𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐞𝐚 || 𝚆�...

By fa1rydream

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⠀⠀⠀⠀❝ 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒔𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒂𝒗𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒗𝒐𝒊𝒄𝒆 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝑻𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒍𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒃𝒓𝒊𝒈... More



733 22 6
By fa1rydream

─── ・ 。゚☆ : * . ☽ . * : ☆ 。゚・ ───

Katherine Swann point of view
Will, Jack, and I run through an ankle deep water, and stop under a stone bridge. The harbour is quite crowded with many soldiers, but they are busy enough to not notice us here. "We're going to steal a ship?" Will asked, looking at the HMS Dauntless.

I point at the ship, "That ship?"

"Commandeer. We're going to commandeer that ship. Nautical term." answered Jack, he points at the other ship, the new HMS Interceptor looming by the harbour. He turns around to Will and me, with a serious face. "One question about your business, boy. Or there's no use going." Jack spoke to Will.

"This girl," he points at me, standing beside Will, "how far are you willing to go to help her?" I silently look at the two, feeling blush forming on my face.

"I'd die for her." Will answered without hesitation, facing forward to Jack. I get butterflies in my stomach, whilst trying to hold a smile on my face. "And I'd die for him as well," I added.

"Oh good," Jack's face become less tensed, he turns back to the sea. "No worries then,"

I notice that Will's ears are blushing red, though he doesn't face me.

Soon, the three of us approach the beach where row boats located.

「 𓊝 」

We hide under an upside-down row boat, with Jack on the front, me in the middle, and Will at the back. We hear a couple of soldiers marching here and there. Few moments later, there are no footsteps to be heard outside.

"I haven't set foot off dry land since I was twelve, when the ship I was on exploded. It's been a sound policy." spoke Will slowly.

"No worries, boy." Jack responded.

"This will be an exciting adventure, just like how we use to be," I added, giving him comforting smile over my shoulder.

We lowly walk towards the sea, beneath the row boat. Jack told Will and me to stay to the ground. Now, the three of us are on the sea floor, all soaking wet, except our top of our heads, because of the air that kept under the row boat.

"This is either madness, or brilliance." said Will, he sounded a little bit peevish.

"It's remarkable how often those two traits coincide," spoke Jack.

"I would say this is brilliant." I said.

"Well, thank you, dear." Jack replied to me. The water surface is as high as my neck. I tugged in my aquamarine necklace before, but it get out itself because of the water.

Suddenly, I hear some sort of whispers around the water. I furrow my brows, not sure how the crowd from the harbour could be heard from here. I wanted to tell Will and Jack about this, but then I didn't.

After few minutes walking, we make it to the ship. We get up to the water surface, letting go the row boat. Jack climbs the ship, followed by me and Will. It is quite a thrill climbing up a big ship with wet clothing, but also exciting to me. Whilst holding my skirt, few times my boots slip from where I set my foot.

Finally, we are up on the deck of the ship. I feel so excited after a while since the last time I'm aboard on a ship. I immediately detach my belt inside my wet clothes through the holes of my petticoats. The brown belt falls, along with my sword. Will and Jack look at me, astonished.

"I thought you didn't bring it," said Will, feeling amazed and proud.

While putting the belt on my waist, I smile at him, "I'm always prepared, my dear William," he become a bit flattered.

"Splendid," Jack added, grinning at me. I give him a small smile. Shortly, after unsheathing our swords, we silently walk on the ship, heading to the main deck. There was a breakdown in discipline, about a dozen of Navy sailors are gathering playing dice. The soldiers Murtogg and Mullroy are among them as well.

Jack holds up his pistol and shouted, "Everyone stay calm! We are taking over the ship...!" Will and I point our swords at the sailors.

"Aye! Avast!" Will shouted eagerly.

I quickly cover my mouth to hold my laugh, while Jack gives Will a look. All of the sailors burst out their laugh at us, shaking their heads. Realising what he have done, Will's face begins to blush of embarrassment. Jack grins with the sailors, with his pistol still at the level. Lieutenant Gillette steps forward.

"This ship cannot be crewed by two men." sneered Lieutenant Gillette, then his eyes move to me, surprising him a little. "...and a girl. You'll never make it out of the bay."

"Son," Jack points his pistol to the lieutenant, "I'm Captain Jack Sparrow. Savvy?"

Suddenly, I want to take out my pistol as well. I move my sword to my left hand, and confidently hold up my pistol with my right hand, pointing at the sailors. Everyone gives me a strange look.

"Haven't seen a girl with a pistol?" I questioned.

Lieutenant Gillette scoffs, "Miss Swann, is it appropriate for a lady to do such things? Governor Swann would be very concerned about this."

I intensely stare at him, as he instantly stutters, regretting his words. "Is it appropriate for a lady, or a gentleman, to put a mind on one's business? It is not and never your place to judge me, of how I act as a lady. You're not even one!"

"And in case you did not know, my dear beloved father know me very well for defending myself." I smile sarcastically at him. I take a quick glance at Will, who is smiling proudly at me.

The lieutenant shuts his mouth and look away, I would say he is embarrassed. Some sailors doubtfully move forward, with their swords on their hands. Lieutenant Gillette holds up his hand, signalling them to stop.

"Sir, I'll not see any of my men killed or wounded in this foolish enterprise." spoke Lieutenant Gillette to Jack, trying to ignore my glare.

"Fine by me. We brought you a nice little boat, so you can all get back to shore, safe and sound." said Jack, pointing at the row boat we had before.

Lieutenant Gillette nods, "Agreed. You have the momentary advantage, sir. But I will see you smile from the yard arm, sir."

