestar was small in stature, but she made up for it by being a strong, confident leader.

"The prey is running well in BreezeClan. Quite fast, actually." she purred, and there were a few chuckles in the crowd. "BreezeClan also has two new apprentices, Mintpaw and Littlepaw." the Clans cheered, and Jaypaw cheered particularly loudly for her new friends.

"Recently, BreezeClan camp was attacked by a dog, but we fended it off with the help of our newest apprentices." Mintpaw's small figure straightened and looked around at the few cats looking at her, impressed, with a 'Yeah, I helped beat a dog!' look.

"I think that's all from BreezeClan." Bristlestar jumped down from the Great Pine. 

"I apologize, fellow Clans, but ShadeClan needs to go home and discuss what has been said here tonight." Twigstar threw a meaningful look at Spotstar. "Until the next gathering, may StarClan light your paths." 

Jaypaw padded over to the other apprentices and said her goodbyes, then re joined ShadeClan, which was breaking off into their group to go home. Jaypaw looked over to see Echosplah and Ravenpaw waving their tails in a 'see you next time!' way to Ripplemist. 

Ravenpaw turned and, surprisingly, his eyes lit up when he saw Jaypaw. Maybe not in a happy way, but a 'I need to talk to you' way. He flicked his tail, and Jaypaw padded over to him.

Echosplash and the rest of ShadeClan exited the gathering clearing, with Jaypaw and Ravenpaw at the rear. Ravenpaw said to Jaypaw, "I might be mad at you, Jaypaw...but you're my sister, and there's something you need to know."

"What is it, Ravenpaw?" curiosity churned in Jaypaw's stomach. Just before Ravenpaw spoke, Jaypaw knew exactly what he would say.

"Jaypaw, I just met our father."

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