๐…๐€๐๐†๐’ / ๐‚๐‹๐€๐–๐’ / ๐ƒ...

By Soul_Candy

82.3K 3.5K 1K

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3.5K 169 20
By Soul_Candy

𝐀𝐮𝐠𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝟐𝟗𝐭𝐡, 𝟏𝟗𝟕𝟓

As soon as the clock struck twelve-thirty, you found yourself standing directly in the middle of the brick-paved streets of Diagon Alley. Gaggles of soon-to-be first-year students paraded themselves all the way to Ollivanders wand shop, nervously whispering amongst themselves with an air of faux confidence that all children seemed to possess at one point or another.

You stepped back just in time to avoid getting caught in a stampede of older witches who bustled through with their arms full of potion ingredients and ancient-looking books alike. You were doing your best to stay out of everyone's way while still remaining visible enough so that your friends could easily spot you, wherever it was they were.

The Black sisters were your best friends through and through. In fact, they were the only girls in Slytherin House that would give you the time of day. While everyone else seemed to have forgotten about the scandal of your sorting, the ambitious and exclusive Slytherins had not. You were just as much an outcast in school as you were in your own home.

But Bellatrix never let you believe that. She, Narcissa, and Andromeda were your honorary sisters and they treated you as such. Ever since you first met in the Great Hall after your sorting, you three were almost as inseparable as James and the Marauders. If it wasn't for Bella's deep-rooted disdain for Sirius, you all would have gotten along perfectly.

"There you are, little Potter!"

You pulled yourself out of your thoughts and spun around. Approaching from the thin gap between two shopfronts were your friends, arms linked together in a long train that started with Bella and ended with Andy, who above else looked generally displeased.

"We thought we had missed you," Cissy smiled. She was the smallest of all her sisters, which was appropriate seeing as how she was also the youngest. She had a mousy demeanor that would have matched Peter's if it wasn't for her random spurts of confidence. She waited patiently for Bella to release her hand before jumping up and hugging you tightly around the neck.

You loved Narcissa dearly. But the more time you spent with her, the more you swore you understood how James must have felt having you around in your younger years. Once she pulled away, Andy sauntered forwards and gave you a polite nod of acknowledgment. Andromeda was the most distant of the Black sisters and despite being the middle child, she was sometimes the most motherly.

Blinking back in Bella's direction, you shifted your feet uncomfortably. "This is the time we discussed in the letters, isn't it?" You would be dreadfully embarrassed if you found out that you had read the date incorrectly in her invitation.

"Of course," She chuckled, biting her blood-red painted lip and nudging Andy in the arm. "But you're going the wrong way. Knockturn Alley is behind us."

"Knockturn Alley?" You parroted, unsure if you had heard her correctly.

"Of course, silly," Bella smiled then pursed her lips, taking both of your hands in hers and swinging them between you. She was always especially touchy when she needed to convince you of something. "You'll love it. Even Cissy loves it."

"Only when Malfoy's there," Andy scoffed, earning her a swat on the arm from Narcissa who's face instantly went red in embarrassment. It was no secret that she harbored feelings for the stoic blonde Slytherin, with whom you shared a handful of classes over the years. 

Lucius Malfoy was everything that his name suggested; dramatic, prissy, and just as self-important as they came. Though, to be fair, most of what you heard about him came from your brother and his band of unreliable hooligans.

While the two girls were distracted, Bella rolled her eyes and took you by the hand, ushering you into the fray. Instead of before, when passing through the Alley meant being knocked around by shoppers, people now made an effort to avoid you as you walked hand-in-hand with the brood of Black sisters.

Bellatrix seemed to revel in it. She knew that she was noticed by everyone, even hated by some, but she loved it. Every minute of it. She soaked up the terrified glances and backhanded whispers like a sponge. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought she lived off of them.

And sometimes, you swore she did.