Only few times I tried to use a pistol, which I got them the same way I did this morning. I always try to keep it as a secret, but father somehow knew it was me who took his pistols... Thankfully he wasn't very mad about it. I practiced deep in the forest, sometimes accompanied by Will.

"As likely as not." Jack responded to the lieutenant, whilst winking at me, then he faces at Will and me, "Short up the anchor, mates! We've got ourselves a ship!"

I'm not sure how to react. I thought we were going to commandeer the Interceptor. Well, at least we got a ship. I raise my hand and grin. I put back my pistol to my pocket and sheathe my sword.

Soon, the sailors make their way down through a rope ladder to the row boat. I sit on the stairs, drying my wet clothes underneath the sun. I see Will pushing hard the windlass, but the anchor is too heavy for him. When I get up to go help him, Jack comes to my best friend first. "A little help?" he asked to Will.

I stand near them close to the railing, viewing the sailors beneath. Jack is still holding his pistol at them. "I can't believe he's doing this." said Murtogg.

"You didn't believe he was telling the truth either." argued his partner, Mullroy.

I secretly giggle at the two. Meanwhile, Lieutenant Gillette looks at Will who is struggling with the windlass. "Do you have any idea, boy, what you're doing?" he asked to my best friend.

"No." Will answered briefly.

「 𓊝 」

Few minutes later, the Navy sailors are all gone, rowing their boat to Port Royal. Jack gestures to Will and me to come closer. We gather closely on the main deck.

"Listen, we're not taking this ship. We're pretending to take this ship." said Jack. I give him an amused look, I can see the proudness shown on his face. "What's the next plan?" asked Will.

"We'll wait until the Interceptor come, and we can stea- commandeer, that ship. Savvy?" Jack grins to us.

"Savvy!" I exclaimed, while Will gives Jack a nod.

Will and I set a sail of the HMS Dauntless, to convince the Navy that we are taking this ship. Jack comes to guide us, waving his hand up. After the sail is set, he walks up to the wheel.

"Look there, mate! We're underway!" shouted Jack. The Dauntless moves forward slowly, as we only set one sail. Butterflies fill my stomach of excitement, wondering what we will do afterwards.

Will and I look at each other, we exchange smiles. I feel that my braid has become messy, I take the ribbon off and tie my hair. When I'm finish fixing my hair, I look around and caught Will is staring at me all the time. I give him a smile, then he realises. He smiles back at me awkwardly, then he looks at the back of our ship, to see the Interceptor racing towards us.

Will walks up to Jack, "Here they come," he spoke. Jack places his pistol to his jaw, and smirk. The Interceptor quickly moves next to the Dauntless.

Grappling hooks are thrown to the railing of the Dauntless. The Navy sailors, including Commodore Norrington and Lieutenant Theodore Groves, move to the ship, only to see the decks empty. "Search every cabin, every hull, down to the bilges!" commanded Commodore Norrington.

Little did they know, Jack, Will, and I quietly swing from the Dauntless to the Interceptor, using ropes. A sentry is left at the Interceptor, most likely to guard the ship. Jack tackles the sentry from behind, covering his mouth.

"Can you swim?" asked Jack, as the sentry keeps struggling. "Can. You. Swim?"

Jack removes his hand from the sentry's mouth, as he answered quickly, "Of course, sir. Like a fish. I grew up summers living in Dover, with my uncle-"

"Good." Jack cuts him off, he throws the sentry overboard to the water. I give him a small wave. I would actually listen to his story, but of course it's not a priority at the moment.

Immediately, Jack walks to the wheel of the Interceptor, as Will cuts the ropes of the grappling hooks, while I push away the wooden planks that connects both ships. I stand by the railing, and see Commodore Norrington realising his ship have gotten commandeered by us. "Sailors, back to the Interceptor! Now!!" shouted the commodore.

Fortunate for us, the Interceptor has sailed far enough from the Dauntless. One brave sailor tries to swing across to us with a rope, but the distance is too much, he falls to the water. Well, at least he tried.

"Thank you, Commodore, for getting us ready to make way!" Jack shouts, lifting his hat, "We'd have had a hard time of it by ourselves!!" I merrily wave at the sailors.

Some soldiers try to shoot us, but as Will puts his arms around me, we quickly duck. From the distance, I see Commodore Norrington giving orders to Lieutenant Groves. The sailors prepare the cannons, my heart skips a beat for a second, but then I realise that we could not get caught by them.

Just as I'm going to turn around, I see the Dauntless turns out of control, sailing to the row boat where Lieutenant Gillette and the sailors sit. "Abandon ship!" the lieutenant shouted, the sailors immediately jump out to the sea. The Dauntless crashes the row boat, destroying it to pieces. Even though I feel a little bad for my favourite duo, Murtogg and Mullroy, I feel joy for the annoying lieutenant's adversity. I give him a small triumphant smirk.

Shortly, I turn my head to Jack, looking at him with sparkly eyes. "Mr. Sparrow! You are the cleverest pirate I've ever known!" I shouted at him. Jack grins at me.

"Happy to hear that, Miss Swann!" replied Jack cheerfully.

I smile at him, then I grin to Will who have been standing beside me. He gives me a wide smile, and hug me tightly. I did not expect the hug, but I immediately open my arms and cuddle him back.

Along with the wind and the waves, we sail through the sea to find our way to Elizabeth.

Sorry for the late update!

Have a good day~


─── ・ 。゚☆ : * . ☽ . * : ☆ 。゚・ ───

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