Knockturn Alley, as the name implied, was dark and dismal. Even if you hadn't been watching exactly where you were going, it was like you could feel the moment you left the safe sunshine of Diagon Alley. A brisk chill crept over your shoulders and made you hesitate before following Bella further down the brick-lined tunnel.

Andy and Cissy took up the rear, bickering back and forth under their breath.

"I've never been back this way," you admitted shyly. You would have said anything then to fill the hollow silence. All three of the girls giggled, making you feel even smaller than you already were. You were a mouse galavanting with cats. A lamb in the lion's den.

"I can't say that I'm surprised cousin dearest never made an effort to show you the more fun things that life has to offer," Bellatrix snorted.

Your gaze flickered to the mossy brick wall just inches away from brushing against the shoulder of your cloak. It was dripping with a coppery substance that you could only pray was run-off from last night's rain. "This is one of the fun things?"

If anyone heard your comment, they didn't acknowledge it. You figured that was probably for the best with all things considered. You were in their territory now. That fact shouldn't have unnerved you as much as it did.

Not even a full minute into the walk did the brick pathway open up into what could best be described as a courtyard. Much like Diagon Alley, shopfronts jutted out from either side of the slim stone lane that rippled under your feet like dragon scales. You assumed you were underground with everything still so dark, but it was impossible to tell with all of the slanted rooftops piling over each other above your head.

A faraway scream sounded and echoed through the mildewy space. As the girls pulled you deeper and deeper into the shadows, you passed by several shady individuals. Instead of the shoppers that you had encountered just minutes before, these people looked on with respect instead of disgust. A few even gasped and joined their hands together in wordless prayer. The Blacks were celebrities here.

Bellatrix let go of your wrist at last and your footsteps slowed to a halt. You were painted in the sickly yellow light cast out through the murky windows of a storefront. It was the largest and brightest you had passed thus far.

In the light, you could make out a slip of parchment that had been tacked onto the wall. The enchanted words shifted and swirled together under your squinted gaze, but it only took you a handful of seconds to decipher the message.



The implications of the message sent a lengthy shudder throughout your body. You would never find anything like that in Diagon Alley. In fact, nothing you had seen so far would ever be found in the vulnerable light of day. At least, not anywhere you frequented.

A brass bell jingled and pulled your attention away to where Narcissa was standing in the open doorway of the same shop. Her sisters filed in one by one, starting with Andromeda, who Bella seemed to be using as a human shield. A rusty sign swung overhead, creaking in the non-existent breeze. Borgin and Burkes.

"The last one in is a rotten dragon's egg," Cissy coaxed, bouncing impatiently on the heels of her Mary Janes. You did your best to shake off the sickly feeling that the poster gave you before hopping up the moist stone steps that led into the store.

Almost immediately, you were hit with the pungent stench of mothballs and rust. Bellatrix cackled with her sister somewhere deeper in the store, but there were far too many shelves to make out their exact location. 

The door clambered shut behind you and Cissy joined you in facing off the labyrinth of aisles and wares. "Bella lied," she whispered, voice almost reduced to a squeak. "I don't like this place at all, even when Malfoy's here. Too many dead things."

She was right. There were too many dead things. Jars of pickled pixies lined the shelf closest to you, followed by velvet drawstring bags filled with dragon teeth and rancid-smelling herbs. Suspicious-looking leather furniture was pressed against the peeling walls, looking as though they were made of anything but animal hide.

The splendor of it all just screamed Bellatrix Black. But it whispered for you to get out while you still could; before you were put on display along with everything else. When you looked back to your side, Narcissa was gone. But you weren't worried. Despite her timid demeanor, she could hold her own in a duel. You'd seen her knock seventh years flat on their asses in Defense Against The Dark Arts at least three times before and you would no doubt see it again this year.

You wanted to call out for her, or any of your chaperones, but the names got caught in your throat when you suddenly heard a distant twinkling sound. It was quiet at first; so quiet that you almost missed it entirely. But then it grew louder and louder and you couldn't help yourself before stepping further into the shop.

It sounded like wind chimes; fluttery and calm. But there was a distinct tune. An eerie melody. It sparkled in your ears against the muck and shadows that otherwise consumed Borgin and Burkes.

You found yourself following the source of the noise through the entire shop. You took each twist and turn more confidently than the last, eager to know just what was calling out to you with such a beautiful song. At one point you could no longer hear the Black sisters whispering to one another, but you didn't mind.

The air became thick with shadows and the rusty smell was now at a full-blast. You could barely see three yards ahead of you but that didn't stop the sudden flicker of light from catching your eye and directing you to a dead-end aisle where the source of the music was sitting on full display at eye level.

It was a black ceramic music box sitting open on top of a glass display case. From where you were standing, you could see that the interior was lined with rich red velvet. So red, in fact, that you assumed it was also black until you stood right above it, peering in.

It was obviously not a muggle artifact, proven by the figure dancing in the very middle. It was a little girl donning a deep green cloak and matching gown. Her wand was pointed high into the air, a silent spell on her lips. There had once been an enchantment on the object so that sparks would fly whenever it was unlatched, but it had worn off centuries ago.

She was crafted from porcelain, just like the exterior, and bore no facial expression; too tiny for such intricate details. But you could still somehow feel her reaching out to you, beckoning you closer. Closer, closer, closer, until your fingers were just about to brush against the golden rim of the box.

"Don't touch it."

You nearly jumped at the sound of the unfamiliar voice. Your hand reeled back and you cradled your wrist tight against your chest before turning to face whoever had given you such an eerie warning.

When you first wheeled around, your eyes glazed over the darkness and saw nothing. Am I hearing voices? you wondered before a flash of movement caught your eye and made you peer past the blackened blanket of shadows.

Low and behold, there was a figure standing just out of the realm of your eyesight. It took only a moment for your eyes to adjust, and you nearly gasped when they finally did.

The boy had long, straight black hair that fell around his shoulders and curled inward near the very ends. He had a Roman nose that cast a shadow over the left side of his face. His hand was still outstretched, lingering in the air between you and ready to draw you back if you hadn't heeded his verbal warning.

"W-What?" you gulped, realizing you've been staring for too long and that the silence had grown all too strong for your liking.

The boy gulped, dark eyes darting between you and the music box that had since stopped singing. "It's cursed," he croaked, licking his pale lips. "Calls to you...tempts you...but one touch pulls all the breath from your lungs."

Your eyebrow quirked disbelievingly. How could something so beautiful be so wretched?

As if overhearing the accusation, the inviting aura of the box disappeared altogether. No longer drawing you closer with the promise of a warm hug, its invisible talons clawed at whatever exposed skin it could reach and you drew away from it as quickly as you could, unintentionally lessening the gap between you and the boy whose name you still didn't know.

"Why's it on display?" You panted, chest heaving. You were wishing now more than ever that you had stayed by Narcissa's side at the very front of that terrible shop.

The boy shrugged and a thick lock of hair fell halfway in front of his face. "Mr. Burke believes that all of his novelties deserve to be...examined...to determine the best quality." The corners of his lips twitched upwards into a smile and you realized that this was his poor attempt at a joke. "I saw you arrive with the Black sisters."

"You know my friends?" You inquired, still suspicious of the boy despite the fact that he saved you from being hexed not seconds prior. 

He looked like he was about to respond, his lips barely parted when yet another voice rang out and cut through the tense silence. You shrunk back instantly, not caring that you gave the music box another inch or so to work with.

"Well, well, well, if it isn't my good friend Snivellus."

(A/N: I finished writing this chapter yesterday but fell asleep before I could edit it. I love introducing characters that didn't get enough development in the books/films. I know we get to see slivers of what Snape was like at Hogwarts, but other than that I'm still very curious about his descent into Dark Arts. Ya feel me? Anyway, here's this. If you see any mistakes, feel free to call me out!)

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